MTL - Your Majesty Please Calm Down-Chapter 78

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Ji Heng’s cover on Tian Qi is a typical short-term protection. Tian Qi is his man. It is up to him to punish him. Anyone who is arrogant about Tian Qi is unhappy; and he is so unpleasant, he is even more unhappy; he is false and high, and he is so grand. In fact, it is the fake public and private want to exclude the alien, he is extremely unhappy.

However, he was not stunned by anger - he always turned into a second product in addition to Tian Qi, and at other times he was a calm and wise and arrogant emperor. It is not clear which of the two is the real one.

Ji Heng knows that if the officials are swearing a few words, they will go up to the shelf, which will damage his "Ming Jun". Secondly, it will make Tian Qi's situation even more dangerous. The battle between the superiors is always easy to pass on to those with low status. Tian Qi’s identity is an eunuch. On the surface, he has nothing to rely on. If he does not care about high-profile publicity to protect her, it will easily lead her to attack and accuse. So he did not hesitate to take up the black pot, but also pulled the front of revenge very long, so no one noticed Tian Qi.

Of course, shelter does not mean not to pursue. Tian Qi’s own ran to Dali Temple was suspicious in itself. Ji Heng does not quite believe in Tian Qi's explanation, because he knows that Tian Qi is a measured person and will not easily make such a low-level mistake. He felt that Tian Qi must have something to look at him.

To this end, he called the Dali Temple official and asked him, and the answer was the same as Tian Qi said.

This can't prove anything. Tian Qi can buy those officials. His small metamorphosis is so smart that nature will not leave obvious loopholes.

Su Qinghai’s answer did not let Ji Heng eliminate doubts, but he was even more suspicious. He now loves and hates Tian Qi. She loves her cleverness and fun. She hates why she always hides her secrets and is unwilling to confess to anyone, even him. The more mysterious this metamorphosis is, the more Ji Heng wants to find out. He felt that since Tian Qi refused to say, he would not be able to check it himself. Um, Tian Qi is a woman, isn’t he slowly discovering it... In fact, the process of inquiry is quite interesting...

However, if the little pervert is doing something wrong, it is always a penalty. It should make her grow a long heart.

So, this day in the Yang Xin Dian, Ji Heng squinted and asked Tian Qi, "Do you know if you are wrong?"

Tian Qi hangs his head and nods his face with a heavy expression. This time, she did have a little bit of forgetting about it. It was too simple to think of things. I thought that if others could not get the evidence of false pretense, they would not find her trouble. Later, things evolved into a group of squadrons who forced the emperor to deal with her, and she suddenly realized the poison of Sun Cuiru. Whether she has a sacred purpose is really a secondary matter. The key is to be an emperor. In order to preserve her reputation, it is easy to use her cannon. Even if he had the imperial edict, he could not admit it, not to mention that she simply ran to Dali Temple privately. I am afraid of the seven days after I think of it.

So the emperor can do this for her, she is not moved to be fake.

"Wrong is a penalty," Ji Heng smiled at her. "You said, how can you punish you?"

"Or," Tian Qi bit his teeth. "You hit me!"

"Alright." Ji Heng nodded.

Tian Qi was so sad that he was really playing. Anyway, she really did something wrong this time, and it’s not aggrieved. Thinking, Tian Qi is generous and ready to meet a fat meal.

The emperor did not ask someone to drag her down. He went to the front of Tian Qi, picked up his sleeves and looked at her with a smile. The noble and incomparable emperor laughed a little bit of anger at this moment. "Hey, you have to punished yourself. Well, you are bothered to let your pants fade."

Tian Qi nervously grabbed his belt and looked at him inexplicably. It doesn't seem to be necessary to contact and take off your pants...

"I don't want to be beaten?" Ji Heng smiled and looked at her. "That can only be fined for two years."

Penalty... two years... you really said that you can export...

Tian Qi turned his head and turned his eyes. "I still beat it."

Ji Heng urged her, "Take off."

Tian Qi had to pick up his robes and solved the two layers of belts inside. The trousers and trousers were not bound. They slipped down. She blushed and hurriedly put down her robes, covering the two legs.

Ji Heng directed her to walk in front of a fragrant Nanmu antique shelf. Tian Qi was forced to hold the antique shelf with one hand and picked up his robe with one hand. Tian Gonggong is now in an unusual position in the imperial court. He is qualified to wear dark red uniforms like Sheng Anhuai. The material is also silk. The cloth of this color is covered on a white buttock, like a condensed blood clot, which is shaped like a white jade polished by her double hips.

"Let's go up, tilt up." Ji Heng said, pressing her waist, he swallowed his mouth unconsciously.

Tian Qi had to do it, his legs were straight and his buttocks were higher. This position made her feel ashamed, she had to close her eyes and wait for her **** to be attacked. If you think about it, it hurts. Tian Qi wants to cry without tears.

The hips in front of me are very beautiful, he likes it. The snow is round and round, like two delicious peaches. Ji Heng swallowed the swallow and gently patted it on the peach.

"Ah!!!" Tian Qi screamed, and after screaming, he found that it didn't hurt at all.

Ji Heng was shocked by her screams. He looked at his palm and asked Tian Qi carefully. "Is it painful?"

Tian Qi shook his head. "No pain..."

It doesn't hurt, you still call it so loud... Ji Heng is full of black lines. "You are a pervert." He thinks that Tian Qi probably likes being shackled, but he can't help but hurt her, but he has increased his strength and shot. Two times.

"Oh," Tian Qi is a little sad, "pain..."

Metamorphosis is difficult to serve, Ji Heng snorted. He didn't hit her anymore. He only touched her hips and kneaded gently. One hand was not addictive, so both hands were together.

Tian Qi was stunned and snorted, his waist was moving, his hips were swaying, and he did not know whether he was fleeing or catering.

The white slender fingers gently slid open, and somewhere down the hook, and then, Tian Qi’s ear came to Ji Heng’s pretentious voice. “How is it wet?”

"I didn't..." Tian Qi was ashamed and difficult, and his voice was faintly crying.

Ji Heng took her finger to her. "Look."

"..." Death will not be seen. She closed her eyes and didn't know what tricks he would play. After waiting for a while, I found that the hand on the buttocks was removed. She thought that the torture was finally over, so he asked him, "Imperial?"

"Call my name." He followed the temptation. There was a sound of friction in the air.

Tian Qi did not dare to call.

"Call my name, hehe." He repeated it again, with a faint hoarse voice in his voice, like the unsmelted sugar in the milk.

Tian Qi was in a hot heart and shouted, "A Heng."

Her voice just fell, only to feel that the two strands squeezed into a hot and hard thing, all the way to the end, as if directly on her heart, she could not help but scream, and quickly responded with a hand over his mouth.

Ji Heng gasped and still stimulated her with words. "So excited? You like to wear clothes." The voice is like a cup of hot tea, and there is a faint smile.

Tian Qi is ashamed to die. She clenched her mouth, and only uttered a squeaky voice in her nose, and the other hand loosened her robes and turned to hold the antique frame. Although he was ashamed and afraid, his waist was unconsciously depressed, his hips were higher and he was closer to him.

Ji Heng glared at her robes so that her beautiful hips were exposed to his eyes. He grabbed her waist in the other hand, controlled the strength, light and heavy, shallow and deep, and made Tianqi toss like a fallen leaf in the dry wind, a lonely boat in the huge waves, shaking and fluttering, not self. Feeling that the body of the stunner is getting tighter and tighter, Ji Heng knows that she is about to reach the magic point, so she speeds up. Tian Qi was smashed by his soul, and his head unconsciously slammed to the side. The hat hit a peony bottle with a bucket of colored stalks. The small bottle was squeezed out of position and slowly slipped sideways. Tian Qi is in a tight position and has not noticed it. Ji Heng has seen it at this time and has no interest in it.

Snapped! The sound of crisp porcelain cracked in the room.



Tian Qi was scared to death.

Ji Heng was caught up.

At this time, someone shouted outside the door, "Emperor?!" He only heard Tian Gonggong screaming, thinking that the emperor was punishing him, but now it is different, there is something broken inside, or to ask if there is anything in the Holy Spirit.

Tian Qi was even more afraid, and he couldn’t dare to speak out with his mouth. The tears that had been brought up by the feelings were suddenly coming out. Her body is stiff, her lower body is getting tighter and tighter, and Ji Heng is tortured to have a sense of crisis in which a little brother is going to leave him immediately. He gasped and licked the hips of Tian Qi, comforting her softly. "Nothing, oh, relax..." He said, turning his head and stalking his neck and shouting loudly outside the door. roll!!!"

The people outside immediately rolled.

Tian Qi was frightened, the body was more sensitive - feeling, Ji Heng reluctantly, straight to toss her to be worth the price before she was willing to give up. He carefully cleaned up the mess of the two and put on the clothes of the two. Tian Qi's trousers were stained with some dripping liquid. Although he wiped it clean, he still left water stains. But with a robes, it should not be discovered.

Although Tian Qi’s clothes are neatly dressed, the heart is still plopping, and there are tear marks on his face. She is now soft on her legs, leaning against the antique frame, and the broken bottle at the foot. Today is really crazy. From the beginning of the small bottle, she cried all the way. At first she was afraid, then she...

Ji Heng used up the slap, and he lifted his sleeves and wiped the tears of Tian Qi, while laughing and laughing. The eye corner after his emotions also flew a faint red tide, like a sporadic flower petals. Help Tian Tian wiped his face and he pulled her into his arms and groaned. He couldn't bear to tease her again, so he only whispered the words of comfort, gentle and dear, as if he had the other person.

Tian Qi was held by him and advised, "Will we not do this next time?"

"Well, okay." Ji Heng said, nodded heavily. Next time we can try something else, he thought.

Read The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2
Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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