MTL - Your Majesty Please Calm Down-Chapter 45

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Tian Qi came out of the Baohe store, and bowed his head because of his heart and mind, almost hitting Ji Heng.

Fortunately, it was settled in time. Looking up is the emperor, she quickly stepped back two steps, "Long live the emperor."

Ji Heng did not respond. He didn't know how he should react. He was full of thought that Tian Qi had become a past. He drove him away and never saw him again. This matter was revealed. Since then, Tian Qi has only been a slightly absurd episode in his past life. This episode will be swept in the corner of memory and buried with those who he does not want to look back. Don't want to start again.

Unexpectedly, I suddenly saw it today, and let his entire plan be smashed and turned into powder.

Although Ji Heng has a calm surface, his emotions in his mind are like the surge of tides, and he is continually surging, screaming and slaping the dams of reason.

It turns out that those who forget are not forgetting, but the accumulation of thoughts.

When you accumulate to a certain extent, you will be on the verge of exploding.

Ji Heng did not speak. What can he say? He can't say anything, and he should say nothing. He was really afraid of one mouth and said something that he regretted.

What he should do now is to turn around and leave this inexplicable place, away from this inexplicable person.

However, he did not do this. Instead, he took a step closer and decided to look at Tian Qi.

Tian Qi saw that the emperor did not pay attention to her, but the emperor was tired of her, so he stood up and said, "The slaves retired." He said that he turned and wanted to go away.

Ji Heng involuntarily reached out and grabbed his back collar, pulled him back and raised it.

Tian Qi only felt that her feet were almost off the ground. She was now being carried like a chicken.

I got it, and I was upset that I was upset. Tian Qiyi began to think that the emperor was like this to her because Sun Congrui had complained, but another thought, the old guy’s first thing to do was to treat his son well, and he couldn’t come to the emperor so quickly. So Tianqi Town set a few points, and laughed and said, "The emperor, I haven't seen you for a few days. You are more and more handsome! The slaves have been thinking of you for a few days, just don't dare to see you."

Ji Heng knows that Tian Qi said that this kind of words is as easy as drinking boiled water, but he is just using it. He shook Huang Tian, ​​and finally said, "Want to think about it, I will leave?"

"No... you didn't say that the emperor didn't let the slaves appear in front of you again. The slaves were afraid of obstructing the eyes of the Holy Spirit. They wanted to retreat quickly."

Ji Heng looked at Tian Qi’s face with a heartless smile and suddenly felt annoyed. What is this, why, he is trying to suppress himself, but he is light and careless. I kept saying that I missed it, but it was a fritter that I couldn’t say anything.

The thoughts that can be easily said are not a matter of weight. Ji Heng knows that he wants to believe, but he is only deceiving himself. Tian Qi always said that he likes him. Maybe he really likes him, but it is not known to what extent he likes it. In short, Ji Heng knows that when he drove Tian Qi away, Tian Qi did not feel disappointed and sad, but he was very happy and wanted to go out of the palace.

How much can such a person like him?

He suddenly felt quite boring. It seems that the bitter drama that the two people should sing together, in the end, only one person is working hard, the other has forgotten the words, and woke up on the stage.

Yes, it’s quite boring. Ji Heng finally found himself a reason to stay away from Tian Qi. He let go of Tian Qi and said with a blank expression, "I won't appear in front of you again in the future, otherwise," he paused and gritted his teeth and said, "Kill innocent."

Tian Qi kindly reminded him, "The emperor, you said that you will not kill me."

"Hurry up!"

Tian Qi had to go away, and while walking, he said that there was no joke. This emperor was too kind, not as good as her eunuch.


Although Tian Qi was banned from seeing the emperor, she was in Baohedian, but she was in the Qing Dynasty. She has been paying close attention to the trend of Ji Heng, not for anything else, just to make it clear that Sun Congrui has come to complain. She thought, I really can't just run straight, forget the big, big, it is not easy to find someone.

After waiting for more than a day, I didn't wait for Sun Congrui, but I waited for the pre-emptive little prince.

This time, Ji Zheng also went out for the sake of Tian Qi, and simply went to find Ji Heng’s complaint. He is the emperor's younger brother. He did not need to write a chapter. He went straight to his brother and confided himself: he had a good meal with his friends in the restaurant, but he did not want Sun Fan to suddenly come in and utter rants, but also to beat people. In order to guard against them, they had to fight back a few times. In the chaos, he accidentally smashed Sun Fan.

Ji Hengyi heard that there was the sum of Tian Qi, and immediately put his ears up.

Ji Zheng is a person who is thoughtful and transparent. He has seen it early. The emperor does not like him to be together with Tian Qi. What is the reason? Therefore, Ji Zheng explained, "Tian Qi just happened to meet us. I ate a few glasses of wine in one place. They were also chased by Sun Fan for a few times. It turned out that we were tired of him."

Ji Heng’s heart sank. However, if he really believes in the words of Ji Zheng, then he is not a discipline. However, he had a question. Ji Zheng was fighting outside with people fighting. It seems that he has not suffered, why should he report to the royal family? His brother is not the undead person...

Someone soon answered questions for him.

Sun Congrui was tearful and said that his son was harmed by the inner court of the palace. The emperor was asked to look at his old face and his son was fair.

In fact, Sun Congrui is a man who is introverted and forbearing. He is not likely to come to the emperor for reason. But my son is so good, standing up and carrying it back, how can he not feel bad when he is embarrassed. Asking for medical advice and treatment, the son woke up, but fortunately the brain was not hurt, but the thigh bones were cracked, so I must raise some days. Sun Congrui asked his son what happened. He was beaten by an eunuch. It was Tian Qi who was once very red and has been driven out of the Qing government by the emperor. It’s true that this group of goods thinks who they are, and the Son of Heaven will dare to kill people. Sun Congrui is also eager to love his son. He believes in the words of his son and thinks that Tian Qi is deliberately provocative. So I ran to the emperor and cried.

It’s time for him to come, and Ning Wangye hasn’t left yet.

After listening to Sun Congrui’s crying, Ji Heng smiled and smiled at the sign. I already knew that things were not so simple. It turned out to be Tian Qi!

In fact, it is not only Ji Zheng who wants to be in the early days of Tian Qi. Zheng Shaofeng and Tang Tianyuan both want to come. However, when Zheng Shoufu heard that his son and Sun Fan had tried to find himself unprepared, he did not hesitate to shut down Zheng Shaofeng and refused to let him go. When Tang Ruoring listened to his son’s statement, he also stopped Tang Tianyuan and asked him to be safe.

Tang Tianyuan is puzzled. Tang Ruo-ling explained, "Ning Wang will definitely make a comeback for this matter. Let us wait and see what happens. Sun Fan is not dead, and your friend will not be so fast. Ning Wang is the enemy of the Sun family. This time, it can be seen His weight in the heart of the Holy Spirit."

Ning Wang had a sneak peek a few years ago. This is something everyone knows. But things have been going on for so long, is the emperor still worried about Ning Wang? Most of the ministers in the past year did not dare to make Ning Wang, but if the emperor had already put down prejudice against Ning Wang, then Ning Wang would be a very good force.

Tang Tianyuan knows what his father meant. Although he is not willing, he can't, but he has to look at the situation first. Besides, there must be a consideration in everything, and you can't use it with anger. If Ning Wang can't save Tian Qi, he will go to Tang Tianyuan, but he can only find another way.

In the temple of Yang Xin, Tian Qi was sneaked to Ji Heng.

Although it was the emperor, it was said yesterday that Tian Qi was not allowed to see him. Today, she arrested her again, but Tian Qi thought about her own head, but still tried to get her head out, so I didn’t figure it out. Now the emperor is in front of you.

She has always been serious about her work, and her head has been so well-known that her own vision has been covered.

Ji Heng was sitting in the study room of Yang Xin Dian, and the next Ji Ji Zheng and Sun Cong Rui were also given a seat, and the room was quiet. The three men watched as a man in the eunuch's uniform came over from the outside, covered with a blue hard cloth tube, and the cloth tube stood up straight, like a big chimney. The moving chimney touched the front of the door, and when he reached the door, he slammed into the door frame.

The three people in the room are a little dumbfounded.

Tian Qi smashed his head and changed direction to continue moving forward. She was a little dizzy, went into the study room, estimated the position, and bowed to Sun Cuirui. "The slaves see the emperor!"

Sun Congrui was so frightened that he fell from his chair and rolled in front of Ji Heng. "Old and old **** damn!"

Sheng Anhuai couldn’t stand it anymore. When she came over, she took a handful of Tianqi and pulled her in the right direction.

Tian Qi worshiped again, "The slaves see the emperor!"

Ji Heng waved his hand and let Sun Congru sit back. He was a little bit irritated by Tian Qi. "How do you dress like this? But what can you see?"

"The emperor, the slave is afraid to be seen by you, affecting the emperor's mood." Tian Qi explained.

Ji Heng was blocked by her roots. He was too lazy to pursue the matter and asked, "I asked you, is Sun Fan’s leg interrupted?"

Oh, it turned out that he just broke his leg. Tian Qi thought in his heart and replied, "Returning to the emperor, the slaves don't know if Sun Fan is playing. When the slaves and Sun Fan were out of chaos, then he was injured. But the slaves have a word. I don't know if I can't talk about it."


"The slaves thought that Sun Fan didn't know the number of rites, lost Sun's face, and filthy Ning Wang, it should have been a good lesson, and it was not an exaggeration to break the leg."

Tian Qi said that Sun Cuiru couldn’t help himself. "You... full of nonsense!"

"The emperor, the slaves are justified. The slaves of that day met with Ning Wang and others in the restaurant, and they ate a meal with them, but they didn't want to eat half of them. Sun Fan suddenly broke into our elegant room. I was ridiculed by the slaves. This did not matter. The minion was sinned because he was streaking him last time. He also recognized him. However, he turned out that he turned out to be." Tian Qi deliberately hesitated. She knew what the emperor was most disgusting. He even said that Ning Wang is a broken sleeve, but also specially selected the eunuchs around the emperor to start, saying that the slave is the good of Ning Wang. The emperor, the slaves! Sun Fan said this, where is the face of the king? where?"

Tian Qi said that Ji Heng’s face is already dark, but she can’t see it for the time being.

Sun Congrui gasped his fingers and shook his fingers. "You, you..."

Tian Qi did not wait for Sun Congrui to speak and continued. "He not only filthy princes, but also beat people first. Wang Ye is a **** of heaven, he does not put Wang Ye in his eyes, he wants to do it, this is simply despising Huangwei! "

Ji Zheng cooperated with a look of stunned.

Sun Congrui said, "You are nonsense!"

"This adult is Sun Daren? How do you know that I am talking nonsense? You can be there at the time? What you have heard is the words of Sun Fan, how can I be sure that I am talking nonsense? I am talking about this happening in wine. In the building, his own folk testimony Sun Fan took the initiative to break into our private room. As for the words he said to Ning Wang, Zheng Gongzi and Tang Gongzi heard it.

Sun Congrui sneered. "You can confuse me and filthy my son. The emperor, the priest, who is not filial, is not so arrogant."

"The meaning of Sun Daren, the sons of Ning Wangye, Zheng Shoufu, and the sons of Tang Daren are united to frame the squad. That is really a big face!"

Ji Zheng also laughed. "This king can never do this kind of thing. Sun Daren please be cautious."

Sun Congrui still wants to argue, Ji Heng has interrupted them. "Well, since this happened in the restaurant, it would be fruitful to ask the buddy. Sun Aiqing went back and asked the lang again," paused and said, " If the son of a singer is as rude as he said, then without someone else's help, he will interrupt his dog's leg."

Sun Congrui knew that although the emperor said it was fair, he was actually pulling the frame and facing his younger brother. He ate a loss and left in vain. I thought that a small **** was good to clean up, but did not expect to have Ning Wang support, but also so fangs. He has been intriguing with people for a lifetime, but he has been counted by a little devil. It is really a ship in the gutter.

In fact, the most fundamental reason for Sun Congrui to overturn the ship was to be pitted by his son. If he knows that his son took the initiative to break into other people's rooms, he was afraid that he would not be killed in the face of Ji Heng.

In short, Ji Heng temporarily settled the matter and let the relevant people wait for the first time to retreat.

Tian Qi also wants to get up and go, but it is stopped by Ji Heng. "Hey, have you got up?"

Tian Qi had to go back again.

Ji Heng looked at the big chimney and swayed in front of his eyes. He didn't have a good air. "Get your rags down and forgive you for being innocent."

Tian Qi then took off the cloth. Because of being blocked by the cloth tube, the breathing was not smooth, and Tian Qi’s face was slightly red, like a light petal.

Ji Heng looked at the face and the heart jumped faster. He sneered, "Are you very happy outside the palace?" Drinking, fighting, and mixing with the A-Ghost. Thinking of this, Ji Zheng was a chest tightness.

Tian Qixiao laughed. "The emperor has won the prize. The minions are only going to the palace to discuss the business. They have never eaten, played, or played."

"Look, you don't do anything other than eating, drinking, and playing."

Tian Qi did not dare to refute.

"You look up."

Tian Qiyu looked up and found that the emperor had stood before her. She had to look up a lot to see his face.

Looking at Tian Qi humbled at his feet, looking up at him with a form of surrender and bearing, Ji Heng heart suddenly surged into an indescribable incitement. However, he turned to think that he was suffering in this small perversion in the palace, but he was happy and happy outside, and Ji Heng was unwilling.

Yes, unwilling, the day before yesterday he said that he was boring and said that he had to let go of this code, but he couldn’t go to the past. After he saw him, he thought about him all the time. But it's hard to say whether this little metamorphosis has put him in his heart.

He is unwilling, even unwilling to faintly produce a kind of grievance.

It was Tian Qi, who led him into this boundless nightmare, could not wake up, and could not escape. But Tian Qi, after doing bad things, wants to escape.

How can it be so cheap?

Tian Qi didn't know what the emperor was thinking. Her neck was sore and she had to remind the emperor. "The emperor, what do you have to tell?"

Ji Heng suddenly fell down and looked at her. He held out a hand and held the face of Tian Qi, his thumb gently rubbing her cheek. He smiled and smiled, but he was so confused that he couldn't tell the truth. He whispered, "Even if it is a nightmare, there should always be someone to be a companion. Are you saying that?"

Tian Qi did not understand the meaning of the emperor, nor did he know what kind of answer the emperor wanted to hear. Probably the reason for leaving the royal family for some time, she can't guess the emperor's mind now. She only felt that the eyes of the emperor were very abnormal, a little distorted, and there was a fascinating excitement. It was as if she wanted to swallow her.

Tian Qi played a chill and did not dare to speak.

At this time, outside came in to an **** to report, "The emperor, the Queen Mother, please go to Ci Ning Palace to discuss matters."

Ji Heng stood up, no longer looked at Tian Qi, took people to the Cining Palace.

He thought all the way, it was crazy, how could he think that way? How come you think that? how come……

But another thought, is that really bad? No matter how bad it is, it is better than oneself to suppress and suppress.

...but that is wrong, the wrong is wrong.

...wrong and what? Who can take him?


……So what? !

Ji Heng felt that he had to go into flames. The two thoughts in his mind did not match each other. After a while, the east wind overwhelmed the west wind, and the west wind overwhelmed the east wind.

Finally, the evil desire that he accidentally lost in his heart - hope that the seeds will take root, continue to take his will as a nutrient, and grow himself. In the end, it grows leafy and covers the flowers of reason.

Then, Ji Heng found that he seemed to be less interested in the women in the harem.

Is this going to break the sleeves? Ji Heng smiles.

Or is it like this, he thought.

In fact, it can only be like this, he thought again.

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