MTL - You Look Like You’re Made of Money-Chapter 69

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The attitude of Yu Sheng made Qin Xiao feel a little uncomfortable. She looked at the indifference in his eyes. The original rebuttal words were on the lips, but they still swallowed. She nodded and the voice became calm. "Well, I know, I won't like you, rest assured."

Her self-esteem is also very strong at this age. In fact, she is very eager to say in the most sarcasm. Uncle, you think that you are loved, and women will see you when you see it?

But she felt that her words would not make her appear stronger, but would make her feel more childish.

Yan Sheng does have the strength to make people feel at first sight. He is not worse than Jiang Jingchuan. He looks at the arrogant attitude, but he does not know that the attitude of the person is more fascinating.

Qin Hao did not dare to be curious about Yu Sheng. She has already done a mistake. Li Jian is now looking disgusting. Before the truth, she also thinks that he is very attractive. The most important thing is that Qin Xiao knows that he can’t control it. Yu Sheng, a man like this, she confronts him and will be killed directly.

Yan Sheng still liked Qin’s attitude very much, so she took away the indifferent look just now and smiled at her. “This is right. I am a fire pit here. Unless you are tired, it’s better not to I stepped in."

"Know, don't you want to stop like a big uncle?" The lost in Qin Xin's heart, no one knows that she is very eager for love at such a young age. She thought it was a hit, but it was not true love. It is still a trap of disgusting death. A little bit will be tempted by Yu Sheng, and he is warned by him that he does not like him. Qin Zhen thinks that he may not be in love with love. She is still a single person. Dog.

"Don't be poor with you, go, go back." Yan Sheng felt that he had done enough. Qin Lan and his non-intimate, can help her to this point, purely on the face of Su Yan .

He is not a neighborhood committee. He doesn't want to manage the bad things of others. He just wants to go back to sleep comfortably.

Qin Lan put the bamboo sticks thrown on the ground into the plastic bag, followed him to the body, took a few steps and threw it into the trash.

Yan Sheng also noticed her action, and could not help but feel a little bit guilty, the little girl is more than him to care for the environment.

After getting on the bus, Qin Lan listened to the song by the window. One didn't know what to think. It was not active when he just came out. When Sheng Sheng waited for the traffic lights, he glanced at her sideways and quickly The sight was taken back.

Over the years, he has also met many very good girls. The most impressive one is probably a female student. I once knew it unintentionally. He didn’t remember what he did. In short, the stubborn girl. Just wrap him up, come to him for three days and two heads, and he can’t stop.

The girl doesn't know if she has a family. He doesn't remember her appearance anymore. She only remembers that she stood on the steps and looked at him condescendingly. She still had a drawing board and said to him abnormally. Yu Sheng, I am waiting for you, I will not believe it, your household account can not accommodate me so personally."

At that time, the girl was the same age as Qin Xiao, and Sheng Sheng looked at Qin Xiao’s young and tender face. For the first time, she felt that she was really old.

Otherwise how did he start to recall irrelevant people?

I thought I would be silent all the way. I know that Qin Hao suddenly pulled off the headphones and turned his head and asked: "Hey, what do you think about loving someone?"

She thought that people like Yu Sheng must have loved others.

Only those who really loved will have such indifferent eyes, just because she is not that person.

Yu Sheng was silent for a long time. When Qin Qin thought that he would not answer her, he suddenly spoke. The voice was particularly low in the middle of the night: "Don't dare to love."

What does it feel like?

I thought she was dying, only dare to look at her Weibo silently, and dare not use her right hand to turn it over. She was afraid that she would be annoyed by accidental slippage.

What does it feel like?

He wants to leave everything to the airport now, and he wants to see her tomorrow. He is full of thoughts and bravery. When he thinks of her alienated face, he is gone.

What does it feel like?

Ming knows that he and she can't be together again, but still feel that if it is not her, it seems that she can only be lonely and old.

Qin Xiao’s eyes revealed doubts. Obviously, he did not understand what Sheng Sheng said. He Sheng smiled. "You are still small. You don’t even know a lot of things. I’m telling you now, you have to think about it. I want to understand it thoroughly, at least for a few years."

"Don't rely on the old and sell old, I am not small, I am all grown up." Qin Hao's tone is very calm.

"If you are really mature and sensible, you will not be deceived."

Really, which pot does not open the pot, Qin Hao suddenly became angry. "Don't you be deceived? Is it my own willing to be deceived?!"

"Yes." Yan Sheng slowly converges on the smile on his face. "You are willing to be deceived, but if you have a little bit of maturity, why don't you think about it, like Li Jian, who is handsome in front of you? Gao Fushuai, who is well-prepared, will he look at you like a yellow-haired girl? Do you really think that you are playing a TV series?"

"..." Qin Hao was hit and no longer talked.

"No one will tell you this way. I am your brother-in-law's buddy. In the future, if you can give him less trouble, some things really have to tell you clearly. People like us, as long as they are not a big accident. What happens to the big reversal, basically only married to the right person, you can remember later, but if there is a similar high-rich handsome like you to pursue you, you have to live a good brain."

Qin Lan knows that Yan Sheng is right, but still can't help but argue: "What about you, then my brother-in-law?!"

He Sheng smiled. "Can you compare with your sister?"

This is the case...

Qin Lan was not angry. He thought about the difference between himself and Su Yan. He said: ""

"I?" Yan Sheng laughed. "Tell it straight to you. I didn't plan to get married. I can't be treated as a model with your brother-in-law. We are the exception."

"Why not get married?" Qin Hao did not care about the irony of Yu Sheng at the moment, and asked.

Yan Shengbai gave her a look. "You don't believe to ask people around you. How many people really want to get married? If you want conditions, you will be happy to be alone. Why don't I get married? I will I want to be chic."


Qin Lan was silent. When she arrived at the villa, she couldn't help but ask: "Are you really not married? Your parents don't force you?"

She was not old enough, but she also heard that her schoolmates were married by the family when they graduated.

"Unless a miracle occurs, I won't get married. If I don't want to get married, no one can take me."

Yes, unless a miracle happens unless...

Unless she is back and willing to give him a chance, he can only wait quietly for the miracle to happen.

Qin Lan did not know what to say. She could feel that Yu Sheng was a storyteller. However, he would not tell her.

When Qin Hao got off the bus, Yan Sheng shook the window and stopped her. He put it in the window of the car and said to Qin: "You are not a child. I will keep more eyes in the future. Don't give it to your family. Trouble, don't you know?"

If it is before, Qin Lan will say, who are you, why are you so fierce, but now I can't say a word, I can only nod and say: "Well, I know, thank you today. It is."

"No thanks, I am leaving, I am trapped."

After seeing Yu Sheng, Qin Hao went to the villa.

The next morning, when Qin Lan got up, I saw Jiang Daddy Jiang’s mother sitting in the dining room and teasing the big treasure. The whole person was not good. I quickly went back to the room and arranged my hair and clothes. Going out, politely said hello to Jiang Daddy Jiang’s mother.

"Choose!" Erbao likes beauty, and sees Qin Hao shouting with great enthusiasm.

Qin Yu guessed that he should be screaming, but the pronunciation is not accurate now, but it is enough to make people feel overwhelmed.

I was greeted by the future relatives of Gao Fushuai, and I was really blushing.

Jiang Daddy Jiang’s mother listened to Wang Ayi yesterday, so now she sees that Qin Hao is not surprised. She smiles and greets her.

Dabao just looked at Qin Hao, and the meaning of her screamed at her.

A completely different character from the two treasures, a restrained, a passion.

Qin Xiaogang just sat down for a while, Su Yan and Jiang Jingchuan went downstairs. After they had greeted Jiang Jiang’s mother, they went to the pro-Baobao two treasures. In fact, it can be seen now that Dabao is restrained and cold, although Su Yan and Jiang Jingchuan are completely different attitudes, but he is different from others in Jiang Jingchuan.

If you have to make a ranking in Dabao's heart, it should be Suyan first, Erbao and Jiang Jingchuan tied for second, Jiang Daojiang mother tied for third place, others have no place for the time being :)

The second treasure is not the same, the first smoke, the other everyone is ranked second :)

Jiang Daddy Jiang’s mother came, and Su Yan and Jiang Jingchuan want to let go, because grandparents are vying to sit together with Dabao Erbao, it’s really impossible to grab.

Thinking of what happened last night, Jiang still felt a little embarrassed, and said to Su Yan: "Yesterday is really... I will say hello to you next time."

This outsider may feel that this mother-in-law is really polite, but this way of getting along with Jiang mother and Suyan are very comfortable.

Su Yan quickly waved his hand and smiled: "Mom, you and Dad can think of Dabao two treasures at any time, or I will bring them in the same way."

After listening to what Jiang Jingchuan said yesterday, she was able to understand the grievances of her father-in-law yesterday because they had experienced it once.

Jiang Dad holds the two treasures and strokes his fat chin with his fingers. He deliberately uses a kind of innocent innocence that makes children laugh: "Does the two treasures want grandpa?"

Erbao is now able to understand some simple daily conversations. He will especially swear at people, and he does not know who he is learning. He pulls up Jiang’s father’s hand and puts it in his mouth. Road: "Think!"

Qin Yu looked at the two treasures, and could not help but feel worried about the young Lolita in the future, handsome and rich and will swear. This should be done.

Jiang Dad was so full of enthusiasm, holding two treasures for a few times, and kept shouting his grandson and grandson.

Because I was so happy, Jiang Dad turned his head and went to tease Dabao. "Dabao wants to be a grandfather?"

I thought I would get a response. I know that Dabao just looked at Jiang Dad quietly and said nothing.

Jiang Dad thought that his son and daughter-in-law were here. It was a little embarrassing. He quickly took over Dabao’s words: "You must have wanted Grandpa, and Grandpa bought you a lot of toys!"

After hearing this sentence, Dabao was reluctant to respond, and Chongjiang’s father snorted: "Grandpa."

I have to say that Jiang Dad himself feels that he is a little shaken M. Erbao warmly welcomes him. He is happy, but Dabao gave a little response and he was more happy.

Jiang Jingchuan stared at the back of his eldest son and looked carefully. He suddenly felt that his eldest son...a little thief.

Then look at the second son who stupidly smiles and drools, and Jiang Jingchuan feels pressure.

Obviously they are twins. How can this personality be different?

Erbao is still not enough to eat as usual, but he has a good point that no matter how he wants to eat, he will not go to grab the Dabao's food. Originally, Jingjingchuan thought that Dabao Erbao is a loved one. Now he has some doubts. It may also be that the two treasures are not afraid to grab their brothers at all?

Don't look at him so small, children are much more sensitive to many things than adults.

It's no wonder that Erbao always listens to Dabao's words, and does not dare to grab Dabao's food. It is very likely to be afraid of _(:з"∠)_

Jiang Jingchuan is both happy and worried. On the one hand, he is happy that his eldest son has a gas field at the young age. On the other hand, he feels that the second son is really... the dog’s leg is _(:з”∠)_

"Parents, are you leaving for lunch at noon? I let the kitchen prepare." Suyan said.

Jiang mother waved her hand: "No, wait until I go with your dad, there is still a meal to go this afternoon."

After breakfast, Jiang Daddy Jiang’s mother reluctantly took Dabao Erbao for a long time before leaving.

Qin Lan originally thought that Su Yan would ask her where she went last night. I know that Su Yan and Jiang Jingchuan did not mention yesterday.

After Jiang Jingchuan made a phone call, he said to Su Yan and Qin Yu: "Do you want to go out and distract yourself? I have a friend who asked me to go to his private mountain village to play with Dabao."

Su Yan knows that Jiang Jingchuan’s purpose is to bring the Qin dynasty to ease the depressed mood.

I have to say that he is still very thoughtful.

Qin Hao naturally had no opinion. Su Yan also agreed. Two people began to pack things up. In fact, there are not many things for the adults. Both baby things have to be packed in suitcases.

After getting everything ready, it was almost noon, and after lunch, I drove to the private mountain.

Jiang Jingchuan's private villa is located in a suburb of City A. It is particularly secluded and the air is very good. It is full of large greens and looks very comfortable.

When the car just opened to the entrance of the villa, someone came to pick them up.

The butler in the village asked people to help carry the luggage. While leading them to the village, they said, "Jiang Jiang, I have already done this in advance. This is my business card. You can find me directly. The afternoon tea has been arranged in the kitchen, and I will send someone to call you."

This arrangement is very good, Jiang Jingchuan nodded, "trouble."

The scenery here is particularly good, and you can see a large lake. Qin Yu unconsciously said: "If it is snowing here, it must be beautiful."

The butler nodded: "There are hot springs here, and it is best to enjoy snow in the winter."

Through the boulevard, you can see several houses. It is much cooler than the city. You don't feel hot when you walk on the road. You can still hear the sound of knowing.

The butler led them to the room. The Suyan family lived in a large suite, and Qin Hao lived next to them.

Qin Lan lay on the big bed and looked over at the side. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, I could see the outside swimming pool. When people came here, the heart followed a lot of silence. She didn’t feel depressed like yesterday. She turned over. Originally, I wanted to take pictures and send a circle of friends. After I touched the phone for a long time, I remembered that the phone had been confiscated by my family. She slowly closed her eyes and could smell the faint aroma in the air, unconsciously. Fell asleep.

The little babies are all going to take a nap. When Dabao and Erbao are in the car, they fall asleep, so the big movements are noisy.

Su Yan and Jiang Jingchuan simply took a shower and rested in bed.

When I wake up to wake up naturally, when Su smoke wakes up, Jiang Jingchuan is not in the room, and Dabao Erbao is still not awake. When she just got up and ready to wash her face, she heard the sound of the door opening.

She looked at the door and suddenly stopped.

Jiang Jingchuan is holding a bunch of roses in, and the two of them look at each other like this, or Su Yan first said: "Give me?"

After the marriage, Jiang Jingchuan will also send her flowers, but they are all on the day of the anniversary or the holiday. Today is not angry with her, how to send flowers?

Jiang Jingchuan walked in and handed the bouquet to her. She bent down and looked straight into her eyes. She smiled and said: "I always feel that if you come over for a holiday, you will be happy."

In fact, when they get married, they are no longer willing to stick together as they did at the beginning. After all, the children are so big, and they are more inclined to get along with their old wives.

Despite this, Jiang Jingchuan and Su Yan occasionally prepared a little surprise for each other, as if they were in love.

Su smoker holding a large bouquet of roses, my heart is very happy, she looked down and smelled, "good fragrance."

Just as Jiang Jingchuan said that you were more fragrant, he suddenly saw that his two sons had already sat up, staring at them with their big round eyes.

I don’t want to say anything at all.

Su Yan also noticed that she turned her head and looked at it. She sneered out and saw her mother laughing. Dabao Erbao also followed the cheerful smirk.

Jiang Jingchuan had no choice but to help him. He knew that he would entrust Dabao Erbao to his parents. It is really not a wise decision to bring these two fat boys out.

At this time, someone was knocking at the door. Su smoke opened the door in the past. It was Qin Lan. She was excited to say: "Sister, there is a swimming pool here. Can we go swimming?"

"Well, I brought two sets of swimsuits and I didn't pass them, I will wear them for you."

It is very convenient for adults to change their swimsuits. Qin Hao and Su Yan’s eyes look at Dabao Erbao, open the trunk, and find the swimsuit of Dabao Erbao from the inside. The two women laughed.

Jiang Jingchuan touched the head of Dabao Erbao. The two sons were really pitiful. Now they don’t know anything. I don’t know what other photos have to be photographed this time.

The baby's swimsuit is naturally very cute.

Putting a big treasure on a set of Winnie the Pooh swimsuit, wearing a swimming cap is so cute, Dabao does not know what happened, looked at his mother with a look of arrogance.

For the two treasures is a set of small bee swimwear, the second treasure at this moment is a fat bee.

Su Yan hurriedly picked up his mobile phone and began to take pictures. Finally, Jiang Jingchuan couldn’t stop and stopped her. "Enough is enough, go swimming."

Erbao said that he would not be able to look at the photos and feel that he had no friends. Dabao would not say it. How much money would he have to buy these black history in the future?

He has some sympathy for his own children.

Su Yan shot a lot of pictures in a row, only how his son looked how cute, after putting the phone, Jiang Jingchuan holding Dabao, Suyan holding two treasures, Qin Yu holding the two children's swimming ring in the back.

Knowing that they were swimming, the butler had sent some food and drink to the side.

After the Dabao Erbao got out of the water, it was no longer a problem. Dabao, who had always been restrained and cold, laughed and drooled out. The four small short legs kept screaming and stirred up the water.

Qin Lan accompanied the two children to have fun too. After Jiang Jingchuan swam for a while, he went ashore and rested.

Su Yan hasn't learned to swim yet, but the water in the pool is not deep, and she pulls the side of the pole to carefully play with water.

There is a time limit for children to swim. After playing for a while, Su Yan calls Jiang Jingchuan to take the two children to the shore. Erbao knows that he has to leave the pool, and the little short legs are more energetic: "Baby is not! Baby wants to play!"

Dabao also expressed his attitude. He tried to leave Qin Hao's control and wanted to drift to the other side. However, he left Qin Qin for a second and was immediately taken back by her.

Dabao gave her a very reserved look. If he can express his integrity, he might say this - woman, don't force me.

The two baby eggs don’t have any right to speak now, so they are smashed on the shore by three adults. The two treasures are smashing in the heart of Jiang Jingchuan’s arms: “Baby is not! Baby is still playing!”

Jiang Jingchuan was annoyed by him, reaching out and patted him on his fat buttocks. "Boy, be honest."

The second treasure only remembered that he was in his father's arms, and he did not dare to scream. He looked at his brother and hoped that he could give a little strength. I know that Dabao only left him with a head in the back, and he didn’t dare to put one.

Su Yan threw the Dabao Erbao to Jiang Jingchuan, hoping that the father and son could interact more and then went to the room of Qin Yu to take a shower.

Qin Lan was the first to wash. When Su Yan came out, she saw her sitting in bed and dazed, and asked casually: "What are you thinking?"

She is not worried about Qin Qin now. Fortunately, although her sister is doing stupid things, it is not stupid. This is quite gratifying. If you encounter life and death, you must rush to be a junior. She can kill Qin Qin with a slap in the face.

Jiang Jingchuan told her that this time, on vacation, on the one hand, it was for the sake of distraction, on the other hand, let Yu Sheng and Zhou Sui release their hands to deal with Li Jian, and he had to pay a price.

When they go back, things should come to an end.

I only hope that this time Qin can learn the lesson, and don’t do anything like this next time.

Otherwise, not every time someone has helped her wipe her ass.

Maybe people are like this. The more people remind themselves not to think about what they have, they think about it. Qin knows that he should not have any curiosity about Yu Sheng, but he still can’t control it. She thought of the words that Yan Sheng said. He said that he would not get married. Why?

Qin Lan hesitated for a while, or bite his teeth and asked for a mouth: "Sister, that Yan Sheng... Does he have no girlfriend?"

I always feel that it is impossible. People like him should be without a girlfriend.

Su Yan listened to this, and then look at the expression of Qin Yu at the moment, really want to lament, it will not be put down Li Jian, but also like Shang Sheng Sheng, right? Do your sister want to be so fast?

Standing in the perspective of Su Yan, I like Li Sheng and I like Li Jian, although the essence is different, but the result will not be good.

If you like Li Jian, if this person is a little shameless, maybe he can really bite the scalp when Xiaosan finally succeeds in the upper position. Of course, this is a very challenging moral bottom line, but anyone who is a little dignified will not do it.

I like it, but not to mention, it’s impossible for Yu Sheng to like Qin Qin. Qin Yu is still smaller than Jing Jing. Jing Jing’s like to live in a few years is not the same. .

Not to mention anything else, Su Yan is a person who has really contacted the children's garden. Qin Yu and Tong Yuan are not a type at all. I like people like Tong Yuan. How can Yu Sheng easily remove his sight.

Su Yan does not care for this kind of idle thing, but now there are people who like to be lucky, after all, they are their own sisters, and the words of the release should still be said, otherwise it would be too late to wait for the sister to fall into the blood.

Su Yan walked over to the bed and sat down. He glanced at Qin Xiao. "He has no girlfriend."

"Then why did he say that he was not married?" Qin Yu had already asked questions, and it was not interesting to cover up. He simply asked generously.

"Small, don't like Yu Sheng."

When I heard that my sister was so solemn and said that he was the same as Yu Sheng last night, Qin Hao said, "Why?"

"Because he won't like you, Xiao Yan, you are still young, the road ahead is still very long, my sister doesn't want to see you hurt." Su Yan looked at Qin's eyes and sighed, "This It’s a private matter of Yu Sheng. I shouldn’t have said it to you. It’s just that you obviously have that kind of mind. What I can tell you is that Yu Sheng has a person who has loved for many years. In the past, he also met. I have been to a lot of girls, he has not started with others, Xiao Yan, the first lesson that my sister taught you is, don't like men who have others in your heart."

Is there really someone in this world who can drive the children's garden out of the heart? Su Yan is not sure.

Jiang Jingchuan said before, if Sheng Sheng did not make a big accident in this life, he would not marry, or he would only marry a children's garden. Now, it seems that he is more likely to be a single dog in his life.

Qin Lan was silent for a long time, holding the hand of Su Yan, and looked at her slyly and said: "Sister, if I like him, I will not give up."

Su smoke has a headache.

"From small to large, many people have stood up and said to me, what should I do, which high school I should read, which university should I choose which major, and now many people tell me. I should be right in the future. Yes, I am tired of listening. This time I was wrong. I should have a bad impression on a married man. I will not make similar mistakes next time. But I can't guarantee that I will not go the way that everyone thinks it is wrong. Even if it is wrong, let me try it myself, can't I?"

Su Yan didn't know what to say, he could only ask: "Do you like Shangyu Sheng?"

Qin Lan seriously thought about it, "No."

May be tempted, may be curious, but not yet to the point of like.

"Oh, if there is a chance in the future, I will take you to see the person who loves you."

Only after seeing the children's garden, Qin Yu will truly understand that Yan Sheng will not like her and will not look at her more.

Before seeing the children's garden, Su Yan did not believe that the grand event would continue to be single. After all, a person is still too lonely. After all, the family of Yan Sheng does not allow him to be "willful".

After seeing the children's garden, she realized why Jiang Jingchuan was so determined that it was not a children's garden, nor even more.

Su Yan and Qin Yu walked out of the room and went to the room next door to see the words left by Jiang Jingchuan saying that they would take the children to the restaurant.

The two went to the restaurant again. When they just walked to the door, they saw that Dabao Erbao rushed like a small shell.

Su Yan rushed to help Dabao Erbao, and the two baby eggs and the treasures stretched the small fat claws high, "Mom, give!"

Take a closer look, it is two flowers.

The two children now particularly like to imitate the adults' every move. In the afternoon, they saw Dad giving flowers to their mothers. My mother was so happy. When Dabao Erbao came out of the room, she noticed the flowers in the hall. When Jiang Jingchuan was not paying attention, The two children quickly picked up the flowers in the pots in the past with their short legs.

Su smoke was moved, took two flowers, and then bent over to kiss the two treasures, "Baby, really!"

Seriously, receiving a flower from my son is more fun than receiving a flower from my husband\\(^o^)/~

On the other hand, Jiang Jingchuan has already exploded, and after apologizing to the butler, he called his friend again.

"I sent the photo to you, you help me find it, it should be a very expensive flower."

Jiang Jingchuan knows that this friend usually loves to spend the most, and the flowers raised in this villa are all precious varieties.

"How? Look at the photos, how do you feel that this flower is smashed / smashed... Have you picked the flowers of Lao Zhao?"

Jiang Jingchuan turned over his head and watched Dabao's two treasures rushing in the arms of Su Yan. For a time, his brain hurt so badly.

"not me."

"Who is that?"

Jiang Jingchuan's voice is low several degrees, the expression is forbearing: "My enemies."

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