MTL - You Look Like You’re Made of Money-Chapter 56

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When Su smoke was not pregnant, she always felt that time was still very slow. After she had two baby eggs, she felt that time was flying fast.

She and Jiang Jingchuan are both parents for the first time. Although there are servants in the family to help, the couple still think that during the child's growth, some things can be done by themselves, even though Dabao Erbao will have time for this. There is no memory. Jiang Jingchuan and Su Yan said that the most he saw him when he was a child was to take care of his nanny. Dad was the president of Jiang at that time. He was very busy at work, and he was on a business trip for two days. Jiang Dad and Jiang’s mother. Feelings are so good. Jiang’s father took Jiang’s mother when he was on a business trip. Jiang’s old man and Mrs. Jiang’s wife were not too young at the time, and they could not bring their children with them.

All in all, when I was a child, Jiang Jingchuan felt that the most dear was still with her grandmother. He thought it was a pity. Although he did not have any influence on his personality, he did not get much happiness. Now he is replaced by his child. He decided that he did not want to be absent at every important moment of growth of the child.

Jiang Jingchuan goes to work on time every day. Even if he really needs to work overtime, Su Yan will cooperate with him and take the children to accompany him to work overtime. In fact, Su Yan also has his own selfishness. Some thoughts exist in this era for a long time. She used to live. In ancient times, whether it was the princely prince or the ordinary family, the child who was seen every day would be psychologically closer. This is the mother's selfishness. She hopes that Jiang Jingchuan can be more with Dabao.

Under the premise of being a condition, whether it is a boy or a girl, the influence of the father is very important.

While growing up, the boy will subconsciously imitate his father's every move.

Girls, if they get enough love from their father, they will not feel inferior when they grow up facing the opposite sex.

The book says that girls must be rich, in fact, not only material, but also spiritual. When she gets a lot of attention and love, she is more confident in the face of many things.

On this day, Jiang Jingchuan asked the assistant to help the restaurant in advance. Since the two children, the two of the couple's world time has decreased drastically. Jiang Jingchuan feels that this is not the case, so he not only booked the restaurant, but also booked the hotel.

The book is still a honeymoon suite, Jiang Jingchuan special assistants remember to lay some rose petals on the bed, right, have to have romantic music.

Su Yan followed Jiang Jingchuan to the revolving restaurant and could see the most beautiful night view of City A. However, her mind was not on this. She worried that if the two children could not see her, they would not cry, but they must be looking for it. her.

Jiang Jingchuan looked at Su Yan’s absent-minded appearance, endured and tolerated, holding her hand with a smile. “Wife, do you think this place is very familiar?”

……no. They all said that a pregnant fool for three years, Su Yan does not admit that he is really stupid, but the memory is really not very good, she did not think about where this place is familiar.

Su Yan nodded with a smile, "Well."

"Then you talk." At the moment, they were very close to them. Someone had already picked up the violin. The restaurant was very quiet and there was no bright light. Every table was lit with candles, although the view was dim. Some, but especially emotional.

In the face of this situation, Su Yan did not appear to be confused, but rather Jiao Jiao said: "Oh, I will not say. You said."

Let her say that she can't tell.

Jiang Jingchuan was very useful for the spoiled Su Shi, but he did not continue to say it, because he suddenly found out that this kind of words could not be said after the mouth.

Say what?

After their first intimate contact, after the lingering, the body and the soul are both sympathetic, the first time to come to the restaurant?

Very shame? It’s shameful to think about it this way, let alone say it.

Su Yan did not continue to ask, and soon the steak came up. Jiang Jingchuan had already developed the habit of helping the soy to cut the steak. The first reaction was to take her plate and carefully cut the steak for her. "You Did you know that? I had a joke a while ago, and Zhou Wei and Wan Hao both laughed and killed me."


"They didn't buy a lot of things for Dabao Erbao. When they had a big red bag for the 100-day banquet, I said that they would like to have a big meal and eat the steak. As a result, when the steak came up, they both started. Eat it, I still can't move, just wait for someone to cut it for me. Anyway, they laugh, I can't take care of myself after I have a husband."

This is a habit, and Su Yanping often eats the most with Jiang Jingchuan, and he has become a habit.

Jiang Jingchuan’s right hand was a fist and he laughed out on his lips. It looked very pleasant. “This is my honor.”

Can make his wife rely on himself wholeheartedly, and develop this habit in such a small matter, Jiang Jingchuan does not know what others think, in short, he is very happy.

"So, Mr. Jiang, let me be honored today." Su Yanchong Jiang Jingchuan blinked his eyes, then took his plate and helped him cut the steak.

Cutting the steak is not a technical activity. At most, it is to see who is more elegant. The learning ability of Suyan is very strong. It is hard to cut the steak.

Jiang Jingchuan, "Is this?"

"Let Jiang enjoy the taste of a beautiful woman for him, can't you?" Su Yan smiled.

"Beauty?" Jiang Jingchuan raised his eyebrows and was quite dissatisfied with the word. "Are you sure?"

Su Yan simply put down the knife and fork, so he looked at him with a sly look. The smile on the face was also a lot weaker. "Others say it's seven years of itching. It's only two years less. You don't think I am a beauty?"

Jiang Jingchuan is not in a hurry. He presses down the voice and laughs. "Look, don't listen to me. You wait for me to finish your regenerating gas." He paused and looked at the woman in front of him. He didn't even have himself. Realizing how gentle his eyes are, "You are not a beautiful woman. A woman on the street has been called a beautiful woman. You are a beautiful woman who has fallen into the country."

Su Yanming was very happy in his heart, but he still deliberately touched his arm. "My goose bumps are all gone."

"Is it?" Jiang Jingchuan said with a smile: "That will be the last time you heard me praise you."

"Hey!" Su smoke is not full.

"So don't talk about it in the future." Jiang Jingchuan felt it necessary to grasp the education of his wife. "Remember?"

"Just you have more words."

After eating a meal, Su Yan thought that this would go home. I know that when I walked out of the restaurant and got on the bus, Jiang Jingchuan’s direction of driving was different from that of the family.

She carefully identified the signpost and asked, "Are we not going home?"

"Of course not." Jiang Jingchuan shook his head. "I will take you to a place."

"Where to go? Dabao Erbao wants to take a shower." Both children especially like to take a bath. Suyan feels that the happiest thing every day is to take a bath with the child.

"The babysitter will bathe them."

Well, my husband said this, Su Yan did not always ask, so I sat down and guessed where Jiang Jingchuan would take her.

Wouldn't you go to the top of the mountain to see the stars?

I vaguely remembered that when I first came, he also asked her if she wanted to see the stars. Su smoke did not remember what the two had said that night, only remember that many mosquitoes had bitten her several bags.

Wouldn't it be to go to the movies?

When I was pregnant, I watched the movie with Jiang Jingchuan. At that time, I had frequent urination. After half an hour, she wanted to go to the bathroom. The strangers beside them were a little annoyed. Jiang Jingchuan was in a hurry and specialized in the villa. A small movie hall, usually want to watch a movie and watch a movie.

Unexpectedly, the car will stop at the hotel entrance, and immediately there will be a parking younger brother to call them, Jiang Jingchuan first got off the car to open the passenger seat, Su smoke came out and looked confused: "Come to the hotel? Why come to the hotel?"

Jiang Jingchuan handed the car key to the parking boy and asked him to stop. He told the room number by the way.

This took the Suyan to the hotel and went into the elevator. Jiang Jingchuan said that he was not too slow to say: "There have been arranged at home. We will not go back today, go back tomorrow. Don't worry about the children, There are several aunts in the family to take care of them."

Su Yan still wants to go home, but knows that if this is directly related to Jiang Jingchuan, it will be very disappointing.

The elevator door opened, and Jiang Jingchuan took her to the honeymoon suite. This honeymoon suite is large, one bedroom and one living room, and an open kitchen.

Su smoke sat on the sofa and hesitated for a while, saying: "Husband, I..."

She still wants to go home to see her son, or to see the baby and then come out.

Jiang Jingchuan stretched his fingers and shook his eyes, indicating that she would not talk. "Don't worry, your makeup remover also has skin care products to change clothes, and cosmetics have already been brought."

"Okay. So I have to spend a night here today?" Hearing that Jiang Jingchuan said this, he knew that he had everything ready. If she insisted on going back, she might make two people unhappy. .

"I am spending a night with you here." Jiang Jingchuan took Suyan to the bathroom. "I am afraid that you are not used to it. I have taken the shower gel from the house. Let's take a shower. I will let the hotel prepare some nightingales."

There was no way for Suyan to close the bathroom door and start washing. Jiang Jingchuan thought it was really thoughtful, and brought her pajamas and anything, simply did not give her a chance to refuse.

Although I was very worried about Dabao's two treasures, at this time, she could not really leave Jiang Jingchuan back.

The parking boy took a lot of tips and walked happily.

Jiang Jingchuan let the hotel prepare red wine, fruit salad and some food, just sit on the sofa and wait for the smoke to come out.

Although the two have been sleeping together for a long time, when the Suyan came out of the bathroom, the look of the hibiscus from the clear water still made Jiang Jingchuan's throat tight. After the production, the Suyan became more beautiful and charming. At first she was still shy. The flower bones to be released are now blooming flowers, and the beauty is not square.

Some people have said that they often go with a person and often look at a person. Even if this person is beautiful again, there will always be a tired day. Jiang Jingchuan thinks that the more he looks at the smoke, the more he wants to see it, and he thinks that she is getting better and better. It is.

Maybe he won't have a tired day.

Su Yan saw Jiang Jingchuan's eyes, his face was red, and he quickly regained his gaze. The whispered: "You are going to take a shower."

"Yes, boss." Jiang Jingchuan got up and walked to the bathroom. When he passed by the side of the Soviet Union, he stopped and took a deep breath, meaning it was unclear: "It's still your fragrance."


When taking a shower in Jiang Jingchuan, Su Yan was sitting in front of the hotel's dressing table and applying skin care products. Her face was flushed in the mirror, and she didn't know if she was just taking a shower or being shy.

Layer by layer applied to the face, after the skin care step, she lying on the bed, the temperature in the room is appropriate, very comfortable.

When Jiang Jingchuan came out, he saw this scene in front of him -

Su Yan was wearing a white nightdress and was lying on the rose petals. She was slightly sideways with a shallow smile on her face.

It’s a pity that it’s not a wolf at this time.

Jiang Jingchuan threw a dry towel that wiped his hair aside and threw himself into the bed and pressed it on her.

The two were very close and very close. There was almost no distance. In fact, after Suyan’s death, Jiang Jingchuan wanted to do a ligation operation and was stopped by Suyan. This is not allowed for two or three years. To have a child, Jiang Jingchuan can't help her, she can only continue to contraception as before.

Jiang Jingchuan remembers the doctor now. If it is a caesarean section, it can't be pregnant again for at least two years. This is dangerous for both the baby and the mother.

Jiang Jingchuan did not go to the topic directly, but instead lay down on the bed, holding the suyan in his arms, and stroking her stomach with a moment, he sighed deeply. "You didn't find that you are now. Ignore me? Wife, I am now directly behind the two sons."

Su Yan is somewhat guilty, because Jiang Jingchuan is telling the truth. Since the birth of Dabao Erbao, she has ignored him in many ways.

"In fact, I can understand that maybe my father is not the same as my mother. After all, the person who gave birth to them in October is yours. You are the one who loves them the most in the world. Just, wife, look at me. "Jiang Jingchuan's resentment is very deep. "You love them the most. I love you the most. They don't understand anything now. They don't know what love is. Shouldn't they cherish me more?"

What do the two stinky boys know now? It’s not that he scares the Soviet Union. When they get to adolescence, they have a favorite girl and a secret to their mother.

Isn't he a typical example? Now he still loves his mother very much, but his mother will not be as sticky as she was when she was a child. She will not say anything to her mother without reservation. When she grows up, she will want to be a real adult in front of her mother.

To put it bluntly, it is obvious that he loves her the most. How can he ignore him?

"Dabao Erbao is also your son." Su Yan is very convincing.

"It’s my son, and now I am a rival."

"How can you say that?"

Jiang Jingchuan seriously corrected her. "Isn't it? I used to listen to Yu Sheng. My son is the rival of Dad. Now I believe."

"Well, I will definitely care about you in the future." Su Yan took Jiang Jingchuan's arm and began to spoil.

No matter how old the man is, in some things, it is no different from a child of seven or eight.

"Every morning, good night kisses are good for me."

"...has always been yours."

"Where, don't think I don't know. Last Thursday, you got up and went to the baby room and kissed the two stinky boys."

"Are you not asleep?"

"I woke up and didn't tell you."


"When I go to work, no matter how tired you are with the two kids, anyway, I will come back from work and include holidays. All of your time is mine. As for whether or not to give them some, consider them as appropriate."


“Are you sure?” Jiang Jingchuan’s hand began to mess up and up, and the tone brought some threats.

"Good!" Childish ghost!

"The most important point is that I only want to stay with you when I am on my birthday. I don't want to see people waiting for me."

This is a story. The first few months were Jiang Jingchuan’s birthday. At that time, Dabao Erbao was still inseparable from his mother. Originally, Jingjingchuan planned to spend the night outside, and he knew that the two eggs were not dry and began to pull. The scorpion dried up, and finally only a family got together and had a birthday.

"Is it a messy man? That is your son!" This can't be heard by Suyan. She has been fighting for her own treasure. How can she say that her son is a messy person?

"It’s my son, it doesn’t mean that at that time it’s not a mess.”

"Cold blood."

"I can let you try how hot I am."

"Well, they are a little bigger on your next birthday. I am also assured that I will give you a birthday."

"now it's right."

"What else?"

"I haven't thought of it, wait until I think of it and add it slowly."

Su Yan was silent for a moment, pulling Jiang Jingchuan’s hand on his chest and saying low: “I know that our son will leave me in the future, they will have their own life, Jingchuan, there is a place to ignore you before. I will pay attention to it in the future, try not to commit again. If I have any bad things in the future, you can also tell me directly, I don't want you to keep these things in your heart."

This night, in addition to the pressureless death, the two also made an agreement.

That is to say that every month in the future, to have a two-person world, so that you can preserve the freshness of love.

Jiang Dad and Jiang’s mother also learned from the situation of the aunt’s feedback that the couple did not return home this evening.

"They don't go home, what are they going to do? Why don't you say it in advance, is it not good to send Dabao Erbao?" Jiang Dad, as a man of iron bones, is naturally not like a broken mouth. I also mind that my son and daughter-in-law occasionally leave the post. He minds that the two men went out. Why didn’t they send the babies to make him a rare prince?

Jiang’s mother gave him a blank look. “What do people and couples want to do, what are you doing?”

"Even if they are too lazy to go to heaven, I will lose my two grandchildren to my family. Is it a few meanings?" No one can think of it. Now the most favored Dabao is not the old lady of Jiang and the old man, or Jiang Jingchuan. Su Yan, but the last overbearing president Jiang Dad.

No one has seen that he has such a property, even Jiang Jingjing has been jealous more than once, saying that Dad had never been so good to her before! Cut happy! Want a bag!

Jiang Dad didn't take care of Jiang Jingjing at the time, and Jiang Jingjing went to sing a little cabbage.

“Nobody cares?” Jiang’s mother almost thought that her ear had a problem. “Nothing else, there is one aunt who has changed the diaper alone. It’s not about feeding, sleeping, and the Prince is not your grandson. So pay attention!"

These are all Jiang’s father’s insistence. Jiang’s mother said that it is enough to have two children with two babysitters. Jiang’s father doesn’t think so. He said that he is the boss’s person. Effective work arrangements.

"I don't care, anyway, you will go to Xiaoyan tomorrow, and she will go to Africa with Ogawa in the future, as long as the children are sent."

He is not a rare child with his daughter-in-law. who cares?

Jiang’s mother raised her eyebrows and wanted to single out her head with Jiang’s father. “You can say this yourself. It will only make me a bad person all day. Can you do it?!”

"I said, I will go to Xiaochuan tomorrow."

At the beginning, Jiang Dad was hopeful that Su Yan and Jiang Jingchuan could move back to the old house. That is the best. After all, the servants of the old house have been doing it for more than ten years, enough to rest assured, but think about it, two newborns. The baby will definitely be very noisy and very noisy. Mrs. Jiang is older with Jiang Laotai, afraid that it will affect their rest, so they have to rest their minds.

Aunt Wang went to the baby room before going to sleep and glanced at it. The two babies are now seven months old, and the time flies fast. The two of the brothers are slowly opening up. It is indeed visible from now on. It is Gao Fushuai, they are very embarrassed, just looking for a mother in the evening, in the absence of the situation, the two have no tacit understanding, hehe, it should be said that they dare not make trouble.

From this point of view, Wang Ayi thinks that these two people will be human fine in the future. It must be a big success. If you are so small, you will know that your father’s gas field and status are unshakable, and you have not tried to make a fuss. Isn't this what it looks like?

Dabao has already slept, and Erbao is estimated to have just finished sleeping. He is staring at the aunt’s eyes and staring at Wang’s aunt.

He has already turned over now, revealing a white belly, and screaming at the king aunt. Wang Ayi’s heart is fascinated by the gods, and his hands are licking his stomach, and the two treasures are smiling.

Aunt Wang was old and had a thin hand on her hand. She didn't dare to be too powerful, and she was afraid of hurting the baby's delicate skin.

The 100-day banquet was also run. At that time, many people from the Bajie Jiang family said that they could not see it at first sight. Wang Ayi wanted to laugh when he heard it. Later, he said this with Su Yan, not to mention anything else. The Jiang family's children, this light is not so easy to win on the starting line, it is directly to the end.

Su Yan smiled and recognized the words of Aunt Wang.

It’s just that she is similar to Jiang’s mother’s idea. The future of her two sons is not to worry about it. The reincarnation is in Jiang’s family. It’s already a life winner. As a mother, she is more worried about the two son’s three views. Have a personality.

The success of Jiang’s mother’s education is in the forefront, and Su’s smoke is actually quite stressful.

She really doesn't ask her son to fly in the future, and she doesn't want to be a good person who makes selfless dedication. As long as it is not a bad person, it is enough.

Whether it is life or emotional, it can be not a good person, but it must not be a bad person.

Originally, Su Yan still had some concerns that his own virtue was estimated to be a bad boy, but after thinking about it, Jiang Jingchuan was definitely a strict father. He was there, and the two children could not stand it.

Erbao was closed by Wang Ayi with a comfortable feeling. After a while, the little belly was evenly undulating. Wang Ayi looked at it and enjoyed it. The child fell asleep again.

The next morning, Su Yan woke up more than Jiang Jingchuan, picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table, and found that it was almost nine o'clock, and quickly pushed Jiang Jingchuan. "Husband, you have to go to work today, this is almost nine. Clicked."

Jiang Jingchuan took her in her arms and her eyes didn't open. "I am finished one day today."

Yesterday was a good mood, the atmosphere was too good, I didn’t control it, I just fell asleep until the early hours of the morning.

Su Yan did not speak, lying in the arms of Jiang Jingchuan, and was thinking of dying two sons. He could only take out his mobile phone and flip the photos of his sons.

When Jiang Jingchuan finally woke up and got up, the two went to the restaurant downstairs to have breakfast, it was already ten o'clock.

"I really want to stay here for a day." Jiang Jingchuan took a sip of coffee and sat down with satisfaction.

Last night was not just a feast. I didn’t get rid of her with him this morning. It’s a great time to have a good time.

How could he not think about it at the beginning, and hope to be a father soon?

Let's put a good **** day, but you have to create two stinky boys to add.

Su Yan ate the omelet and swallowed it and said, "You don't want Dabao two treasures at all?"

"I need to correct you two points." Jiang Jingchuan said slowly, "First, our son is called Yi Yi, Yi Ze, second. I went out yesterday morning and saw them, and had friendly talks, so there is no existence. I missed the situation one day apart."

Su Yan sighed, this is the difference between Dad and Mom, no, no, it may be the difference between a son and a daughter.

She has been paralyzed more than once. If there is a daughter, Jiang Jingchuan is definitely not like this now (╯^╰)╮

"Actually, I think my father's nickname is quite good." Su Yan repeated this sentence countless times.

Jiang Jingchuan glanced at her and smiled and said: "After four years, oh, no, three years later, you believe that your two sons will forcefully order no one to mention these two nicknames."

In fact, the gap between Jiang Laotai and Jiang’s father’s name can be seen in the names of Jiang’s two brothers and sisters.

Jiang Jingchuan was taken by Jiang Laotai, and Jiang Jingjing was the result of Jiang’s dare to ask for the right to take the name.

Su Yan does not refute Jiang Jingchuan's words. It is true that the sons are a little bigger. Maybe the two treasures will not have any opinions, but Dabao will not say anything.

Especially now, there is something in this society called advertising. There is an advertisement called Dabao. There is an advertisement called Dabao.

Since he mentioned the nickname, Su Yan couldn't help but curiously ask: "Dad didn't give you a nickname in the past? It's impossible."

The name of Jiang Jingjing is taken by Jiang Dad, the name of Jiang Jingchuan? Jiang Daddy, who is keen to give his child a name, can’t just give him a nickname?

I know that Jiang Jingchuan’s face has changed and he is no longer snoring.

When Su Yan saw him like this, he knew that something was wrong. He quickly asked: "Is there really? If you say it quickly, don't say it, I will ask my father myself."

If there is a name for the milk, why isn’t there anyone in Jiang’s family calling him now?

Even the old lady of Jiang is calling Xiaochuan.

"Let's ask." Jiang Jingchuan's mouth was pumping.

"Well, what you said." Su Yan really put him on the bar, took out his mobile phone to open WeChat, and was ready to ask Jiang Dad.

Seeing that Suyan really had a sign to ask, Jiang Jingchuan grabbed her cell phone and said with a calm face: "Don't ask."

He still knows the character of his father. He had forgotten it. Now, Su Yan is lifting up, and his father must have called him again.

At that time, Jiang Jingchuan also spent a lot of effort, and finally corrected the problem of Jiangjia up and down. Everyone finally forgot the nickname in the long time. If Suyan is now raised, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Then tell me, rest assured that I just listened, I will not tell others, I swear."

Originally, Suyan was not very interested in this matter, but when she saw Jiang Jingchuan’s reaction and thought of Jiang’s name, her interest was hoisted.

Jiang Jingchuan endured and endured, looking at his wife’s expectation, and the two words that were said to be squeezed out of the teeth, “hairy.”

Su smoked for a moment, and after the reaction came over, he laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, hairy!"

Jiang Jingchuan looked at her quietly. "Is it funny? Also, I count three times. If you still laugh, don't blame me."

Su Yan can't really connect the name of Mao Mao with Jiang Jingchuan. If you look at this name, you know that Jiang Dad is very conscience for Dabao Erbao.

Otherwise, the overbearing president takes a small name like Mao Mao, and it makes people play in minutes.

Su smoke could not stop, Jiang Jingchuan got up, walked to her side with no expression, then held her hand on her shoulder and bent down and kissed her up.

At this time, there were other people in the restaurant. Su Yan reacted and hurriedly pushed him away and whispered, "What are you doing?"

"If you mention those two words in the future, I will do it. Until you forget."

The two were in public, and at most, they were pulling their little hands on their waists. They never kissed like this. Su smoked nodded.

I thought, I will call you in my heart.

After eating breakfast, Jiang Jingchuan took the Suyan ink on the outside for a while, and finally drove to go home before the Suyan burst.

"You don't forget what you promised me yesterday." Jiang Jingchuan reminded.

Su Yan only hopes to go home soon to meet his sons and hurry and nod. "Remember."

On the road, Jiang Jingjing sent WeChat.

Jiang Jingjing: "How can I not send a photo of Dabao Erbao today? Aunt TAT wants to die."

She is still studying abroad, and asks Su Yan to take pictures of her two baby eggs every day to explain her feelings.

Su Yan: "I haven't seen them TAT yet."

She also wants to die.

It's a pity that the baby's cockroaches don't seem to want to hurry up.

Jiang Jingjing: "Have you gone to the world with my brother?"

Really worthy of Jiang Jingchuan’s sister, I guessed that the idea went up.

Su Yan: "Well. I am going home now. I will send you photos."

Jiang Jingjing: "Well, I have to watch a small video of a cold man and a warm man."

Jiang Jingjing has a famous saying, she obviously likes cold men, but warm men always ask for hugs, obviously know that warm men are warm and a lot of grandmothers, she still can't open warm men.

Seeing that the villa is getting closer and closer, Su Yan is getting better and better, and I don’t know if the two children thought about her yesterday.

Jiang Jingchuan looked at her excitement and said: "Convergence your expression."


She is not excited now, her husband will have opinions.

Su Yan did not understand how Jiang Jingchuan was so naive, actually jealous with his son, and later passed Zhou Wei’s point. Zhou Wei said that if he gave birth to a small public measure, Jiang Jingchuan would like to sleep with a small public every day, what mood do you have? .

Su smoke knows.

Forget it, I will pay more attention to my husband later ^_^

After Dabao Erbao woke up to drink milk, he began to consciously look for his mother.

The aunts who took care of them knew this when they saw this. They said to Dabao: "Mom will come back today."

Dabao naturally couldn't understand this, but he could understand the word mother. He stopped looking at his mother's figure and bowed his head to catch the doll.

Erbao is a child who has no heart and lungs. Although he also wants to be a mother, it seems to be more interested in the milk in the bottle. He looks at the bottle in the hand of the aunt.

When Su Yan entered the villa, he did not care to greet Wang Ayi and went straight to the baby room. Jiang Jingchuan also followed.

It is impossible to say that I don’t want to be a son. It’s just that he misses the degree compared to Su Yan, and that’s what it’s like.

Su smoke was discovered before, and Dabao Erbao is now seven months old. Sometimes it will make some sounds, and now it will change the intensity and height of the sound.

Dabao and Erbao sat in a big cradle bed, and the two just had enough to eat and drink, and the expression was very satisfying.

Both were excited when they saw their mother coming in.

Dabao stretched out his arm and sent out a syllable: "Hey!"

The second treasure followed, laughing and opening his mouth: "Hey!"

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