MTL - You Look Like You’re Made of Money-Chapter 51

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As the beginning of Suyan's wish, she did live a comfortable life.

I got up at 7:00 every morning to have breakfast. After I went to work, Jiang Jingchuan went to sleep. When I got to sleep at eleven o'clock, I got up again. I was ready to have lunch after I had lunch. After lunch, I went to sleep again. Only one day, Jiang Jingchuan came back from work. After dinner with her, and then two people went for a walk, this is a daily exercise.

Su Yan has been waiting for the legendary morning vomiting period, but her baby is particularly sensible, and she has not tossed her.

Jiang Jingchuan said that the baby, like her, also entered the hibernation state in advance, or it was a sleepy insect.

Suyan is now like a koala. Koala sleeps for twenty hours a day, eats for two hours, and then spends two hours.

Jiang Dad has been counting his days. When Su Yan was pregnant for more than three months, he immediately took Jiang’s mother to Jiang to send a red envelope.

Originally, the employees were still confused with the red envelopes. Then they heard the boss smiled and said that Jiang had a big event. What happened to them? Their current bosses should be fathers. Of course, they can also say their future. The boss is here.

This grand celebration of the same day is naturally celebrated together. Jiang Dad also has his own shares and property. He generously took out a lot of money as a red envelope and distributed it to the employees of the head office and branch offices, not to mention pinching. Pinch the red envelope, Jiang's employees feel that this future boss is really not very kind.

"If the boss is born to be a son, it is estimated that a red envelope will be issued at the time. I guess the next time the old chairman distributed it."

The old chairman said that Jiang is the old man.

The female colleagues were not willing to listen to this kind of words, and said: "Will you talk, the boys and the girls are the same, do you want to differentiate the treatment?"

Yeah, is it because the baby girl is born without red packets? Is there a lot less joy?

Among them, some colleagues came out to play rounds. "No matter who is a boy or a girl, it is estimated that you have to make a red envelope. This is a good fight, and it is not your daughter-in-law who has children."

"Hey, my daughter-in-law has no children to give me a red envelope. It is naturally different."

All in all, the next few days, Jiang’s headline is still the belly of Suyan...

Jiang Jingchuan took his father, there is no way, red packets should be, but you can wait until the birth of the child.

Jiang Jingchuan still can't understand the mood of Jiang Dad. Jiang Dad has made a small circle. Most of them have been grandfathers or grandfathers in advance. Although Jiang Dad often said that he is not old, he can pretend to be small and fresh, and can see those soft. The corps still liked it very much.

Now that I am fine, I don’t have to look at other children’s children. I have a stomach in my wife’s stomach. Just wait for this little baby to be born, and I feel happy when I think about it.

Jiang’s mother is also rewarded for Su’s smoke. On this day, she took out the smoke to go shopping and buy things. She also showed off a few fans in front of her friends. Jiang’s friends are naturally non-rich. Expensive, are the wealthy wives, these people are usually fine, they formed a small group to do activities together, playing cards together to eat together, the feelings are not bad.

"Today is really unbearable. You also know that my daughter-in-law is now a double body and has to go slowly." Jiang Mama and Su Yan entered the box and smiled and apologized.

"I saw the Huang Li today, I shouldn't go out. I knew that you are showing off your daughter-in-law today. I don't want to go out." The middle-aged woman who talks is elegant, although this is not a violation. And the feeling, but the whole person is very hearty.

Jiang’s mother ignored her and turned to Suyan’s saying: “You should be no stranger to this. It’s a mother who is married, and I’ve seen it when I got married.”

They all said that their son is like a mother. Su Yan feels that Yan Sheng and Jiang Jingchuan are all completely exposed to the light of their mother. Fortunately, the woman’s gene is strong, and her handsome and handsome is also mostly hereditary mother.

Su Yan rushed to the mother and smiled: "Auntie is good."

My mother was envious and couldn’t do it. She took a shot of Su’s hand and turned her head to Jiang’s mother. “I don’t envy you. Besides this daughter-in-law, your home Jingchuan really doesn’t bother you. If you have a baby, you will have a baby. It’s like my family’s prosperity. It’s really anxious to get my hair all white.”

One of the wives took over and said: "Your head is invented and black and black. Your family has nothing to worry about. It is that he hasn't decided yet. If you really want to get married, isn't it a matter of fact? You are Don't worry, I see that there are counts in your home."

Su Yan nodded in the heart, and indeed, there is something to worry about, and Sheng Sheng is full of twenty-eight in this year. The proper high-fashioned and handsome family business is also booming. The key is that this person is not scum. The character is still passing, and such people still need to worry about personal problems? Also let other people live?

My mother gave the man a blank look. "I am afraid that he will never settle down."

Her son is naturally clear, and it is a minute to really want to get married, but the fear is that the son has no such thoughts.

My mother looked at Su Yan again and said: "I heard that it is three months old?"

"Well." Su smoke nodded.

My mother took Su Shui and sat next to her. The more she saw her, the more she liked her, but she thought that this was someone else’s wife. I don’t want to mention more and more lost in my heart. “My family’s singer has been chanting yesterday, not to say anything else, just to give this The baby has bought a toy in a room. I am thinking about it now. When the baby is born, maybe my family will look at envy and want to get married and have children."

Jiang mother called the waiter and gave Su Yan a drink. This said: "You don't look at it, Xiaochuan said it. You are the baby's cognac. Do you think that you are not the baby's grandmother? Don't worry about your baby, you will call your grandmother."

When my mother heard this, her eyes lit up, and she did not expect this before!

She can also be a grandmother!

"You don't want to repent, this grandmother, I am set! Anyway, my family is also a disappointing thing, maybe I can't get up when I am old, he is not married, right, I don't have to look at other people. Now, my granddaughter is in my stomach!"

My mother seems to be a very dignified person, but she is talking...

An opening is different.

Su Yan looked at her mother-in-law and felt that she still had to learn more from her. She was not able to compare with Jiang in A city, but it was also a face. The baby recognized such a relative is definitely not a high climb, but as a mother, I still hope that my baby will get more attention and love.

After drinking afternoon tea, the original Suyan was going shopping with Jiang’s mother, and her mother decided to go with her.

"Before someone sent some supplements to the house, I let people send you in the evening." My mother made a generous shot, and when she saw no signs of pregnancy in Su’s stomach, she bought several small bracelets worn by children. The collar looks so cute.

In fact, it’s not just a mother. Lianjiang’s mother bought a lot of things for the little ones. Looking at the little shoes that didn’t even have a slap in the palms, they couldn’t move their legs.

Su Yan thought, this mother and son are really the same. It’s just that these days, I don’t know how many children’s supplies I bought. Of course, most of them are for female dolls. Poor.

After her mother left, Jiang mother took the hand of Su Yan and walked slowly. After talking about some pregnant common sense, Jiang’s mother was cold and flustered. “Smoke, man, meticulous woman, woman during pregnancy. It’s very hard. People who haven’t experienced hardships won’t understand it. Even if it’s your husband, I’m just pregnant, I can’t eat anything, I have no appetite, I’m in a bad mood, but Ogawa’s Dad seems to be unable to understand my discomfort and pain at that time. To be honest, I have been disappointed with Ogawa’s father many times during pregnancy."

Jiang’s mother’s speech rate is very slow, and Su Yan listens very seriously.

"After giving birth to a child, Jiang has a servant to help him, but he still wants to be a mother. At that time, Ogawa was in the next room, and there was an aunt to take care of him. But when he cried, I could hear it and then wake up immediately. Turning around and wanting to call Ogawa’s father to look at it, I will be angry when I see him sleeping so sweet. Then I figured it out, this man, that's it, some things they really ignore, so Xiaoyan, I I want to tell you this today, I want to tell you, if there is something in Ogawa that doesn’t take care of you, don’t lie on it, it’s a temper, you’ll be jealous, you know, everyone is standing on your side now. ""

As a woman, Jiang mother felt that she should say something like her daughter-in-law. When she was pregnant, she was obviously angry and could not vent it in time. At that time, she almost suffered from postpartum depression. She thought of her. A daughter-in-law can't be said like her, even if she is dissatisfied.

Su Yan was very touched when he heard this. Compared with the TV series, she felt that she was really lucky. Her mother-in-law was so sensible, so considerate, how can it not be touched.

In the evening, Su Yan said this to Jiang Jingchuan. At this time, Jiang Jingchuan was holding her nail clippers to cut her nails. He didn’t lift his head when he heard this. "My mom is right, if you are right to me or If someone else is dissatisfied and can't get used to it, just say it right, don't squat, no one knows."

"Actually..." Su Yan tried to think back. "There is nothing to be dissatisfied. If you can let me eat ice cream, then it is best."

Jiang Jingchuan said faintly: "If it is summer, if you say that you want to eat ice cream, I can still make you lick two. Now it's autumn, and this will be free."

It seems that summer and autumn do not give people a buffer time. It is clear that the weather was still very hot a month ago, and now I have to wear long sleeves when I go out.

Su Yan also knows that this is no drama. He screamed and said nothing. Jiang Jingchuan is seriously cutting her nails. The central air conditioner in the house has been closed, but the weather is very comfortable. There is a thin blanket on the leg. Only peace.

"To see the mother of Yu Sheng today, she seems to be very anxious about the prosperity." I don't know if it is a pregnancy relationship. Su Yan is now getting a lot of gossip, thinking that Jiang Jingchuan is so good with Yu Sheng, Maybe you know a little insider.

Su Yan is still very interested in the feelings of Yu Sheng.

On the surface, Yan Sheng looked at the type of Playboy. Originally, Su Yan thought that he was left and right, and he knew that this was actually a clear-cut, and he didn’t want to think about it. There is a story.

Jiang Jingchuan just cut her nails, blew her finger at her finger, put the nail clipper aside, and said: "Anxious is also a good thing. After all, I have such an excellent reference."

"Cut." Su smoke is not so strange to the thickness of his husband's face.

"Yu Sheng is different from me. He can't marry someone he doesn't love. In fact, his family is clear, so he is worried." Jiang Jingchuan said casually.

Su Yan is not willing to listen to this. Ming knows that the person who started to marry Jiang Jingchuan is the original, but when he heard him say that there is still an unknown fire in the heart, she opened his hand and said: "What? Meaning, you can marry someone you don't love. Do you mean to say no love for me?"

Jiang Jingchuan dared to swear to the sky, he absolutely did not mean that, that is to say, let me know, let her wife blow up.

"No, you listen to me." Jiang Jingchuan hurriedly pulled her. "I just said that, really nothing else."

He is also telling the truth. If he is the same as Yu Sheng, he can only marry the person he loves. He said that he would not marry Su Yan.

Now he is extremely grateful for his hypocrisy at that time, although he said that he had been wronged for half a year, but in any case, it is now too chic.

Su Yan’s face is much better, but the tone is still not very good. “Then tell me about Yu Sheng. I want to hear.”

Jiang Jingchuan really didn't want to say it, but when he looked at his wife, he seemed to be really angry. He could only apologize to Sheng Sheng in his heart. He immediately said that he was like a bamboo tube and said: "The things are almost ten years old. At that time, there was a girlfriend called Tongyuan. The children's garden was a single-parent family. It may be because of family relationship. She is very sensitive and very proud. In fact, the two people just started to have a really good relationship. I still remember one year of Christmas children. The garden gave a shawl to Yu Sheng, and the boy was not happy. Later, the mother of the child garden was sick and needed a sum of money. The children’s garden did not open the door with a lot of work, and went to work part-time for several jobs. The loan was arranged for surgery, and Sheng Sheng was the last to know about it. The two had a big fight."

“Yu Sheng was too young at the time. He quarreled with the people he liked and always wanted to win. He said something very hurtful. Tong Yuan thought that she was just a couple with Yu Sheng. She didn’t want to bother anyone. The two men were cold war. For a long time, the mother of Tongyuan heard that she had to spend a lot of money on surgery, and she didn’t want to drag her down. She jumped directly into the river and committed suicide. The children’s garden collapsed. These sorrows didn’t know, but also for the children’s park, deliberately The girl went in and out, and the children’s garden came to see Sheng Sheng to see this, and did not make trouble. After eating the meal with Yu Sheng, the next day disappeared."

Su Yan listened to God and hurriedly asked: "Later later."


Where is there later? If there is a later one, will Yu Sheng still look like this?

"Later." Jiang Jingchuan spread his hand. "After that, Sheng Sheng looked for her and was looking for madness. I didn't find it. You don't look at 隋盛成天嘻嘻哈哈, in fact, his heart is particularly uncomfortable."

Su Yan also felt so angry when he heard it. "How can you do this? You don't think it's really stupid to be home in this way?"

She feels that in a relationship, in order to prove that the other party is concerned about oneself, or to prove that he is the one who has the upper hand, deliberately use this way to force the other party to be jealous, it is really stupid, so prove once, the feelings Consumption once.

She doesn't know the children's garden, but in Jiang Jingchuan's description, it is a very strong and sensitive girl. What did she do wrong? Is it wrong that self-esteem is too strong?

It is hard to imagine that after losing her mother, Tongyuan wanted to come to her boyfriend to find a hug and comfort, and what mood it was when she saw that scene.

It is even harder to imagine what kind of mood she was when she decided to leave.

Jiang Jingchuan nodded. "So Yan Sheng has always been self-blaming. She has been looking for her for many years. The world is too big. It is very easy to hide from a person."

As long as the children's garden has the heart to hide from the hustle and bustle, Yan Sheng may not find her forever. As it is now, Yu Sheng has searched all the places he can find, but still can't find her.

“What is the use of self-blame?” Su Yan smiled. “After hurting others, it’s not a matter of saying sorry, it’s not self-blame to do anything.”

Jiang Jingchuan held Su Yan in his arms, and the good life comforted him. He kissed her hair and said: "Because I have seen the pain of Yu Sheng, I have felt that as long as I like each other, don’t because The momentary mood misses this person because you don't know what will happen after you miss it."

When Su Yan said that he would live happily with him, he also suspected that even during this period, it was difficult to avoid thinking about Shen Peiran.

He will ask himself if he likes this person or whether he is with this person.

Since the answer is yes, then don't worry about some things.

He knows how painful it is to miss someone he likes, so it is impossible to make himself repeat the same mistakes.

Mature like a person, you don't want to see each other unhappy.

"Well, that's right." Su Yan especially agreed with this statement.

Many times the so-called abuse of love is not due to personal emotions?

It’s not that you are sad and painful, and this kind of feeling is the most profound.

"So, just like my mom said, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can say it. You have to say it before I can correct it. Xiaoyan, I am not just your husband, I have other identities, such as the son of my parents. For example, the president of Jiang, so sometimes it is inevitable that some places will ignore you. If you say it, I will definitely change it.” Jiang Jingchuan hugged Su Yan. “I don’t want to look at some contradictions that can be solved early. Contradictions, do you understand?"

This is the most annoying thing for Jiang Jingchuan.

Whether it is at work or in life, if there is any problem, it will be solved at the beginning, it cannot be shelved, and it cannot be ignored. If it becomes an irreconcilable contradiction, he feels that it is a waste of life.

"Do you think that my intelligence is low?" Su Yan knows that Jiang Jingchuan is very reasonable, but he still can't help but yell at him.

Jiang Jingchuan vigorously licked her head and smiled and said: "Know, Mrs. Jiang is the smartest."

Grandpa Lu’s ceramic exhibition was successfully held. Jiang Jingchuan also counted the time. After the baby had passed for three months, he immediately called Lu Hao and said that the couple had to ask him to eat with Zhou Wei. Lu Hao was too busy to drink. There is no time in the water, I want to refuse it, but if I think about the past, I will see the Suyan, and I will agree.

When I learned that I had to eat with Lu Hao, Su Yan refused, but she had to go to this meal.

The dinner was about at night, Jiang Jingchuan got off work early, and accompanied Su Yan to go shopping.

Pregnant women should also be beautiful.

Su Yan bought three pairs of beautiful flat shoes and bought several sets of dresses.

After all, I was pregnant. After a while, I was tired. Jiang Jingchuan was sitting in the seat of the mall with Su Yan. Sitting next to a little boy should be waiting for someone. He played with his mobile phone and held chocolate in one hand. In the hustle and bustle, Su Yan smelled the taste of chocolate and couldn't help but swallow.

She wants to eat.

I want to eat.

At first she didn't like to eat chocolate. She felt bitter, not her dish, but when she watched others eat, she was paralyzed.

After the boy left, Su smoke poked Jiang Jingchuan, pulled his hand and stroked it on his lower abdomen. The flat mouth asked: "Your baby is talking to you."

Only three months...

Jiang Jingchuan asked with interest: "What is the baby talking about, can you give a translation?"

"Jiang baby said that he wants to eat chocolate, and asks if Dad can buy it." Su Yan is very serious. The couple passing by just heard this sentence and they all laughed.

Jiang Jingchuan’s expression was very difficult. He finally shook his head. “Dad can’t buy it.”

"Why!" Su Yan did not do it, and said: "Who rules that pregnant women can't eat chocolate?!"

This can't be eaten, and it can't be eaten!


Jiang Jingchuan lingered for a long time, and finally only Nene said: "If chocolate is eaten, what should my daughter's skin be black?"

The chocolate is black. Will it hurt the skin of a black prostitute if you eat it?

Is there any scientific research, the IQ of the prospective father and mother will continue to be offline?

Su Yan actually listened to Jiang Jingchuan’s words, and curiously asked: “Is it true?”

"I don't know, what if the skin is black?" Since he was a father, Jiang Jingchuan has all kinds of worries in his mind every day. When Su Yanyi said that he was eating chocolate, he thought of it.

Su Yan felt that Jiang Jingchuan’s concerns were correct and he was no longer embarrassed.

If it is a daughter, I still hope that the skin will be white and tender.

In the evening, in the box, Lu Hao tried to restrain himself from seeing the smoke, and smiled and said: "Today, Jiang always treats guests, we can not soften, first order a good bar."

Jiang Jingchuan feels that the opportunity to retaliate is finally here! !

He waited for Lu Hao to say this!

Jiang Jingchuan cleared the scorpion, pretending to be very natural, and could not suppress the small smugness of his heart. He waved his hand and said: "No, can't drink."

Ask me why! Ask!

Lu Hao had been busy with the company before, and he still didn't know that Mr. Jiang's wife was pregnant. No one told him. When he heard this, he joked: "I remember that you can drink alcohol, although the amount of alcohol is not too good. it is good."

Oh, you drink a lot, you like my wife, my wife doesn't bird you :)

"Before I can drink alcohol, I can't drink now. Forget it, I don't sell it. I want to tell you good news today. My wife is pregnant." Jiang Jingchuan took aside the Suyan, and the already stagnant Lu Yan laughed. Road: "She is pregnant the whole family, I can't drink alcohol, or I have to go through three trials."

Zhou Yan saw Lu Yan not snoring, took the initiative to jump out to ease the atmosphere, "Emma died of me, and now I can finally say, Jiang Zong, I can be the first person who knows besides Xiaoyan, envy is not envious?"

Jiang Jingchuan smiled. "Not envy, it is jealous."

Su Yan Xiaokou's sip warm water, Yu Guang pays attention to Lu Xun, seeing the other party's lost expression, I am afraid that I can't do it, I am afraid that he will show what makes Jingchuan see the clue, think about it and say: "I thought before Said, but the elderly at home can only be announced after three months."

Lu Hao heard the voice of Su Yan and then he came back. He quickly lowered his head and concealed the desolateness in his eyes. He smiled and said: "That's good, Jingchuan, congratulations."

"I want to congratulate me very much. You must come when the child is full moon." Jiang Jingchuan is happy to go to the heart of Lu Xin.

Zhou Hao couldn't bear to watch it. He took a chopsticks dish and went to the bowl of Lu Hao. "Lu hasn't had enough time to get back to the news these days. Today, I can make up for it."

After a meal, Lu Hao kept talking, and the whole person seemed to be confusing.

Zhou Wei knows that he is hiding.

Finally, Lu Hao got up and picked up the cup. He looked at the smoke and smiled. "Congratulations."

In fact, there is no drinking, but Lu Hao acts like a drunk.

Su Yan also got up, picked up the cup and touched him with a cup, and smiled slightly: "I wish Mr. Lu a bright future and good luck."

A promising future is actually reminding Lu Hao, don't forget what is most important.

To be frank, she and Lu Hao are the same kind of people to some extent, they are very clear about what they want, no matter what they pay for.

So at the beginning she appreciated him very much.

If you know what you want, don't quit halfway, because it's really stupid.

Lu Yi stunned and nodded. "Thank you."

In the middle of the journey, Su Yan went to the bathroom. On the way back to the box, he saw Lu Hao leaning against the wall and holding a cigarette. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Lu Yan saw Su smoke coming over and hurriedly put the cigarette back, and some of them explained in a hurry: "I didn't smoke."

Su Yan actually didn't want to talk to Lu Hao, just nodded and smiled and went back to the box.

When he turned around, Lu Yan stopped her, "Su smoke..."

He just wanted to call her, but when she turned back, he didn't know what to say, "Be careful of the steps over there."

"Well." Su Yan did not stay any more, did not look back, went to the box.

I have never seen it before, but I feel that I have experienced an unforgettable love. Lu Hao now has this feeling.

He knows that he is very ridiculous, and now he is afraid that even fantasy is extravagant.

He never really got close to her. Every conversation seemed so rude and polite, but he could feel it. She really felt happy.

If a woman is happy, that beauty is from the inside out.

No intention to open, no intention to pursue, no one knows from beginning to end.

Lu Hao did not feel sorry at all. He completed his love in one way, and finally ended in perfection. Everything happened.

At this time, his cell phone rang, and took it out of his pocket. It was a blind date that the grandfather tried to introduce, Miss Liu.

Ms. Liu is not beautiful, but not ugly. People are also very gentle. The most important thing is that marrying her can bring a lot of benefits.

【have you eaten? 】

Lu Yan looked at the direction of Su Yan’s departure and could not see her back. He bowed his head and laughed at himself. He quickly returned the message: “Eat, what about you?”

He is Lu Hao, a miracle discussed by the insiders in the circle. Yes, he can get over the pro-son and his grandson and get the power. Who does not feel that he is young?

After working hard for so many years, I finally got what I wanted. How could he give up this for the vain love that might no longer exist tomorrow?

Lu Hao stood up straight again, his back straight, his face regained his usual smile, and he lifted his leg and walked toward the box.

Jiang Jingchuan was very happy. He felt that this was a blow to Lu Hao. Su Yan was also very happy. She could feel that Lu Hao was a very rational person. He would not do irrational things. After confirming this, the stone in his heart completely fell. .

The next day, Jiang Jingchuan pushed the work and wanted to accompany the Soviet Union to do NT inspection.

The NT examination is a way to assess whether a baby may have Down syndrome. This is actually the first time that it is necessary to do a color ultrasound.

Jiang Jingchuan was very excited. He had already greeted the hospital long ago. In the past, he could start the inspection directly. Jiang Jingchuan kept the expectation of his father.

Because he is too excited, it is really not suitable for driving, so the driver drove them to the hospital.

Originally, Jiang Daddy Jiang’s mother also wanted to come along with it, but after the two discussed it, they decided not to go, and they were afraid of causing unnecessary pressure on their daughter-in-law.

Despite this, Jiang Dad was still walking around in the room. He couldn't sit down at all. He asked Jiang mother from time to time, should he call his son to ask about the situation.

Jiang’s mother rolled her eyes. “I didn’t see you so happy when I was pregnant.”

When the goddess said this, it means to be angry. Jiang Dad quickly explained: "No, how can it be the same? I am happy when I say something, and you don't know."

"Ogawa said that he has already gone out." Jiang mother looked at WeChat. "It is estimated that I will go to the hospital at around ten o'clock. I don't know how long it will take after a series of inspections. I have already told him that I will go back to dinner at noon. What problems are there? You can ask for it. In short, why should you go now, don't sway in front of my eyes, my head is dizzy."

Jiang Dad’s sun: "Yes, leadership."

There are still quite a lot of people in the hospital, but this hospital has Jiang's investment, so Jiang Jingchuan and Su Yanyi went to the hospital and they were directly checked by VIP.

NT screening is the most important screening throughout pregnancy.

At the time of the smoke inspection, Jiang Jingchuan sat outside. He looked at the husbands who came and went with his wife to check. I really wanted to shake hands with them.

After all, it is the luckiest prospective father in the world. It is right to know.

Jiang Jingchuan couldn't help but scream, and among a group of friends, he witnessed that he was the first to be a father, causing some small embarrassment. He took a photo of the hospital and sent a circle of friends.

[to accompany your wife to check:)

Comments are naturally there immediately.

Yu Sheng: Roll, let Laozi roll! I only know Xiu En love!

Qin Lan: Wow, good love~

Zhou Wei: Can Jiang always send less:) This symbol, 886

Jiang Jingjing: Friends toast our friendship. GIF

The kind of sorrow and satisfaction of Jiang Jingchuan is no one can understand. He feels that life before the encounter with Suyan is too boring. Every day after work, it is not fun to work overtime.

With a wife, there is a baby right away, and the joy of life is nothing more than this.

When Suyan came out, he was holding a report, and the words were still in the ear, and everything was normal. No problems were found, but this was not the point.

She fainted out, Jiang Jingchuan rushed up and helped her, nervously asked: "How is it?"

After hearing the voice of Jiang Jingchuan, Su Yan only came back to God. She stared at Jiang Jingchuan and said: "Jingchuan, we seem to be winning the prize."

"What big award?" Jiang Jingchuan originally looked at Su Yan. This reaction is still somewhat scary. I thought it was a problem. I know that Suyan will come up with such a sentence.

She is really a big prize!

Big award!

In the hallway, people came and went, Su Yan pinched the report, looked at Jiang Jingchuan, for a moment did not hold back, a surprise, and then picked up the tiptoe holding Jiang Jingchuan, "Ah! Ah!! Husband!! We The big prize!!"

"What's wrong, you are saying, I am dying!"

Su smoke mysterious smile, said in his ear: "Photo by color ultrasound, the doctor said that there are two babies!"

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