MTL - You Look Like You’re Made of Money-Chapter 43

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When Lu Hao came to the studio, as usual, with the snacks packaged from the star-rated restaurant, Zhou Wei now especially welcomes him. Seeing him coming over is like seeing a relative, and he has not warmly welcomed the small bunting.

"Su smoke?" In front of Zhou Wei and others, he has always been the name of Su Yan directly, unless Jiang Jingchuan is present, he will shout a Mrs. Jiang.

Zhou Wei opened the packing box and took a deep breath. He didn't lift his head and said: "She took a leave, and today her husband is on a business trip, she went to send him."

"...Oh." Just yesterday night, Lu Hao made up his mind, but he will not come here later. It will not be good for him to continue to get along with Su Yan. It will only make him feel weaker. He won't go to Jiang Jingchuan's frontal competition. Of course, he has no qualifications to compete. He is even less likely to fight for something he can't easily win. He can stay in the company for a long time today. He is bothered by a bunch of projects. Finally, I was a little relaxed when I drove here.

Zhou Weikou wrapped things, and the words were not very clear. "Jiang always subverts my understanding of the rich second generation. I used to think that the president like him must be left and right. I didn't expect him to be so special. Feelings, feeling so good with Xiaoyan, really enviable, but then again, these two people are really well matched, standing together makes people feel a lot of comfort."

Lu Hao pulled the corner of his mouth. Su smoke was not here. He didn't have to pretend his temper. He didn't have any smile on his face. He said: "I still have to leave beforehand."

Even if he didn't think about what to do, even if the love for that person could only be hidden in his heart, he couldn't bear to hear such words from the surrounding population.

He did not want to hear the name of the person associated with Jiang Jingchuan.

I don't want to hear people say how good the relationship between them is.

Even in the aspect of feelings, he is a thorough coward, and he does not want to be stimulated again and again.

Maybe he really shouldn't come again, Lu Hao thinks like this.

From small to large, he always only took the right path, never only did the right thing in the eyes of the people, and finally got what he wanted. He didn't want to fall short.

Lu Hao came to this moment to understand that in fact, when the bad boy is the most happy, the bad guy is also the most comfortable.

However, after being a good boy for so many years, he has no choice but to choose to be a bad person.

"Then you go slowly." Zhou Hao looked up at him and looked at him. "Let, thank you for the food you brought."

Lu Hao nodded and turned and left.

Zhou Wei continued to eat something if nothing had happened, and whispered a whisper, "Why?"

She and Lu Hao also know each other for a while. Before Suyan came, he rarely came over. Even the phone was rarely played. At first she thought that Lu Hao was interesting to another sister. After careful observation, she found that it was not This way.

If he is interested in the girl, he will at least show some emotions. However, he does not. There are three people in the studio. Who can make people like Lu Hao suppress?

It can only be a smoke.

She is a bystander who can see how good the relationship between Suyan and her husband is. These two people will not be separated at all, and Lu Yan has no chance at all.

Why bother.

It’s just that Lu Yan doesn’t break, she can’t break it. This is the rule of adults. She can only pretend that she doesn’t know anything, and at most she can only remind Lu Hao as she just did.

To put it bluntly, she can't tell Su Yan about such a thing, she can only be an uninformed person.

It’s a very interesting place to play a parting or reunion every day at the airport. It’s no wonder that there are always some bridges in the TV series that are chasing at the airport.

Thinking that Jiang Jingchuan could not be seen for the next week, Su Yan’s heart inevitably raised a kind of loss. What she must admit is that in this era, her closest person is Jiang Jingchuan.

Even in the harem for many years, she has experienced many battles. Rather than saying that she is the winner, it is better to say that she is the lucky one who has been protected. The heart is still soft, and she will be touched by the true feelings of others. In fact, this feeling Not bad, if you really become a cold-hearted person, life is actually no fun.

For the first time, Jiang Jingchuan was a little impatient with his work. At the stage of warming up, he actually had to be separated from her for a week. How could he be crazy?

He turned his head and said to the assistant: "You need to go to the bathroom."

The assistant IQ is high, and the emotional intelligence is slightly below the average level. He stunned, "Jiang always..."

I don't have an urgency, I don't really want to go to the bathroom.

Jiang Jingchuan smiled and interrupted him: "You need it."

... well, the boss said that he needs it, the assistant can only turn around and look for the bathroom.

When the assistant left, Jiang Jingchuan couldn't wait to hold Su Yan in his arms, kissed her hair and sighed. "I want to reduce the number of business trips in the future."

Is this what a boss should say? Su smoked his belly, but his body was honest. She returned to Jiang Jingchuan and gave a low voice. "It doesn't matter. When I am busy, I will be free again. As long as you don't bother me, you will travel afterwards." I can stay with you too."

Feelings come out overnight, and Su Yan understands this truth.

"Where will I be bothered by you, don't rely on me." Jiang Jingchuan whispered.

Su Yan held him, and Yu Guang looked at the people coming and going to the airport. He could not help but ask: "What are you thinking about now?"

At this moment, she had an incredible idea, and she wanted to sneak into Jiang Jingchuan's mind to see what he was thinking all day.

Such an idea, such an experience has never been seen before, even Su Yan did not notice, how gentle the smile on her face.

Jiang Jingchuan thought about it for a moment and seriously said: "I am thinking, it is really comfortable to hold you."

This is the most practical feeling.

I am really comfortable and don't want to let go.

"Of course, I still want to think about one thing. I used to watch a TV show with my mother. The male and female protagonists also hugged at the airport, saying that some inexplicable people were numb. At that time, I only felt embarrassed, and I didn’t read it. The room is now, think about it, it’s not that the writer’s brain is in the water, it’s completely realistic.”

When he said this, Jiang Jingchuan was very glad that he was glad that they were hugging. She could not see his expression.

Yes, he blushed, so he didn't think he would say it one day.

Su Yan closed his eyes, and the nose was the smell of Jiang Jingchuan. "I will miss you."

All the words that come together are actually a meaning, that is, miss.

Jiang Jingchuan listened to this and his heart beat faster. He didn't understand why he was like this. He was a little excited. For the first time in his life, he hoped that the plane would be late, so he could stay with her for a while.

"Good at home, I will be back soon."


Jiang Jingchuan thought of Lu Hao again. He didn't know if Lu Hao would go to the studio in the future.

He is absolutely convinced that Su Yan will not have any feelings for Lu Hao. He also believes that Lu Hao will not really do anything. He can think that his wife may meet with a person who marries her for the next long time. Jiang Jingchuan is not good.

What makes people helpless is that he can't do anything, because no one can prove that Lu Hao has a thought on Su Yan. The most important thing is that even if it proves, the victim is actually Su Yan.

Once this matter he did not handle well, he was known by outsiders. Others would only guess whether Suyan had seduce Lu Hao. Jiang Jingchuan knew from the beginning that this society has brought more than one-and-a-half-point prejudice to women in many aspects.

Others can't control him, but he will never allow his wife to be taken lightly, and he will not give others such an opportunity.

"Is there anything wrong with me?" Su Yan remembered the words he had read before. Her husband traveled far and always wanted his wife to look after the family.

Jiang Jingchuan seriously thought about it and said, "Put a wedding ring."

In fact, just married with Suyan, he also wears a wedding ring. Although he feels a little troublesome, he thinks that expressing his married status on the necessary occasions can save him a lot of trouble. Later, he knows that Suyan After Shen Peiran's affairs, he did not wear it because she did not wear it. Just a while ago, Jiang Jingchuan re-appeared the wedding ring.

Su Yan looked black, "I know, I will wear it."

When I left for a while, in fact, there is not much to say on both sides. Su smoke is not used to such silence. She always feels silent. She can’t help but say that she has to go with him in the next second. Then you have to wear a wedding ring. If a strange woman calls you, do you know how to do it?"

"You still don't trust me?" Jiang Jingchuan was dumbfounded. From the beginning of his adulthood, he knew that he had the qualifications of the game. He was educated by his grandfather and his father from an early age. His self-control was extremely strong, at least in Jiang Jingchuan's view. If people can't control themselves in terms of women or their physical needs, and they use such reasons for indiscriminate communication, then they can't talk about self-control, and then they can easily let themselves go on other things.

The first thing that people learn when they are ignorant children is to exercise restraint.

For other people's toys, I like it, but I can't reach for it.

The candy given by a stranger, even if you are jealous, you can't open your mouth to eat.

Jiang Jingchuan consciously, in this respect, he is still qualified.

"I don't care, you can't chat with strange women anyway." In fact, Su Yan is also convinced that Jiang Jingchuan, if he is willing, I believe that many women are willing to line up to sign up for the third, but occasionally show that they are jealous or unreasonable. The side feels pretty good.

Jiang Jingchuan let go of her and touched her head like a child. "I know, there is a river lion at home, I always remember."

... you are only the river lion!

Su smoked his dissatisfaction and gave him a look.

"You shouldn't take care of strange men." What Jiang Jingchuan wants to say is, don't take care of Lu Hao, don't look at him, but the words have changed.

"I have never taken care of a strange man."

"Well, I hope you keep it."

Finally, she stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Unfortunately, she didn't know which plane Jiang Jingchuan was sitting on, and she couldn't see it. After staying there for a while, the driver still reminded her that she had returned. God came and left the airport.

Sitting in the car going back, she opened WeChat, wanted to say something to Jiang Jingchuan, and brushed the circle of friends.

Found just now, Jiang Jingchuan sent a circle of friends.

The attached photo was taken before, and Su Yan took a closer look at the photo to make sure he was stealing her.

She is wearing a mask on the sofa and playing with her mobile phone -

[I miss you very much. 】

Su Yan’s lips smiled and he liked it. After a while, several people commented on the following.

Yu Sheng: I am fucking, do not show your love for a day, are you not good at it?

Jiang Jingjing: I also want to fall in love! ! !

Qin Lan: ... the cold dog food is messed up in the mouth.

Qin Zeyu: Jiang always goes all the way, the flag is winning, and the horse is successful!

There was such an instant, Su Yan had a strange nod, and she felt that if she would like someone in her life, that person must be Jiang Jingchuan.

It’s really good to be with him, especially to relax.

Jiang Jingchuan has always been good to his subordinates. He is in the first class, and the assistant is also sitting.

The assistant has been with him for a few years, and the relationship between the two is OK. It can be said that things other than work can be said.

Jiang Jingchuan said with a smile: "When are you going to get married?"

The assistant was very surprised. After all, this was the first time Jiang Jingchuan asked him such a question. It was a bit like his relatives. The assistant also relaxed a lot of time. He smiled and said: "It may be years ago, if it is too late, wait. May Day, after all, there are holidays, friends and family also have time."

"Get married, let's do it. I will give you a few more holidays, so go out and have a good time."

The assistant was happy and said a few times, thank you Jiang Zong, watching Jiang Jingchuan feel good, and bravely said: "Jiang always, I envy you, the relationship with my wife is so good, I still don't know how to get married." Can't be like you."

“Do you need me to teach you some tips?”

"That would be great." The assistant said this, in fact, his heart is also vomiting, he and his girlfriend have been together for several years, the feelings are good enough to fly, Jiang always should need him to teach secrets.

"The first secret is to keep distance from other women. The three sentences are reduced to one sentence. Of course, it is best to not speak."

The assistant nodded in teaching, thinking, if he did not keep a distance from other women, can he still live to the present? Ha ha.

"The second secret is to be nice to her, don't lose her temper."

Just when the assistant thought that this was listening to the textbook teaching, Jiang Jingchuan looked out the window and sighed: "The mood of the person is easily affected by the people around you. You are better for her. She is in a good mood, and you will follow. I feel good."

In fact, he also has a lot of troubles. The more he is in such a position, the more troubles he has, the more he is not at a height.

There are too many things inside the company and external things. He has to learn to deal with it and he has to learn to balance the parties.

When he lives alone, the bad mood can be taken home. Anyway, it can't affect others. After he is with Suyan, he learns to leave all the unpleasantness of his work at the moment he leaves the company. Throw it aside, this is not his noble, or he loves her more.

Because he firmly believes that he has his troubles, and she is the same. When he vents his bad mood, his troubles will not be alleviated, but he will increase her troubles.

It is precisely because of this that he is not willing to show her any negative emotions, whether he is at work or Lu Yan, this is not what she should bear.

It is not that he is protecting her from the troubles of the outside world. Some of her troubles are also digested by her own. It is not the trouble she should bear, that is, he should be shielded.

After Jiang Jingchuan left, there was a lot of time for Su Yan. Zhou Wei was like her promised. Everyday working hours were controlled by Su Yan himself. When Su Yan felt that her eyes were tired, she would leave the studio and run to Going shopping nearby, she took a fancy to a men's wallet. The price was a bit expensive. On several occasions, Suyan couldn't help but buy it, and finally she was restrained. She wanted to wait for her to get paid from Zhou Wei. I bought it again and gave it to Jiang Jingchuan. This was earned by her own hands and had different meanings.

She is not a heartless person. Jiang Jingchuan is as good as her, giving her the best life. When she gets her first salary, the person she first thinks of is also him.

The counter lady knows the smoke, she feels very strange, this woman does not look like a lack of money, whether it is the diamond ring or bracelet in the hand, or wearing, the price of a thing is more expensive than this wallet, how to just watch Don't buy it?

"Don't buy it today?" The counter lady's voice is very sweet. For this kind of look, it is the client of the rich, even if she only does not want to buy, but also give the highest degree of patience.

Su Yan shook his head and looked at the counter lady. "I may take more than a month to buy it." She paused and looked at the wallet in the counter, whispering: "I bought it by my own ability." he."

The counter lady smiled. "Well, I am waiting for you."

For the first time, Su Yan was so eager to finish his work quickly, and soon got the money, she could buy a gift for Jiang Jingchuan earlier.

Going home, lying in bed, Su Yan couldn't hold back, took out the paper and the pen and started planning to get what to do after getting the salary.

A lot of plans were made, and it was found that the money might not be enough. She looked at the list tangledly and finally drew a fork on the item that bought her own shoes.

At this moment, her mobile phone rang, prompting a WeChat message.

When I opened it, it was sent by Jiang Jingchuan.

Jiang Jingchuan: "Are you sleeping?"

Su Yan: "Not yet."

Jiang Jingchuan: "Fortunately, I didn't bring you here, the weather is very bad."

Su Yan looked at the phone, and finally bite his teeth and hit the word "I miss you" and then sent it over. He left the phone aside and was far away from the phone in the bed. If this is the case, you can reduce some shy emotions. .

I still don't know that WeChat has a retraction message, and she has never regretted it. She has never said such a straightforward statement on WeChat.

Ah, ah...

The phone rang a few times, she climbed up as if she was dead, trying to get the phone to take it, and opened it, his face was full of smiles.

Jiang Jingchuan: "I want to book a ticket and come back soon!"

Su Yan: "No, work hard, I will wait for you at home."

She rolled her pillow on the bed for two laps, and felt that it was best to go on.

She didn't want to think about what kind of feelings Jiang Jiangchuan had in the end, as long as she knew that she would always be with him.

Nothing to think about, do nothing, just like this is fine.

Jiang Jingchuan: "How is your work now?"

Su Yan: "Alright, I don't have to work for a long time every day. Zhou Wei is quite good."

Jiang Jingchuan took the mobile phone, frowned, hesitated for a while, and sent a message in the past: "Right, did you not say that you want to match the girl from Lu Yi and your studio? How is the situation?"

He can completely let people stare, but he doesn't want to do this. No matter what kind of mind Lu Yan is, no matter what Lu Hao does or does, he can't do it because it is a manifestation of distrust.

He prefers to know her current situation from Su Yankou.

Su Yan: "Mr. Lu has not come over these past few days. There is no progress at present, but the sister said, she did not think that she would be with Mr. Lu."

Looking at her, Mr. Lu, Jiang Jingchuan did not mention how comfortable he was.

Yes, he can only be Mr. Lu.

Then I thought about it again. Lu Yan is not a person without a sense of proportion. I guess I know what I know.

As long as Lu Yan did not go to see his wife, Jiang Jingchuan decided not to marry him in the evening.

Jiang Jingchuan: "Are you sleeping well at night?"

Su Yan looked at this news and wanted to swear. She knew Jiang Jingchuan. If she said that she didn't sleep well, he must say something swearing again.

This is the case with people. Don’t look at how serious it is, but it’s especially dirty.

Su Yan: "When I sleep, I wake up naturally, very fragrant."

Jiang Jingchuan: "I am not sleeping when you are not there."

Su Yan: "It’s been a few days."

Jiang Jingchuan: "Well, I will bear it again."

This is the case...

Su Yan did not intend to return to the news, just pretended to fall asleep.

After a while, the phone rang again.

Jiang Jingchuan: "The days are counting and the days are over."

Jiang Jingchuan: "Reporting with the leaders, in the past two days, when there were women, I basically did not squint. Some people tried to talk to me, but failed."

Su smoked and laughed: "Do well."

She still underestimated the degree of shamelessness of Jiang Jingchuan.

Because he sent a message soon: "I am so embarrassed, should I reward me after I come back?"

Su Yan: "Well, reward you for one hundred."

Jiang Jingchuan: "I am not such a superficial person, not subject to money corrosion, please give me other rewards."

Su Yan first defeated: "You come back and say!"

Must you say this foul language on WeChat?

Jiang Jingchuan also knew that his wife was thin and did not continue to discuss this topic.

In the afternoon of the next day, after Su’s exhaustion, he would eat with Jiang Jingjing and prepare to watch a movie at night. The friendship between women is sometimes inexplicable. In short, I don’t know when it started, she and Jiang Jingjing. The feelings are very good, at least Jiang Jingjing is willing to tell her some emotional things.

"Xunzi, can you let my brother bring me something?" Jiang Jingjing took the hand of Su Yan.

"You can talk directly to your brother."

Jiang Jingjing spit out her tongue. "I am embarrassed to tell him, and I said that he does not necessarily bring it to me. You said that he will definitely bring it. This is the difference between a wife and a sister."

"Well, let me tell you, I will tell you at night."

"You are so good!" Jiang Jingjing didn't know what was going on. It was suddenly that Su Yan was a good person. He was also comfortable talking to her. I don't have to worry that she would tell her what she said. Really, shouldn’t you pay this kind of friend?

Soon after I arrived at the restaurant door, Jiang Jingjing began to invite the work. "This restaurant is particularly good, and it is difficult to get a position. This is what I asked my classmates to help me. It is said to taste good."

Su Yan actually feels that it is the same everywhere, but since Jiang Jingjing said this, she can't be indifferent. "With you, you will always eat delicious food."

"There are delicious restaurants in the future. Let's come together again."

As soon as I entered the restaurant, I was taken by the waiter. I never imagined that I had come across Wang Siqi.

Wang Siqi is coming over a blind date. She is two years younger than Jiang Jingchuan. She has been stared at by her family since last year. She is only strong and has refused. However, this time she can’t push it, and her recent mood is not Very good, it is considered to be more energetic with myself, Jiang Jingchuan does not like her, and now she is hiding from her, she is not a person without self-esteem, I think, just see one side, if it feels good, let Jiang Jingchuan look at it for a while. .

The other party is a returnee. Although the family business is not as good as Jiang’s, it is okay, and because it is an only child, this returning country was stared at by Wang Siqi’s family.

After several contacts, the two made this blind date.

Wang Siqi’s blind date is still with some temperament. After seeing the other party, this anger will disappear, because the other party looks pretty good. In the face of a handsome guy, Wang Siqi can’t keep his face black.

The returnees are very gentlemanly, and they also take care of her feelings in the chat. They are very funny. In short, Wang Siqi gradually thinks this is a pleasant dinner.

When she knew that the dinner was not over, she saw the smoke, and suddenly she smiled.

No matter what happened before, they both met and saw each other. They couldn’t pretend not to see it, not to mention Jiang Jingjing.

Wang Siqi always felt that she only lost to Suyan in appearance, and in all other aspects, she directly crushed her.

Even if she is jealous again, she will not lose to such a small family in the manner of temperament.

Thinking of this, Wang Siqi stood up with a smile, and smiled and smiled.

Jiang Jingjing also saw Wang Siqi, and went with Suyan. "Thinking chess sister, how are you here?"

Wang Siqi did not directly answer Jiang Jingjing’s question, but said to Su Yan: “Miss Su, it’s so good.”

Su Yan smiled slightly, "Miss Wang."

Jiang Jingjing looked at the returnee again, and rushed Wang Siqi’s eyebrows and smiled and said: “Thinking chess sister, is this your boyfriend?”

Wang Siqi was in a tight heart. When he just wanted to explain, the returnees also stood up. Very gentleman’s hand reached out to Su Yan. “No, I am just an ordinary friend with Miss Wang.”

After saying this, he continued: "Hello, my name is Song Yuan."

Su Yan didn't want to shake hands with him at all, but knowing that it would be rude to not hold a hand and say hello at this time, she reached out and gently grasped Song Yuan's hand and let go quickly. "Hello."

Song Yuan also shook hands with Jiang Jingjing.

Su Yan took Jiang Jingjing's hand and smiled at Wang Siqi and Song Yuan. "We will not bother you, let go first."

Wang Siqi reluctantly smiled.

After Su Yan and Jiang Jingjing left, she sat down and looked up. She almost didn't blow up. Song Yuan stood still and stared at the direction they left, and she didn't keep up.

Fortunately, Song Yuan soon returned to God, sorry for Wang Siqi, and sat down.

"The two ladies just were your friends?" Song Yuan paused and asked.

Wang Siqi’s tone was also a bit cold, “not a friend.”

Song Yuan stayed abroad for many years. His thoughts were straightforward and simple. He thought for a moment and said to Wang Siqi: "Miss Wang, although it is rude to say this, I think it is more impolite to conceal, I have no intention of blind date. But chatting with Miss Wang is very happy, I think we can be good friends, what do you think?"

After listening to this, Wang Siqi did not know whether it was lost or relaxed. She smiled and nodded.

Of course, she didn't even think about dating.

Song Yuan is like a sigh of relief. "Miss Wang, I am very glad that we reached a consensus, then..." He paused. "Can you tell me what the name of the lady just called?"

Wang Siqi.

"It is the lady in a red dress." Song Yuan looked forward to Wang Siqi.

Wearing a red skirt is Su Yan, Wang Siqi almost gasped a back.

Jiang Jingchuan doesn't like her, can, but in front of the blind date, she also has her own pride, she can't look at him, can, he actually didn't look at her, but liked Suyan?

How can this not make people angry?

After Wang Siqi calmed down, there was a sorrow in her heart. She looked at Song Yuan and asked, "Do you like her?"

Song Yuan is no longer as wise and calm as it was just now, but he is somewhat embarrassed, but still nodded honestly. "I think this is love at first sight."

The **** at first sight!

It’s just to see the color!

Wang Siqi’s inner grief is not known. She asked herself how long she looks. Why do two or two like Suyan? Because Su smoke is better than her?

“Is it because she looks beautiful?”

Wang Siqi glanced at the red wine glass. She thought that if Song Yuan nodded, she wouldn't help but splash his face with red wine.

Hold back!

Hold back! !

Song Yuan nodded and shook his head. "She is really beautiful, but more beautiful is temperament."

Wang Siqi really wants to suggest that Song Yuan go to see the ophthalmology and brain science. She looks at the eyes that Song Yuan expects and slowly says: "I think you have to fall in love because she is married."

Looking at Song Yuan's incredible look, Wang Siqi made a heartfelt pleasure.

This evening, she is not happy, can't anyone accompany her?

She knew that she should tell Song Yuansu's news, and even told him that Su Yan's marriage was not happy, and then Song Yuan went to pursue her. It is best to make Su Yan and Jiang Jingchuan incomparable.

She should be like this, but she is going to be unhappy with her now! immediately! It is now!

Let her not be happy, don't think too much.

Song Yuan’s eyes faded. When Wang Siqi thought that he would continue this way, Song Yuan regained his previous smile. “It’s a pity, but it doesn’t matter, I think she should be very happy.”

"How do you say?" Wang Siqi asked subconsciously.

"She gives a very comfortable feeling. It is a good thing for a person to be happy. If she is married, then forget it."

Wang Siqi pretended to smile inadvertently: "I thought you would say that she wouldn't give up even if she was married."

Song Yuan looked at Wang Siqi with some doubts and said: "She has a partner, I should wish her happiness."

Wang Siqi smiled and did not speak, but the next chat with Song Yuan could no longer be interested.

Jiang Jingjing used to know that Wang Siqi likes his brother. This is a very strange thing. Usually, if a girl likes a person and is a woman, it is always easy to see it.

She used to know her brother, but she didn't say it.

A few days ago, my mother took her brother to chat in the room. When she passed, she heard a few words, which seemed to be related to Wang Siqi.

Jiang Jingjing is still somewhat interested in this matter. She asked Jiang mother, Jiang Mama naturally would not say anything specifically, but Jiang Jingjing still heard some news.

She also saw it just now. Wang Siqi seemed to have a little bit of hostility towards her nephew. Although she was hidden, she still couldn’t beat her.

Jiang Jingjing looked up and looked at the Sue, who was sitting on the opposite side of the mouth, and had a thought in her heart.

She took out her mobile phone and sent a picture to Jiang Jingchuan. "Brother, help me bring this, okay?"

After a while, Jiang Jingchuan sent a message: "It may not be available."


Jiang Jingjing snorted: "I was eating with my nephew. I just met Sijie in the restaurant. According to my speculation, she is blind date."

Soon, Jiang Jingchuan returned the message: "What do you want?"

Jiang Jingjing sighed in her heart. 2k novel reading network

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