MTL - You Look Like You’re Made of Money-Chapter 41

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When Su Yan walked out of the building, he saw Jiang Jingchuan’s car parked on the side. She quickly walked over. If she knew that she had just opened the door, Jiang Jingchuan said to her: “Smoke, I am a little thirsty now, you go to the trunk to help me. Take the bottle of water."

"...Oh." Su Yan put the bag on the passenger seat and walked over to the trunk.

A little force opened the trunk, but before I came back, I saw a large bouquet of roses lying inside, wrapped in the old cowhide newspaper, and Su Yan looked at the scene.

Jiang Jingchuan saw that Su smoke did not respond for a long time. He quickly got off the bus and walked to the side of Su Yan. He grabbed her shoulder and smiled. "I just found that I have never given flowers to you before passing the flower shop. I will give you up today. It is also a celebration of your first job."

In his lifetime, Jiang Jingchuan had only sent his mother's carnations, but he still let the assistants buy them. Today, he passed by the flower shop and watched a boy holding a bunch of flowers. The smile on his face could not be concealed. Suddenly, I found that I never sent flowers to Su Yan. I didn’t even think about him, I got off the bus and bought a bunch of roses. Then I learned the bridge that I saw in the movie and hid the roses. In the trunk, as long as she opens it can be seen.

Su Yan holding a rose, looking up at Jiang Jingchuan, his heart has never been shy, boring: "You found that you have never given me a surprise."

She also saw on TV that the heroine always wants to send flowers to the heroine. This scene has only been repeated in my mind, and I have not put it in my heart. I can see such a bunch of roses when I see it myself. When it appears in front of the eyes, Su smoke is like a heroine, shy and not knowing.

It’s not the same thing that the two stood in front of the building. Jiang Jingchuan took the Suyan on the bus. When he closed the door, he raised his hand and asked for mercy: "I have not seen a few TV series, and I have never seen a movie. I don't know that pursuing a person to send flowers, to bring her to eat delicious, to take her to the movies, right, and travel, I am a novice, give me time?"

In his 28-year life, except for his ignorant childhood, he was a non-stop student. He was a passive recipient of a short-lived relationship, but it didn’t matter. Even if he was a 28-year-old, he could Slowly learn from scratch, isn't it?

Su Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "You are chasing me? Are you sure? You haven't chased me, I will marry you."

"Hey, I feel your resentment." Jiang Jingchuan looked at Su Yan from the side, and the big bouquet of roses lining her white face was more delicate and charming. No wonder women like it. It is really beautiful. "I am indeed Chasing you, otherwise I can take you to the movie with the money to buy roses, isn't it more practical?"

Rather than saying that he is a couple with Su Yan, it is better to say that he is a couple. He did not seriously talk about love. Now he tastes the taste of love, like the first time he eats sugar, why he refuses to let go.

"I regret it." Jiang Jingchuan suddenly said with a sullen mood.

His mood changed too fast, and he was very happy at first. He didn't know what to think at the moment, and his brows were wrinkled.


"We still don't want the baby so quickly. After we have the baby, we are not the world of two people. Now think about it, I am still young, and I can wait a few years." Jiang Jingchuan said that he simply talked to himself, "Yes. It’s still a few years later, I didn’t particularly want to be a father.”

Su Yan was very helpless, and he couldn't wait to pick up the rose to hit his head. She finally made up her mind to prepare to have a baby. Jiang Jingchuan now said that it wouldn't matter if it was a few years later.

How can you not be crazy?

"...oh." She decided to ignore Jiang Jingchuan's whim at the moment.

I can't say that tomorrow he regrets again.

"Right, I forgot to tell you something. I am going to London on business next week. I will probably stay there for a week or so. I originally wanted to take you with you, but you are busy now." In the past, Jiang Jingchuan also traveled a lot. At that time, he didn’t feel anything. He just changed to a place to sleep. Now there is still a week, but he has already lost some of it. He wants to bring Su smoke.

“Business trip?” Su Yan wants to follow Jiang Jingchuan to look outside, but when she thinks about the promise of Zhou Wei, her expression is somewhat lost. “Oh, yes, I’ve almost forgotten this, you know Zhou Wei’s this time. Who is the customer? You absolutely can't think of it!"

"Who, is the person I know?"

"Yes, it’s Lu Hao. I was shocked when I saw him. You said how the world is so small. This time he gave his grandfather the ceramic exhibition." Suyan is not a person who believes in coincidence, once It’s a coincidence that twice and three times it’s not that she doesn’t want too much.

Jiang Jingchuan is slightly different: "No wonder he just called to see me, so smart?"

"Jingchuan, I don't quite understand the things in your business, but I heard you said that Lu Hao is not in a good position now, right?" This is the vigilance cultivated in the harem, people and people If there is interest involved, then a similar coincidence is doubtful.

Jiang Jingchuan nodded, and he was serious and serious. "It is true that Master Chen is taking a fancy to his ability. In fact, people with a clear eye can see that Lu Hao is a superficial scenery. Actually, he is also being defended. If he is not good at listening, This old man is not so good for a few years. If he lived for a few more years, Lu Hao’s life would not be better. Of course, Lu Hao knew in his own heart that he would definitely find a way to really control Chen’s.

Don't say what grandson is not a grandson. In some older generations, as long as they don't have a surname with themselves, they are all outsiders. Chen’s father has no way to give Chen to Lu, but this is a long-term It is still temporary and it is not known.

Su Yan carefully looked at Jiang Jingchuan and said: "Look, the last time I met Lu Jiaying, it was a matter of two years ago. It was already very clever. As a result, Lu Hao was actually Lu Jiaying's cousin, that time. It can be said that it is a coincidence. This time, the city of A is so big. The people who have been connected with me twice are Lu Hao. I really can’t think of it as a coincidence. Jingchuan, I can’t help the company’s business. You are busy, but you can't drag your hind legs. If there is a problem, I will tell Zhou Wei that I am not going."

Regardless of her feelings for Jiang Jingchuan, she and her husband and wife are on the same boat, no matter when, she has to unite with him.

Even if she defaulted, even if she lost her letter to Zhou Wei, she did not want to bring unnecessary trouble to Jiang Jingchuan.

Jiang Jingchuan is still very pleased that Suyan can have such a consciousness. He touched his hand and touched her head. Wen said: "It’s not as serious as you think. It’s not so bad. It’s not surprising that Lu Hao really has this kind of mind. If I want to do this, I will do the same. The two groups rely on the interests as a link. Lu Hao is a good person. He also has his own business. If you really cooperate with him, Nothing."

He paused, and this time there was more ridicule in the tone. "Again, you don't believe me so much? Rest assured, I have a sense of concentration in my heart."

Su Yan still thinks that the mall is too simple. He also thinks that Lu Hao is too simple. One day, he really got on the line with Lu Hao and became a partner. That is also the premise that Lu Hao can bring benefits to Jiang. under.

"And, I think this is really a coincidence and an accident." Jiang Jingchuan made a sound, Lu Hao is not such a person, at least if he really wants to do something, it must be dripping, not to make such a clear coincidence. .

Su Yan flat mouth: "I know, you mean I think too much."

After Jiang Jingchuan's analysis, she felt that she had not yet jumped out of her original thinking. She always took the set in the harem to think of others. In the end, the horizon was too limited.

"No, no, if you have something that doesn't feel right, you can talk to me directly. No one has reminded me of this before. It really is a wife's intimacy." Jiang Jingchuan felt that this was a very novel experience.

In the past, the relationship between the company was complicated. He was just a person who was bored and thought about it. Now there is more people discussing it with him. If you don’t say anything else, you still feel very relaxed.

The two came to Jiangzhai. As usual, Jiang Laotai went out to fish with Mrs. Jiang, and has not returned yet.

When Jiang Jingchuan came over, he was called into the study by Jiang Dad, saying that he was asking the company.

Jiang mother asked the kitchen aunt to come up with a bowl of sugar candy bird's nest, to the Su flue: "I know you are coming today, I let the aunt stew this, the taste is OK, you try."

When Su Yanxiao’s mouth was drinking bird’s nest, Jiang’s mother asked: “Before listening to Ogawa, you came back early this time and it’s a family accident. Is it solved now?”

"Well, it's okay." Su Shi's divorce is basically ruthless. It is estimated that it is going to be a little bit of time. During this period, Su Yan and Jiang Jingchuan are not planning to participate.

If you run into the best, you can withdraw and withdraw. Just like Su Yan and Jiang Jingchuan, you can't withdraw and stick to the scalp.

All in all, Su Yan was decided. As of Su Shi’s divorce, she did not intend to blend in.

"It’s okay, I’ve heard Xiaochuan say something. On this matter, your family is quite wise. Now the divorce is the best for your cousin. What do you need to help you directly with Ogawa? Say, don't be polite, after all, this is a family, we can help you."

Su Yan listened to Jiang’s mother saying that these words were still very playful. She always thought of Jiang Jingchuan’s saying that Jiang’s mother likes to read romance novels and does not like to watch comedy.

"Well, thank you mom." Su Yan quickly bowed his head and continued to drink bird's nest.

When Jiang Jingchuan came out of the study room, Jiang Mama hurriedly took him to the room to chat. When the door was closed, she looked at the confused river Jingchuan, whispered: "The last time I was inconvenient on the phone, Xiaochuan Some time ago, when you went to travel with Xiaoyan, the girl from the Wang family came and said that it was to send me a car, but what I said was really enough, you have to be careful."

Jiang Jingchuan was awkward and didn't know about it.

"Ogawa, you remember, no matter how unpleasant you have been with Xiaoyan before, she is still your wife. I know that you don't mean anything to the Wang family girl, but you should pay attention to it later." Jiang Mama is not planning. Mixing his son with his daughter-in-law, but she feels that she should remind her son that if she knows that the other person is interesting to herself and she is impossible with her, how far is it to be far away, don’t pull anything For reasons that are not for your own sake, that is nonsense.

This is a husband, as long as the comfort of his wife is enough, other women are happy or unhappy, do not belong to their own.

"Mom, I know." Jiang Jingchuan was also a little angry. He felt that he and Wang Siqi had already made it clear enough. How did she still look like this?

Do you want him to report? Do you have to be so happy?

"Ogawa, at this point, my mother believes in you, but you remember a little, this woman, don't look at how smart it is, really don't have much fun, you remember, This kind of thing shouldn't be solved by your wife. It's not her trouble. If she is not happy because of the Wang family girl, don't say she is unreasonable, because you didn't handle it yourself."

Jiang Jingchuan listened and nodded. "I know, Mom, thank you."

When I saw my son, I knew that he was listening. Jiang’s mother breathed a sigh of relief. “You live with Xiaoyan. I feel that this child’s heart is not bad, and his character is not bad. Let’s take care of her.”

Su Yan was sitting in the living room watching TV. At this time, Jiang Dad came down from the upstairs and looked at her. Some unnaturally said: "Smoke, I listened to Xiaochuan, the words in his office are you writing?"

This is the first time that the father-in-law has said so much to himself, and Su-Shan is somewhat flattered.

She basically has nothing to say to her father-in-law. Of course, there is nothing to say. Every time I meet, the father-in-law nods to himself and usually does not say anything.

This is the most common portrayal of the relationship between the father-in-law and the daughter-in-law.

"Well, yes." Su Yan still heard the suspicion in Jiang Dad's tone.

It is estimated that she did not believe that the word was written by her. She thought that his son was bragging.

When Jiang Dad heard this answer, he was silent for a moment and said: "The word is good."

Then there was nothing to say. When he was squatting, Jiang Jingchuan and Jiang’s mother went downstairs, and the atmosphere finally eased.

Until the meal, Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang did not come back. They called and asked the driver. The driver said that the two old men were on the rise and they were here.

There are no two old people present, Jiang Daddy Jiang mother is not a lot of people, only Jiang Jingjing is constantly talking at the dinner table.

Perhaps because of the last time I went shopping together, the relationship between Su Yan and Jiang Jingjing also moved closer to friends. After dinner, Jiang Jingjing took Su Yan to the room to whisper.

Jiang Jingjing’s whispers are all around a man, a male number four who has painted a face in a TV series.

Su Yan looked at the photos of the 18-line male artist, and then looked at Jiang Jingjing, and asked with difficulty: "Jingjing, what do you like about him?"

It looks very general, at least she doesn't see any attraction.

Jiang Jingjing widened his eyes. "You didn't watch the TV show. The character he played was very infatuated and handsome. He knew that the supporting actress didn't like him. He was still so good to her and helped her to do bad things. ”

Oh, understand, dare to love that character, not like this person.

"You like it." Su Yan did not think about breaking the reality, nor did he think about what class to take with Jiang Jingjing. This is what she likes. The most taboo thing is to disdain people or things that others like.

"I asked people to help him with his WeChat. We talked very happily these days. He said that after the crew had finished killing, they would come back and invite me to dinner." Jiang Jingjing, no matter how common he is, is still full. The girl’s heart, when she said this, her ears were a little red.

Su Yan is found, Jiang, this brother and sister, looking very smart and very rational, in fact, in terms of feelings, are rookies.

She did not ask Jiang Jingjing, the 18-line male artist knew that she was Miss Jiang Jia, because it was meaningless.

In fact, few people are in this environment. Jiang Jingjing is also, don't look at her innocent words now, in fact, my heart is clear.

Whether others are genuine or false, she believes that Jiang Jingjing can be distinguished, and this is not something she has to worry about.

At this moment, Jiang Jingjing’s cell phone rang, and she did not evade Suyan. She was all fluent in English.

Su Yan listened at the side and couldn't help but groan. She suddenly thought that Jiang Jingchuan said that she was going to London for a business trip. She knew that he was going abroad, and thought that on the island last time, Jiang Jingchuan was communicating with others in English.

She doesn't know if others will feel like this. In short, she has it.

Whether she loves Jiang Jingchuan or not, in the face of such a man, she also has some desires in her heart. She knows that she can't chase him in her career, but she doesn't want to lose to him or lose to what she can do. other people.

In the studio, Zhou Xiao and the little girl will also speak a few words of English when answering the phone. Jiang Jingjing will also, Jiang Jingchuan will also, will it be that the people around her will do this, only she does not Will it?

She will now pinyin, will use the mobile phone, will also send friends circle, but occasionally look at the feast of this era, she still has an unreal feeling.

From an early age, she knew that people's confidence and self-confidence came from what they had.

She couldn't help but imagine a scene. She followed Jiang Jingchuan to London, where he said, if he was busy, or when someone spoke to her in such a language, how embarrassing should she be?

People, no matter what time you can't live too peacefully.

Su Yan almost immediately made up his mind in the heart, she will also have this, at least the people here will generally have the same thing, she has to learn the same.

After leaving the old house, Su Yan was still thinking about this matter. He didn't say anything along the way. Jiang Jingchuan thought about what his mother said. He took the initiative to break the silence: "How can I not speak?"

"Ah..." Su Yan came back to God and immediately thought of a topic. He smiled and asked: "I just thought, Dad seems to be very surprised that I will write a brush, are you telling him?"

"When we went to travel, he went to Jiang and went to my office. I was very interested in the words you wrote. I called this to the study today and I asked this. I guess he wants to grab it. I told him that this was what you wrote, and he didn’t talk.” When talking about this, Jiang Jingchuan’s tone was full of joy. “My dad learned calligraphy when he was a child, but his words are not good, then he Write less, today I know that the word is written by you, it is estimated that one and a half will not return to God."

"So, do I have to write a few words for my father?" Su smoke asked.

"No, he hasn't been able to face it. He has been practicing for so many years. The result is that you haven't written a small girl. He is very depressed." Jiang Jingchuan's tone is full of gloating, others don't know, he knows My father has some opinions on Su Yan, so Jiang Jingchuan is happy to see his father's surprise.

Su Yan knows that Jiang Jingchuan is exaggerated. Although her words are not bad, they are not very good. It is just that the emperor always likes to practice her words with her, and he has been pointed a few times. This has made progress.

But no matter what, my heart is still very happy.

Even if she can't match the people here in other aspects, but with her qualifications, I believe that it will catch up soon.

When the car was halfway open, Jiang Jingchuan suddenly said: "Would you like to go to the apartment I used to live in?"

Xishan Villa is his wedding room with her, but after he got married, he rarely stayed there overnight. Even if he stayed overnight, he would stay in the room for one night. Most of the time, Jiang Jingchuan lived in his apartment. He didn't go in and lived for a while, but his apartment was in this one. He was raised with Su Yan on the rise.

Su Yan naturally has no opinions. She also knows that Jiang Jingchuan lives outside after marriage and she is really curious about his residence.

Soon I arrived at the apartment where Jiang Jingchuan is located. The location is good. It is a high-priced apartment.

The ** here is doing a good job. You have to brush the card to get in and out of the community. After Jiang Jingchuan stopped the car, he said to Suyan: "In fact, this house has lived several stars, I have seen it before."

The interior of the community is very quiet, the greening is done very well, I don't know if I think I am visiting the park.

She followed Jiang Jingchuan into a building, got on the elevator, and soon arrived at his apartment. Jiang Jingchuan pressed the password and the door opened.

The house is not very big, two rooms and one living room, there is a large balcony, one room is the bedroom, one room is the study room. In short, it is very comfortable to live alone. It is no wonder that Jiang Jingchuan was willing to live here before.

The decoration is simple, there is no extra furniture, and the house looks particularly bright.

Jiang Jingchuan opened the big fridge and asked, "What do you want to drink?"

“What?” Su Yan walked over and saw only the mineral water in the refrigerator, and asked a black line.

Does she have any other choices?

"...only mineral water."

A few minutes later, Jiang Jingchuan and Su Yan sat on the chairs in the balcony and chatted, and the atmosphere was just right.

“What does it feel like to live alone?” Su smoke suddenly asked.

"Nothing to feel." Jiang Jingchuan paused and smiled and said: "Of course, let me live here alone, I refused."

I used to like to be quiet. I came back here after work. I still work, no one bothers him. He can concentrate on his work.

However, now that he is returning to a person's life, he absolutely refuses.

"Right, or will we live here today?" Jiang Jingchuan thought about it.

Su Yan a sigh, "Do you have makeup remover here?"

"Hey, what?"

“Is there a facial cleanser, skin care products and eye cream?”


“Is there a creamy liquid foundation lipstick?”


Jiang Jingchuan looked arrogant, and Su Yan got up and smiled slightly: "Then I refused to stay here overnight."

She came to this era, the fastest learning is makeup, no skin care products without makeup remover, no makeup, let her spend a night here? Just kidding.

Jiang Jingchuan, who increasingly felt that women were the metaphysical scholars, only quietly followed the pace of his wife and adults and left the apartment.

Before Jiang Jingchuan was on a business trip, he met with Yan Sheng, and for nothing else, he was afraid that Wang Siqi had another moth, and asked him to help him. If Wang Siqi went to Suyan, he didn’t know what to say. The unlucky person must still be him.

This kind of rotten peach Jiang Jingchuan really didn't want it. He didn't have encountered a similar situation before, but other girls are different from Wang Siqi. As long as he adheres to the principle of unreasonable, after a while, those girls will not Will find him.

Wang Siqi, obviously knows that he is married, and he has come together again and again. He is not sure that it will not work according to the previous practice.

Yan Sheng heard the words and snorted. "When I say something, she is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I have opened my eyes."

"I really have no choice. Now she is calling me with a message. I don't want to go back. I can't let her talk to her for three days, so that she doesn't have any other thoughts about me?"

"Don't, really want to do this, it's really like her wish, she wants you to contact her a lot, now I only hope that under your cold treatment, she can figure it out as soon as possible." "Get it, don't say her, say she has a headache."

His dislike of Wang Siqi is not a day or two. If Jiang Jingchuan has other methods, he will not find Yu Sheng.

But what can a man do to a woman? It’s all said, and it’s broken. Now it’s only a precaution.

"How are you doing with Suyan? Really, you and me have a thorough understanding, I am not prepared to meet my niece." Yu Sheng and Jiang Jingchuan are really brothers, they all like daughters, they have no sons at all. Think about it here.

"Not so fast." Faced with friends, Jiang Jingchuan did not think about hiding. "I am not in a hurry to ask for a child, let me talk about it later."

Yan Sheng was somewhat disappointed. His brother in a circle was settled by Jiang Jingchuan. He thought that it would be rare for him to have a beautiful and delicate prostitute as soon as possible.

"Your parents didn't remind you? Got it, I am not married now. My mom is playing cards and seeing other people say grandchildren, and my eyes are red. I don't dare to go to my mother during this time. I am afraid of the mother. I have no bones in my body." Yu Sheng is an unmarried person. It was very difficult for Jiang Jingchuan to step into the grave so easily. Of course, he did not tell his aunt to listen to his aunt. If you can't, you must cut him with a knife.

Jiang Jingchuan glanced at him. "This is my own business. It is useless."

"Tell you a bad news, my mom arranged a blind date for me, I am ready to run, just because you are not going to London for a business trip, take me with me, I will pay for myself."

Jiang Jingchuan carefully measured the enthusiasm and said slowly: "Yu Sheng, some things should be put down and put down."

He Sheng listened to this and slowly condensed the cynical smile on his face and shook his head. "You don't understand."

In fact, Yu Sheng was not like this before. He also had a beloved girl. He didn’t know how to cherish when he was young. He used a wrong way to love someone. He thought he was particularly noble. Finally, the girl was desperate and desperate to leave her hometown. I couldn't find her all over the place I could find.

"I didn't say that you must start a new life. It's just that you are not going to do this. Are you still looking for her?" The men rarely mention each other's feelings. Jiang Jingchuan is just from the details. I can see that Yu Sheng is still obsessed.

Yu Sheng was silent for a moment and said: "I can't find it. Sometimes I suspect she is dead."

Another silence, Jiang Jingchuan is not good at comforting others, especially in terms of feelings.

"Even if I am dead, I will also see her tombstone." Yu Sheng regained his former appearance and drank a glass of wine. "So, cherish the smoke, you can find a favorite in your life." It's easy."

Jiang Jingchuan nodded seriously.

In fact, among a few brothers, only his feelings are relatively smooth. He just looked at these people because some of them did not torture each other, and the original simple feelings became so complicated. Because of this, he strives to simplify everything with Su Yan.

Be careful not to hurt other things, be emotional, treat your lover with care, then don't blame love for tormenting you.

Therefore, he does not care about Shen Pei-ran, regardless of her previous attitude, just because he knows what he wants.

Grandpa and Dad taught him from an early age, knowing what he wants is the first step to success.

When he was talking, Yan Sheng’s cell phone rang. After he took a call, he said to Jiang Jingchuan: “When you wait for the sixth, don’t you mind?”

The sixth is a nickname, and Jiang Jingchuan can't remember what his name is.

I only know that he has a good relationship with Yu Sheng. The old family used to have a very good family. Otherwise, he wouldn’t know him. He just heard that after some things, the old six collapsed, and people admire the old six. I didn’t get a break from it. Instead, I started from scratch and started a small company. It’s getting better every day.

The old sixth came soon, and Sheng Sheng smashed him and smiled and said: "Where did you die in these days? I didn't even see the personal image."

"Hey, Jiang is always here, can you give me some face?" The sixth father sneaked into the singer and greeted Jiang Jingchuan.

After sitting down, the sixth child said to Yu Shengdao: "These days are busy doing business, you know Lu Hao, I want to work with him on a project."

Yu Sheng refers to Jiang Jingchuan, "Lu Hao? Jingchuan, do you know?"

Jiang Jingchuan beheaded: "I used to be a classmate abroad."

The sixth is not surprising that Jiang Jingchuan will know Lu Hao, so that Jiang Jingchuan is comfortable. The sixth child did not say that he would help him to take the line. Think about it. The friends recognized by Yu Sheng are no problem in terms of character.

"I recently married him in a strong bar." The sixth child ate a chopsticks dish and smiled and said: "Yesterday was finally catching up."

This is the place where Yu Sheng appreciates. It is obvious that the sixth child can do things through the contacts of Sheng Sheng, but he is not. He Sheng also asked him. The sixth is that business is business, friends are friends, can’t be confused, he I have never thought about asking a friend to help him.

Thinking of something, Lao Liu sighed and put down the chopsticks. "I didn't know what happened yesterday. It was a bit unpleasant. It seems that I have to work harder. You Sheng, you help me analyze and analyze, see what I should do next. what."

"You said."

"In fact, it is not a big deal. Yesterday, a group of people went to eat. The person next to Lu Yan accidentally spilled the wine on him. Originally, Lu Yan was not angry, but he took out a handkerchief and watched the handkerchief wet. At that time, my face was not good, and I also sent a small temper. You said that it is difficult for me to do this. Is it difficult for me to buy a handkerchief and give it to him?" The sixth is still voicing.

Jiang Jingchuan interrupted him: "What handkerchief is it?"

He still remembers that Su Yan told him that her handkerchief was embroidered at Zhou, and Zhou Hao took it to the client. Later, she said that she would get it back, and that customer was Lu Hao.

The old sixth did not expect that Jiang Jingchuan would ask such a question. After a moment, he became serious. "It is an ordinary handkerchief. It seems that there is still something to embroider. Anyway, Lu Hao is very concerned."

Yan Shengyi shrugged his shoulders in disappointment. "Don't be a girlfriend. You don't have to apologize for this. Otherwise, he seems to be careful. You have to ask him for dinner in two days. It is estimated that nothing will happen. It is."

Jiang Jingchuan glanced and his face sank. 2k novel reading network

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