MTL - You Look Like You’re Made of Money-Chapter 39

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White wall black tile, there are moss on the slate, Jiang Jingchuan took the key from the pocket, opened the door, turned his head and said to Suyan: "Come in, there are hours of work to clean up the other day, the house should be very clean." ”

Su Yan followed Jiang Jingchuan and went inside. There was a small yard in the yard. There was a grape vine stand on the side of the yard. There was a stone table and a stone bench under the shelf. The other side of the yard was planted with flowers and plants, probably because there was no one. Careful care, it looks very messy.

"I don't know why, this grapevine doesn't have grapes anymore. When I was young, every time I went to the summer, I obviously had a lot of grapes. It was strange to say that after my grandmother left, it would not bear grapes, no matter what. Nothing is useful." Jiang Jingchuan walked under the vines and recalled the funny things of childhood with Suyan.

For Jiang Jingchuan, this small yard is proof that he has had a carefree childhood.

In the summer, the iced watermelon, the sweet and sour grapes, and the grandmother's rose, this is the best summer in memory.

Su Yan noticed that there were traces of lettering on the wall of the yard, pointing to the black lines that were connected one above the other and asked: "What is this?"

Jiang Jingchuan looked at her in the sight of her, her ears were red, I don't know if she was shy or hot. This time his voice was a lot smaller. "The height line, my grandmother painted me."

Every time he came to his grandmother's house, the grandmother always let him lean against the wall, then she took a black charcoal stroke and smiled and touched his head and said that our Ogawa was growing taller.

"Come, come over." Su Yan took Jiang Jingchuan and asked him to lean against the wall and take the red exit from the bag. She tried to squat and draw a stroke on the wall. She smiled and said: "Okay, this It is the height of Mr. Jiang at the age of 28. It may be seen when the grandmother returns."

Su Yan is believed to have the existence of ghosts, and it is this unswerving belief that it can be strong in the Hougong.

She always believes that her family is accompanying her in another form, but she can't see them, it doesn't mean they disappear.

As long as she thinks this way, no matter what setbacks she encounters, no matter what grievances she encounters, she always feels that when she is crying, her mother and her mother are holding her on the side.

This will not feel lonely, nor will you feel that you are an orphan.

Jiang Jingchuan heard a sigh of relief and immediately licked her head and slowly said: "Well, so I will bring you here. Grandma will definitely feel that my vision is very good."

"It’s not that your eyes are good." Su Yan argued, "It is clear that my grandparents have a good eye and have chosen me as a granddaughter."

She is not so curious about the reasons for the favor of Jiang Laotai’s old lady. She can feel that the two old people are really good to her, which is enough.

Maybe it's another story in the past.

Jiang Jingchuan thought for a moment and thought that Su Yan said it right, and nodded his head. "It seems that I have to thank my grandparents very much. If they are not them, I will not touch you."

It’s a very strange feeling. Before a few months ago, he was still suffering from this marriage. I don’t know if it’s over. Now I’m not in the same mood. I even started to rejoice. I am glad that I married her and I am glad that I have been in the past 100 years. The goodness of the encounter, fortunately did not propose a divorce.

"I don't know if you are telling whether it is true or not. I don't know if it is perfunctory." Su Yan smiled in her heart. She knew that Jiang Jingchuan said it was true, but he and her should be thankful for the original, she did not Knowing that the original body is dead, or occupying another person's body as well as living with her, in any case, she is very grateful for the original Su smoke.

Jiang Jingchuan took her to the house and smiled. "I said it is true or not. Do you still don't know? I wouldn't have said it here. Maybe my grandmother is really looking at me. It’s too embarrassing, go home and tell you.”

This is a two-story building. The walls of the house are covered with ivy, and because it is in the innermost part of the alley, so in this hot summer, the house is very cool.

The furnishings in the room are very simple. Jiang Jingchuan took Suyan and sat on the bamboo bed in the hall. He took a bamboo bed that made a squeaking voice: "Do you have this in your house? In the summer, after eating, you have washed it. After the shower, the grandmother will move the bamboo bed to the yard. I will sit on it and watch the stars eat watermelon. At that time, I thought the bed was so big. Now I look so small?"

Su Yan certainly did not recall this kind of bamboo bed. She shook her head and was afraid of the time to reveal the stuffing. She said: "There may be, but I don't remember."

"My grandmother is a very kind person. In fact, my mother's family is really very general. My grandfather died when my mother was in junior high school. The whole family was picked up by my grandmother, waiting for my mother to marry. After the people, neighbors asked me how my grandmother would not move to the big villa. After all, my daughter married so rich people. They all thought that my grandmother had a lot of money. Actually it was not. My mom would give money to her grandmother every time. Don't, tell my mom that life in the giants is not easy. If you send money to your parents' house for three days, the family must have opinions."

"Do you know that before my grandmother left, my consciousness was a little distracted, not pulling me, let me go to see an iron box in her cupboard, we opened it, it was a passbook with 50,000 yuan in it. It’s all she’s got down. Grandma said that the money is left to me and keeps my wife.” Jiang Jingchuan said that when the speed was slow and slow, Su Yan always felt that he only said a little faster. It will whimper.

Jiang Jingchuan does not lack money at all. The grandmother also knows that her 50,000 yuan is not enough for Jiang Jingchuan to buy clothes, but for Jiang Jingchuan, the 50,000 is the most precious. It is an old man who has all his wishes.

"Actually, I really like the relatives of my mother. To tell the truth, there is a feeling of love over my dad. My aunts and my aunts can definitely live a good life with my mother, but they never have My mom has taken a penny here. They are just as kind as my grandmother. I feel that my mother’s marriage has never been easy. Xiaoyan, after a while, I will take you to see me.”

Su Yan heard this and snorted, and she always felt that she was really different in Jiang Jingchuan’s mind.

In fact, I can feel from the words of Jiang Jingchuan that his relatives on the grandmother’s side are really deep. He now takes her to his grandmother’s house and said that he would take her to see him, to some extent. Said that he really regarded her as a wife.

Not Jiang’s wife, Jiang, just his wife.

"Well, well, I want to see them. Did they come at the wedding?" Su Yan was so relieved to ask such a question, because Jiang Jingchuan knew that she was reluctant when she got married. It is normal to notice his family.

Jiang Jingchuan looked at Su Yan and nodded. "Come on, in fact, my people like you very much. I mention you every time I call, but you also know that at that time...we are not so good."

“It’s normal to like me.” Su Yan said very slyly: “Everyone likes me.”

As the relationship between the two deepened, they relaxed and relaxed a lot.

"Yes. Yes. Mrs. Jiang sees people love." Jiang Jingchuan looked at her and smiled, and the eyes were gentle and petting.

After a short break, Jiang Jingchuan went to the bedroom with Su Yan. The bed was covered with clean white-printed blue-white sheets. There was a dressing table and wardrobe in the room. It looked very old and had a bedside. Wicker chair, there is a fan on the top, Su smoke guessed that this should be the room of Jiang Jingchuan grandmother, and sure enough, looked up, a picture hanging on the wall, black and white, the woman dressed in cheongsam standing under the tree, she was playing An umbrella is like everyone in the Republic of China.

“Is this a photo of my grandmother when I was young?” Su Yan took a closer look and thought that Jiang’s mother had inherited the beauty of her grandmother.

"Well, beautiful?" Jiang Jingchuan looked up and looked at his eyes. "I heard my mother say that after the death of my grandfather, someone introduced her grandmother to work. The salary is not low, but the person likes grandmother. I want to approach her, and my grandmother estimates that I have rejected the good intentions of others. In fact, some men I have met with my grandmother have been very good to her over the years. My mother and I don’t object to her remarriage, but she just does not agree. Not to say that when you marry your grandfather, you will not be separated for a lifetime."

"In order to support a family, the grandmother washes clothes for others, goes to be a nanny, and washes the dishes. She has done all the dirty and tired."

The most respected and most admired woman in Jiang Jingchuan’s heart is the grandmother.

Su Yan looked at the beauty in the photo. My heart is really incomprehensible. It is clear that I can live a very good life. Why should I choose such a difficult road?

As soon as the evening, the two left the courtyard reluctantly. Originally, Suyan wanted to go to the barbecue, but Jiang Jingchuan did not agree. It was said that she could not eat such a thing when she caught a cold. In other respects, Jiang Jingchuan relied on it. Her, but in the aspect of diet health, Jiang Jingchuan never gave in.

"Do you still want to catch a cold? The doctors said, can't eat fried and spicy, this barbecue has caught the fire, you still eat light, of course, you want to eat barbecue, you can consciously drink two cups. Herbal tea."

Thinking of the sour taste of herbal tea, Su Yan immediately dispelled the thought of eating barbecue.

Finally, Su Yan had to follow him to a porridge shop.

After drinking the porridge, the two went downstairs and saw that a man and a woman were arguing because they were talking about dialects. Su Yan and Jiang Jingchuan couldn’t understand much, but they had too loud a quarrel and attracted other people in the store. Come onlookers.

"Is this a father and daughter?" Su smoke whispered.

Jiang Jingchuan came to the interest and lowered his voice: "I guess it is a couple."

"How is it possible!" Su Yan shook his head. The man looked old and had a visual inspection for forty. The woman looked very young and looked like a 20-year-old. How could it be a couple.

"Or do you have a bet?" Jiang Jingchuan carefully observed it, and he was more confident.

"What are you gambling? My money is yours."

"Whoever loses will promise the other party a reasonable request."

"it is good."

As soon as the words were spoken, the people in the store looked at Sparta in front of them -

The man hugged the woman, and the overbearing president picked up her in the form of a princess and kissed her on her face.

Jiang Jingchuan’s proud and sloppy hand, “Sorry, I won.”

Su Yan still can't believe his eyes. It seems that the two seem to be fathers and daughters. How can they blink in the blink of an eye?

Jiang Jingchuan saw the suspiciousness and doubts of Su Yan, and explained in a timely manner: "The difference between the two is really a bit big, but you didn't find it. The clothes worn by men are deliberately young, and most importantly, if If you are a father or a daughter, you won’t be quarreling like this.

"Well, what do you want?" Su Yan looked at Jiang Jingchuan with his eyes open, and he knew that the other party was thinking about things that were not suitable for children. He hurriedly yelled and said: "It is what you said, you must make reasonable requests, you can't I don’t think there is anything."

Jiang Jingchuan looked at Suyan very regrettable.

He had thought about whether to change the occasion, such as the car, or the bathroom, so that Su smoke was stopped in time, he was embarrassed to open a new play location.

"You are playing tricks." Jiang Jingchuan gave her a look.

"I am a joke, it is better than you."

"The first time I saw people playing so hard, I am a long-sighted person."

"The first time I saw people playing rogue so fresh and refined, I also have a long experience."

It was not until I returned to the villa that the two were still arrogant, or they had a violent discussion. Of course, they did not discuss any results.

Wang Ayi saw the two of them come back, and quickly sent a bowl of soup from the kitchen to Jiang Jingchuan. He smiled and said: "Sir, come, drink this bowl of soup, today the kitchen is just fine."

Su Yan is very curious, to go over and see what soup is, why does Aunt Wang not say to give her a drink.

Jiang Jingchuan's wit opened her, and then took the soup and drank to the kitchen. I always felt that Su Yan knew that it was strange and embarrassing for him to drink these soups.

He doesn't like to drink these soups, he doesn't like to eat fruits. It's not a pleasant thing to start changing his eating habits now, but he thinks that this is to prepare for the birth of a child. I feel that even drinking these strange soups is also enjoyable.

Su Yan’s relationship with Wang Ayi is very good now. She rushed to the king’s aunt and said, “Why did he have it, I didn’t? Aunt Wang, are you eccentric?”

Aunt Wang sneered and laughed. She knows that her wife is mature and rational in some things. In life, she is a child and does not understand anything.

"Yes, yes, it is my eccentricity." Wang Ayi looked at Jiang Jingchuan, and it was not easy to explain with Suyan. He could only push her and went to the kitchen.

She has to check if the gentleman is really finished drinking.

When Jiang Jingchuan came out, his ears were still red. He looked at Suyan to chase after him. He hurriedly took her and went upstairs.

"What to do? What good things to drink still do not let me know?" Su Yan did not think about this pregnancy.

One time, Jiang Jingchuan couldn’t bear it anymore. "Don’t tell me, my face has been thrown away by you."

Although my heart was angry at the slowness of Su Yan, I still had a smile on my face when I spoke.

"What do you mean? I lost your face? What have I done?" Su Yan faintly thought it was related to the bowl of soup, but she just couldn't think of it, and how shameful it had to do with the soup.

Jiang Jingchuan pinched his eyebrows and didn't have a good air. "What do you think I drink the soup for? It's not for..." I can't say it.

"If you don't say it, even if you don't say it." Seeing Jiang Jingchuan twisting and pinching, Su Yan feels that it is definitely not a good thing, or can Jiang Jingchuan be so shy?

shy? Angry and angry?

Su Yan looked at Jiang Jingchuan, and there was a bold speculation in his heart that was not realistic. Wouldn't it be Zhuang/Yangtang?

She couldn't control her sight. She slowly moved down from Jiang Jingchuan's face to a certain place. Like being indecent, she quickly moved away from her eyes and coughed. "Okay, I don't ask."

Does he still need strong/yang? Pooh!

Su Yan’s line of sight was too strong. Jiang Jingchuan’s mouth was pumping, his hands were on her shoulders, forcing her to look at him, and said with a blank expression: “You listen, don’t think about those who have nothing, I This is in preparation."

This is the case...

He himself felt that something was wrong, and quickly explained: "I am not pregnant, hey, I can't tell you, in short, that's what it means."

Su Yan was so surprised that his mouth was slightly open. She remembered what she had said to Wang Ayi some time ago. I remember that Aunt Wang did say that it would take several months to prepare for pregnancy. Is this pregnancy related to men?

Up posture.

This does not blame her. The only man who can be reached before is the emperor. Who heard that the emperor needs to be pregnant?

"Oh... no?" Su Yan still felt very magical. He grabbed Jiang Jingchuan and asked: "You also need to prepare for pregnancy? What do you need to do?"

"Do you think that pregnancy is your own thing?" In fact, Jiang Jingchuan did not know that he needed to prepare for pregnancy. After Wang Ayi popularized his knowledge, he deliberately went online to check it. Indeed, people are now under great pressure, plus air pollution. Ah, food safety, everyone is basically a sub-health state, in order to have a healthy baby, naturally it is necessary to prepare for it.

Su Yan didn't even think about it and said: "Of course it is not my own thing, how can I get pregnant alone?"

"No, I am not talking about this. I mean, from preparing for pregnancy to pregnancy to production, it is not your own business." Jiang Jingchuan looked at his wife's stunned face and could not help but sigh. "Okay. Don't say this, anyway, after you see the aunt Wang let me drink what soup, you keep quiet, it is best to pretend not to see, not surprised, not allowed to ask what I am drinking, do you know?"

This is too embarrassing.

Su Yan thinks that she just said that she was eccentric with Wang Ayi, and her face was a bit unnatural. "Okay, I know."

Since talking about the pregnancy, Jiang Jingchuan has something to ask. "You didn't say it before. Do you want to have children again in the next few years? How do you change your mind? Is it true that my parents and grandparents are putting pressure on you? Already?"

Jiang Jingchuan can only think of this. At first, Su Yan said that he wants to have children again in the next year or two. How can he change his mind now?

"If you don't want it yourself, they force you, you tell them directly that I don't want children, do you know? Don't be stupid."

I had such an idea before because I didn’t know much about Jiang Jingchuan. I didn’t know about this era. It’s so insecure that I’m so confused.

Now I change my mind, on the one hand because Wang Ayi’s brainwashing skills are not generally strong, on the other hand, it is affirmation of Jiang Jingchuan’s character. She knows that as long as there is no big accident, she and Jiang Jingchuan may really be a husband and wife for a lifetime. In this case, pregnancy does not seem to be so unacceptable.

Perhaps, as Wang Ayi said, with children, there are people in this world who are connected to her true blood. This kind of words is not resistant to a smoke that is so long.

Su Yan shook his head and hugged Jiang Jingchuan. His head was buried in his chest. He said: "No, my grandparents didn't tell me this. I started to think that it is not bad to have a child who belongs to us. Besides, you are getting older... I think, you should hope to see your baby earlier?"

I was quite moved by listening to the words in front. After listening to the back, Jiang Jingchuan’s face was not so good. He pushed open the smoke and said one sentence: “I am older? Am I older?”

Is he good at it?

Where is he old?

Can you also pretend to be small fresh meat!

Su Yan knew that he had a mistake, and he immediately stopped talking.

"You talk about where I am older? What do you mean by this?" Mr. Jiang is very wronged. He is still a young and promising little meat on the rich list. How is he divided in his wife's heart? For the age of the age? I was so sad that I was in the Pacific Ocean.

Jiang Jingchuan always had a sigh of relief in his heart. He thought that the Suyan had not had a good cold. He gave her a holiday for these two days to rest. When she thought of what she said, it was a man who couldn’t stand it. Su smoke pressed under his body and gasped and said: "The use of herbal tea is good. I think your spirit is very good."

"No, no, I am not good yet!" Su Yan knew that he had lost his words. He was careful to hold his thighs all night and said good things, but Jiang Jingchuan’s mind was surrounded by a word, that is his age. Big.

Men have to prove that they are still young, what can be done?

I can only toss my wife.

Let her know that he is still a young little motor, um, oh.

Tianlei hooked the fire and was turned red.

When Su Yan didn't know what time this evening, Jiang Jingchuan bite on her shoulder, and the movement moved even more. She forced her to ask: "I am older?"

"No... not big..." Suyan was crying.

She knows that he would think so.

I knew that she wouldn’t say it.

"You said that I am not big?" Jiang Jingchuan smiled low in her ear.

Su Yan can't wait to cover his ears, and no longer want to listen to this foul language.

What do you mean! What do you mean!

She doesn't want to talk to such a dirty person anymore!

On the second day, Jiang Jingchuan was refreshed and refreshed. Su smoked his face. When Wang Ayi cleaned up the room, he found that the sheets were changed. She came over and saw what happened last night.

Aunt Wang thought that Su Yan was still eating cold medicine during this time, so he did something slightly cumbersome -

She took Jiang Jingchuan and Su Yan downstairs for breakfast, and quickly closed the bedroom door and began to look for the trash can. The wife could not get pregnant during this time. This is still taking medicine, turning over and seeing the garbage. After the small raincoat that was used in the bucket, this was a lot of peace of mind.

Mr. and his wife are not so ignorant people.

Aunt Wang looked at a few small raincoats, thinking, will this number be too much, and the wife’s small body can be accepted?

Aunt Wang, who felt like he was a little dirty, left his head and left behind all these bad thoughts.

When eating breakfast, Su Yan is not willing to take care of Jiang Jingchuan. He plans to send him out to work today. He knows that just after eating breakfast, Jiang Jingchuan said: "You still owe me a request, don’t hurry. Late, just go back today."

Su Yan looked at him with vigilance and always felt that his request was not serious.

"Don't look at me like this, rest assured, it is definitely a reasonable request." Jiang Jingchuan clasped his hands together. "To accompany me to work today."

"I am accompanying you to work?" Su Yan thought he had an auditory hallucination.

"Yes, my office is quite big, there are notebooks, there are snacks in the company, you just sit there and work with me." This is Jiang Jingchuan’s long-standing idea. The feeling that she accompanied him to work overtime was too It’s wonderful, he still wants to feel it all.

When he looked up, he could see her sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone.

When he was drinking water, she just watched it. The two looked at each other and saw satisfaction from the other's eyes.

Seeing that Suyan is still hesitating, Jiang Jingchuan casually said: "Of course, if you can't satisfy my request, then come to something else."

If someone else listened, they might not think about it. Su’s face was red, and he quickly rushed to say that he said something more excessive: “Well, I didn’t say it.”

Looking back now, Jiang Jingchuan, who was not willing to say a few words at the beginning, seems to exist in a dream.

It’s not the same as the rogue in front of you!

Can you return the former Mr. Jiang to her?

Su Yan went to change clothes. When she was ready to go out, she thought of one thing and turned back. Before she bought it at the airport duty-free shop, she bought a perfume that she might not use at all. She rummaged. After a while, I found out three bottles of perfume that have not been opened yet.

Sitting in the car, Jiang Jingchuan looked at her playing with the perfume, could not help but curiously asked: "What do you bring with these?"

"The secretary and assistant who gave it to you, I remember you said that Assistant Wang has a girlfriend?" Jiang Jingchuan has two exclusive secretaries and assistants. In fact, in her capacity, there is no need to prepare these things. Su Yan feels that it is very necessary to have a good relationship with Jiang Jingchuan's secretary assistant.

Not to mention anything else, others really don't care about this bottle of perfume, but no one does not like the gift, and later matured, Jiang Jingchuan what happened in the place she could not see, the secretary and the assistant may even reveal a few words.

Facts have proved that the idea of ​​Su Yan is still correct.

When Su smoke appeared in Jiang and gave the perfume to the secretary and assistant, the secretary Linda was too happy to tell her about it.

That is when they just came back a few days ago, Wang Siqi has been here.

Linda said with a vivid voice: "When Miss Wang came out, her eyes were red. We thought Jiang always had a fight with her."

Can be the secretary of the president, not only the first-class business level, but also the general look, Linda has seen it before, then Wang Siqi is always interesting to them, Linda does not like Wang Siqi very much, I think she is too proud Although I usually say hello to them, but the eyes are high, I hate it. But is it richer than others, do you really think that you are more honorable?

Su Yan is very convinced of Jiang Jingchuan in this respect. If he and Wang Siqi are possible, they will be together in the early 800s. Where can they get her?

Not together because Jiang Jingchuan does not like Wang Siqi, it is as simple as that.

When Jiang Jingchuan mentioned Wang Siqi, his reaction was very dull. He didn't like it before. He doesn't like it now, and he won't like it in the future.

But Wang Siqi is really annoying. I thought that when she actually ran home to show her with her, Su Yan’s heart was flustered and she smiled happier. “Yes? Linda, you are today. The color of the lipstick is pretty good. What brand is it?"

Almost no woman can stop this kind of chat, Linda smiled a little embarrassed. "It's all ordinary brands, not expensive."

"It's right for you, it's white."

When Su Yan was in contact with people, he always adhered to a principle. He did not put a shelf in front of people with eyes, only when she was a friend, and in front of people who had no eyes, so that the other side would face his face.

Obviously, Linda belongs to the line of eyes that look.

Although Jiang Jingchuan’s assistant is a man, he still likes Su’s gift. It’s just right after the anniversary of love. He can give the female ticket. The assistant believes that the perfume bought by the boss’s wife is definitely a big name. This time, the female ticket will not disguise that I will not pick a gift, right?

In short, Su Yan successfully used a crystal dumpling and perfume to successfully brush Jiang Jingchuan's secretary and assistant.

Back at the office, Jiang Jingchuan was busy with work, and Su Yan did not bother him. He sat on the sofa next to him and thought about Wang Siqi.

In fact, Wang Siqi is really not enough, but when I personally come out from time to time to brush out the sense of existence, it really makes people feel comfortable.

She does not intend to take the initiative to mention Wang Siqi in front of Jiang Jingchuan. It is okay to be jealous, but there is no specific object when he is jealous with men. People are like this. Sometimes they don’t care about one thing. They are mentioned twice. There will always be an impression.

The most important thing is that Jiang Jingchuan expressed his determination in front of her. She took Wang Siqi's coffee machine directly away. She thought that Jiang Jingchuan must have returned it to her.

She can't figure it out. This Wang Siqi is not bad, and the family has money. Why don't he want to be a junior?

However, this also means that Jiang Jingchuan is really very good and very popular. Su Yan looked up at Jiang Jingchuan and thought that no one would want to grab Jiang Jingchuan with her.

If anyone's hand dares to reach it, he will cut it directly.

Perhaps he noticed the sight of Su Yan, and Jiang Jingchuan also looked over. He smiled and said: "If you are bored, watch TV or go to sleep for a while."

Jiang Jingchuan’s office is equipped with a rest room and a bed.

"I don't want to sleep. Forget it, you are busy with you."

Jiang Jingchuan looked down again at the project, and Su Yan took care of him and took his picture.

Not to mention that the man who worked hard was the most handsome, and Su Yan thought about it and sent a circle of friends directly.

Going to work with her husband :)

She found that Jiang Jingchuan really liked to take pictures of her friends, and Qin said that it was in love.

The most important thing is that he always reminds her every time he shows love.

When the financial supervisor and the sales executive came up to report the work, it was really stressful. It was enough to face the boss before. At this point, the boss looked at it, that is, facing two giant mountains.

In any case, the headline inside Jiang today is Suyan.

The men would also dare to talk privately about the boss’s beauty.

The women are talking about the red mouth of Su Yan.

Jiang’s mood is unprecedented today. Jiang’s employees are very resonating, and Su’s mood is not so beautiful.

After chasing a TV episode, she found that her hand was covered with chocolate sauce, so she went to the bathroom and tried to wash her hands. As a result, she stood in front of the mirror and inevitably thought about the day. She looked down at her hand and the whole person. Not good.

When he was about to go to the bathroom, Su Yan went straight outside. Jiang Jingchuan stopped her. "Where are you going?"

"Go to the bathroom."

"Is there an office?" Jiang Jingchuan just said this, and he also thought about the day's things. The smile is very connotative and the amount of information is also very large.

Su Yan squinted at him, not very airy: "The feng shui of your office bathroom is not good, affecting the mood, thank you."

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