MTL - You Look Like You’re Made of Money-Chapter 31

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Because Jiang Jingchuan had such a trouble, Suyan did not have any mood to continue to pursue the drama. He nestled on the sofa and used his mobile phone to practice pinyin. She felt that the pinyin was still very simple. Now it will be a lot. I believe that after a while, She can send text messages normally and freely.

Jiang Jingchuan’s ** was temporarily relieved. He focused on his heart and began to work hard. When he started the video conference, he did not avoid the smog, and the proper nouns spit out to make Suyan look at it.

Jiang Jingchuan at work is different from him in normal times. In fact, Jiang Jingchuan is not good at words, but he can have a meeting at this time, and his tone is not ill, giving a very confident feeling. No woman does not like the serious side of men. The smoke is also, she held the hand and looked at Jiang Jingchuan, feeling in her heart, but it is a perfect man.

She began to believe that the original body is absolutely true to Shen Peiran. Otherwise, she is a woman with a slightly innocent mind. She will choose Jiang Jingchuan. It is not that Shen Peiran is not good. Shen Peiran is also a talented person. It is not bad, but it is still worse than Jiang Jingchuan. More than one and a half stars.

In the half year of marriage, he could turn a blind eye to Jiang Jingchuan, and all his thoughts were on Shen Peiran. This is not true love for her.

From the perspective of the onlookers, she actually feels a pity for Shen Peiran, because his lover does not love him, but he can't love him. She doesn't know where the original body went. Su smoke has a strong kind. Premonition, she felt that the original body would not come back. As for whether the original body had gone to another person, she did not know.

After Jiang Jingchuan was busy with his work, he looked up his hand and looked at it. It was already ten o'clock. He packed up the things and picked up the keys of the car. He took the smoke and got off work.

At this time, there were not many people in Jiang. Apart from some procedures, we were still fighting. The building was very quiet. Su smoked in high heels and walked on the smooth marble floor, and the sound was too loud.

“Would you like to eat supper?” Jiang Jingchuan suddenly came to the mood, sitting in the car and turned to ask Suyan. “I have a snack street near my grandmother’s house. There is a university nearby. There are many delicious foods. I don’t want to try. test?"

Su smoked because he had rested on the sofa for a while, and now he is not sleepy. Since Jiang Jingchuan wants to take her to recall the past, she only has to give up her life with the gentleman.


"You sleep for a while, wait until I call you." Jiang Jingchuan thoughtfully adjusted the temperature inside the car to the most comfortable, and took his suit jacket from the back seat and put it on the leg of Suyan. "A bit far, it is estimated More than half an hour."

"If I sleep, no one will chat with you." Su Yan leaned against the seat of the car and looked at Jiang Jingchuan with a soft smile.

"No." Jiang Jingchuan looked at the road ahead and smiled lowly: "You can sit next to me like this."

It’s been unclear how many times a person has worked overtime to return to his apartment, no one in the car, no apartment, he thought he was used to loneliness, but once someone enters his life in this way, he wants I can no longer stand the loneliness.

Su smoke shrugged. "Well, I will sleep for a while. If you are bored, you can wake me up."

Jiang Jingchuan heard a rather helpless smile and said: "That's still a problem, but I can't provoke you to get up."

Su Yan is a good person, not to mention gentleness to the extreme, but most of the time it is very reasonable and sensible, but when she wakes up, it is probably the most unreasonable moment of her day.

Just a few days ago, Jiang Jingchuan was insomnia, and when he woke up early in the morning, he got up and wanted to go to the bathroom. As a result, he accidentally bumped into the chair, and the sound made him wake up. The smoke was sitting on the bed and his eyes were dead. He was screaming at him, and he was so angry that he had bulged.

Hearing Jiang Jingchuan said, Su Yan glanced at him, pulled his suit and closed his eyes and slept.

At the same time, Shen Pei-ran has been waking up from grief and anger. He is lying on the carpet of the apartment. The lights in the house are all extinguished. Only the moonlight outside is reflected. His beard is slag, his expression is empty and decadent. After a while He stood up, like a walking dead, came to his study, sat at his desk, opened the drawer, and took out a photo album.

Is this the case? When you have it, you don’t know how to cherish it. When you lose it, you know how wrong you are.

The purpose of his first love of Suyan was not pure. Because she was beautiful, she was attracted. She was the goddess of the school boys. During the period when they were together, she was always letting him and accommodating him. .

What qualifications does he have to accuse Su Yan of marrying others, clearly that she wanted to marry him, and they still have the opportunity to be together, that is, he has let her go, it is he refused to marry, what turn The head retaliated against her?

The reason why Su Yan is so determined now is that there is something to follow. She did not become like this one day.

Jia Yu’s thing is the fuse. He still remembers that after she left that day, she called him. It was late at night. He had all slept, and he was very impatient when he picked up the phone.

She said: "If it is better, let's just do it. We are like this. Many things are not as simple as I thought. You know, you know? I am suddenly scared. I am afraid that I will violate the morality and finally disregard the opposition of all people. Do you understand? I am afraid that after I have done all this, I no longer love you."

Life has never lacked a warrior, but how many people, regardless of the meaning of the thousands of people, tried their best, and finally found that they were desperately unable to get what they had, but that was not what they wanted.

He didn't understand her at the time, and interrupted her impatiently. Now think about it, many things are not overnight. In getting along, he is tired, she is more tired, he wants her to understand him, but forgets the most tired understanding. Her.

The snack street in A city is very lively. After Jiang Jingchuan parked the car, he took the Suyan left and right around, finally arrived at the door of a barbecue shop. There was no place in the house, and the boss temporarily set up a table and chairs outside, Jiang Jingchuan followed. Su Yan sat outside, ordered a few bottles of iced drinks first, and the proprietress enthusiastically held the menu and waited in the dialect. He asked in Mandarin with a dialect: "What a beautiful girl, what do you want to eat?"

"What do you want to eat?" Jiang Jingchuan asked sideways.

Su Yan looked at the menu carefully. She hadn't eaten this kind of barbecue outside. She didn't know which kind of food was delicious. She shook her head after watching it for a long time. "You can come, I can."

Jiang Jingchuan also found out that every time she went out to eat with Suyan, she didn’t do anything, and she didn’t force her. She said to the boss: “Two portions of cold noodles, fifteen chickens and crispy bones, ten skewers of grilled squid, five String chicken wings, pork belly also come to ten strings... Hey, a garlic eggplant, so much."

Looking at the familiarity of Jiang Jingchuan's ordering, I know that he is not the first time to eat. After the boss is gone, Su Yan curiously asks: "Have you used to eat it often?"

Although it is very lively, it can not match the identity of Jiang Jingchuan. She thought that Jiang Jingchuan should not come here to eat.

"After returning to China, I came to see my grandmother's house here. I accidentally went here. I didn't come often. Sometimes I will come over and take a look." Jiang Jingchuan took a pair of chopsticks from the chopsticks and looked at the boss. At this point, I only blinked at Su Yan’s eyes and said, “Like the stalls here, don’t expect hygiene, so you can only eat them occasionally.”

Between the lines, Su Yan can feel that Jiang Jingchuan misses his grandmother very much, and that kind of envy can be felt.

"Is the grandmother still here?" Su Yan smiled and asked.

A person who often mourns for his deceased relatives will not be bad.

Jiang Jingchuan nodded and sighed: "The two sisters are very filial, and they are reluctant to sell the house. In fact, this house price is not low. My mother never thought about the house. Let's just keep it. From time to time, I can still be a thought."

In fact, Jiang Jingchuan likes the relatives of his mother. They may not have much ability, but they all work hard and are so kind.

"Well, when will you have time? Can you take me to see it?" Suyan knows that Grandma is the softest memory in Jiang Jingchuan's heart. This can also be understood. Like her, the warmest memories are parents. With the mother, it is no matter how hard the heart becomes, how popular the person becomes, and it will instantly soften down.

Jiang Jingchuan heard that Su Yan said that he didn't answer immediately. He just looked at her. In this downtown, he couldn't help but find out his hand and touched her face. He smiled straight to the bottom of his eyes. "Okay, of course." ”

With such a song, he forgot what he called, and only one lyric was particularly impressive.

- I want to take you back to my grandmother's house and watch the sunset together until we are all asleep.

The most regrettable thing is that he didn't let his grandmother see his wife, but it doesn't matter. He will take the Suyan to see his grandmother and see the house he missed when he was a child. He will tell her that it carries all his childhood memories. .

"Right, you have to clean up these two days. In a few days, we are ready to go out." This is a long time that Jiang Jingchuan planned. The final decision was to go to an island, just a friend he met in foreign countries on that island. There are private villas on the work, and the work schedule is also arranged. He can basically vacate a week's vacation, enough for them to breathe.

Su Yan is still very interested in this matter. As soon as he listened to Jiang Jingchuan, he was really arranged. He was so happy that he couldn’t wait to hug Jiang Jingchuan.

She wants to go out!

Really want to go out to play!

When I was young, I was at home for ten years, and then I spent ten years in the harem. Now she can finally go where she wants to go!

Originally, Suyan did not expect anything from the barbecue. It was purely accompanied by Jiang Jingchuan. I know that after carefully opening the mouth and eating the first cold noodles, I no longer talk nonsense with Jiang Jingchuan, and burying the skewers to drink iced drinks. She thinks this barbecue is much better than what she had eaten before!

Seeing that Su Yan was full of oil, Jiang Jingchuan smiled at her and took out a paper towel to wipe her mouth.

The side table is a couple of students, the sister sees Jiang Jingchuan so gentle and considerate, then look at his boyfriend only knows to play mobile phone to eat skewers, do not care about themselves at all, suddenly came to the air, she snorted and licked her boyfriend's waist , provoked the boys to roar while yelling, "What are you doing!"

The girl is very angry. "I only know how to play mobile phones with my mobile phone all day. What do you want to do with your mobile phone!"

The boys were helpless, didn't talk, and they picked up their phones.

The girl didn't think it was enough. The anger in her heart burned very well. I couldn't stop it at this moment. "Look at people, look at yourself again, do you fall in love with you? Do you want to? Break up? Is it!"

Su Yan feels that the couple here is very interesting. She looks at it with gusto. Like her previous era, let alone quarrel with her husband. Most women don’t even dare.

The boy looked around and saw the pair of Suyan and Jiang Jingchuan. After carefully watching the Suyan, he couldn’t help but look at it. He lowered his head. "You have to be like that, I can be gentle and considerate." ”

"What do you say!"

The boys quickly picked up the strings that had not been eaten, put the money on the table, and shouted at the boss, "The boss, the money is here."

After reading it, I saw a few eyes of Su Yan, and then I hurried away. The girl was so angry that she slammed the table and followed it up.

Looking at her shackles, it is estimated that the boys should be beaten up.

Su Yan smiled and smiled in his eyes. "This girl is really interesting."

Jiang Jingchuan was crying and laughing. "Can I pray for the boy?"

After eating the nightingale, both of them had some support, and they walked around here. Su Yan took Jiang Jingchuan’s arm and remembered the phone call in the afternoon. She decided to tell Jiang Jingchuan that the atmosphere was just right, she hesitated. He said: "Jingchuan, I want to tell you something, but I don't know what is appropriate."

"There is nothing wrong with us. We are husband and wife. You can tell me anything." Jiang Jingchuan is in a good mood and speaks very lightly.

"The last time I had a good friend came over, I should have told you that the reason why she came over was because Shen Pei-ran had been looking for her. I told her very clearly that she hoped to help her with Shen Pei-ran. I was impossible with him. Today, Shen Peiran went to see her again. She told him something." Suyan’s tone is not too slow, and there is no such thing as Shen Peiran’s embarrassment. Referring to a stranger, "Shen Pei-ran's emotions are a little excited. My friend is worried that he will do some radical moves, so I called to remind me."

Jiang Jingchuan pondered for a while and said: "With what you know about him, what do you think he will do?"

After understanding the idea of ​​Su Yan, Jiang Jingchuan’s concern for Shen Pei-ran was nothing.

"I don't know." Su Yan shook his head. She didn't understand Shen Peiran at all. She didn't know that he was irritated and would do something. It was because of this that she decided to tell Jiang Jingchuan. In any case, she hoped to give Jiang Jingchuan. A feeling that she is very honest and dependent on him.

As long as Jiang Jingchuan believes in her heart, then she will not be trapped by Shen Peiran.

Jiang Jingchuan probably can guess what Shen Peiran knows. He thinks it is ridiculous. In fact, he does not mind whether Su Yan and he are the first time. Although Jiang Jingchuan has some machismo in some things, he really does not have The virgin complex, before him, Su Yan’s past, he couldn’t control it, and he couldn’t manage it. It was her memory, her past, and obviously for Shen Peiran, Su Yan was betraying him, so So excited.

"Are you afraid?" Jiang Jingchuan asked Su Yan's expression and asked.

Suyan hesitated and nodded. "Frankly, there is one point. I have already made a decision. I will not have any contacts with him in the future, but he is still persistent. I don't know what he will do next. There is something in my heart."

"Well, I know." Jiang Jingchuan touched her head and said, "Don't worry, this is where I am, no one dares to do anything to you."

Su Yan listened to this statement and felt a solid heart. He thought about it and couldn’t help but open his mouth. "Jingchuan, there is something I want to ask you. In fact, Shen Peiran did not cause any harm to me, and I am also with him. Classmate, if you can, can you promise me unless he is doing something very excessive, otherwise we should not hurt him, okay?"

The original body does not know where to go now. She can push Shen Peiran far away for her, but she still hopes that Shen Peiran can let go of peace. She is not a kind person and she is very selfish, but she took over the original body. Life and life, although not to love her love, but at the very least to ensure that the original love is not revenge by Jiang Jingchuan.

That is too bad.

She didn't know where Jiang Jingchuan's bottom line was, but she was really afraid that Shen Pei-ran would do this again and again, and it would stimulate Jiang Jingchuan.

Jiang Jingchuan looked at Su smoke in a complicated way, and sighed unclely: "You still care about him."

This is the case...

Su Yan didn't know what to pick up. He could only hold a bear hug against Jiang Jingchuan, holding his waist tightly, and screaming: "You are jealous, right?"

If you forget it, continue to let him talk to him.

Who called this thing is her loss.

Jiang Jingchuan does not speak. Which man can easily admit that he is jealous. He knows that Suyan is impossible with Shen Peiran now. It is not good to hear her care about others.

Well, it’s extremely uncomfortable.

"It’s okay to be jealous, but what I want to tell you is that my attitude has been clear in the morning, and it is really impossible with him. Jingchuan, you don’t know, in fact, what I am most afraid of is not what he will do. I am afraid that I will lose you." Su Yan said this is the real truth of the truth, Shen Peiran will do what, she is not clear, but she is afraid of Jiang Jingchuan's attitude from beginning to end.

She is really satisfied with her life now. She is also very satisfied with Jiang Jingchuan. I don’t want to lose what I have now. Is it wrong?

This was really a strong blow to Jiang Jingchuan. His face unconsciously smiled and hugged her. He whispered: "Mr. Jiang is not so stingy. Although he hates Shen Peiran, he will not do anything bad. Personality matters, and even more will not make Mrs. Jiang unhappy, so please please Mrs. Jiang."

This is also the heart of Jiang Jingchuan. He never thought about going to deal with Shen Peiran from beginning to end. Unless one day Shen Peiran is strong enough to be able to fight with him in the mall, he will never shoot a weak person in his heart.

Oh, in a nutshell, it’s a loss.

It is equivalent to college students going to play primary school students, too much to cast aside.

It’s too much to win.

Su Yan heard Jiang Jingchuan saying that it was not unexpected at all. She just wanted to listen to him personally. In fact, Shen Peiran is not a predecessor. Strictly speaking, he did not do anything to hurt others. Jiang Jingchuan is not unknown. The affair, he will handle this matter sensibly.

"Mr. Jiang suddenly found that Mr. Jiang is more handsome, what should I do?" Su Yan continued to marry him.

How to do? Go back and do it! !

The field is not good.

At three o'clock in the morning, Suyan had already fallen asleep, and several small raincoats under the bed were lying on the floor. Jiang Jingchuan held Suyan and refused to let go, so that his wife was scared and worried, what a man, he kissed. Su smoke, whispered: "If you are afraid, it will not happen, I promise."

Shen Peiran, it is indeed the deal.

The next morning, as usual, when Suyan was still in the Zhou Convention, Jiang Jingchuan had already sat down to have breakfast. Wang Ayi frequently looked downstairs and tried to ask: "Sir, do you want to call your wife?" Eat breakfast?"

Aunt Wang feels that if Suyan can accompany Jiang Jingchuan for breakfast, and then send him out to work as before, this will be very good, but for a few days, Suyan is waking up to lunch at noon.

Jiang Jingchuan coughed a little, and he shook his head a little. "No, no, let her sleep well."

It was indeed too much toss last night.

Aunt Wang was coming over. When I saw Jiang Jingchuan’s expression, I understood everything. I immediately ran to the kitchen and explained it. I continued to replenish my wife today!

From the kitchen, Wang Ayi, as the number one **** teammate under the Suyan, naturally finds the opportunity to see the needles and give it to his wife. "Sir, the wife who sent the past yesterday is still appetizing?"

Jiang Jingchuan remembered the warmth of yesterday, and his face was soft and a lot of expressions. "Well, not bad."

Especially after dessert, it’s awesome!

Cough, at least as a love lover, Jiang Jingchuan was successful yesterday.

“When the wife heard that Mr. had to work overtime yesterday, he told the kitchen to make a few dishes. The time was a bit rushed. The sale was definitely not normal. The gentleman felt that the taste was good.” The words are dishes. In fact, he was telling Jiang Jingchuan how much he cares about him because he was rushing to the past, so the kitchen aunt was too late to play the best level.

Jiang Jingchuan heard a smile. "I have eaten well. I went to the company first. Today, let the kitchen do more dishes that my wife loves."

"Good!" Aunt Wang looked at Jiang Jingchuan's expression carefully and was satisfied.

When Shen Pei-Ran received the call, he was working in the office. The secretary noticed that he had been different since he received the call.

At noon, Shen Peiran said something to the manager of the company and took the car key and left.

When I arrived at the agreed restaurant box, Jiang Jingchuan had arrived. She was eating Japanese food slowly. When she saw Shen Peiran coming in, she just smiled calmly. "Shang hasn't had lunch yet?"

Shen Pei-ran did not quite understand Jiang Jingchuan's purpose, but even if some things were figured out, Jiang Jingchuan was seen at the moment, and his heart was still uncomfortable. He sat down with a blank expression and looked at Jiang Jingchuan's cold voice: "I don't know Jiang. What is the total today?"

"Mr. Shen, you and I didn't expect that one day, I would sit down and eat it calmly?" Jiang Jingchuan picked up the handkerchief and wiped his mouth. He looked at Shen Peiran and his expression remained the same. "I have a problem recently, I need to sink." Mr. help solve the problem."

For Jiang Jingchuan, Shen Peiran once admire, at least before Jiang Jingchuan has not become the legal husband of Suyan.

Jiang Jingchuan can be said to be the youngest person in A city. He can take over Jiang in the shortest time, and get rid of the aura of Jiang's father before, and become the new generation of Jiang's president, but all ambitious men, Jiang Jingchuan More or less admire.

In the student era, Su Yan has always been very popular, but Shen Pei-ran never felt inferior. He did not put those people in his eyes. It was different in front of Jiang Jingchuan. Frankly speaking, he did not want to be positive with Jiang Jingchuan. On the right, it is better to say that it is not dare.

In front of Jiang Jingchuan, he would feel inferior and could not help but doubt the true heart of Su Yan, which led to a lack of trust between the two.

Shen Peiran listened to Jiang Jingchuan's words and laughed at himself. "I still have the ability to help Jiang always solve problems? Jiang always looks at me too high."

"Of course, this thing can only be solved by Mr. Shen, and others can't do anything." Jiang Jingchuan's hate for Shen Pei-ran is entirely because of Su Yan's relationship. He has no opinion on him, so he can now chat with him calmly. Oh, no, it’s negotiation. “I’m very upset recently because my wife sometimes doesn’t feel good, I want to solve her troubles.”

These words are simply heart-wrenching, Shen Pei-ran is suffocating, and the voice is colder. "Is it?"

"I think that as a good husband, I should solve the trouble for her, Mr. Shen, what do you think?"

Jiang Jingchuan did not hope that Su Yan would be worried because of Shen Peiran's affairs. The words that Su Yan said last night obviously had already handed over the right to deal with him.

To solve the enemy, of course, you have to take the initiative.

Although Shen Pei-ran has calmed down a lot of minds, but he heard Jiang Jingchuan say this, he still couldn’t help but anger. He clenched his fists and glared at him. "Gang Jiang, don’t be too arrogant! You have inserted my feelings with Xiaoyan. Why do you come to me in front of me?"

"Hey." Jiang Jingchuan sighed. "Mr. Shen, your reading comprehension obviously has not passed, I sincerely want to discuss with you."

He wants to anger Shen Peiran, how the negotiation process should behave, he knows better than anyone else.

Sure enough, Shen Pei-ran has a split eye and wants to smash the river Jingchuan. Fortunately, there is a trace of reason to survive. He bites his teeth: "Jiang Zong, Ming people don't say whispers, what do you mean?"

"Mr. Shen, why don't you ask me, what is the trouble of my wife?" Jiang Jingchuan also slightly smiled.

Shen Pei-ran has some sorrow and grief in his heart. He never thought about it. One day he would become an annoyance of Su-smoke.

Suddenly, I don’t know what to say. I just hang my head and never have the anger.

"Mr. Shen, my wife has learned something. She has heard that your recent mood is not stable. She is a little scared." Jiang Jingchuan looked at Shen Peiran and was too lazy to smile. "I don't want you to say, I have never I thought about going to force her. If I really have such thoughts, do you think you can sit down and talk to me like this? I don't know what happened between you and my wife, of course I have no interest, today I am There is only one requirement for you to come to you, and that is to hope that you will not cause us trouble again."

Shen Pei-ran smiled ironically. "Do you think she likes you? Do you know how long I have been with her? If it weren't you, we would have been married."

Jiang Jingchuan did not get angry when he heard this. He raised his eyebrows and asked with interest: "I asked you a few questions. First, you think I have inserted your feelings. Why don't you find me during this time? ”

This is a reason why Jiang Jingchuan is very disdainful to Shen Pei-ran. But when Shen Pei-ran is a man, after encountering such a thing, he will come to him if he is too big. It’s good to have two people fight, but Shen Pei-Ran is good, everything If you don't do it, just know to call Suyan every day, or call her friend for help.

Shen Peiran a glimpse, did not answer.

"You really have no time to come to me, or dare not come to me, you know it yourself, you don't have to answer me." Jiang Jingchuan continued to smile. "As far as I know, my wife has no more to do with you." Month, what have you done in this month? Have you really thought about going to find her? No. As you said, before I, you have known for a long time, I believe her Where is the family, where do she usually go, you should not be ignorant?"

"You didn't, you just called her. You called me that night. I remember, you said that you miss her very much, but what efforts have you made? You didn't, I believe you know us. Where is the home, don't say that you have to rush to the house to find her, you have not even swam around there, why do you think you want her?" Jiang Jingchuan said the first time to the enemy, "anything Without the effort of hard work, it is not worth showing off."

Shen Pei-ran wants to refute loudly, but every word that Jiang Jingchuan said is nailed to his bone like a nail, and it hurts badly.

He suddenly discovered that Jiang Jingchuan could not justify his words.

"Mr. Shen, what is my wife's attitude during this time? I believe that you have already understood. Today, you just don't let go, I can't take you, but I only have one purpose. Please remember one thing at a time. Su Yan, she is married, her legal husband is me, even if you want to be with her, you have to solve it first, so from now on, what do you want to do directly to me, don’t give her any more Call, don't worry her anymore, can you?"

Jiang Jingchuan did not think about setting his own image or coercion to seduce Shen Peiran to let go, but he really did not want to hear her talking to him in a worried tone.

After a moment of silence, Shen Pei-ran said: "Have she been okay now?"

"This is the second question I have to ask you. When you were with her, did you care about how she had been in Jiangjia?" Jiang Jingchuan took a sip of tea and looked deep.

Shen Pei-ran was speechless, and he found that when he was facing Jiang Jingchuan, he could not say anything.

However, at this moment, there was nothing to hide, and he slowly shook his head.

Yes, he did not ask, he rejected some things related to Jiang Jingchuan, so he never asked.

"Your home is also a small rich and small, it is impossible to not know, how hard it is to live in the giants, have you ever thought about it, maybe our family knows that she is still with you after marriage, have you ever thought that she might It’s not good?” Jiang Jingchuan looked at Shen Pei’s pale face and didn’t intend to continue. “She didn’t know how well she used to be, but now she will have a good time.”

In fact, Shen Pei-ran has discovered it in the past few days. He used to care too much about Su Yan. It is no wonder that she will have a quarrel with him because of her family.

He enjoys the love of Su Yan. In the process, she used her marriage as a reason. She asked her to understand some unreasonable behaviors several times. Jiang Jingchuan was right. From the beginning to the end, he did not really pay anything. Substantial efforts.

During the Cold War, he did not take the initiative to contact her. After more than ten days, when he knew that her relationship with Jiang Jingchuan was alleviated, he began to rush.

Is this not a fear?

Well, it’s too mean.

He finally understood what the words she said after the quarrel that day. She said that she was most afraid that she no longer loved him.

At that time, I was already desperate.

Jiang Jingchuan felt that there was enough nonsense to talk about today. Looking at Shen Peiran’s expression, his purpose was also reached, so he got up and his voice was a little low and cold. "Mr. Shen, if there is anything in the future, just look for me."

After he finished, he picked up the car key and was ready to go. He just went to the door and Shen Peiran suddenly stopped him. He asked lowly: "Can I still see her?"

He wants to say something to her, sorry.

Sorry, I don’t cherish you when you still love me.

Jiang Jingchuan hooked his lips and did not look back, "No."

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