MTL - You Can’t Be Fierce Towards Me!-Chapter 92

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Li Deshun is more reliable than a bandit who will only take advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of it. He carefully told the taboos in the palace and the three preferences in the palace. After he wrote down the heart, he followed Chu on the next day. I went to the palace together with the sky.

Zhuque Street runs through the north and south of Qingyang City and walks to the end of Zhuque Street. The carriage stops at the main entrance of the Imperial City. After the gate guards routinely check, the two men change the sedan chair and continue to walk along the inner city road connected with Zhuque Street.

The palaces and palaces in the Imperial City are arranged symmetrically. The official residence of the Imperial Prince Temple is distributed among them. The highest temple in the middle is the Purple Temple, which is the place where the Emperor goes up every day.

The sedan chair went straight and turned right, then went straight through the Imperial City and went to the Miyagi boundary.

Miyagi is the residence of the Empress Dowager and the Emperor. The Queen Mother lived in the Changyang Palace. On the east side of Miyagi, Fu Yu sat in the sedan chair for half an hour before finally arriving at Changyang Palace.

The **** who lifted the car carefully put down the sedan chair and respectfully bowed. "Hou, it’s here."

Fu Hao opened the curtain and looked at the palace in front of him.

Chu Xiangtian’s voice called him back, “Go in.”

Fu Hao returned to God, smiled at him and walked with him side by side.

Wang Hao, who was waiting for the Queen Mother, came out to meet them. At this time, he led the way. "The Queen Mother is chanting in the morning, now in Songhe Temple."

Chu Xiangtiandao: "Is the emperor emperor not here?"

Wang Shudao said: "The prince is relieved, only the Queen Mother."

Before entering the palace, I was worried that seeing three people together would be too nervous. He specially explained that today he only came to the Queen Mother.

Fu Yan heard a sigh of relief, and if three people were there, he was really nervous.

When I spoke, I had already arrived at Songhe Temple.

In front of the temple, I was standing with a look at the palace ladies. When they saw them, they were blessed and advanced.

Fu Wei took a deep breath and walked straight into the back.

The dragon is burning in the temple. As soon as you enter the door, you will feel a warmth of warmth. Too late to sit on the top, a red robes, a light look at the face can not see the true age, only the fine lines of the end of the eye reveal a trace of the years.

Give the thick fox to the maid, and Fu 湉 湉 湉 行 , , , , , , 湉 湉 湉 湉 湉 湉 湉 湉 湉 湉 湉 湉 湉 湉

Chu Xiangtian is one step behind, and it is rare to bend down honestly. "I have seen my mother."

The Queen Mother raised her hand and smiled. "Sit down and talk."

The two sat down in the next position. Fu Yan sat upright, his back was straight, his face was flat, and he was waiting for the appearance of the question. Compared with the little son who was not in the distance, it looked extraordinarily Good eye.

The first impression was good, the look of the Queen Mother became softer and softer, and the eyes looked at Fu Wei gently.

The sitting teenager looks young, the facial features are very delicate, especially a pair of eyes, black and clear, his eyes are very clear, just neutralizing the gorgeous facial features, bright and not demon, it does not look like that kind of love Be the demon's temper.

"Is it called You Ling? How old is this year?" asked the Queen Mother.

Fu Yan stood up and shouted back. He was a little nervous in his heart, but he was still not humbled on the face. Even the speed of returning words was not bad. "Back to the Queen Mother, this year is seventeen."

Only seventeen...that is ten years younger than my son. Before I saw someone, she thought it was a long-sleeved dance party to try to figure out the people. After all, my son knew that ordinary people could easily tie him down.

But now that I met people, the Queen Mother realized that this may not necessarily be the way for people to tie their sons to their homes. Instead, it may be that their son does not know what tricks to use to slap others with him.

The Queen Mother fluttered and looked at Chu Xiangtian, and he waved his hand to make Fu Yan not have to be polite. "It’s all from family, not to be polite."

Fu Yan said to sit back and go, the words and deeds can not find a trace of mistakes, not very old, or the first time into the palace, can do this is already good.

The Queen Mother is more satisfied with her heart. Before she deliberately held her momentum, her expression was more moderate. "Does the family do business? Who else?"

Fu Wei: "The family is doing rice business, and there are mothers and sisters."

The Queen’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and before Chu was very good to Tianzhu, so before she did not know the situation of Fu’s family today, “Is you a son at home?”

Fu Fu is not clear, so he nodded his head and said, "Yes."

The headache of the Queen Mother’s headache is that this son is a pro, and if it is a pro with a man, this is equivalent to forcing others to break off the grandson. She even suspects that Chu Xiangtian used the means to force Fu’s consent. This is a marriage.

When he glanced at his son, the Queen Mother asked Wen: "Your mother... also agreed to the marriage?" She paused and hesitated and said: "The words of the parents' words, regardless of what Feng Xiao said, if you Parents don't want this marriage, you don't have to be stubborn."

"Mother!" Chu Xiangtian changed his mind, never expected to dismantle his desk at this time.

The Queen Mother raised his hand and interrupted him. "Let the first time finish."

Fu Yan looked at Chu Xiangtian's brow, and then looked at the face of Empress Dowager, and finally understood the meaning of the words in front of the Queen Mother - she thought that their affair was forced by Chu Xiangtian.

Fu Xin was a little bit crying and laughing. He looked at Chu’s tight face and looked at it. He didn’t hold back and sneaked his lips and smiled. He raised his sleeve and covered his smile. He seriously said: “Reviewing the Queen Mother, the mother’s mother is indeed I agree, it’s not that the lord is persecuted, just because I... I am in love with him..."

When it comes to the two feelings of joy, his cheeks are reddish, but he still resists shame and continues: "Mother is not willing to make me embarrassed, never obstructed."

So the marriage is what he wants, not someone who forces him.

His eagerness to maintain the posture made the Queen Mother slightly, and then he turned to God and then waved at him.

Fu Hao stepped forward, and the Queen Mother took his hand and looked at it for a moment, sighing: "Your mother... very good, you are also a good boy."

She looked at Chu Xiangtian, and her smile was helpless. "When you were born, I went to the Great Ci'an Temple to pray. The host said that you are a blessing, but there is a bumpy but no major disaster. It is a good life for a lifetime. I didn't expect it. He said it.

She wants to put her in the place and let her only son get married with a man. She won't agree so easily.

Chu Xiangtian’s tight expression slowed down and smiled: “I thought I would be a good fight after my mother.”

The Queen Mother took Fu Wei and sat down beside him. He heard him and glanced at him. He was more and more dissatisfied with this son. "I can't easily find a look that is not good for you. Can I really dismantle you?"

Chu jumped to the sky and browed. He wanted to say something and held back, but Fu Hao heard it, and the corner of his mouth did not hold back.

The Queen Mother said that he would no longer care for him. He turned his head and talked with Fu Wei in a warm and whisper. Fu Yan is a very well-informed child. He speaks decently and decently. He understands everything, but his mind is not deep, but rather than many people. It must be pure.

The Queen Mother asked some questions. He also said that he would not hide or cleverly give himself a chance. However, the Empress Dowager heard that while he was taking care of his family's business, he was able to take care of his studies. At the age of sixteen, he was a scholar, and he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Is it possible to think of entering the DPRK as an official?" It is a young man who is not very old and has good knowledge of his heart. If he is interested, the Queen Mother does not mind pushing him.

Who knows that Fu Yan heard the words but shook his head, and some embarrassed said: "The original examination was just to give the mother a sigh of relief, and did not think about entering the DPRK as an official, and the business at home still has to take care of me."

The Queen Mother patted his hand, half is gratified and half envy: "Your mother taught you very well." Not arrogant, know what you want, and know the responsibility of shoulders, such a person, Will not be easily fascinated.

She sighed. "Not like Feng Yu... I didn't obey when I was young, and I don't know who I am with."

When Chu Xiangtian is on the side, the more he listens, the more he feels wrong. He always feels that letting them go on, it’s worth noting that they should be defamed.

"After the mother, do you think it is time to use lunch?" Chu Xiangtian found a reason to interrupt their words.

He originally wanted to leave first, but he didn't want to see Fu Hao in the Queen's Day. The more he looked, the more satisfied he was. Apart from being a man, it was really her eyes. She was reminded by Chu Xiangtian that she would take Fu Fu to accompany her. "What do you like to eat? Say to Wang Hao, she let the imperial kitchen do it."

"If you live in the palace for a few days, talk to me and chat, the emperor is busy with politics all the time, and Feng Yu is also ignorant of me. I don't want to stay in the palace. It is rare for someone to talk with me."

The Queen Mother smiled and looked loving. "Let your mother and sister come into the palace again in the next day. It is also a family in the future. It is time to see one side..."

Chu Xiangtian: "..."

Fu Fu helped the Queen Mother, the two asked each other and walked slowly to the dining room. Chu Xiangtian shouted two times and no one cares about him. He watched the two go first.

Wang Hao also followed the music and said to him: "I haven’t seen the Queen Mother so happy for a long time. It seems that I really like Hou Ye."

Chu pumped to the corner of Tianzui. For a moment, I didn’t know if I should be happy or not. Looking at the situation after the mother, the number of young masters entering the palace will be inevitable.