MTL - You Can’t Be Fierce Towards Me!-Chapter 81

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It was really scared, and all the men were accounted for. The onlookers believed that they were true at the beginning. At this moment, I heard that he was actually posing as a fake and was not shameful.

"Bad embryo!"


Something is irritating, and I grabbed the bougainvillea at hand and threw it at him, ruining the name of a girl who had not left the cabinet. If it was placed on another girl, it would be equivalent to forcing the other to die.

Although Da Chu folk customs are open, but if the private life is such a thing to be passed out, it will still be shameful, especially for the big family, so they will rush to marry the lady in the house or send it to the temple to be a good friend. When there is no such person in the family.

It is also good that Fu Hao reacted quickly enough to dismantle the person on the spot, or else the news will be passed on, and I don’t know what to be passed on.

"Take people to the government." Fu said: "This person is malicious and filthy, and his heart is awkward!"

He named Yang Dashi to send people to the government, and whispered in a place where others did not pay attention. "Most of them are heard and dried up. You and the officers and men will find out people as soon as possible."

Yang Dashi nodded, picking up the **** man like a chicken and going to the government.

Fu Yuchao arched his hand and threw the whip back into the hands of the horse. "Go back to the government."

The onlookers consciously separated, and the stalled carriage slowly walked away.

In the carriage behind Fu Wei, Fu Shuyue's tight fingers loosened some, Fu Youqin's eyebrows wrinkled, and took his daughter into his arms and patted it. "It's okay, don't be afraid."

Several carriages stopped in front of Fujiamen, and Fu Hao went to the rear carriage for the first time. He looked worriedly at Fu Shuyue, "Sister?"

Fu Shuyue smiled at him with a faint smile. "I am fine, thanks to you today."

Fu Wei gently grasped her hand and told the close-servant to take her back to rest. The last few carriages followed the neighboring tribes. Fu Youqin had to greet the female nieces. For the time being, she couldn’t walk. She could only whisper a few words and let her go back to rest.

Adjusted the expression, the two greeted the people of the side branch.

After a recent farce, the people on the side of the branch have different minds, but I also know that the family members of Fu family are definitely in a bad mood, and everyone has no interest in it.

The banquet was prepared long ago, and it was busy all day. Everyone took a break and entered the table. Fu Wei had a table with the family owners, and the sons and daughters were entertained by Fu Youqin.

During the meeting, there was a lot of drunkenness. The middle-aged man sitting next to Fu Wei had already got drunken red. The elders patted Fu’s shoulders. Now that you are the master, the four uncles will say it, the age of the book is not too small, and it is time to find someone else."

He obviously has quite a few words about the other side. "I have heard that I have already retired from Jiaojia for a marriage. Now I have troubled this game. Although someone deliberately did it, it is not good for Fu’s reputation. ......"

"Since you are the owner of the Fu family, you should take care of Fu’s reputation and be irresponsible!"

“Oh?” Fu Wei’s slight side face, the smile on his face was cold, and the wine glass on his hand made a dull sound on the table. “Why did the four uncle think about the reputation of Fu’s family?”

The other people on the table were so stiff that they apparently noticed that Fu was unhappy, and some people gave Fu Zhengde a dazzling look, but the drunk people did not notice it.

Fu Zhengde and Fu Youqin are peers. Their great-grandfathers were brothers. After they became married, Fu Youqin’s great-grandfather inherited his family business. Fu Zhengde’s great-grandfather went to Qingyang to do business. Later, he took root in Qingyang, only in the new year. When he worships the ancestors, he will come back for a while. Fu Youqin has to call him a cousin.

Counting the side branch, the best should be Fu Zhengde, so it is even more unscrupulous to say it.

Especially after drinking alcohol, Fu Zhengde is even more unscrupulous. "You have four uncles who have not yet married. I will let your four uncles get together and look at my face. They will never mind the good reputation. Bad."

Fu Hao was almost ridiculed by him, but the more angry he was, the calmer his expression on his face. "The uncle's kindness is led, but his sister is familiar with poetry and etiquette, and she is very talented. I am afraid that it is not just which corner." You can deserve it."

Fu Zhengde’s face was awkward. “You are too arrogant.”

Fu Yan stood up and looked cold. "Fu Jiajia is a big business, is it arrogant? How is the family's marriage?"

Fu Zhengde was stunned by him. He still wanted to say something but he was not taken by the people next to him. Others came out to play the round field and changed the topic to reveal things.

No mood to deal with these people again, Fu Wei casually found an excuse to leave, let Wenji come over to greet the guests.

It was not until the second day that these people left and they did not show up.

Although it is said that the young master is incapable of alcohol, but everyone in the heart of the mirror, it must be the last night's thing offended the new owner, people are not willing to do the surface.

After a night, Fu Zhengde wine also woke up, but he was very high-spirited. If it wasn’t for the Qufang town, Fu Jia was the main pulse, and Fu Fu was so unwilling to do it. He simply did not want to take care of it.

"Let's go, it's no wonder that the main veins of these years can only be in this small square town. It's really no one else..."

Others shook their heads, didn't take care of him, and each got out of the carriage.

Fu Wei, who was "invincible", went to the courtyard of Fu Shuyue.

The mother and the child are obviously the same mind. Fu Youqin was also in the courtyard of Fu Shuyue early in the morning. The mother and daughter were chatting in the pavilion in the garden.

See Fu Hao also came, Fu Shuyue gave him a cup of hot tea to warm him.

Seeing that there was no stagnation in her expression, Fu Wei did not mention yesterday's things, just sit down and drink tea with three people.

After drinking a few cups of tea, Fu Youqin carefully mentioned the marriage. "A lot of matchmakers came to the door a few days ago. I picked and picked a few. It’s not bad. Do you see if you have a heart?"

"If you don't have a close eye, don't worry, look slowly." Worried that the daughter misunderstood, Fu Youqin quickly added another sentence.

The action of Fu Shuyue's tea was paused. I didn't pick up the famous posts. I whispered: "Mother, I want to wait..."

Seeing that she didn't even pick up the famous posts, she refused. Fu Youqin sighed and was not reluctant.

After the winter solstice, the weather became colder and colder, and it was getting closer and closer to the New Year.

Yang Dashi took the people in the official residence and found the hidden Wenming in two days. It is said that the man was found in the cave of Xishantou.

I found a pack of gold and silver with him, and I don't know what he thought. He took the money and didn't leave the town of Sifang. He even touched Xishantou and hid it.

Fu Yi always felt that he had stayed for another purpose. It was rare to take time to visit him in a prison. Wen Zeming is a murderer who is murdered and is locked in the innermost cell. The light is dim and there is a faint smell.

He shrank in the corner of the prison, and when he saw Fu, he rushed up like a mad man, and his evil curse in his mouth.

Fu Wei looked at him through a layer of fence, and there was no emotion in his eyes. "Your sentence has been fixed, just the day after tomorrow."

Killing people and paying their lives, Wen Zeming was sentenced to a decision, and the execution time was at noon the day after tomorrow.

In one sentence, Wen Zeming was dismissed. He snarled on the ground, muttering in his mouth. "It shouldn't be like this... Damn it is your mother and child... It shouldn't be like this..."

Fu Xin’s heart was shocked and his eyes looked at him coldly. “What are you talking about?”

Wen Mingming went crazy from the gap in the fence and tried to catch him. The chain of the body screamed and screamed. "When the family is mine, you are damned! You are a monster... you are a monster... I Tell them, let them burn you! It’s me who smells home, haha...”

"You are crazy." Fu Yan stunned his heart and said with no expression.

The jailer was obviously used to it, and he explained to him cautiously: "It’s like this since I came in. It’s always mad."

Fu Hao tightened his jaw, and the palm of his hand in the sleeve had a thin layer of sweat. He nodded coldly and calmly turned away.

Behind him, the jailer smoked two whip unknowingly, smelling the painful indentation into the corner, thinking of the dream he had done in the cave, could not help but laugh and laugh...

All the way to calm down the carriage, Fu Yancai can not control the shaking hands.

How can Wen Zeming know about the last life... I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. Fu Yan thought that the day after tomorrow was his execution, and my heart finally comforted me.

Suddenly scared, his hands and feet were cold, and he went back to the house and drank a whole pot of hot tea before he barely warmed up. Wrapped himself in a thick cloak, he suddenly missed Chu to heaven.

It’s just that he didn’t know that in the Qingyang Palace at the moment, Chu Xiangtian’s situation was no better than him.

After the end of the ancestral ritual ceremony, he originally wanted to get back to Sifang Town as soon as possible, but the capital family learned that after he came back, all kinds of prayers continued, he was too lazy to cope with these people, simply shut the door and hide Go to the palace.

It’s just that the palace is not safe. Seeing that the younger son is almost thirty years old, but there are no close people in the warm bed. The Queen Mother is not able to worry about it. Three days later, she called some ladies and ladies into the palace, trying to give Chu Xiangtian said a marriage.

When the ladies are scattered, Chu returns to the genius from the outside, and sat down in front of the rules.

The Empress Dowager has a good temper, but he is also angry when he sees that he is not in the heart. "You are prepared to let me die, I can’t close my eyes?!"

Chu had a toothache when he was in the sky, but he did not dare to go back. He could only explain again: "I have someone I like."

"Then you are talking about which lady," the Queen Mother did not believe, "You don't take this set to perfuse me."

It’s not that the Queen is not willing to believe in him. It’s really a set of rhetoric. Chu Xiangtian has used it too many times in the past few years, and there is no credibility.

Chu Xiangtian’s head screamed, and he had to be honestly accountable. “Not the lady of the family, the son of Fu’s family, called Fu Wei.”

The Queen Mother, who was just preparing to cry, said, "Which Fu Jia?" Then he reacted again and said: "Is it a man?"

Since I said it, Chu Xiangtian did not cover up. I simply opened the skylight and said something bright. "It’s the Fu family in Nanming County. I am going to pick up the family before the festival. It’s best to set the wedding date. I was prepared to Tell someone back and tell you."

His marriage is not a trivial matter. The prince of the palm of the hand is the brother of the emperor. All the families are staring at him. He does not want to make extra-budgets. He wanted to wait for the pro-decision to announce the news again. Even the Queen Mother and the emperor are squatting. It is really impossible to be forced by the Queen Mother, and I can’t tell the truth.

The Queen looked at him with a sly look. This time, he didn't wear it. His eyes were really red. "If you are worried about suspicion, you can find a civilian woman, why bother..." Why find a man.

Although the Queen Mother did not intervene, but also knows that after the eldest son ascended the throne, there are many voices suggesting that he withdraw his military power.

The same is the same, Chu Xiangtian still palms half of the big Chu's military power, it is difficult to make people jealous.

Chu Xiangtian has been reluctant to become a pro-have for the first time. The prince of the prince, if he is a pro-independence, the woman’s family history is inevitably low. Once he is provocative, he is likely to be a tragedy of a brother-in-law.

"Not because of the emperor," Chu Xiangtian said in a difficult way: "I really like him."

The Empress Dowager had a cry, and she did not know that she did not listen to it. Anyway, when Chu Xiangtian left, she was still not thinking.

Immediately after that night, the emperor touched two pots of wine and touched him in his palace.

"have a drink?"

I don't have to think about Chu Xiangtian knowing that it must be the daytime thing that passed to him.

The two brothers sat on the roof of the palace. One person and one pot of wine, Chu Fengyuan drank a few mouthfuls before he patted his shoulders hard. "Those words... you don't have to care."

Chu Xiangtian pinched his brow, and said that there was suffering, "Is the mother telling you?"

Chu Fengyuan "hmm", their brothers were dependent on each other, although the mother is a palace, but not a pet, plus the mother is withered, the emperor also supports the noble, so their mother and child are struggling in the palace.

It was Chu Xiangtian’s life that went to the border, and the hand’s military power was changed.

Read The Duke's Passion