MTL - You Can’t Be Fierce Towards Me!-Chapter 3

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As if to prove Fu Youqin's words, the Jiaojia's welcoming team was rushed for half an hour late.

The guards of honor should be all the way to the road, and even the formations were not aligned. They ran to the door of Wenjia, and then reorganized the formation and knocked up the drums to prepare for the bride.

Wen Shuyue has already dressed up, put on his own hand-embroidered wedding dress, sitting on a bed covered with red silk. She was nervously twisting her handkerchief, feeling uneasy and mixed with shame.

"The people of Jiaojia are here." Dufu ran into the letter with a smile.

Wen Yan personally put the red hijab on her, and asked without a word, "Is it a long time?"

Defoe stunned, Jiaojia’s welcoming team came half an hour later, and then he would have missed the time when he was not happy. The two families were noisy, and Wen’s question was so he didn’t seem to see the groom’s official. . It seems that the team leader is a brother of Jiao Changxian.

"I didn't see it, it was a mess outside."

Wen Yan hides the smile on his lips, relaxes the tight nerves, and handes the book to the close-fitting scorpion, letting them take care of the book.

He took Defu to go to the front to see the situation.

The foot has not yet stepped out of the door, and I heard the deafening gongs and drums. Unlike the noisy outside, the people in the city have stopped their movements and seem to be watching.

In the front hall, Jiao Chang’s cousin Jiao Changqing sat in a guest seat. Fu Youqin and Wen Boli sat in the main seat. The room was filled with a silent atmosphere, which was incompatible with the joy outside.

"Hey, mother, what happened?" The arrival of Wen Yan broke the silence. He looked at nothing and looked at Jiao Changqing with a puzzled look.

Jiao Changqing reluctantly pulled his mouth and looked at Fu Youqin, who was obviously unhappy. "The long sacrifice was really an accident. When the horse was on the horse, he was shocked and took him from the horse."

"Why did you pick at this time? I don't know if I was not satisfied with the excuse that the Jiao family was not satisfied with this marriage." The smell of the people looked like an unintentional joke.

Sure enough, Fu Youqin and Wen Bo Li heard the face more ugly.

Jiao Changqing's eyes were pumped, and the hand held in his sleeve was tight. His heart was actually suffocating. Jiao Changxian was his cousin. He used to press him everywhere, and even his relatives were ahead of him. As a result, Jiao Chang offered it well. One night before the wedding, he sneaked to the brothel until the next day, and the people of Jiaojia were found missing.

At first they thought that there was something unexpected, and all the people who were in the middle of the town were looking for a big fan. In the end, they found someone in the brothel.

According to the return of the person looking for someone, Jiao Changxian and the four prostitutes made a mess. When they looked for the past, Jiao Changxian also refused to rise up in the prostitute, and the house was full of traces of unspeakable people.

This fun is big. Before the Jiaojia was a big move, this person was found out from the brothel. Almost all the towns knew it. Jiaojia’s son played with the four nephews one night before the wedding, and even married. Not all.

How can the reputation accumulated in the past be ruined first?

They forcibly brought people back, but Jiao Chang offered to play too crazy, and estimated that he had eaten a lot of drugs to help him. When everyone did not pay attention, he rolled up with the waiter who was waiting for clothes. Seeing that Kyrgyzstan is coming to Jiao Changxian, it is still noisy, but this marriage is absolutely impossible to destroy, and simply lie to let Jiao Changqing come to meet.

As long as the people are greeted back, what happens is the matter of the family.

Jiao Changqing can not make this marriage impossible, but can not violate the words of the elders, can only pull down the face to pay is not, "Xiandi this misunderstanding, long dedication to the lady is infatuated, he insisted on coming, just broke his leg can not stand Bumpy, grandmother, let me welcome you on behalf of..."

The words he said in his words were earnest. In addition to Wen Yan, Wen Jia’s parents were somewhat shaken.

Wen Bo Li looked outside, and the gongs and drums never stopped. He hesitated to discuss with his wife. "Qin Niang, the hour is coming, do you want to...?"

Fu Youqin sighed, even the bridegroom did not arrive, so she was not willing to hand over her daughter, but it was too uncomfortable for this trouble. After all, Jiao Changxian’s leg was also an accident, and she thought about it for a long while, she still compromised. nod.

Jiao Changqing smiled on his face and stood up and bowed his hand to apologize. "Thank you for your understanding."

The time of delay has been quite a lot. After being affirmed, Jiao Changqing rushed out to prepare, and Wen Boli followed Fu Youqin to follow. Wen Yan deliberately fell to the last side, stretched out the sleeves of La Fu Youqin.

Fu Youqin turned strangely. "What happened?"

Wen Wei had already laid out the draft, and then he lowered his eyes and said his fears. "The big wedding day shocked the horse and broke his leg. How can there be such a coincidence? We still send people to go first. Jiaojia looks safe."

Although Fu Youqin was dissatisfied with Jiao Changxian’s absence, she did not expect this layer to go up. She hesitated: “Chang Xian is a good boy and always caring for your sister. This may be a real accident, and this is One time also delayed Ji Shi..."

Wen Wei has long guessed that this will be the result.

Jiao Changxian pretended to be very good. After the two were engaged, he would come to visit on holidays, and from time to time, he would give a small gift to Wen Shuyue. If it wasn’t after Wen’s experience, he would not believe it. It’s all about the means of deliberately deliberately deceiving them, just for the dowry of Wenshuyue and the smell behind it.

So later, Wen Bo Li took a break from his wife and took up the Fu family. He helped the room, and Jiao Changxian also had a kind of learning, and instead hooked up the prostitute in the dim room.

"I let Defu take a shortcut to go to Jiaojia to inquire about the news, and don't delay the time," Wen said, shaking the sleeves of Fu Youqin. "I just have some concerns. Let people go and see if there is always something wrong. If it's okay, then In case, if the Jiaojia is lying to lie to us, it will be more difficult to get back on the road than to let the sister marry."

Fu Youqin was said by him, and he felt that there was some truth. Wen Shuyue was her only daughter. She was proficient in Xiaoqin chess and painting, and her character was meek. If Jiaojia really lie, even if she is half-way, she will not I am willing to let this only daughter marry and be bullied.

"Well, you first let Defu go to explore the news." Fu Youqin touched his head. Wen Wei actually grew taller than her, but because of the innocent temper, she couldn’t help but treat him as a child. It was only until today that she discovered that the child suddenly matured a lot and finally had an adult appearance.

I first told Daifu to go to Lehe Town to inquire about the news. Wen Yan told him the location of the old fisherman, and he went to the backyard.

The time was delayed for too long, Fu Youqin took the meal and fed the book to eat two, and then wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, half-smiling and crying: "If you have enough food, you can go out."

Wen Shuyue held her hand tightly, and both the mother and the daughter looked at each other and couldn’t help but blink.

After eating the sedan, it is time to set off. Wen Yan will re-cover the hijab that has been picked up, then squat down and let Wen Shuyue fall on his back.

Wen Shuyue was a little shorter than him. It was not too hard to carry her on her back. When she was up and down, she walked her step by step.

In front of the Wenfu Gate, the drums and the firecrackers rang, and Wen Yan carried the book across the brazier, and then placed her firmly in the sedan chair.

The curtain of the car fell, and the horse fell on the horse. After bidding farewell to the parents, they followed the team that greeted the relatives and went to the town of Lehe.

Out of Sifang Town, the team did not take the official road, but turned to the trail of Xishantou.

There was too much time in the family's delay, and I had to rush to Jiaojia before the time of Jiji. Jiao Changqing summed up and took the crowd to the nearest road of Xishantou.

Although Xishantou suffers from shackles, there are few teams like them who dare to remember.

The welcoming team lined up in a long red dragon and slowly headed for Xishantou.


"Chang Xi Ge, they went to our hills!"

A 10-year-old child turned over a small hill and said to the big man behind the hillside.

The big man is called Changxi. It is the bandit of Xishantou. I heard that Jiaojia’s **** is going to be a relative. He is going to guard the underground mountain. He is going to give this person a little lesson. He is trying to get so many people to start. I didn’t expect this group of people. Even dare to borrow from his site.

"Oh, this is not the right thing. The brothers are not able to find a chance to avenge your sister Xiaoqiao." Chang Xi jumped from the grass, screaming out the grass roots in his mouth, and took the child to his back. When you open your legs quickly, you will run to Xishantou. "Let's go back and call people to guard them. Today, Grandpa has to give Jiaojiaxiao a lesson, and the women in Xishanzhai are bullying!"

Xishantou is on the west side of Sifang Town. It is a small mountain range that extends from Qitianling. Because it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it becomes the stronghold of Xishanzhai.

Xishanzhai has been established for some years, helping a lot of old and weak women, and the main business of the men is still farming. When they are slack, they go out to scare the rich people who are passing by, and do small business to earn extra money. Later, after the boss came to the military division, Xishantou gradually became bigger and became the bandit of the Quartet town, so that few people in the Xishantou neighborhood dared to leave.

Jiaojia wants to take advantage of the crowd and not dare to follow this path.

Chang Xi is familiar with the terrain. He has been rushing back with his children, and then summoned several brothers who can fight. They ambushed on both sides of the mountain road.

Wen Yan rode on the side of the sedan chair and whispered to the sound of the book, and looked back anxiously.

Defoe set off first, and they walked fast during the day. After a while, they should return with the news.

"Is he?" Chang Xi pointed to Wen Wei, who was on the side of the sedan chair.

The child nodded. "Sister Xiao Qiao said that Jiao Chang’s dedication is so good that he looks the best, and he must be."

Chang Xi squinted his eyes for a while, dressed in red, and looked good. It was true that only one was heard, and he was still talking to the sedan chair. It must be the groom's official.

He gestured at the opposite brother and pointed to the direction of the sigh, meaning to wait for this.

The opposite side returned a clear gesture, ambushing in the grass patiently waiting.

The team that grew up in the dragon walked slowly, and looked back and forth. When I turned back from the 100th, I finally saw the blessing of riding the horse at the end of the team.

The corner of the mouth was lifted, and Wen’s family looked at the front of the Jiao family, and he took the Fufu to the side.

"What did you hear?" Wen Yan deliberately slowed down, letting the sedan go first, so as not to hear the book month.

When Dai Fu heard the news, he was afraid that he couldn’t catch up. He rushed all the way to catch up. He didn’t breathe, and he lowered his voice and said what he had inquired.

The results were similar to those expected by Wen Wei. The ugly thing about Jiao Changxian was spread throughout Lehe Town. Dai Fu had a little inquiries, and he knew it all.

"The Jiaojia deceives people too much!" Wen Yan’s angry face raised his hand and stopped the team.

Going forward, Jiao Changqing turned his head and asked about what happened.

Weng’s anger was unobtrusive. He leaned his head and pointed at Jiao Changqing’s nose without any politeness. “You’re so deceiving yourself!”

Jiao Changqing’s heart was shocked, and there were some hidden secrets. Do you know that Jiao Chang’s broken things...

"Xiandi, you are..."

Weng’s angry and round eyes, even his cheeks are red. "Do you want to tell me in public?!"

The Jiao family who came over suddenly changed his face. Jiao Changqing’s heart was dark and happy, but on the face, he explained the explanation. “Everything is misunderstanding, and there is nothing to wait for.”

Wen Yan sneered, watching the shameless family's shameless behavior, only that the new hatred and old hate all came up together, and did not carelessly, "the loss of Jiaojia self-proclaimed Shuxiangmen, I think it is the roadside 乞丐, also than It’s disgusting not to pay attention to the courage, this is not a good thing!”

"Dai Fu, take the lady back!"

Dai Fu’s loud response responded, commanding the bearer to carry the sedan back, and the unknown people could only be forced to separate a road.

The Jiao family wanted to stop, but was swept back by the smell of a whip. The first two people snorted and screamed at the wound immediately. Jiao Changqing wanted to go forward and saw his fierce expression and some taboos back.

Wen Yan sneered, "This is not finished!"


"What are they going to do?" The bandits who were ambushing in the grass couldn't figure it out. They were far apart and couldn't hear what they said. They knew that the groom's officer suddenly refused to leave, and then he rushed back to the sedan chair.

"Is this going to be a marriage?"

Chang Xi took a sip in the grass. "It’s not a good thing to look good. It’s a curse for Xiao Qiao, and it’s going to be a bad girl!”

Seeing that the following people are divided into two, there are only a few people left in the middle, it is a good opportunity to tie people.

Chang Xi raised his body and waved his hand, "Brothers, up!"

Four or five thick soil hurricanes rushed toward the bottom of the mountain, often moving fast and vigorous, and when everyone did not respond, a hand knife would smell dizzy, and then put people on their shoulders run.

Jiao Changqing’s strange voice, “What do you want to do?”

He didn't finish his words. The few men who rushed down later, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, caught a man and slammed the ball, and then left a message to the mountain.

"Let Jiaojia bring silver to redeem people!"

Being beaten by Jiao Changqing: "???" is tied to why the family wants to focus on redeeming people?

The process of tying people to the bandits was like a wind, and when the stunned people reacted, they had no shadow.

Defu looked at the direction in which Wen Yan disappeared, and looked at the scared head of Wen Shuyue, and gnawed his teeth: "First come back to hear the house!"


Chang Xiyi took the lead and went back to the stockade. He threw the stunned smell on the ground, wandered around for two laps, and found the hemp rope, which tied the shackles to the pillars. .

The brothers who followed him turned around the pillar and sighed. "It really is a little white face. It is no wonder that even Xiao Qiao can lie."

Chang Xi’s man who spoke up, “Go and go, and quickly call Xiao Qiao. The brothers have tied her to her, and she wants to kill her.”

Not long after, Xiao Qiao came over. She was wearing a coarse cloth skirt, her hair was smeared with a smooth twig, and she looked delicate and soft, and there was a kind of softness of Xiaojiabiyu.

Chang Xi saw her, and suddenly laughed silly. "Little Joe, you see, I tied the Jiao Changxian to give you out."

Xiao Qiao washes his clothes and washes them in half. It is very incomprehensible to be pulled over. When he listens to his coke, he does not fight for a fight. He smashes his fist. "Take another person, I will lick your ears." Come down."

After she finished the man, she changed back to a delicate look and looked at the smell on the pillar. "Who is this?"

Poorly like a big man of more than eight feet, he was not screamed by the hammer, and the concubine’s contracted neck whispered. "This is not the one... Who?" He originally wanted to say Jiao Changxian, and he just remembered Only after being hammered, I closed my mouth.

"Who is that who?" Xiao Qiao raised his eyebrows.

Chang Xi pitifully shrinks his neck. "On that, what is the focus. You are not asking me to mention his name?"

Xiao Qiaomo responded for a while, and stunned at the coma, "You said him, Jiao Changxian?"

"Ah." Chang Xi nodded honestly, looking forward to watching Xiao Qiao, like a big wolf dog waiting to be praised.

However, waiting for him is not praise and meat bones, but Xiao Qiao once again violently beaten, although not painful, but especially wronged, "How do you beat me?"

Xiao Qiao smiled coldly and took his eyes and yelled at him. "You are a fool, this is not a courage!"

"Ah?" Changxi sneaked a bit, stupidly pointing to Wen Yan, "Who is he?"

Xiao Qiao holds his arms in his arms. "Who the person you caught asked me?"

I often look at Wen Wei, and then look at other people, "Then we caught the wrong person? Now what?"

No one responded, everyone looked at the sky and looked at the ground.

I often wrinkled my face with a bitter haha. "We also let Jiaojia take the money to redeem people."

Xiao Qiao's eyes turned to the sky, turned and prepared to go back to continue to wash clothes. "The boss will be back soon. You ask him what to do."

Chang Xi: "..."

He whispered, "Do not ask the boss to find a fight!"

However, it is obvious that everyone is afraid of being embarrassed by the boss. When Xiao Qiao left, he followed the birds and beasts, leaving a happy person to worry about it.

"Or, you can secretly let me down the mountain." Wen opened his eyes and tried to give him a small suggestion.

When he was tied, he woke up. He often liked him like a ramie bag. He had a pain in his body, and with a rough rope, he woke up, but he didn’t understand the situation. Always pretending to be unconscious.

Chang Xi was shocked by his sudden screaming, glaring at him like a ghost. "When did you wake up?"

Wen Wei: "Just."

Chang Xi sighed with relief, and the tiger looked fiercely and said: "I didn't get a ransom, I won't let people go."

Wen Yan poked him. "But you are not catching the wrong person. Jiaojia will not take money to redeem me. They can be poor."

Chang Xi is like a frightened bear, his eyes are like a brass bell. "You are not just awake?"

"Well, I just heard this sentence when I woke up." Wen Wei just listened for a long time, knowing that this is the most unintentional, just thinking that he would give himself away. "I have a hatred with Jiao Chang, if you put I am, I went home to pack him, and I can also export to Xiao Qiao."

Read The Duke's Passion