MTL - You Can’t Be Fierce Towards Me!-Chapter 130 Two extra

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When the autumn came, the entire Qingyang Chengdu was like the weather in autumn, and it was cold.

After a year of rest and recuperation, the lives of the people everywhere have been stabilized, and the temple has begun to turmoil. Chu Fengyuan accumulated a few years of anger, and the officials who had been dismissed and pleaded guilty were the same as those who cut the leeks. One after another, from the central to the local, none was spared.

The official who thought that the emperor was liberal, this is that it is not that the emperor will not pursue it, but that no one is available, but only suffocating. Now that the turmoil is over, there are officials who have been promoted all the way. Naturally, there are people showing crimes, or squatting or smashing. The prison is in prison.

The number of files in the Criminal Department has never been more than ever. The officials of the upper and lower officials cannot be smashed at night. The verification of one piece and one piece is clear, and the city of Qingyang is always screaming.

Some people have been ravaged, and naturally some people have risen to replace them. Most of the newly promoted officials are young people. The majority of the children in the family are the majority, but at the same time, many of the children of the Hanmen are also being criticized.

Among them, the representative of the Hanmen is the Qin Shu, the criminal department.

The birth of the cold door has a windy bone. At a young age, he climbed up to the position of Shangshu Shangshu. Although he has a high weight, he never pulls a gang to tie up the party, and the party is private. It can be said that the two sleeves are breeze. Even if Qingyang stares up and down, there is no way to find a mistake. .

Therefore, Qin Yu was quite supported by the Wenchen of the Qing Dynasty.

The big cleansing, left-handed and the household department Shangshu were found to collude with each other, the corruption of the state treasury silver two hundred thousand, the crime is conclusive, the emperor was angry, and sentenced to fall after the fall.

The two deaths of life have been fixed, the position of the left-handed family and the book of the family has been vacated, and the emperor has not selected new people. It has been so empty, and even the audience has been staring at these two positions.

However, Chu Fengyuan did not express his position, and some veterans gradually reacted.

The emperor was still young and ambitious. They were old and weak, and they only sought stability, and this was the way to block the emperor.

However, this is not necessarily a bad thing. The old minister who opened the watch simply returned home and gave the position to the young people. Chu Fengyuan was also very generous. Any minister who confessed to the old man gave a very good reward.

Since then, the wind direction on the court has become more clear. The emperor is clearly eager to promote his confession. Some people have seen through the situation and retreat. Some people want to take a share in this new and old alternation and try to figure out the meaning.

Some people were listed in the early dynasty, and the sin of the Shang dynasty, Qin Shu, was very young, and it was just right, and now the left-handed position is empty, intending to recommend Qin Yu as the left.

Chu Fengyuan did not show his attitude in the court. He only said that the left-handed person should be cautious, and he thought about himself. In the dark, Qin Qin was called into the palace to clarify the pros and cons.

The temple is new and old, and the undercurrent is surging. At this time, whoever stands out is the target of life. Qin Yuming is the emperor, used to check and balance the right phase, and the right phase is the old minister of the two dynasties, and may not be willing to let go of the authority.

Chu Fengyuan’s back to the Qin dynasty, looking at the palace stacked in the distance, “If you can shoulder this heavy burden, return to Qingyang two years later, the position of the left phase is yours.”

Qin Hao looked unmoved and squatted on one knee. "I wish to share the worry for the emperor."

Chu Fengyuan nodded slightly. "Then go back and prepare."

On the early morning of the next day, Qin Shu, the criminal department, asked himself to go to the southwest. "The poor land in the southwest, the minister was born in the end, and could not bear the suffering of the southwestern people. He is willing to go to the southwest to learn from the micro-ends and to benefit the southwestern people."

The emperor did not think much about it.

The courtier is stunned.

However, both the monarch and the minister did not explain the meaning. Qin Yu resigned from the post of the criminal department, and served as the county guard of Linqing County. After three days, he set off for the southwest.

The former criminal minister, Wei Wei, was promoted to the Shangshu Shangshu, and many people from the Weiguo government sent congratulations.

The defending champion did not see anyone, stayed alone in the yard, and his face was cold and scary.

The next person is scared to speak, and if he is chilling, he is in the corner.

"I went out for a trip." Wei Yan calmed his face and only made a sound for a long time, and his sleeves strode out.

Qin Yu, Qin Lan in the hospital to drink and drink, a deep gully between the two eyebrows, he originally liked to calm his face, and now this look is even more horrible.

The defending champion drove straight from the gate and saw that Qin Lan was drinking in the courtyard, and the unknown mass of the chest was more prosperous.

"It seems that Qin Daren is very happy to go to the southwest?" He walked to the table with anger and sneered at Qin.

The hand holding the glass of wine was slightly stunned. Qin Lan looked up at him. The black eyes seemed to suppress countless unspeakable feelings. The defending heart looked trembled.

“Drink a drink together?” Qin Hao poured him a glass of wine and asked him with a smile.

Defending him for a long while, he took the glass and took it out, then placed the glass in front of him. "Come back."

Qin Yu said nothing, raised his hand and poured another glass for him.

Wei Wei took a breath and drank a few cups before he dropped the glass and asked his head: "Why did you suddenly go to the southwest?"

Qin Lan still looked at him with the eyes that seemed to contain countless emotions, without saying a word.

The fire that accumulates in the heart suddenly broke out, and the smile on the defending face was collected. The glass in the hand was thrown on the ground and issued a "jingle" crisp sound. "Not to mention it."

He said that he wanted to leave, but he was not prevented from being pulled from behind his wrist.


Qin Lan’s voice was low and heavy, and the strong emotions were suppressed for a long time in his heart, and even the export became a torment.

"I don't want to say that I don't have to be stubborn." The defending did not turn around, but the mouth was inexplicably bitter, and it has been filled into the heart.

Qin Lan felt the pulse between his wrists, and closed his eyes with forbearance. After a moment, he decided to make up his mind, and he pulled the man hard, and looked at him with deep eyes.

"What?" The defending demon was seen by him, and he stepped back involuntarily.

The Qin dynasty was stimulated by his retreat. He made a low and heavy laugh from the throat. The handsome face approached a little until the two men crossed their lips. "This is the reason."

After he finished, he squeezed the defending jaw and forced him to open his mouth. The overbearing and flexible tongue invaded.

Defending his eyes wide open, his mind was blank.

Qin Lan did not close his eyes, squinting his eyes and looking at him, but his lips and teeth were even harder, and he could almost taste the salty blood.

The blood rushed to the top of the head, and the defending defender returned to God. He took a bite out of his defense and tried his best to push the person away.

"Are you crazy?!"

Qin Yan mouth with blood, the bottom of the eyes is a stormy wave, "You do not want to know why I went to the southwest? This is the reason."

He has always been calm and self-sufficient. Apart from his ideal ambitions, he has almost no desire.

But all this changed from defending his tough eyes.

The defending is like his poison, which made him crazy. He looked at him in front of him every day. Qin Hao would not want to hug him and put him into his blood.

It is possible to defend the "Qin Brother", and it is always like a slap in the face, pulling him back from the edge of eternal annihilation.

He is reluctant, depressed, pretending to be a reliable friend close to him, but in his mind, only how to hold people under the night and night.

He seems to have split into two people, trying to control himself every day, but the defending has nothing to do, even asking him over and over again, "Why go? Why go southwest?"

This is like a words of retention, so that he can no longer suppress the feelings of the dying.

He thought about himself: he indulged this time, and he always smiled and watched his wife and children.

The pain of defending his head was almost a mess of porridge. He looked at Qin Xiao with incomprehensibility and said incoherently: "You...we are friends...all men..."

Qin Yan’s mouth is smirked with a smile. “What happened to the man, isn’t the man alive and the king?”

He reached out and tried to touch the defending face, and he always took it back when he was worried about it. He whispered: "I love you, look at you every day, just want to make you call out loud..."

"You see!"

The defending gritted his teeth and his face became purple. "I treat you as my best friend..."

Qin Xiao’s smile faded. “I don’t want to be your friend.”

Defending: "..."

He glared at the man who did not know how to repent, and grind his teeth and turned away. "You are drunk, I have never happened today."

Qin Yan’s eyes were dark and he looked at the back of his stride and clenched his fists. Finally he fell down weakly.


Going back to the defender and shutting himself up at home, no one can see it. After a few days, the tone in his heart is not open, and he is planning to go to Qin to beat Qin Qin.

He repented in his heart. In these days, his dreams were all the kisses of the night, and he was not disturbed by the peace. At that time, he was arrogant and arrogant.

Going to Qinfu with a sigh of anger, but found that the door was closed, he only remembered that Qin Hao had already set off for the southwest.

The sigh of screaming suddenly spread, and there was some uncomfortable feeling in the heart of the defending. In the end, he could only kick the door with anger.

I didn't want to go home, Wei Wei turned a few laps and finally went to the hospitality.

Fu Wei was shocked to see the defending. "What happened?"

Chu Xiangtian’s usual cynicism, no concern for his friends, “looking like being abandoned by people.”

The defending champion jerked his head up and jumped up and yelled at him like a poke. "You have been abandoned by the beginning of the chaos, even if you want to end up in a mess, it is also my swearing Qin Qin!"

After he said that he immediately realized that he had leaked his mouth, gasping for Chu Xiangtian, and wished to rush to fight with him.

Chu Xiangtian looked at him and sat down after a moment of silence. "Qin Wei? You got it with Qin Hao?"

Fu Hao secretly slammed him and used his eyes to shut him up.

He poured a cup of tea into the defending family. He said: "Qin Daren went to the southwest the day before..."

Defending the molars, "I know."

When Qin Lan kissed him and messed up his life, he tidyed up and ran away. The defending swears secretly, and sees him next time, not hitting him with a hard hatred.

Fu Yan opened his mouth, did not know how to persuade, and finally closed.

However, Chu Xiangtian saw his appearance, dissatisfied "啧" said: "Qin Zhen is a sly character, if you don't like him, don't provoke."

The defending champion immediately blasted. "Is it that I am provoked? It is obvious that he came to provoke me, and the result is that he ran away!"

"Oh..." Chu Xiangtian looked at him meaningfully. "So I was abandoned by the beginning of the chaos."

Defending: "..."

Finally, the friends gathered together to end the disappointment.

After the Qin dynasty left, the dark tide of the dynasty seemed to be calmer. The emperor did not take any more knives, and the various officials had their own duties and loyalty.

The defending team threw the troubles behind the scenes and took over the burden of the criminal department. One mind threw himself into the official business.

In the blink of an eye, the gift was sent in the southwest of the winter solstice, and all the friends had a share, but the defending did not.

The defending grinds his teeth and the discouraged sleeves are gone.

Fu Yu’s gift was extraordinarily large. He opened it and found that it was divided into two parts. One was for Fu Wei, the other was strict, and there was a letter on the top.

Fu Yan took a look at it. The letter said that he had a squabble with the defender before he left, fearing that the defending was still angry and not accepting his own things, and then asked him to give it to the defending.

I also want to know what this "spoken corner" is. Fu Yan laughed and sent things to the Wei government.

At the end of the year, I heard that Mrs. Wei’s wife had to tell the defending family that the defending father had lived and disagreed. The Weiguo government had been arranging for a while and then lived. Finally, Shangshu adults did not go to see the few family members.

I also heard that Mrs. Wei’s wife was not mad, and that the people were directly driven out, and they were forced to return to the Ministry of Punishment.

Time has passed for the past two years, and the defending party’s criminal book is well-handed, and the old lady’s wife is also lacking, and finally rests.

The officials listed in the hall have changed a batch unconsciously, and only the left-hand position is still empty.

I don't know where the news came from, saying that the position of the left phase is not Qin.

The news was secretly circulated for a long time. When Qin Yu returned to Qingyang to report his duties, he found that many of the courtiers he met were extremely polite.

Only defending, when I met, I sank my face, and when I didn’t say one, I turned and left.

Qin Yan, who was put down in the face, was not annoyed, and his face was smiling to solve the business.

In the two years in the southwest, Qin Yu has been well-organized in the southwest, and even rich. This is his political achievements, and is also a stepping stone for Chu Fengyuan to push him to the left.

Chu Fengyuan was quite satisfied, and allowed him to go back to rest for a few days before coming to the DPRK.

Qin Lan did not return to the Qin government, but after chasing the carriage of Shang Shu adults, he went to the Wei government.

The defending team was upset and angry. Seeing the car behind it, they stopped and stopped. They yelled at Qin: "What are you doing with me?"

Qin Lan was close to him, his eyes were still dark and his face was smiling. "I miss you."

Defending: "..."

He turned and wanted to leave. "The Qin Da people don't drink too much."

Qin Lan refused to let him go, hugged him from behind, whispered, "I heard that Mrs. Wei gave you several relatives, did you agree?"

Wei Wei’s mouth said: "You don't think too much, just don't have what I saw."

Qin Xiao said with a smile, "I have given you a chance, you are not going to go."

Wei Biao jumped, "What do you mean -"

When the words were not finished, they were swallowed up by Qin Qin...

So on this day, Qin Daren excuses the government and has not yet cleaned up, borrowing a night in the house of Shang Shu adults...

The author has something to say: Fanwai II is also finished, and there is the last parallel world to follow the car!

Who else said that I owe three cars? ? ? ? ? There is only one! ! My math is very good!

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