MTL - Xiuxian: The Beginning Starts with the Drug Boy-Chapter 874 Breakthrough and Banquet Quartet

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  Chapter 874 Breakthrough and Banquet

   This day.

   Cheng Buzheng returned to Xianmeng City with a full harvest.

  As soon as he left the teleportation hall, he saw the raging sky fire burning in the distant sky. The scorching high temperature accompanied by dazzling light reflected the boundless void.

this moment!

   Even Cheng Buzheng, who has such a powerful treasure body, can still feel a touch of warmth.

  As for those monks with lower cultivation bases...

  Only monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage and the upper realm can maintain their daily activities.

  As for those qi training monks, they didn't go there early, they went to the medium-sized fairy city near this sea area to make a living.

  It is to directly open the formation and go to retreat to practice.

  In short, on the many streets of Xianmeng City, it is rare to see a monk in the Qi training period.

  There are only some large shops, because of the powerful formations, those attendants in the Qi refining period are still receiving customers.

   Cheng Buzheng, bearing the face of the Lord of Chu, looked at the familiar boundless sea of ​​flames floating high above the Lingshan Mountain in Xianfu...

   This is not the first time he has seen such a sign of heaven!

  As early as a few years ago, he had appeared when he returned to Xianmeng City after beheading Yinhuo Laomo.

   At that time, he was still a little curious?

  After returning to the headquarters of Dao Xianmeng, from the congratulations of others, I learned that it was a sign of Chu Daofeng's breakthrough.

   For this reason, he also deliberately asked Shangguan Qingyu for verification.

   As a result, there was no accident, which was caused by Chu Daofeng's breakthrough.

  Especially now within a radius of several thousand miles, the aura is crazily sweeping towards that fire field...


  Chu Daofeng's breakthrough is relatively smooth so far!

  If it can successfully break through, how long will this sign of heaven last at least for several years?

  Cheng Buzheng stared at the sea of ​​flames in the void, and murmured in his heart:

   "I hope that the day we meet again is when you break through to the Nascent Soul Realm!"

  After a murmur...

  Cheng Buzheng withdrew his gaze and walked directly to the Xianmeng headquarters to hand over the task.

after all!

  Can monks break through?

   You can only rely on yourself, rely on chance, and others can't help!

  It would be even better if he could break through. From now on, he also has a trusted fellow monk.

   Can't break through!

  He has nothing to do.

  Cheng Buzheng is just an ordinary monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and he can't reverse the good fortune and return to the source!

  Everything depends on the monk's own luck and chance.

  So, Cheng Buzheng walked quite freely.


  Time is like running water!

   In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

   This day.

   Over the sky of Xianmeng City, the signs of heaven that had lasted for many years suddenly disappeared!

at the same time!

  A gigantic figure with a blurry face stands in the void, like a giant capturing the sky, sweeping the world with great majesty!

   I saw the light and shadow smiling slightly!

  The next moment, it turned into a stream of light and submerged into the Immortal Mansion Lingshan below.

at this time!

  The aura that had been churning endlessly for many years gradually calmed down on this day.

  The hot temperature also dropped.

  The blue sky and white clouds once again caught the eyes of many monks in Xianmeng City.


  Those monks who went to the nearby medium-sized fairy city to retreat and practice in the qi training period also gradually appeared on the streets of Xianmeng city.

  The number of monks on the street has also increased dramatically!


  The biggest change is the street stall area of ​​Xianmeng City.

  Although it was no longer the bustling appearance of the crowds of people before, it gradually regained some vitality.

  A scene of bustling and bustling reappeared in Xianmeng City again.

at the same time!

  Spirit Mountain of Immortal Mansion, in a certain Grade C cave mansion!

  Shangguan Qingyu looked at the jade talisman in Yu's hand. Although his expression was cold, there was a rare flash of joy in his beautiful eyes!

   "Finally broke through!"

  A cool and graceful voice resounded in the quiet room!

  However, a look of helplessness flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she murmured in her heart:

   "But this matter of reception..."

   Such a contradictory expression change is obviously due to the information from the jade talisman.

  Although Chu Daofeng made her happy, she was also a little embarrassed!

after all!

  Chu Daofeng broke through the Nascent Soul Realm, that would be a great joy, but she has never done this before receiving the elders of the masters, and the Nascent Soul True Monarch who came to congratulate her.


  Shangguan Qingyu also understood the hidden meaning of the news from Chu Daofeng.

   In other words, she made her formally appear in front of the elders of the teacher as a Taoist companion to express her determination.

  But the matter of receiving the elders of Shimen made her feel embarrassed, and the embarrassment was nothing else...

   It was because she was aware of her temperament, and she was afraid that she would fail to do well, and thus disappoint Chu Daofeng's will!

   And so it is!

   This made Shangguan Qingyu both happy and embarrassed.

at this time.

  Shangguan Qingyu, who was sitting cross-legged on the cloud bed, suddenly raised her beautiful head and looked out...

   With a wave of jade hand!

   Rays of light of different colors came flying!

  Finally, float in front of her!

next moment!

  The multicolored radiance dissipated, revealing a series of colorful talismans.

   See here.

  Shangguan Qingyu's eyes moved slightly, as if she had thought of something?

  After that, she didn't hesitate much, and checked directly.

as expected!

  These sound transmission talismans are congratulatory messages from Chu Daofeng's elders, some Nascent Soul monks who know her relationship with Chu Daofeng, and some Jindan monks.

  Most of them are the sound transmission symbols issued by the monks in the supervisory hall.


  The sound transmission symbols sent by these monks to Chu Daofeng did not receive a response.

  Because Chu Daofeng should be stabilizing the foundation at this time, he doesn't have time to deal with these chores.

   Because of this!

  The monk who was familiar with the relationship between the two forwarded the sound transmission talisman to her.

   Regarding these sound transmission symbols, Shangguan Qingyu pondered for a while, then bit the bullet and began to reply.


   Streams of light shot out from this cave and flew in all directions.


   Three months later.

  Xianmeng City, in front of a certain luxurious restaurant...people come and go!

  The monks who come and go, those with the lowest cultivation level, are all real people in the Golden Core Realm.

  Even Yuanying Zhenjun, there are quite a few.

   See here.

   Some monks passing by were also a little curious about it.

   At this time.

  A curious young monk with some background saw this scene, his heart moved, his steps changed, and he walked towards this restaurant.

  As soon as she approached, she was stopped by a pretty female cultivator in attendant clothes, with a soft tone and a smile on her face:

   "This distinguished guest, please show the invitation card!"

   See here.

  The young monk in the foundation building turned cold and frowned:

   "Could it be possible that there is still a door limit in your restaurant?"

   Heard the words.

  The smiling female nun immediately knew what was going on?

   She has encountered such a situation many times today, but her face remained unchanged, and she still said with a professional smile:

   "Dear guest, please don't misunderstand, there is no threshold limit in this restaurant!"

   "However, the restaurant is booked today, please forgive me!"

   As she spoke, the nun bowed to the young monk in the Foundation Establishment Realm in front of her.

the other side.

  When the young monk heard the words, the doubts in his heart became even worse?

  Although Bao Restaurant is a bit extravagant, it is relatively common. What surprised him was that all Jindan monks came and went, and there were many Yuanying Zhenjun among them. Who has such face?

   At this moment, an old man with a kind face came from a distance, but he was surrounded by suffocating coercion.


   This is also a Nascent Soul True Monarch.

   Seeing this, the young monk quickly backed away.

  After the Yuanying Zhenjun passed by, he opened his mouth to the female attendant and asked:

   "These real people, the real kings are here today to gather, what is the so-called?"

  The tone of the young monk was softer than before, and his voice was lower.

at this moment.

  In front of the female cultivator during the qi training period, he put down the face of a senior expert.

  The female nun attendant with a pretty face also knows a thing or two about the curiosity in the heart of Senior Foundation Establishment in front of him.

after all!

   With so many senior experts coming, something big must happen.

   Otherwise, there would not be such a grand scene.

   Immediately after.

  The girl attendant said without hesitation:

   "This is not a confidential matter, it's okay to tell the distinguished guests!"

   "Today, this restaurant has such a grand event because Senior Chu has broken through the Nascent Soul Realm and wants to entertain friends from all over the world in this restaurant."

   "Only with an invitation can you enter!"

   Hear this statement.

  The young monk has solved his doubts.


  The young monk left without hesitation.

  He didn't have the guts to make trouble and forcibly entered the restaurant. After all, the ancestor behind him was only a Jindan realm monk.

  Once he gets into trouble, it is very likely that the ancestor will be implicated.

  He still has this self-knowledge.

the other side!

  In the lobby of the restaurant, Shangguan Qingyu greeted the guests. Although his face was cold, there was no lack of etiquette.

   It can be seen that Shangguan Qingyu also tried his best to handle this matter well.

   About this.

  Many guests didn't care. The monks who came to this restaurant with invitation cards naturally knew about the situation of the Chu Zhenjun who had just broken through the Nascent Soul Realm.

  Not only did he come from a top immortal sect, but he also had a grandfather who held the authority of the Supervisory Hall.

  As for the cold and immortal Taoist couple who are only short of a double cultivation ceremony, they also understand.


  The guests who came here today are all monks who have made good friends with intentions, and there will be no monks who deliberately find fault.

after all!

   On the day of great joy, Shangguan Qingyu will not send invitations to those monks who harbor malicious intentions.

  For example: Zhao Han of the Supervisory Hall did not receive the invitation.


  Zhao Han's supporters also did not receive Shangguan Qingyu's invitation.

  One time!

   The familiar monks in the restaurant formed a team of three or five, talking and chatting about interesting things!

  There are also some monks who take this opportunity to ask those monks in the Nascent Soul Realm about their doubts on the way of practice.

   About it!

  The Nascent Soul cultivator who came to this party answered with a smile on his face.

  The cultivator who had been paying attention to the situation over there felt moved, and then joined one of the seniors to ask for advice.

   At this time, the atmosphere in the restaurant is extremely harmonious!

at this time!

  A Jindan cultivator came to the side of Hall Master Wei of the Shadow Hall, and the corner of his mouth moved a few times in his ear!

  Then Hall Master Wei waved his hand, and the Golden Core cultivator retreated immediately.

at the same time!

   A trace of solemnity flashed in the eyes of Hall Master Wei. After pondering for a while, he passed through a monk who talked eloquently, and came to Shangguan Qingyu, with a pleasant expression on his face:

   "Little friend Shangguan, when will Palace Master Chu arrive?"

   Heard the words.

  Shangguan Qingyu with a cold face first saluted and said:

   "Junior pays respects to Senior Wei!"

   Then, he continued:

   "It should be soon!"

   "As early as two months ago, Palace Master Chu was notified!"

   Speaking of this, Shangguan Qingyu with a cold expression pondered for a while, and then added:

   "It didn't arrive now, maybe it was delayed by something!

  But the reply said that he will definitely come today, so he should be on his way now! "

  Hearing this, Hall Master Wei nodded his head. After all, he has heard about the fact that Palace Master Chu has been receiving missions over the years, and he has provided the required information many times.


   Delayed time is also very possible.

   Immediately after.

   Hall Master Wei stretched out his hand, and a jade box appeared in front of him.

   Seeing a trace of doubt flashing in Shangguan Qingyu's eyes, Wei Zhenjun said flatly:

   "I have important matters to deal with. When the Hall Master arrives, please help me to say hello!"

   Heard the words.

  Shangguan Qingyu nodded in response.

   Seeing this, Hall Master Wei went on to say:

   "The spiritual object in this jade box is something I recently acquired. It will be of great benefit to you. It is my congratulations to Fellow Daoist Chu!"

   Talking room!

   Hall Master Wei waved his hand, and the sealed jade box floated in front of Shangguan Qingyu.

   Seeing this, although Shangguan Qingyu didn't know what was in the jade box?

  But I also know that this must be a valuable spiritual object.

   Immediately, Shangguan Qingyu said with a sincere look on his face:

   "The wishes of the hall master, this junior accepts it!

   But this treasure, please take it back, senior!

   Juniors are not suitable for acceptance! "

  For Shangguan Qingyu's refusal, Hall Master Wei not only didn't feel angry, but a flash of admiration flashed in the depths of his eyes, and then he said with deep meaning:

   "No one is more suitable than you!"

   Without waiting for Shangguan Qingyu to speak again, he added:

   "By the way, this jade box will be opened after returning, remember!"

   Words fall!

  The Hall Master Wei has already left.

   See here.

  Shangguan Qingyu looked at the jade box in front of him, a trace of hesitation flashed in her beautiful eyes, and then she put away the jade box with a wave of her slender hand.

  She knew that everything was due to Palace Master Chu!


   Breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm solely by Chu Daofeng, these Yuanying True Monarchs with more advanced cultivation bases will not come here.

  Even if fellow monks want to get acquainted, they will only come to visit, let alone gather together with many Jindan monks like today...

  For Yuanying Zhenjun, it is equivalent to condescending.

   Not to mention, with a congratulatory gift!

   After all, this is just a banquet, not the Nascent Soul Ceremony, and there is no need to prepare congratulatory gifts at all.

   Only Palace Master Chu has such a big face.

  Shangguan Qingyu is naturally clear about these things.

   She even guessed that these guests all brought congratulatory gifts, but because the Lord of Chu Palace had not arrived yet, so there was no congratulatory gift.


  The main character of the banquet, Chu Daofeng did not appear, which is also one of the factors.

  However, the ingredients occupied are estimated to be pitifully small.


  Shangguan Qingyu restrained his emotions and continued to receive guests.

  With the arrival of a bit Yuanying monk, the banquet became more lively.


  It's all Jindan cultivators who are constantly asking these Yuanying Zhenjun for advice.

  Precisely because these Jindan cultivators who came early also discovered that these true monarchs who are usually aloof today are very kind and easy to talk...

  It's like saying everything you know, and talking endlessly.


   These golden core monks also know, who is this for the sake of?

   Even so!

  But none of the Jindan monks are ignorant and ask some secrets that shouldn't be asked!

   They are all clear about this.

   So it's also very interesting!

  Just that, for these Jindan monks who came to congratulate, it is a great harvest!

   It's definitely a good deal to come here.

  In ordinary times, there is no real king to answer their doubts on the way of practice.

  This alone...

  They are also extremely grateful to Chu Daofeng and Shangguan Qingyu.


  (end of this chapter)