MTL - Xiuxian: The Beginning Starts with the Drug Boy-Chapter 5 Cangqing Mountains

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  Chapter 5 Cangqing Mountains

   Early morning.

  Qingshan Town, Shimen Building.

  Cheng Buzheng had been waiting here for the convoy's arrival early on. Although it was still early for the agreed time, by now, there was no room for him to be careless.

   Half an hour later.

  A group of carriages slowly drove out of the town. On the first carriage was a flag with black background and white characters embroidered with a large word "Qian". This flag was the symbol of the Qian family's motorcade.

  There were few pedestrians on the streets of the town, and when they saw the big flag fluttering in the wind, they hurriedly hid to one side. Even the poppiers in the town did not dare to trouble the convoy, because they knew that this convoy belonged to the Qian family, a powerful family in the town.



  A clear voice came from the most luxurious carriage in the middle.

  The convoy stopped slowly and unhurriedly. The grooms of the convoy were all experienced veterans. Otherwise, if the convoy stopped suddenly, they would at least panic.

  I saw that in the luxurious carriage in the middle, the curtain on one side was suddenly lifted, revealing a handsome boy who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old.

  This person is exactly the eldest son of the Qian family, Qian Zhe, who has an appointment with Cheng Buzheng.

   "Buzheng... come up quickly!" Qian Zhe shouted to Cheng Buzheng downstairs in Shimen.

   "Thank you, Brother Qian!" Cheng Buzheng clasped his fists to Qian Zhe in the carriage.

  Under the envious eyes of the pedestrians around, they watched Cheng Buzheng get into the luxurious carriage.


  The convoy started slowly again, slowly getting farther and farther away, until the convoy was no longer visible, and the onlookers dispersed again, each busy with their own lives.

  Out of the speed of the town team, it went up a step again, especially for Cheng Buzheng sitting in the carriage.

Qian Zhe and Cheng Buzheng shared a carriage. One of them sat in the middle, eating the delicacies on the small table, occasionally drinking a sip of fine wine, and the other sat cross-legged on one side, opened the curtains, and looked at him curiously. non-stop.

   "Brother Qian, is that the Cangqing Mountain Range?" Cheng Buzheng asked, pointing out the window.

   Heard the words.

Qian Zhe glanced out of the window, and said with a look of displeasure: "Well, that's the Cangqing Mountain Range, and only the Cangqing Mountain Range is so dangerous! There are bandits from many forces entrenched there, and the general convoys have to stay behind. Pay the toll in full amount, otherwise you have to pay the goods.

  Of course, they dare not collect tolls in my Qianjia motorcade, otherwise, they will collect tolls and spend them! "

   Cheng Buzheng was quite surprised when he heard the words, he didn't expect the Qian family to have such strength, and he didn't know what to rely on, so he despised many bandits.

   "Master." Outside the carriage, an old servant of the Qian family could not help reminding.

  Hearing this, Qian Zhe stopped talking and stopped showing off, and then casually glanced at the old servant outside the carriage, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

   Cheng Buzheng, who is very discerning, is no longer asking about this sensitive topic:

   "Brother Qian, after passing the Cangqing Mountains, how long will it take to reach Yaoshan Town?"

  Qian Zhe silently calculated in his heart, and said, "Well, it's about the same. It should be there in another hour!"

   "At that time, it was almost dark, brother, if you are not in a hurry, go to the county seat tomorrow! It is not very convenient to drive in the dark!" Cheng Buzheng looked like he was thinking about the safety of "good brother".

  Qian Zhe said indifferently:

   "When we arrive at Yaoshan Town, we will arrive at the county seat in about half an hour. If you can arrive before dark, you don't have to worry about it!"

  After Cheng Buzheng heard about it, he felt calm. He probably knew the distance between the county seat and Yaoshan Town, and at the same time, he didn't have to worry about running out of time.

   not long.

  The speed of the convoy slowed down and drove slowly towards the canyon passage. This place is the only way to cross the Cangqing Mountains, and it is also the place where bandits are entrenched.

  Suddenly, the convoy stopped.

  Cheng Buzheng opened the curtain, stretched his head to look outside, and saw not far ahead, a small convoy of only three carriages was blocked by bandits.

   "Master...the convoy in front of you doesn't have enough tolls, and they are taking the goods as collateral. Wait a moment"

   Said the old servant of the Qian family who was sitting outside the carriage and driving the carriage.

   "Hmm!" Qian Zhe responded lightly, and then smiled at Cheng Buzheng: "I guess there are newbies who don't know the rules! This time their team's capital preservation is a problem!"

   "One line has its own rules, Brother Qian, you know a lot!"

   Cheng Buzheng flattered without a trace.

   "That's it." Qian Zhe looked happy, and his tone was quite smug.

   Not long after, the convoy started up again. There was no accident, but their convoy was not stopped by bandits. It seemed that they knew who the owner of the convoy was.

On the mountainside not far away, a newcomer who just went up the mountain saw the convoy of money flags flying through the canyon unimpeded, and looked curiously at a burly and bearded man beside him asked.

   "Brother, there is a lot of trouble in this huge convoy, why did you let him pass!"

  The burly, bearded man patted the newcomer on the back of the head vigorously, and said viciously:

   "That's the owner's motorcade. You think you've lived too long, and you want to go drink with King Yan earlier, so go! I won't stop you."

  The rookie glanced at the convoy at the foot of the mountain, and muttered:

   "How dare, even if I eat the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard!

  I'm not, don't you know? "

   Passing through the Cangqing Mountains, the number of beasts encountered along the way became less and less. Those beasts in the convoy that wanted to get close were hunted down by the rangers on the two wings of the convoy without getting within ten feet.

  Cheng Buzheng saw those ferocious beasts with his own eyes, including wild boars, tigers, and leopards.

   Otherwise, I am afraid that there will be no bones left before reaching the Cangqing Mountains.

   An hour later.

  In the carriage, Qian Zhe told the old servant who was driving outside:

   "Master Liu, the convoy stops!"

  The old servant who was driving the carriage heard, "It's the young master!"

   "The young master has an order. The convoy stops immediately!" The loud voice of the old servant outside the carriage echoed in the empty wilderness.

   Immediately, the convoy stopped slowly.

  In the carriage, after Cheng Buzheng bid farewell to Qian Zhe, he got out of the carriage, and followed the map in his memory, and walked in the direction of Yaocai Town.

   Qian Zhe in the carriage opened the curtains, looked at Cheng Buzheng going away, and said coldly to the old servant outside,

   "Master Liu called Qian Qi over!"

   for a while.

  A big man in black, riding a tall horse, came outside the luxurious carriage. Qian Zhe raised the curtain and said to Qian Qi outside with no expression.

   "Go and follow the boy who got off the bus just now. If you didn't go to Yaocai Town, you changed your route halfway to the county town and killed him on the spot. If you went to Yaocai Town, you will come back immediately and don't worry about it! Do you understand?"

  The black-clothed man on a tall horse had no expression on his face, and respectfully clasped his fists and said:

   "It's the young master!"

   not long.

Cheng Buzheng, who was walking in the direction of Yaocai Town, passed a corner, lay down on the ground in vain, with his ears pressed to the ground, and heard the vibration of the ground, and then, a cold light flashed in his eyes, stood up, and silently asked Medicine town to go.

   "Sure enough, fortunately I kept an eye on it, otherwise I would definitely die today!

   I, Cheng Buzheng, will remember Qian Zhe's great 'favor'! "

  (end of this chapter)