MTL - Xiuxian: The Beginning Starts with the Drug Boy-Chapter 10 small team

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  Chapter 10 Small Teams

  Seeing Uncle Ding flicking his sleeves, all the teenagers were surrounded by colorful light spots, and they were lifted up into the sky. Cheng Buzheng felt for the first time that this was an experience that the technological world could not bring him.

  After the young men boarded the white jade boat, Cheng Buzheng quickly walked to the edge of the white jade boat. His actions immediately attracted the following of all the young men.

   After a while, there were little heads on the edge of the white jade boat floating in the sky.

I saw Senior Uncle Ding stomping lightly on the slate floor, like a big roc spreading its wings, shooting straight towards him, while the eight senior brothers flew with a sword, some with a sword, and even some with a ring. Not enough one.

  The picture of this scene deeply surprised all the teenagers.

  Master Ding, who was wearing a black robe, looked at the crowd, then walked to the bow, and sat cross-legged, while the eight senior brothers followed closely behind, sitting cross-legged, closing their eyes and resting their minds.

At this time, the white jade boat suspended in the air flew away from the county square like an arrow from the string. bumpy feeling. .

  All the teenagers, after a short period of panic, quickly became familiar with each other and talked to each other in low voices. After all, the uncles and brothers were all there, so they didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

  Cheng Buzheng found that no matter whether it was the uncle or the senior brothers, they would be taciturn when it was not necessary.

   "Is it because the uncle is present, the brothers dare not be presumptuous, or?"

  Cheng Buzheng glanced at the teenagers again. Although they were still talking quietly, their voices had not become louder, but the frequency of their conversations was much higher.

  He didn't go up to communicate with the boys, but turned his head and lay down on the edge of the boat, quietly watching the scenery outside.

  Looking at the mountains and rivers on the earth, the jade boat passed quickly and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

  Within one month, Bai Yuzhou boarded one group after another of teenagers.

  At this time, there were already eighty or ninety people in the jade boat, the least group was only two or three people, and the largest group was also their first group of seventeen people.

  As the number of teenagers in the jade boat increased, they quietly formed small teams with each other. Cheng Buzheng found that the most interesting thing was that the same group of teenagers on the boat had the greatest chance of forming a group with each other.

  At this moment, there are only a few people who are alone, and the same group of teenagers as him should have been the largest group, but because they each have familiar people, they split into three small groups.

  The number of teams on Bai Yuzhou increased sharply, and the teams with a small number immediately gave priority to recruiting the same group of teenagers who did not join the team.

  Because, Cheng Buzheng works alone, so far he still hasn't joined the team.

   Cheng Buzheng, who did not join the team, was immediately noticed by the three teams formed by fellow teenagers.

   Not for a while.

  A skinny teenager walked over and smiled.

"My name is Nan Ye, you can just call me Brother Ye. Everyone is a fellow from Ping'an County. I formed a team. Now there are four people including me. In the future, everyone will help each other in the sect, and one person will come alone. In the past, there must be some places that cannot be taken into account.

   I don't know what you think? "

  Cheng Buzheng glanced at him, the young man in front of him had the same aptitude as him, and he had three spiritual roots.

  He thought for a while, then pondered, "My name is Cheng Buzheng, you can just call me Buzheng, but let me make it clear to you in advance that no matter what group activity it is, the team members cannot be forced to participate.

  As long as you agree to this condition, I will join your team. "

  Nan Ye was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Of course, I set up a team to report to each other to keep warm. There is no mandatory requirement, and you can quit at any time!

  Go. Go over there, our teammates are over there! " Said pointing to a corner.

  Following the direction of the finger, Cheng Buzheng took a look.

   There were three people in that corner, and one of them was a little familiar. Just like him, this person did not say goodbye to his relatives. He was the only boy in the square. At that time, he was still guessing whether this person was cautious or his relatives were not around.

  Another man and a woman had hardly talked to each other, they were just familiar strangers. He found that he was the youngest in the team.

   While Cheng Buzheng was sizing up his teammates, the teammates began to observe him silently from the moment they decided to invite him to join.

   In a blink of an eye.

  Cheng Buzheng and Nan Ye came to the corner where the team was.

  Nan Ye smiled and said:

   "This is Buzheng's younger brother, he will be a member of our team in the future! Each of you, introduce yourself to Buzheng."

   The voice just fell.

  A petite girl with a pretty face, who looked about fifteen or sixteen, looked at Cheng Buzheng with a smile and said:

   "My name is Wang Min, you can call me sister Xiao Min from now on, don't let my brother find it difficult to find a sister in the future!"

   Cheng Buzheng looked at the lively girl and nodded with a smile.

   At this time, the boy who was quite strong and had a simple and honest face touched the back of his head and said in a naive voice:

   "My name is Xu Shi, and everyone calls me Shi Shi. My barbecue is delicious. You can try it when you have time."

  Wang Min looked at Xu Shi in surprise, and said:

   "Brother Xu, do you really know how to barbecue? Next time, teach me. I've wanted to learn for a long time, but no one taught me!"

  Xu Shi smiled innocently:

   "I'll teach you when you have time!"

   "What's delicious about barbecue, Xiao Min. Tell me what you want to eat!"

  A rather handsome young man, who looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, glanced at Xu Shi with disdain.

   "Gao Li, how can you say that! After all, brother Xu also has good intentions."

  Wang Min said angrily.

   Xu Shi, with a simple and honest face, gave up and said:

   "It's okay. Don't be angry, everyone!"

   Seeing this, Nan Ye quickly persuaded:

   "Okay. Stop arguing and still watch! Let me talk about how our team will report to the group to keep warm!"

  Suddenly, the eyes of several members of the team fell on Nanye, and they also wanted to know how to do it.

  Seeing this, Nanye continued to speak.

   "Everyone has just joined Xianmen, and you will all be my brothers and sisters in the future. We hold together to keep warm for better practice in the future. Whether it is item trading or news exchange, we will first conduct it within our team!

  Because everyone is their own person, it is not only convenient for everyone, but also prevents accidents.

   You see how this is! "

   Heard the words.

Cheng Buzheng couldn't help taking a high look at Nanye in his heart. At the moment when he didn't know anything, he made a way to unite the team. Although the method was rough and many details were not perfect, it was enough to see that he was a good team leader. captain.

   Seeing that no one had any opinions, they discussed specific matters. The other two had no good opinions.

  Finally, Nanye and Gao Li simply perfected this method. They are both merchants and merchants, and they have been trained in this aspect since childhood.

   And Cheng Buzheng has always kept a low profile. If it wasn't for fear that there would be no sources of information in the sect, he wouldn't even join the team.

   After all, his eyes are dark now, so it's good to make more preparations.

   Seeing this, Cheng Buzheng, Wang Min, and Xu Shi gathered together silently, chatting about some anecdotes and strange things in the county, and waiting for their perfect plan together.

   PS: Set up a bowl, three requests for politeness (ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for tickets)



  (end of this chapter)