MTL - Xiling Empire-Chapter 1546 Sharp turn

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We gathered the Empire Fleet that was building forward bases in other theaters, leaving only a part of the main force to intercept the reinforcements sent by the new army to the "quiet core". When the re-collapsed Empire Fleet passed the gate of the world in front of us, we faced It is an unprecedented stubborn crazy enemy.

The guns are roaring, the space is oscillating, and the force that can tear the world is compressed in a battlefield with a radius of only a few astronomical units. Large swarms of warships explode and smash like consumables. The space is filled with hot metal fragments. And high-energy clouds floating around. The emperor established a position forcibly under the rapid counterattack of the new army, which opened the situation of the universe, but the situation is not very optimistic: the gate of the world in this world is completely under the control of the new army. Although the emperor uses the gate of the world to It was transmitted here, but was interrupted halfway and fell into the void, and it took a while for the regular voyage to penetrate into this universe. We spent a lot of effort on the world barrier, and now we stand firmly in the material world. Heels are even more difficult. The reinforcements in the rear are trying to catch up here, but without the gate of the world, it may not be easy for reinforcements to enter the enemy-occupied area.

Watching the United Shield continue to ripple under the bombardment of overtime firepower, her sister's face was a little worried: "It looks like the enemy has reached the final stage. Are they trying to stop us here?"

There is a large piece of crystal-like debris floating around my sister. These debris appear to be dust after being crushed by ordinary crystals, but they are arranged in a clear and regular array in the air. This is one of the media for sister to release the curse. But now they are not effective against the enemy, but they are imitating the formation of the Empire fleet. The sister ’s curse is ultimately a force of probability. It can be used to kill the enemy and can also be used to protect herself. She puts her "crystal dust "A mysterious connection was established with the Empire Fleet by constantly changing the structure of the dust. The enemy's attack will fall out of thin air. This is a layer of probability shield. On a large enough battlefield, its effect is even more effective than a layer of joint shield.

The power of the "Cursing Goddess" can weaken the enemy's threat by a percentage, and even nullify the attack at the moment when the enemy launches an attack. Even if the opponent's size is large, it cannot escape the probability problem. This is an artifact on the battlefield.

While maintaining the mapping relationship between "Crystal Sand" and the Empire Fleet, her sister frowned as she watched the holographic projection in the center of the command hall: the spy probe shuttled through space and was constantly communicating the situation in every corner of the universe. . We saw countless battle forts, and a sovereign hub with unprecedented protection. These fortresses and sovereign hubs not only completely control the entire universe, but the information radiation that it extends also “wraps” the neighboring universe like a tentacle: the core of tranquility, the world in front of which is a source of interference, as long as it still exists, no one will Can penetrate the defense line here and enter the core of tranquility.

At the current scale of the Imperial fleet that has successfully penetrated into it, it is not realistic to occupy this world. Of course, more Imperial fleets and Protoss troops will come in over time, and the abyss will return to the situation again. By then we will be able to destroy the world, but the problem is ... it will take a long time, and the new army will not give us too much time.

"Which step did they take?" I turned to look at the figure of the puppet beside me, and the abyss spirit was leaning on my large box. With most of her energy, she directs her troops to continuously impact the universe around the quiet core, but of course she still has the power to talk to others: "They are charging the starting end. That device consumes a lot of energy and cannot be recharged in advance. Only I can turn it on when I am ready to activate ... I always thought it was a regret, but I didn't expect to get time for you instead. "

"How long will it take to recharge?" Sandora asked.

"One day, but I will harass them as much as possible. The energy wells they use for recharging are placed in shadow space, and the two legions at the core of tranquility are trying to find ways to pull the shadow space to the surface world. This process will produce a strong message. Disruption, the charging process becomes difficult. "

"The vitality of your two legions is really tenacious ..." Even in this case, I couldn't help but sigh, when the old army raided the quiet core, there were several legions of the abyss Hilling who were stationed locally, the latter Although they failed to defend the line of defense, two legions survived a fierce battle, and they have persisted in fighting so far. Not only did they not collapse completely, but they also had the strength to attack the enemy's shadow space ... These two legions are the abyss spirit. Your ace?

"Ivanova is the defense chief of the quiet core. I have kept her glorious form since the network split a few months ago, so the two legions under her protection have not been defeated." With the kind of indifferent smile that never changed, it seemed that the situation in front of her did not let her mood down. "Her glory form is extremely defensive, and it is different from the starship that can only improve her defense. She is good at providing extra protection for the entire army ... she might be able to hold on for two or three days before her strength runs out, but our time is only one day. The preparation is still not enough ... I did not expect that the new army would peak With the harassment of Ivanova forcibly starting to bridge, are they not afraid that the precious starting end will be damaged in the accident? "

"You have said that the new army is crazy from top to bottom. How much can a lunatic consider?

I said casually, and then again focused on the battlefield in front of me.

It ’s not enough. It needs higher firepower, more troops, and stronger offensive ... The new army is already crazy. A group of lunatics will squeeze out all their power to complete the obsession, so if you want to overcome this The lunatics must use far more power than they can. I looked down at my hands, these hands were gradually taking off the real sense, slowly turning into an indescribably dark form, the power of the void slowly spread, but another pair of slender hands came up and stopped me Void.

She seemed a little worried in her shallow eyes, but her expression still remained calm. After so many years, her personality change after starting her ability has become less and less obvious. The previously uncontrollable "temporary change" is now more What is manifested as a kind of "sedation", now she is very calm and calms me down: "Ajun, don't worry, you have to save your strength."

"The problem is that the enemies in this place are too troublesome." I frowned and looked at the holographic projection. The imperial fleet that penetrated only the Royal Fleet and the Second Fleet. However, the number of new troops is huge, and they are pouring more firepower over here. Of course, in order to ensure the defensive forces of the fortresses in various places, they have not concentrated the firepower of the entire universe, but even now the focused firepower almost exceeds the capacity of the Imperial fleet. The enemy commander of this universe seems to be a man of calculation. He uses the right firepower to deal with the enemy, and wastes energy at will without occupying a quantitative advantage, so that he can persist when more invaders penetrate. Longer ... The new army went crazy, but its tactical capabilities were not compromised.

I thought for a moment, and suddenly my eyes brightened, "Let me think of a tactic ..."

She hasn't finished talking. Everyone at the scene immediately pretended to look up at the scenery ...

When I was brave, and with a strong mentality of breaking the wrist, I was planning to listen to the idea. When Harran suddenly heard a voice in the communicator, "Who needs support?"

With this slightly cynical call, a large twisted vortex suddenly appeared in the empty universe of three astronomical units next to the Empire Fleet, and the black-red-painted warship slowly emerged from it: the abyss under Harlan The Independence Regiment was even faster than other troops and penetrated into the world ahead of time.

Because he wanted to command his army, the main front was not with the main force of the empire, so Haran was not the general in the empire, but the general flagship of the abyss independent regiment. Now this guy is finally leading the fleet to join the main force!

After a long period of development, the Abyss Independent Regiment has now become a very large group army that exceeds the regular regiment. Harlan is even considering re-dividing the independent regiment according to the establishment of the Standard Corps to form the Abyss First Fleet and the Abyss Second Fleet. It can be seen how big this army is. This powerful combat fleet immediately reversed the situation as soon as it entered the battlefield. The new army caught off guard. Their overtime firepower was quickly disturbed by the massive gravitational wells launched by the abyss independent regiment. Then it was raided by the imperial fleet. Sandora caught the enemy's chaos for a moment. Thousands of assault ships and a larger number of individual fighter planes crossed the space barrier and burst into a bombardment in the enemy array.

And the servants who followed the emperor finally had the opportunity to play a role: in the previous fierce battle, they could hardly leave the joint shield. It can only rely on the unmanned carrier-based aircraft constantly released by the general aircraft carrier to intercept the enemy's transitional warheads and act as a close-propelled artillery. Invested in counterattack operations against the enemy. Especially the Hessian fleet ... rushed out with a carnival mentality.

Just as the situation improved slightly, a strange feeling suddenly filled my heart.

It's impossible to describe what it feels like. What you have to say is almost the same as when you "return to the void", but much weaker than that. I looked up and looked around, and found that others didn't seem to notice anything abnormal, but when I turned to look at the space picture again, an obvious vision appeared in space.

This was originally a very desolate universe, with celestial bodies and extremely thin energy and matter. There was only a relatively limited number of stars in the dark space and a cooling nebula dim to almost no trace. But just now, a huge " "Lightning" has crossed the entire universe. Yes, the entire universe is not a few kilometers, not a few light years, not a nebula, but the entire universe is instantly penetrated by a twisted bright line!

Although it is impossible to see the entire universe from an external monitor, and the normal "field of vision" is not wide enough to see the whole world at a glance, but at the moment I did not observe it with the naked eye, but because of the The hallucinations directly scan the "information snapshot" of the entire universe from the information level, so it is certain that a twisted flash just passed through the entire world.

But this seems unrealistic ... There can be no such lightning that can penetrate the entire universe, and normal natural phenomena can absolutely not create such a thing far faster than the speed of light. If it is a universe with a diameter of hundreds of billions of light years, So even if a lightning is infinitely powerful, it will take hundreds of billions of years to spread from one end of the world to the other, so I ruled out the possibility of "natural lightning" for the first time.

Not to mention the possibility of lightning in space.

It may be some kind of psionic spark, or Arcane released by Bella Villa-if a raven emperor fires, it may not be unimaginable to pierce the entire universe with a "lightning". But I didn't feel any energy fluctuations in accordance with the flash just now. Its energy response should be amazing.

I don't know what the flash was just now, but it is obviously some kind of "super phenomena" that transcends the speed of light and penetrates the universe, and "synchronously" spread to the entire world. And this time it ’s not just me who feels abnormal anymore. Others have also seen strange scenes in space. Maybe someone else ca n’t “snap-scan” the entire universe like a void creature. Flashes have penetrated the world, but they can certainly find them extraordinary.

"What was that just now?" Qian Qian jumped up first, anyway, when she encountered strange things, she was the first to jump up.

Sandora was also surprised: "Lightning? Psionic Spark? But how could there be such a large scale ... and no energy response."

Just when everyone was confused by the flash just now. The voice of Abyss Spirit suddenly came from the side: "It's the starter! The new army may be forcibly activating it! When it slowly wakes up, it will generate powerful information radiation, and the surrounding universe will produce anomalies!"

"Isn't it enough to recharge for a day?" I exclaimed, while a second "lightning" illuminated the universe again.

This time I finally saw that there was something else in the flash: the device showed that it was tens of thousands of kilometers wide, and there were faint images in the bright white light that was tens of thousands of kilometers wide, and some were distorted starry sky. Some are elongated suns, and there are some strangely colored things that look like space clouds, giving people the impression of a seriously deformed mirage.

"God knows how they dealt with the energy problem ..." Abyss Helling spoke quickly, distractingly speaking to us as she quickly mobilized the fleet. "The start-up terminal requires amazing energy to activate. Although it can be connected to an external energy pool, it takes at least a day to fill the energy pool even with the maximum power of the energy well ... Where do they find the energy ?! Is it in my eyelids? Did they make something else below ?! "


A loud noise suddenly echoed in the command hall of the Admiral, and even the alloy ground under our feet trembled slightly. The external monitor quickly locked in the source of the impact. It turned out that several super-heavy fortress missiles bombarded the joint shield. The overload of the shield caused a shield broadcasting tower next to the Empire to explode. Flagship.

It seems that the flash of light in the universe has given the new army great motivation. The offensive they had just been suppressed suddenly became unprecedentedly powerful again, and the attack on the Empire Fleet instantly increased several times!

"Keep fighting, don't think of anything else!" Sandora ordered loudly to the command hall. "All firepower locks into the sovereign hub!"

Only by destroying the sovereign hub here can we drill a hole in the interference barrier leading to the quiet core, otherwise we will not be able to open the void route. Regardless of the current emergency situation, there is only one urgent task at present, and that is to destroy the defensive power of this world!

And I turned to Abyss Spirit: "You just have to say how much time is left!"

"Ten hours, the exact time is uncertain," Abyss's spirit was no longer so confident for the first time, "I have never activated the startup terminal, and all the signs after it started running were all I guessed ... Including how long it takes for that thing to reach its peak energy, this is only theoretical. "

"I hope your theoretical value is reliable," I stared at the central projection, "ten hours ... maybe too late."

Space is full of flashing explosions, and the ripples from the joint shield make the entire fleet as if immersed in some weird "ocean", but only the Imperial fleet can be seen in sight, and the enemy's nearest is also Beyond several astronomical units, farther away may be at the edge of the universe. This is a counterattack of overtime firepower. The energy that destroys the sky and earth is drilling holes in space. The battle has caused the stability of the entire universe to begin to decline ... Decreasing the stability of the universe?

"It's better to destroy the world."

I suddenly came up with a terrific idea, but the idea seemed to really work!

On this level of battlefield ~ ~ It is not unthinkable to destroy the entire universe to reverse the situation. Although its movement is really great, but ... we haven't done it before.

The main reason that the quiet core cannot enter now is interference. The new army has established very powerful sources of information interference in several universes around the quiet core. These interference sources have prevented the gates of the world from opening, and the fleet's void engine cannot work properly, so It is difficult to get close to the quiet core whether it is by teleport or cruise. The best way to solve this problem in the shortest time is of course to destroy the source of interference!

Originally we thought about using conventional wars to destroy the enemy's sovereignty hub, so that at least some of the results can be retained, but now ...

Fighting with a madman really can't think of taking too much advantage.

"Destroy this world?" Abyss Schilling paused, then understood my thoughts, "Indeed, this will stop the sovereign hub in the shortest possible time, so that the interference around the quiet core will also have a gap, and we can Hurry up with a void route ... but the new army must have strengthened the universe, and conventional weapons of extermination may not be so effective. "

The voice of God the Father suddenly came from the communicator: "Regular doesn't work, use unconventional." (To be continued ...)