MTL - Xianzun is Collapsing Every Day-Chapter 42 It's logical

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Breathing hot, Mu Chuihan sweated on his body, and all he could see in his dizziness was Ye Tingjiang's face.

The fox demon's breath has been completely replaced by Ye Tingjiang, and the body covering him is also hot, and the pair of Gujing Wubo's eyes reveal a tyranny that is extremely disproportionate to Ye Tingjiang himself.

Is it possessive?

Mu Chuihan lost his mind, his hands and feet moved randomly, and Ye Tingjiang unquestionably held him tighter. As if his heartbeat was no longer under his control, it was as intense as a drum, and all the blood in his body was looking for an outlet to vent.

From the first time he met, he pretended to tease Ye Tingjiang, and kept saying that he would cultivate with him, but it was only now that he felt the uncontrollable desire and impulse for the first time.

The cold stone surface behind him could not resolve his dryness, and the only antidote was the temperature on Ye Tingjiang's body.

In the hazy sight, Ye Tingjiang's crown was slightly loose, and a strand of broken hair was stuck to his temples with sweat, and his cheeks were dyed with an unexpected spring feeling.

With that face down, Mu Chuihan involuntarily closed his eyes and received a lingering kiss.

Ye Tingjiang's hands were still in chaos. Mu Chuihan's movements were almost out of his control, he was just struggling to keep the last trace of clarity amid the steaming emotions.

This is the cave of the fox demon, and they seem to have some tricks.

Reason tells him that he can't continue to sink, but Ye Tingjiang has already started to tear his coat. The movements of those hands were very slow, as if Ye Tingjiang was experiencing the same struggle as him.

Mu Chuihan heard Ye Tingjiang's voice, and his usually clear voice became hoarse and vague: "Fuyan, don't."

A few words, but it seems that it took a lot of effort to say them.

Only then did Mu Chuihan realize that his hand was encircling Ye Tingjiang in the same ambiguous posture, and he replied as calmly as possible: "Xianjun."

Ye Tingjiang seemed to be awakened by this sound, and the movement of his hands paused.

Mu Chuihan's remaining rationality was thinking about what he should do next.

Ye Tingjiang had barely stopped. If he is like this now, if he doesn't control anything and pushes the boat with the current, it will inevitably make Ye Tingjiang fall into desire again.

And if he refuses, he may lose the only chance in his life to double cultivation with Ye Tingjiang.

Mu Chuihan's heart was clamoring for him to choose the former and let Ye Tingjiang do something irreversible, forcing him to accept himself.

Sweat grazed his eyelashes, blurring Mu Chuihan's eyes. He couldn't see Ye Tingjiang's expression, but he felt the ups and downs of Ye Tingjiang's chest, restrained and forbeared.

Mu Chuihan suddenly let go of his hand.

The last few conscience finally won a few seats in a drowsy mind.

Mu Chuihan thought, forget it, he doesn't want to.

Although he had thought about making Ye Tingjiang responsible for countless times, Mu Chuihan stopped his thoughts at this time.

He hadn't heard Ye Tingjiang's answer yet.

If he really doesn't care, then even if it happens at this time, it doesn't mean much...

Mu Chuihan's body was still hot, but his heart slowly cooled down.

He stretched out his hand and tried his best to push Ye Tingjiang away.

The weight on his body was suddenly lighter, but without this temperature, he felt that breathing became more difficult.

Ye Tingjiang was pushed to the side and lay flat on his back as if he had lost his strength, panting for a while, and his voice was still a little unsteady to call his spirit sword.

Xiaoyou, who was too frightened to speak from the beginning, flashed a flash of sword light, indicating that she was still there.

Ye Tingjiang reluctantly sat up half body, using a trick to activate the spirit sword.

Xiaoyou involuntarily drew a wound between his master's fingers.

The pain caused Ye Tingjiang to wake up temporarily. He tried to stand up and instructed his sword spirit intermittently: "Quick...take him...out."

When Ye Tingjiang woke up again, they had already left the weird cave.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the branches and leaves of the trees.

He was lying under the tree, the uncontrollable passion just now had faded, but he was still weak, reminding Ye Tingjiang what happened just now.

He sat up leaning against the tree, and found that Xiaoyou had closed the scabbard and lay on the ground pretending to be dead. Not far away, his little disciple woke up earlier than him.

Fuyan put one hand on his knees, and the robes on his body were no longer worthy of being called clothes.

There were torn pieces everywhere, Fu Yan wrapped the body with the only remaining cloth, and covered the cloth tightly with the other hand.

But Ye Tingjiang could still see the little hickeys on his bare collarbone.

There are also large bruises on the exposed white arms.

Ye Tingjiang couldn't help but recall how heavy he hit just now, which was the trace of being pinched out by him.

He couldn't imagine how many terrifying imprints there were on the parts that were barely covered by the cloth.

Ye Tingjiang's mind was empty, and he only remembered that he said lightly to the younger disciple not long ago that if it were him, nothing wrong would happen.

But now, what absurd thing he has done!

Ye Tingjiang lost his mind and said, "You..."

Mu Chuihan looked at him and said nothing. He stared straight at Ye Tingjiang for a long time, and there was some unreasonable sadness in his eyes, which made Ye Tingjiang's mind even more confused.

"Does Xianjun feel grateful to other people and would do such a thing?" Mu Chuihan asked him, his tone naive: "For example, does Xianjun have the same feelings for... your master as I do?"

Ye Tingjiang was speechless.

The innocent words of the young man are the cruelest question.

His master was mentioned, but Ye Tingjiang would never mix his master with what happened just now.

He couldn't and would never have any impulse like that just now for the master he respected.

But Fuyan, isn't he also his apprentice?

Ye Tingjiang felt absurd when he woke up, but there was a sense of logic.

Undoubtedly, he shouldn't have done it.

However, for some reason, he seemed to agree in his heart that he would do it.

Ye Tingjiang was tortured in his heart and opened his mouth: "You are different."

Yes, he finally understood his heart, Fuyan was different.

Mu Chuihan heard such an answer with his own ears, and the sadness and fragility on his face were almost unsteady. He tried his best to suppress the ecstasy and said again: "Then Xianjun, do you like me?"

Ye Tingjiang admitted frankly: "If this emotion is called liking, then I think, yes."

It turns out that all those excessive concerns and concerns that should not appear are all liking?

Ye Tingjiang has lived for hundreds of years and has never tasted love. He is talented in kendo, but at this time it is called clumsy.

Looking at the brilliance in Fuyan's eyes, he couldn't help but smile gently: "If that's the case... I will go to learn how to like you."

He always thought that Fuyan was eighteen years old and didn't understand anything.

But now I know he was wrong. It's him who's really been running away.

Mu Chuihan laughed. What he was doing was finally no longer a never-ending chase.

In the world of words, I always write that talented and beautiful people are in love with each other, and the two people are in pairs, but none of them can really write the mood when they communicate with each other.

At least he is now, smiling and feeling a little want to cry.

Ye Tingjiang looked at Fuyan's beautiful willow leaves with water mist again, and couldn't help but feel at a loss: "Why are you sad again..."

He just knew his feelings for Fuyan, but he didn't want to make people cry again.

Ye Tingjiang felt that the matter of love was even more elusive.

Mu Chuihan raised his head and squeezed back the little tears in his eyes. His smile was so bright that Ye Tingjiang had never seen it before.

"I'm not sad." Mu Chuihan smiled: "I just wanted to say, I like Xianjun too."

They rested for a while in the forest. Although their strength had recovered, they absolutely did not dare to go back to the cave just now to investigate.

Of course, it was Ye Tingjiang who dared not unilaterally.

Now that Mu Chuihan heard Ye Tingjiang's answer, he began to regret that he had just become a decent gentleman. If he knew that Ye Tingjiang was not unwilling, he would have cooked the meal long ago.

When he pursued Ye Tingjiang, he did everything he could, but this time he recovered a little bit of conscience and morality, but his guts turned green with regret.

Now he can't wait to go back and fall in love with Ye Tingjiang.

But Ye Tingjiang is like a person who is in love for the first time. It is not easy to understand this point. When he thinks of that kind of thing, he still blushes and his heart beats.

When it comes to talking about love, Ye Tingjiang is like a disciple who has just entered the Dao, and cannot do such a high-level thing.

Mu Chuihan decided not to pull the seedlings to help them grow. He believed that with Ye Tingjiang's aptitude, once he was enlightened, he would definitely draw inferences from one point to another, and he would always be able to figure out the rest.

So he did not raise any objection to Ye Tingjiang's decision.

Ye Tingjiang called out Xiaoyou, who was pretending to be dead until now, and said in a low voice, "You still go to the place just now and pass me the picture you saw."

He didn't dare to go in anymore, so he had to make Xiaoyou do some labor.

Xiaoyou just watched a big play, but in front of his master he still had to pretend that he didn't know anything, and went into the cave without complaint.

Mu Chuihan had already moved to Ye Tingjiang's side, leaning against him lazily, watching Xiaoyou's broadcast.

Ye Tingjiang didn't know how to place the hand closest to him, and after hesitating for a while, he still hugged the little apprentice's waist vainly.

In the past, it was not without the act of hugging the waist when practicing swords with Fuyan. But at that time, Ye Tingjiang only wanted to teach kendo. At this time, when he got on Fuyan's body, he felt that it would be too hot to touch it.

Probably just the aftermath...

Mu Chuihan simply pretended not to know, and concentrated on watching the picture from Xiaoyou. After a while, he pointed to a broken golden pill in the corner: "Xianjun, look at what that is!"

Only then did Ye Tingjiang come out of the question of how to let go. He glanced at it: "It's the inner alchemy of the fox demon. It seems that he is seriously injured, and he is at the end of the shot."

Mu Chuihan had indeed heard that there is a fox demon's blood that has aphrodisiac effects, and maybe the effect of the inner alchemy is even more blood.

This can be regarded as finding the "culprit" who made him and Ye Tingjiang emotional.

But Mu Chuihan sincerely thanked the fox demon in his heart, and even had no intention of exterminating the demon.

Xiaoyou went deeper, and there seemed to be more blood on the ground. His voice came along with the picture: "Master, there seems to be a blood formation."

He stared at the pattern drawn by the blood.

Ye Tingjiang completed the broken formation in his heart: "It's a teleportation formation, the fox demon escaped, you just come out."

Mu Chuihan asked slowly, "Xianjun, what should we do now..."

Best to do nothing. Going to chase the fox demon again so soon is too unfeeling.

Ye Tingjiang squeezed the tactic, and a flash of light appeared in his hand, drawing a new teleportation array on the ground.

He embraced Mu Chuihan and stepped into the formation: "Go and chase."

"Okay." Mu Chuihan shook his head and chased after him. At least now, Ye Tingjiang took the initiative to embrace him. What is there to be unsatisfied with?

The formation method took them outside a cave, and it seemed that the environment was no longer behind.

Ye Tingjiang waved his hand to break the ban, and a fiery red fox appeared in the cave, and he retreated in panic.

The hay where it had been nestled was full of dried brown blood.

The author has something to say: Immortal Venerable: Real gentleman who likes to do it, anyway, this is my last time! [Love level 10 boss] Teacher Ye: Ah, is this just liking? 【Love Level 1 Novice】

In response to everyone's speculation about my driving in the previous chapter, I solemnly respond here: Yes, that's right, I really don't dare. [Sorrow.jpg] Immortal Venerable: That's it? That's it?

Leaflet: Isn't that enough? not enough?

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-1223:16:30~2021-02-1323:25:17~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 1 la la la la la, 1 remarks when returning home; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 12 bottles before the hour; 5 bottles of sparse learning; 1 bottle of Mo Nianji and spoon; thank you very much For your support, I will continue to work hard!

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