MTL - Wildfire-Chapter 62

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Doctor Tang said that he didn't feel sorry for him, so Tao Xiaodong followed behind him and said it hurt.

"Don't you even know it's green? Didn't you say it doesn't hurt?" Tang Suoyan slowly washed his hands.

"It hurts after being pressed by you." After finishing speaking, he added, "It hurts."

Tang Suoyan wiped his hands, and saw the horrific wound on Tao Xiaodong's eye from the mirror: "Even Xiao Nan can't hit you like this."

Tao Xiaodong said "hmm": "He knows to pay attention, so be careful when you walk."

Tang Suoyan hasn't smiled since he saw the injury, and his expression was cold when he talked to Tao Xiaodong, but he still hugged him tightly after turning off the light, and kept gently grasping his stomach with his hands.

Tao Xiaodong was a little sleepy when he made it like this.

Tang Suoyan suddenly asked him, "Does the bone hurt?"

"Huh?" Tao Xiaodong didn't respond, "What bone?"

"The tailbone." Tang Suoyan moved his hand behind him and touched it lightly, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt." Tao Xiaodong said.

"It doesn't hurt at all?"

Tao Xiaodong smiled, "Are you afraid that my fingers will be the same as last time? Come back."

"I'm afraid you won't be in pain." Tang Suoyan put his hands back on his stomach and said softly, "Go to sleep."

When Tao Xiaodong went to the store on Monday, his face shocked others.

Di also sent a voice message to Xiao Kai: "Your uncle."

Xiao Kai immediately replied to him: "Are you sick?"

Di Ye: "What's wrong with my brother Dong's face?"

Tao Xiaodong heard it from the side, and said, "Brother Dong, you knocked it yourself, don't go crazy with someone else."

No matter how you looked at his face, it looked like he was fighting with someone. Di also scolded Xiaokai several times on WeChat, although he knew that it was impossible to really fight, anyway, he was using this to spread the flames.

Tao Xiaodong went over and flicked Di Ye on the head: "Do your job well."

If someone else's face is like this, in order to avoid being asked by others, they may have to stay at home for a few days without going out, for fear of embarrassment. With Tao Xiaodong, he doesn't mind this, he can't stay at home, and he doesn't take it seriously.

Tian Yi Xia Yuan saw his face and smiled at him for a long time.

Tao Xiaodong teased his son in his arms, and ignored them. The baby looked sturdier than the day it was born, but less white. Such a small one, Tao Xiaodong was a little afraid to move when he held his neck and hugged it.

When Tao Huainan was born, he went to school, and it has been several months since he went back to Tao Huainan, and he has grown strong. So this was Tao Xiaodong's first time holding such a small child. It was not a big ball, and his heart softened in his hands.

In the past few days, he came to see the child when he was free, and went home with Tang Suoyan when the time came.

This year's medical aid was decided to be led by Director Chen, but Tang Suoyan refused to go. Eye diseases frequently occurred in spring, so he couldn't leave.

"Today they asked me if you would go, and I said no." Tang Suoyan said in the car.

Tao Xiaodong said "ah" and said nothing else.

It just rained yesterday, and it also rained for a while today, and the ground is still wet. Tang Suoyan rubbed his wrist, Tao Xiaodong looked at it, and frowned: "Hand hurt?"

"It's okay." Tang Suoyan turned the vent, "It's a bit sour."

"Go back and fix it for you at night." Tao Xiaodong said. He has been caring about Tang Suoyan's hand, applying medicine to burn it on a regular basis. I don't know if it's because he stared at it so hard. The pain has really not been so many this year, and it's not as severe as before. .

The water-proof bag was wrapped with a hot towel, and it was gently placed on Tang Suoyan's hand. The hot water scalding the towel was so hot that Tao Xiaodong's hands were a little red. In fact, you can use salt bags and physiotherapy belts, or even a small hot water bottle, but they are not as comfortable as hot towels.

With the towel wrapped around the wrist, the whole arm was warmed up, and the palm of the hand was hot.

During this period of time, Tao Xiaodong traveled a lot on business, so he didn't have a chance to give him a hand, otherwise, if it rains all day and his hand is not tired, it won't hurt.

"You can do it yourself when I'm not at home." Tao Xiaodong said.

Tang Suoyan refused: "No."

He refused too quickly, and Tao Xiaodong laughed: "It's like this time I'm always away from home, if you don't want to rub it, you can just iron it, apply medicine, or you will feel uncomfortable."

Tang Suoyan still shook his head: "Then don't go out for too long."

According to Tao Xiaodong's personality and the way they got along, at this time he should immediately reply "Okay, okay", but this time Tao Xiaodong just laughed and didn't answer.

Tang Suoyan put his hands on his lap, and Tao Xiaodong sat on a small leather stool in front of him. The two chatted while burning their hands. Tang Suoyan told him about a patient during the day, a very interesting old man, who brought a woven bag of apples and pancakes and insisted on letting him accept them.

"Then did you accept it?" Tao Xiaodong asked with a smile.

"Accept it, I've recited it all the way, so I won't accept the old man Tailiang's heart." At that time, the old man's hospital in his province didn't accept him, and he didn't give him treatment. When he arrived at them, Tang Suoyan left him behind. . Although he could not be completely cured, and the damaged optic nerve could not be restored, he still retained his 0.4 vision. Because the 0.4 old man was very happy, knowing that doctors would not accept red envelopes, this woven bag was filled with the gratitude of the whole family.

"Then where did you get it?" Tao Xiaodong asked, "Why didn't I see you take it back?"

"I really took it for you. I forgot to get in the car." Tang Suoyan remembered it when he said this, and said with a smile, "The apples are very sweet. I left two for you, and the others were divided among the departments."

"Collecting apples is not a violation, is it?" Tao Xiaodong held Tang Suoyan's hand and rubbed his palms.

"Actually, it doesn't work, but there's no need to be so up-to-date." Tang Suoyan thought about the bag of apples and pancakes during the day, with a sense of simplicity and warmth.

Chatting like this every day, the doctors in Tang Suoyan's department and the nurse Tao Xiaodong who is often mentioned are all impressed, and almost everyone can match who is who, and there is no need to describe which one is mentioned by name.

After the towel was scalded, Tao Xiaodong pressed the acupuncture points lightly and lightly. The scar on Tang Suoyan's arm was not dark in color, and it was close to his skin color after a long time.

Tao Xiaodong suddenly reached out and stroked the uneven skin, then continued to pinch his wrist.

Both of them stopped talking, and there was only tender silence in the room. The time on the electronic watch jumps from second to second, and it will never stop.

Tao Xiaodong finally scratched the small mole on Tang Suoyan's wrist, stood up and said, "I'll go downstairs to get an apple."

Tao Xiaodong doesn't talk much recently, although most of the time he looks cheerful, but he doesn't always have something to say when he is with Tang Suoyan.

I don’t really joke around in the store. I work when I come, and I sit for a day wearing a mask.

Da Huang pulled a chair over and sat beside him without asking any further questions. After sitting for a while, seeing that Tao Xiaodong had no intention of speaking, he left with his teacup again.

Xia Yuan came to pick him up from the store, and Tian Yi invited him to dinner tonight.

The two sons of Tian Yi's family received a lot of red envelopes when they were born. Before the family was too busy, they had been put on hold, but now they have to make up for it. The love is not for them. If you want to see them, this meal will be avoided. Other people are invited, most of them are their colleagues.

Tang Suoyan couldn't go today, so Professor Xu told him to have dinner at home with other fellow students in the department.

Xia Yuan heard that Dr. Tang could not come, and said with a smile: "Then Lao Tian need not worry."

"What are you worried about?" Tao Xiaodong asked.

"My fellow Tangning also went to look after the child, and bought a pair of gold locks. It's not a big deal if you don't call, and it's even more wrong if you call." Xia Yuan sat next to him and laughed heartlessly, "It's good if your doctor Tang doesn't come. Do more."

Tang Ning and Tian Yi Xia Yuan are both in the circle of the medical school, and they have a good relationship on the surface. Tao Xiaodong said "hmm" and said, "Call me."

In fact, Tao Xiaodong and Tangning met twice at the dinner party last year. They met each other, looked at each other, nodded and said hello. Tang Ning never approached Tang Suoyan after that incident, and he withdrew from Tang Suoyan's life in this way. Decent is not decent either.

Tao Xiaodong's job took up a bit of time, and he and Xia Yuan were the last to arrive. Almost everyone has arrived, leaving only a seat at the door.

"Godfather came late enough." Someone said Tao Xiaodong.

Tao Xiaodong smiled and asked, "Have you seen my son?"

"Shameless, it's your son."

"Song Zhu said that I can hug him anytime I want," Tao Xiaodong opened the chair and sat down, "Is my son pretty?"

"Tian Yi, can you bear it?" The person next to him asked, "What kind of madness has this made him?"

Tian Yi smiled and glanced at Tao Xiaodong.

Tangning was the last one to come in. She smiled and said, "Sorry for the traffic jam." The only remaining seat was next to Tao Xiaodong. Xia Yuan and Tian Yi glanced at each other. Before Xia Yuan could speak, Tangning had already sat down.

Tao Xiaodong nodded and called "Doctor Tang" as he didn't put so much thought on his face when interacting with adults.

Tangning replied "Xiaodong".

If there was any conflict between the two of them, there really wasn't any. When the two first met, they looked at each other high and thought they were very nice people. Although the subsequent development made the current relationship between the two of them seem a bit embarrassingly opposite, but purely from the two of them, there was not even a direct conflict.

So when the two met, they could still be polite on the surface and say hello to each other.

Sitting so close and having a long meal, it was impossible not to talk at all. Chatting about the current situation and exchanging a few pleasantries are all passable.

Tangning took a sip of water and asked, "How is Brother Yan?"

Tao Xiaodong made a "hush" sound, lowered his eyes and said, "Don't talk about him."

Tangning looked at him with a slight smile, "Why can't we chat?"

"Because I don't like it, because that's my brother Yan." Tao Xiaodong also hooked the corners of his lips, deliberately focusing on "I" like a child.

Tangning laughed a little wider, and took another sip of her saliva, "Then let's not chat."

"If you don't talk about him, you are Dr. Tang. It's okay for us to chat a few words." Tao Xiaodong ate a fried shrimp with its shell on, chewing and swallowing it slowly.

Tangning asked, "What if we talk?"

Tao Xiaodong moved closer to him, and said in a low voice with no expression on his face, "You are Tangning when you talk about him. I have nothing good to say to you. My mouth is hurt."

Tangning still had a smile in her eyes, she also turned her head towards him, and said in a low voice, "You really protect him, it hasn't changed at all."

Tao Xiaodong said "Yes", without denying it.

Tangning poured him a glass of water, then turned to talk to the others.

Tao Xiaodong continued to eat with his head bowed in silence. After a while, Tangning called him, "Xiaodong."

"Huh?" Tao Xiaodong responded.

"Ask you something."

Tao Xiaodong: "Tell me."

Tangning asked him, "Do you really not mind? I was curious before. You always seem to be very generous. You don't care about me or the ten years he has had."

Tao Xiaodong looked up at him.

Tangning continued, "You're too frank, do you really not care?"

"No," Tao Xiaodong shook his head, "I don't really care."

"For example, you, and the past ten years you just mentioned." Tao Xiaodong drew a circle on the table with his hand, "It sounds scary, but it really doesn't matter. I can make you all connect in his heart within a year." I can't take a corner."

Tangning raised her eyebrows and looked at him with a smile.

"Really, it's not in front of you that I have to cheer myself up." Tao Xiaodong stretched out his hand, smiled and said, "Now you can't even touch a corner, and it's all about me."

Read The Duke's Passion