MTL - Wildfire-Chapter 49

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This is the first time Tao Xiaodong sees Tang Suoyan drinking.

He said he didn't like it, he didn't like being paralyzed by alcohol to affect his judgment.

The waiter came to deliver the tableware, Tao Xiaodong asked him what he wanted to eat, and Tang Suoyan asked him if he had noodles. Tao Xiaodong said he had eaten it.

On Tang Suoyan's birthday last time, he didn't eat any noodles, and Tao Xiaodong finished it for him.

Tang Suoyan smiled and said: "I also specially saved my stomach to eat a bowl of noodles with you. If you have eaten it, then you don't need it."

Tao Xiaodong immediately called the waiter: "Cook me a bowl of longevity noodles, thank you."

There was no place to put the flower in his hand, so he kept it around his left arm. Sitting on the left is Xia Yuan, who couldn't take it anymore and asked him: "Dong, can you let go of your flowers first?"

Tao Xiaodong glanced at it, and found that his left hand was still disabled, making it difficult to move. Tao Xiaodong listened to his words, moved his arms down intentionally, and let Hua face Xia Yuan more ostentatiously: "Is it blocking you?"

"It's blocked, I'm afraid my chopsticks will scratch your flower with my elbow." Xia Yuanzhen stretched out his hand and pulled it, and a petal fell off, "Don't show off."

"Break your fingers." Tao Xiaodong hugged the flower into his arms, and looked around for a suitable place to put it.

Tang Suoyan took it from him, stood up and put it on the sofa for him.

"Did you break your finger with someone's hand?" Xia Yuan mocked him, "Then you broke it yourself without anyone breaking it."

Tao Xiaodong is not in the mood to talk to him now, all his thoughts are on Tang Suoyan.

Tang Suoyan returned to sit down after placing the flowers, unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled up. The people around were talking in a mess, which created a relatively quiet space for them, and no one else could hear what they said.

Tao Xiaodong took the ashtray on the right and put it on Xia Yuan's side.

"Are you okay today?" Tao Xiaodong approached Tang Suoyan and asked him in a low voice.

Tang Suo said something was up.

"Then you're still here?" Tao Xiaodong said, "I'm afraid of delaying your business."

Tang Suoyan took a sip of water. The wine he drank just now still burned his throat a little. After drinking, he glanced at Tao Xiaodong and said, "This is what I have to do today."

Tao Xiaodong: "Huh?"

Tang Suoyan smiled lightly and said, "Can I still make Boss Tao angry at me for my birthday?"

"It's up to me." Tao Xiaodong said quickly, "It's nothing...don't say that, Brother Yan."

The emotion of that night has long since dissipated, and the emotion I have now is not anger. Someone on the opposite side looked at them with a smile, and Tang Suoyan also smiled, and leaned towards Tao Xiaodong naturally, speaking behind his ear. This posture is seen by others as an intimate small talk, and Tao Xiaodong can block Tang Suoyan's mouth.

Of course, they are small talk.

"I'll tell you later." Tang Suoyan paused, and the two of them leaned their heads together. Tang Suoyan propped himself up on the back of Tao Xiaodong's chair, and said something to Tao Xiaodong in a low voice.

"...don't get drunk."

Tao Xiaodong looked back at him, Tang Suoyan kept the same expression all the time, with a gentle smile, so pretty. There was emotion in his eyes, and he was focused. They haven't seen each other for a few days, and now that Tang Suoyan is looking at him like this, he knows that he doesn't feel moved.

"What are you two doing?" Xia Yuan asked again, feeling a little unbearable sitting here. If you want to pretend that you can't see it, you can't pretend, but I'm really embarrassed to look this way.

He interrupted the conversation between the two of them, and Tang Suoyan smiled and stretched his arms and sat up straight. Tao Xiaodong looked at Xia Yuan: "What are you doing?"

"It's not that your two heads are touching, then who knows what to do."

Tao Xiaodong said: "I didn't do anything, just say something."

He didn't want them to make fun of Tang Suoyan too much, they were different, it didn't matter how much they laughed at him, he was used to it. If it were Tang Suoyan, he would be a little unhappy, for fear that he would feel uncomfortable.

Tian Yi sat beside him for a long time, and now that he has recalled it, he suddenly shrugged his shoulders and started laughing.

"Are you good at pretending?" He looked at Tao Xiaodong, "You pretended to be with your brother. You and Lao Xiazhuang fell apart, and you kept it from me. Tao Xiaodong, let's talk about it."

He called out his full name deliberately, and "Tao" bit hard: "If you were in a hurry last time, I just came back to it."

Xia Yuan blinked his eyes, also turned the corner, and said "Hey" in a raised tone: "Last time, I screwed up my game, and I didn't save face. Ding bang fell and walked away. I said Well... dare to say that your head is on your head."

Tao Xiaodong knew what they were talking about. At that time, he and Tang Suoyan hadn't had much trouble together, so he just said, "I didn't hide it from you."

"Last time?" Tang Suoyan looked at Tian Yi, "What's the matter?"

Tian Yi went through two detours in his mind, and said what he could say: "It's been a long time ago, we had dinner together. There are two people who don't know each other very well. They are face-saving friends, and they talked badly about you after drinking. "

Tang Suoyan was a little surprised: "Me?"

"Well, I won't talk about anyone, it's all over." Tian Yi looked at Tao Xiaodong, "hmph" laughed twice, "Xiaodong is really not used to it, he stood up and threw the old man in the face."

Tang Suoyan really didn't know about this, he looked at Tao Xiaodong, Tao Xiaodong rubbed his face, he couldn't listen anymore.

"That's what you said at the time. I still thought, this is not like him, and I didn't even save my face." Xia Yuan still feels embarrassed when he thinks about the scene at that time.

"I recall the memory." Tian Yi and Xia Yuan felt sorry for Tao Xiaodong. He seldom got angry. Tian Yi remembered it quite clearly. He imitated his expression at that time and kept his face cold on purpose: "'Shut up, bear with you for a long time. You The Tang Suoyan who said it was my friend, I can’t hear what you said.’ Is that what you said? I can’t remember clearly, anyway, this big brother is cool.”

Xia Yuan and Tian Yi were the only people at this table who knew about this, and the others didn't know about it. Now that Tian Yi learned this, they all followed suit.

In front of Tang Suoyan, Tao Xiaodong didn't save any of his loss of face, and let them talk about the embarrassing things.

"Brothers, please forgive me." This matter sounded too harsh, and Tao Xiaodong couldn't bear it anymore, "I really didn't intend to hide it from you. At that time, Brother Yan and I had nothing. If it is true, there is something. One sentence, I have to let him hold back."

At that time, Tao Xiaodong really had no status. After all, Tian Yi and Xia Yuan were not really stupid, and they talked for a long time without saying "Tang Ning". At that time, it was this person who really spoke with authority in that room, not Tao Xiaodong.

"There was nothing at that time, what's there now?" Xia Yuan asked from a tricky angle.

Tao Xiaodong was helpless, there was nothing wrong with it.

Tang Suoyan continued calmly, and replied generously: "That's for sure, now I have everything."

Who can not coax him with his words, a group of old scumbags, after so many years, Tao Xiaodong can finally lead someone, can he go there easily. Tang Suoyan has everything, so why don't you explain it in detail? What's up? How?

Which of you has it? Who is gone?

Tao Xiaodong couldn't take it anymore, said "Hey" twice, poured himself a glass of wine, and stopped him: "I'll drink, stop quickly."

Tian Yi didn't buy it, and said lightly, "We didn't ask you either."

"Don't ask anyone." Tao Xiaodong slammed Tang Suoyan's cup, stood up and said, "Hello to me, hurry up. Talk with wine, don't just talk."

It's different when there is someone around him. In the past, Tao Xiaodong was free to say anything, and he wasn't afraid of this at all. It's not working now, and I won't give up if I ask a few words.

These people were too noisy, and Tao Xiaodong made them make a fuss. Later, Tang Suoyan complained that he had a headache, and the two of them went upstairs. In broad daylight, at two or three o'clock in the afternoon, the two of them went upstairs and got a room. Last night when Tang Suoyan came home in the middle of the night, Tao Xiaodong wanted him to sleep for a while. He still can't leave, and the group downstairs still has to make trouble at night.

"Did you drink too much Brother Yan?" Tao Xiaodong followed him up, thinking about the headache that Tang Suoyan said just now.

"It sounds like you're mocking me," Tang Suoyan said as he swiped his card to open the door, "Am I drinking too much with just half a glass of wine?"

"You don't usually drink, don't you?"

The two entered the room, Tang Suoyan inserted the card into the card slot, and hung up the coat on his arm.

"Sleep for a while." From the outside environment into a space with only two people, Tao Xiaodong suddenly remembered and said, "Fuck me, the flower fell."

He turned his head and was about to leave. Tang Suoyan had already walked in, but when he heard Tao Xiaodong was about to go out, he turned around and stopped him neatly. Arms circled from behind and wrapped around Tao Xiaodong's neck. Tao Xiaodong was unprepared, and his upper body leaned back slightly.

"What are you going to do?" Tang Suoyan asked.

"I have to take it up, don't let anyone spoil me after drinking too much." Tao Xiaodong said with his back slightly.

There was something wrong with this posture. Tao Xiaodong's eyelashes trembled twice, and he raised his right hand to catch Tang Suoyan's arm and encircle him.

Tang Suoyan turned around, his arms didn't relax, he almost pushed Tao Xiaodong away with his body, and said in a low voice as he walked, "I'll buy it for you again if it's broken...I want to buy it for you every day."

Who can stand him talking like that.

Tao Xiaodong stopped talking, and followed Tang Suoyan as he was being pushed. When he walked to the door of the bathroom, Tang Suoyan spoke in his ear, and his lips kept scraping his ears when he spoke, speaking very slowly, in a low and steady voice: "Give you five minutes, go take a bath."

Half of Tao Xiaodong's body was numb. He wanted to look back at Tang Suoyan, but he couldn't because he was strangled like this.

"...Brother Yan." Tao Xiaodong cleared his throat, his voice was a little hoarse and unclear.

Tang Suoyan continued to push him, pushed him into the bathroom, and said in that voice: "Don't get your clothes wet, you have to wear them at night."

This is so over the top.

Tao Xiaodong arrived at the place and stood still. Tang Suoyan slammed him against the wall with all his strength, and directly bit the back of his neck—

Adding a bite to the already sensitive sense of touch, the pain stimulated all the subtle reactions more clearly.

Tao Xiaodong snorted and took a deep breath.

"Five minutes." Tang Suoyan patted his waist, and kissed him lightly where he had bitten just now.

Today's Tang Suoyan was different from usual, Tao Xiaodong stood there in a daze for a while. Tang Suoyan couldn't bear this kind of situation, and it would definitely get out of control if it went on like this.

"Come out if you don't wash up." Tang Suoyan said suddenly in the room.

Tao Xiaodong leaned against the wall and was silent for two seconds, then suddenly hooked the corners of his lips and laughed.

The coat was peeled off and thrown out the door, the T-shirt, jeans, and underwear were thrown out together, and the belt hit the ground with a "click".

Tao Xiaodong stretched out his hand to break it off, and the water splashed down——

When five minutes came, Tang Suoyan didn't give him another minute. He kicked away the clothes thrown on the floor by the door and walked in.

When Tao Xiaodong was knocked against the wall with his neck pinned, his jaw hit the wall. Tang Suoyan rubbed his chin with his backhand: "It's red, does it hurt?"

It doesn't hurt to pinch it, but it hurts to let him pinch it like this.

Tang Suoyan moved his other hand forward along his side, holding him in his arms.

"I didn't discuss it with you when I sent you back last time. You should be angry." Tao Xiaodong wanted to move, but Tang Suoyan held him back and didn't let him move at all. Tao Xiaodong's chest heaved.

"You have to listen to me, and I will tell you to move." Tang Suoyan still pinched his chin with one hand, rubbing his thumb all the time, "I am indeed such a person, and today I will give you my advice." Bottom."

Tang Suoyan said in his ear: "My desire to control is strong. I am used to everything about me being controlled by me—including you."

Tang Suoyan's breath was wrapped around him, and the sound of water kept ringing. Tao Xiaodong closed his eyes, allowing himself to breathe harder and harder.

What did he say that Tao Xiaodong could hardly hear clearly, he was not used to being held down like this, he had never been like this before.

—but now he doesn't **** want to move at all.

Tao Xiaodong reached behind with his right hand, hooked Tang Suoyan's waist, and called "Brother Yan".

"Xiaodong is angry with me." Tang Suoyan's voice was also breathless, it sounded less stable than before, but it sounded more piercing, "Don't be too angry."

Tao Xiaodong closed his eyes, his Adam's apple quivered up and down.

Tang Suoyan bit the side of his neck, and Tao Xiaodong raised his neck, exposing the most vulnerable neck of the male animal. The pulse throbbed on his neck through the thin blood vessels and skin.

Tang Suoyan bit his place, teeth and tongue against his pulse and heartbeat. From there, it spreads along the peripheral nerves, sensitive and hot.

"If you have something on your mind in the future, just like this time, say it in front of me." Tang Suoyan turned off the water, and the continuous sound of water suddenly stopped, "It's not that you don't have the right to carry anything with me, it's because I'm not used to it, I don't even want to."

"The previous relationship ended badly. I thought it started too quickly. This time I originally wanted to be steady..."

Tang Suoyan took out a towel and wiped his hands slowly. Tao Xiaodong turned around and was finally able to look at Tang Suoyan face to face. He called "Brother Yan" again, his voice was too hoarse.

"Brother Yan will give you a seal today." Tang Suoyan rubbed the back of his neck, and then pushed Tao Xiaodong against the wall again with force that could not be resisted, "Happy birthday, Xiaodong."

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