MTL - Wildfire-Chapter 38

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If there are multiple surgeries in one day, Tang Suoyan usually does not change his scrubs until the last surgeries are over, which is convenient and does not need to go back and forth.

However, this week he changed his clothes frequently and strictly followed the procedure, so he must have changed out of his clothes before going out.

This Wednesday, Tang Suoyan did not accept outpatient visits, and had a full skyline of surgeries. During the lunch break, Tang Suoyan changed his clothes and had lunch with Professor Xu. The teacher's wife brought meals for him, and every time he brought a meal, he had a share.

The professor also performs surgeries all day long, almost all of them are recruited by connections. He doesn't see many patients now, and it's hard to find one.

During the meal, Mr. Xu talked with Tang Suoyan about several cases, and argued back and forth for several rounds. Finally, the professor laughed and stopped talking. The two have had a teacher-student relationship for many years. In the courtyard, Mr. Xu never concealed his importance to Tang Suoyan. At the beginning, he personally led and brought it out. Later, Tang Suoyan went abroad and did not come back, so he went to bring it back in person.

There are several deputy directors in Corey, and Tang Suoyan is the one with the highest voice, except for Mr. Xu. None of the chief physicians had any qualifications, and all of them were older than Tang Suoyan, with good experience and ability. Mr. Xu pushed Tang Suoyan to where he is today step by step. Over the years, he has been constantly fighting with leaders at all levels in the school. No organization is short of factional contests, and no professor has his own students.

But Tang Suoyan is indeed able to convince the public, no matter how you look at it, he is the best, and he can't make a mistake.

"Your teacher's wife has mentioned you several times, so go and have a look when you are free," Mr. Xu said.

Tang Suoyan nodded with a smile and said, "Master misses me."

"I'm thinking about it. I haven't seen each other for half a year."

Tang Suoyan collected the lunch box and threw it away together. Mr. Xu went to see the patient, and he went back to his office to wait for the operation in the afternoon.

The phone is so quiet that there is not a single message. It has been very quiet these days.

Someone knocked on his door, Tang Suoyan said "Come in" and put the phone in the drawer.

It was a family member who came in. I saw it this morning. It was the daughter of a patient. He greeted politely: "Hello, Director Tang."

"Hello, what's the matter?" Tang Suoyan asked.

The other party came in and closed the door.

Tang Suoyan almost knew what she was going to do when he asked her if she was okay.

The family members looked about forty years old, and they were well dressed. She walked to Tang Suoyan's desk, took out a red envelope from her satchel, packed it thickly, and pushed it to Tang Suoyan's side with both hands.

"Director Tang, there is no other meaning. Don't think too much about it. I just want to thank you." Her voice was so low that no one standing at the door could hear her now.

Tang Suoyan has already mechanized to deal with such things. He took the book and pushed the red envelope back, saying: "I understand your feelings, but you don't need it. If you want it, please return it."

The lady waved her hands again and again, but still said in a low voice: "No, no, you put it away, it's really just a thought."

Tang Suoyan said almost expressionlessly: "Our hospital doesn't have such rules, so you can feel at ease if you don't need it."

The lady was so anxious that her face was a little red. It seemed that she had reached a tacit understanding with the doctor before she came. Now she was rejected and panicked. She looked up and looked around, but she didn't see the surveillance. So he said again: "Look, I've brought them all, don't refuse me."

"If you take it, I have to accept it?" Tang Suoyan lowered his eyes, unwilling to talk any more, "You can rest assured about the operation in the afternoon, I will do my best, I have not accepted it since I entered the industry, and I will not make an exception for anyone , please go back."

He obviously didn't want to communicate anymore, and Tang Suoyan didn't say anything to the family members, and in the end the other party could only take back the red envelope and walk away awkwardly.

The first operation in the afternoon was performed on a patient in their family, who underwent monocular enucleation under general anesthesia. After checking the effect of anesthesia, apart from Tang Suoyan, the chief surgeon, another attending doctor and the anesthesiologist started chatting again.

"Did you see you at noon?" The attendant smiled and said, "It's quite thick."

Anesthetist Director Liu also smiled and said, "Director Tang is the first one, and I have to be the second one. Isn't this the rule, the chief surgeon is the first anesthetist and the second one, and the rest of you have to step back a little bit."

"When you tell people to be a doctor, the default monthly income is six figures. If you say you can't earn it, people will understand everything with a smile and a smile." The attendant is a younger brother of Tang Suoyan. , if there is him in the operating room, it is usually not quiet.

Director Liu said: "I also want to earn a six-figure monthly income, so that the school district's room card will not be bald."

This is a common topic of conversation among doctors. Although it has been confiscated, it can be seen at a glance. Sometimes in the operating room, they joked about who was generous and who was stingy.

"You come." Tang Suoyan interrupted their chat, and left the rest of the work to his junior, watching him operate.

Before leaving the operating room, Tang Suoyan had to be taken off his surgical gown. In the past few days, when the itinerant nurses were putting on and taking off the surgical gown for him, their expressions did not change, nor did their eyes change.

The collar of the brush hand suit is low, revealing half of the collarbone. After taking off the surgical gown, the collarbone of the neck is exposed, and the hand gown does not hide the secret. The nurses could see the traces that Tao Xiaodong left on Tang Suoyan's body with his teeth that Saturday night.

Tang Suoyan hasn't had this kind of mark on his body for so many years since he came to the hospital. His impression in the hospital is that he is strict and abstinent to a certain extent. Now that there are so many obvious marks, although the nurses don't show it on their faces, they don't know if they chat or not when no one is around.

As soon as Tang Suoyan entered the dressing room, he could see his neck in the mirror, and raised his hand to touch the darkest part, feeling a little helpless. Thinking about Tao Xiaodong's way of biting this spot that night while pinching his side waist, he still shook his head and laughed.

After Tao Xiaodong left his house that day, there was no movement. Tang Suoyan called him twice in the past two days, but he didn't answer. After a few hours, I will reply to a message, saying what's wrong, Brother Yan, I'm busy.

It seems that I have forgotten everything I did, and I don't mention it.

I don't send many messages, and I'm always very busy, no matter it's day or night, I can't catch people.

Yesterday Tang Suoyan called again and someone answered, saying that he just got off the plane and was on a business trip.

Tang Suoyan asked him on the phone: "You didn't say anything before the business trip?"

Tao Xiaodong said, "I told you."

Tang Suoyan asked, "When?"

Tao Xiaodong couldn't answer. Saturday seemed to be a black hole, and everything related to it disappeared.

He didn't want to mention Tang Suoyan and didn't feel embarrassed, so he smiled and asked, "When will you be back?"

Tao Xiaodong said he was still unclear.

Tang Suoyan asked, "You yourself?"

Tao Xiaodong replied: "There is also Rhubarb, he is with me."

Tang Suoyan asked him a few words, but didn't say any more. Tao Xiaodong obviously didn't want to talk to him.

The stamina of having fun is too strong. If you don't know who Tao Xiaodong is, you may be able to achieve his goal and stop playing.

This person is always surprising, what he can say and do, you can't predict it for a second.

When Da Huang heard Tao Xiaodong calling, he glanced at him: "What's wrong?"

Tao Xiaodong said it was all right.

"What's wrong, why don't you talk to him?" Rhubarb already knew him quite well, and when he saw Tao Xiaodong like this, it seemed that something was wrong.

"No." Tao Xiaodong couldn't say anything else, and didn't want to.

He couldn't think about some things, and when he looked back, the nerves in his brain snapped, and he was forced to stop him from thinking about it. After living for so many years, I haven't done a few such things, and I have lost all dignity, like a male dog in heat.

Tang Suoyan didn't push him away that night because he was saving face for him. Before that, he had talked so much about the past, and when Tang Suoyan was most soft-hearted, he ran over to get angry with people. Tang Suoyan is so gentle. People, it is impossible to push him away.

Tao Xiaodong typed it out for Tang Suoyan, but it wasn't enough, and he even clinged to people to act wildly. When Tang Suoyan was taken out by him for the second time, he sprayed Tang Suoyan all over his stomach. On the pajamas, on the skin, his things are everywhere.

Tang Suoyan wiped it with a wet towel in silence, and after wiping, he wiped Tao Xiaodong's hands and legs with marks.

All of these are untouchable in Tao Xiaodong's mind, and his thoughts explode as soon as he touches the edge.

He didn't drink any alcohol, he just ate a plate of fruit and drank a pot of tea. He didn't know how it got like this. What he did can no longer be summed up in a sentence of recklessness, let alone indecent, he didn't save himself any face.

When Tao Xiaodong couldn't sleep, he couldn't help but think of Tangning. He thought about Tangning's coldness, and he couldn't do countless things like him from the bottom of his heart.

Looking at himself again, Tao Xiaodong would be scared to death by this matter.

The friend who called him called again the day before yesterday, saying that his father was gone and his mother was not well.

Tao Xiaodong said that you are busy with your work.

They have been friends for many years and have cooperated many times. They also helped Tao Xiaodong. Before Tao Xiaodong was earning money, he taught him many rules and introduced him to many people.

Some relationships are not about money, nor are they as simple as saying "I ask you something".

For Tao Xiaodong, anyone who has helped him is considered a kindness and must be paid back.

The other party said on the phone: "I won't talk much about brother, we will see the matter later."

Tao Xiaodong said, "Don't talk about that."

If it was something else, Tao Xiaodong didn't think about it at all, and he would definitely help. But this time Tao Xiaodong was indeed embarrassed at the first time.

He is not optimistic about that variety show, and the judges in it are still mentors, and they are not at the same level as him. If you don't mention the price drop, Tao Xiaodong feels that the program itself is not good, and the direction is not good. It's not that he's self-deprecating, of course there's nothing wrong with tattoos for them, it's art. But it is also true that social prejudice cannot be completely eliminated in a short period of time.

Tao Xiaodong doesn't want to get involved in this kind of thing, and this little money is not worth it.

When he told Da Huang about it, Da Huang didn't take it seriously at all. The one-liter water glass, hissing and continuing to drink hot water, said after listening to it: "Such a small matter, it's nothing, it's just a show."

Tao Xiaodong frowned: "You don't understand what I mean."

"How can I not understand you?" Rhubarb chuckled, "If I don't understand you, no one will understand."

Tao Xiaodong didn't speak, but Rhubarb said by himself, "You don't like it."

I really don't like it, there is no need to deny it.

Da Huang sighed and said, "There's no need for Tartar to pick it up."

"It's very difficult for him now." Tao Xiaodong said, "His brothers have brought people and resources to do it alone, and the shops have been replaced by small ones. If you recognize yours, you can ask for a higher price. Now small fish are everywhere, and old fish can't keep up. I just can’t get enough to eat. He plays traditional games, and now young people don’t recognize this.”

It's really hard, brothers break up this kind of thing hurts the most, most of them are for money.

Tao Xiaodong and Rhubarb have quarreled with each other over money for so many years, but it was all because they thought the other party was taking too little. For example, Tao Xiaodong did not go to the store for any assistance he paid for himself. For example, the money that Rhubarb bought for the store was not cleared and he stopped pumping.

How much iron in the relationship comes from.

This time the two came out together, and they have been inseparable in the circle. When Tao Xiaodong was not so big, someone hired Huang Yida at a high price, trying to pry him over to become the manager.

Da Huang said at the time: "I don't want to be rich, I just want to get along with Xiaodong."

Tao Xiaodong was on a business trip, and it took him many days. During this period, I had very little contact with Tang Suoyan, and sometimes I was able to talk quite well after answering the phone, but the number of calls was not many.

Across such a long distance, across the phone, Tao Xiaodong was on a business trip and was busy, so he couldn't settle down to talk about a few simple words on the phone.

There was no call for another two days. Tang Suoyan called at around nine o'clock this evening.

Tao Xiaodong had just finished taking a shower, and when he saw it was him, he picked it up and called "Brother Yan".

"Having a rest?" Tang Suoyan sat on the recliner with a book in his hand and asked him on the phone.

Tao Xiaodong said "hmm": "I'm covered in dirt, I just finished washing."

"Why are you covered in dirt?" Tang Suoyan asked him with a smile.

"Getting to work." Tao Xiaodong sat on the bed, cross-legged and talked on the phone.

Tang Suoyan asked him if it was cold here.

Tao Xiaodong said it wasn't cold, but a little damp.

Tao Xiaodong is always very honest when speaking now, a bit like the state when they were not so familiar at first. No more messy jokes, no yellow accent.

Tang Suoyan chatted with him for a while, then asked when he would be back.

Tao Xiaodong said, "It's almost next week."

He was on a business trip, and Tang Suoyan had no intention of chatting with him and asked him to rest early.

Tao Xiaodong said "good night".

Before hanging up the phone, Tang Suoyan called him "Xiaodong".

I don't know if it was because the night was too quiet, or Tang Suoyan was just like this, but his voice sounded a little gentle.

Tao Xiaodong gently scratched the back of the phone: "Huh?"

Tang Suo said, "Let me know when the ticket is booked."

Tao Xiaodong blinked and said "OK".

Read The Duke's Passion