MTL - Wildfire-Chapter 24

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Tao Xiaodong was right in saying something. For so many years, he has never blushed with anyone at the wine table. Not to mention the wine table, Tao Xiaodong didn't have many face-to-face conflicts with people anywhere. He seldom offended people, and he didn't want to embarrass others. Unless the other party's behavior is really embarrassing, but this kind of person Tao Xiaodong would not make friends, and naturally there is no chance of conflict.

This time he was in a hurry, Tian Yi and Xia Yuan were a little stunned.

Tian Yi and Tao Xiaodong were regarded as childhood friends, and they were classmates in junior high school. At that time, they were both stepping on the necks of puberty and working hard, and they did not pretend to be a war. Later, when I grew up and became an adult, I was not so secondary, and my temper also restrained.

Today, that man's mouth was so broken that even Tian Yi couldn't listen to it and was about to speak. It's normal for Tao Xiaodong to hold back his temper. But Tian Yi didn't expect him to react so strongly. According to Tao Xiaodong's personality, he would normally knock the table with the bottom of his cup today and say, "Okay, let's talk about it."

Today he directly exploded, and after he left, the room was silent for a long time. Xia Yuan and Tian Yi looked at each other, wondering what happened to Xiaodong today. The two exchanged glances with each other, wanting to follow along. But after all, this is not a grouping of children, and that is too embarrassing. Especially Xia Yuan couldn't leave, he had to stay to make things right.

Only Tangning stood up, glanced coldly at those who had just spoken, took her coat and turned around to leave without saying a word.

After being quiet for half a minute, someone at the table said, "You really hit the ground running today... You know who at this table has nothing to do with anyone, so you dare to talk nonsense."

"The one who went out just now, they are a couple."

There was someone on the table who didn't know, and when he heard this, he couldn't help but let out "fuck me".

The people who spoke were embarrassed for the trainee doctor, with a speechless expression on their faces: "I have diverted the conversation and you have to talk upwards. Xiao Ning and Dr. Tang have been together for more than ten years. After a while, people will go home and start chatting." How did it end?"

The relationship between Tangning and Tang Suoyan was known after all, and it was no secret. But they really don't know about the relationship between Tao Xiaodong and Tang Suoyan. No one else knows that they have had a friendship. After all, Tao Xiaodong is not in this circle. They thought Tangning would speak first, but it turned out that Tao Xiaodong exploded first.

Those two who talked nonsense just now have ugly faces now, and it is really difficult to end.

Tian Yi was in no mood to watch the show, so he stood up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

When I got out, I closed the door, called Tao Xiaodong, and asked him, "Where did you go?"

Tao Xiaodong said, "The parking lot."

"Wait for me for a while." Tian Yi told him.

In the parking lot, Tian Yi got into Tao Xiaodong's car, laughed as soon as he got in, and said, "Okay, Brother Dong, I thought you really lost your temper now, but it looks like you still are."

Tao Xiaodong also smiled, sighed and said, "It's so stupid."

"I'm in a hurry too, where did such a guy come from?" Tian Yi buckled up his seat belt, "Right now, his face is blue and purple, it's so lively."

"Where's Lao Xia?" Tao Xiaodong felt a little sorry when he thought about Xia Yuan.

"Lao Xia is very nice, watching the show is very lively." Tian Yi sneered, "Don't you know about him? It's not too big a deal to watch the show, and it's heartbreaking to smooth things over on the surface."

The two drove away. Tao Xiaodong was actually waiting for him just now. Tian Yi must come out to find him. Tian Yi definitely doesn't want to stay after he leaves.

"Tangning followed you. I guess they're still chatting about Tangning. Hearing that Tangning and Brother Xue are a couple scared them to death. It's almost like saying bad things to others." Tian Yi I feel stupid when I say it, "I have been a doctor in a small place for a few years, and I have become a fool. I can do all kinds of stupid things. I still want to stay in the third hospital. Can our hospital want you? Go to sleep quickly. Dreams have everything."

Tian Yi muttered beside him, Tao Xiaodong listened to him, and cursed from time to time. The two of them mocked and ridiculed all the way as if they were sick, and it was quite relieved to relieve their anger, but there was a sense of stupidity that did not match their age.

Almost at the place, the two of them sprayed all the way, feeling refreshed. After spraying Tian Yi, he thought about it and said, "Actually, you didn't need to start talking about it just now. Tangning was about to open her mouth and let you smash it back. She didn't speak louder than you."

This Tao Xiaodong really didn't know, when the man mentioned that Tang Suoyan's achievements were not clean, he immediately turned on him. He couldn't hold it back before, and had been relying on drinking water to hold it down. Tangning was indeed more prestigious than him. Tao Xiaodong looked at him a few times, waiting for him to speak, but he didn't say anything.

"I was just looking at him at the time. Just as he made a sound, there was a crackling sound on your side. What do you think you are robbing?" Tian Yi said.

Tao Xiaodong was silent for a while, and then said: "I didn't want to **** it, I really didn't see it."

"You talk too fast."

Tao Xiaodong shook his head: "It's because he spoke too late."

Before Tang Suoyan said that both he and Tangning had cold personalities. At that time, Tao Xiaodong had no idea. Now that we met today, they are cold enough.

"The last time we had dinner together, I saw that brother Xue didn't mention Tangning very much. I guess it was really awkward. I don't know if it's better now. If it's better, Tangning will tell you when I go home. Xiaodong was furious because of you just now. I guess brother Xue It's quite a surprise, is this Xiaodong so particular?" Tian Yi, an idiot who didn't know the situation outside the situation, kept talking non-stop.

Tao Xiaodong couldn't bear to listen anymore, and told him, "They are separated."

"Huh?" Tian Yi was still a little unresponsive, looking at Tao Xiaodong, "Is it really divided?"

They didn't believe what Xia Yuan said before, but now Tao Xiaodong said that Tian Yi believed it a little bit, and asked, "How do you know?"

"It's been a while."

Tao Xiaodong and Tang Suoyan are naturally very close now, and the two of them have been very close since the last medical aid came back. But it's been more than three months, and we've only met once, so if you want to say how close you are, Tian Yi definitely doesn't know. From his point of view, these two people have done two activities together and they were together before. Except for a meal, there is almost no intersection.

Tian Yi asked Tao Xiaodong how he knew. Of course he knew. He talked with Tang Suoyan a lot that night for three hours. But this is not easy to say, and it is a bit awkward to say "I am very familiar with Dr. Tang now" without shame. In the end, Tao Xiaodong only said, "We talked when we went out."

"Ah, it's a pity that we really split up." Tian Yi couldn't help sighing, "It's been more than ten years."

It's a pity to put it in anyone's mouth, Tao Xiaodong parked the car in front of the store, turned off the fire and said: "It's a pity."

Tang Suoyan didn't know about this, and if Tangning and Tao Xiaodong didn't tell him, no one else could tell him. The person who was studying in the third hospital saw Tang Suoyan at work on Monday, and he was terrified, and he couldn't tell whether he knew or didn't know. Tang Suoyan didn't get close to him at first, and couldn't say a few words, and he couldn't tell from his face.

Once this incident happened, he didn't dare to make any idea to keep it, and he would definitely not stay in the Third Academy.

Tang Suoyan and Tao Xiaodong still had something to do on the weekend they made an appointment with. He had a temporary business trip on Saturday, and he had to go back to the hospital for emergency case research on Sunday, so we couldn't see each other.

It has been raining in a hurry for the past few days, and it gets cold after the rain, and the autumn rain is cold and cool. After the two rains, Tao Xiaodong got a little cold, and said on the phone: "It just so happens that I don't want to have dinner with you, and I'll pass it on to you when I catch a cold."

"Have a cold?" Tang Suoyan asked him.

"I picked up my two younger brothers yesterday. I was afraid they wouldn't be able to see the car. I got out of the car and poured water for a while. I guess it was cold." Tao Xiaodong said.

"If you don't pass it on to others, you're not the flu." Tang Suoyan told him to let him rest well.

"Okay." Tao Xiaodong said with a smile, "You should also pay attention, it's so hot every day and cold every day, it's amazing."

When Tao Xiaodong was on the phone, Huang Yida was drinking tea next to him. Listening to the call, it made people feel something was wrong. It's a little different from Tao Xiaodong's normal answering of other people's calls, a little more tactful, and his tone is a little different.

After Tao Xiaodong hung up the phone, Rhubarb asked him, "Is there something wrong?"

"What's the situation." Tao Xiaodong put his phone aside and tugged on his mask, "Stay away from me, I will infect you."

"Did my friend stop talking on the phone just now? It's not that the flu doesn't spread to others, can you be educated." Da Huang took another sip of tea, "Is it Dr. Tang?"

Tao Xiaodong didn't deny it either, just said "ah".

"Then why are you making such a call?" Huang Yida's ears were sharp, and he squinted at Tao Xiaodong, "It's sticky."

"Don't talk nonsense, just talk normally." Tao Xiaodong took off his mask. He didn't know who poured the hot water for him on the coffee table just now. He picked it up and started to drink, and the steam of humidity hit his face.

"That guy is really nice, I think he looks good." Da Huang thought about the guy he saw when he went to pick up people at the airport the last two times, and nodded, "Okay."

Tao Xiaodong even made him laugh: "What are you commenting on here? You can't do anything. You think too far."

Tao Xiaodong was an upright person, but when it came to Tang Suoyan, he seemed to be veiled. It's not frank, and anyone who asks me doesn't want to talk about it.

But in front of Tang Suoyan, it's quite normal. It's not natural for anyone to talk about it or joke about it.

Tao Xiaodong caught cold in the rain for a few days, and soon recovered. I don't know if he was too eloquent at the time, or this wave of flu was too strong, he recovered and Tang Suoyan fell ill. Tao Xiaodong heard something strange about his voice on the phone, it was nasal.

Tao Xiaodong was going to Tian Yi's place to pick up things, since he had already gone to the Third Courtyard, he decided to drop by Tang Suoyan's place to have a look. I entrusted the soup stewed by the back kitchen in the store, loaded it up and took it to the hospital. I deliberately chose to go at noon, lunch break.

Tao Xiaodong, who is acquainted with many people in the ophthalmology department, took the initiative to greet him: "Mr. Tao is here? Are you looking for our director?"

"Ah, is he there?" Tao Xiaodong asked.

"The office, you go there." The other party said to him.

Tao Xiaodong knocked on the door and heard the door let in. Tao Xiaodong gently opened the door, and took a look inside. Tang Suoyan was lying on the table, but someone opened the door before sitting up.

Looking up and seeing the person coming, Tang Suoyan was quite surprised.

"This looks too pitiful." Tao Xiaodong walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Why did you come here?" Tang Suoyan smiled, "You brought Xiao Nan here?"

"Send you a caring trip." Tao Xiaodong sat opposite him, "Have you had lunch yet?"

Tang Suoyan shook his head: "I didn't go down."

"Then have some soup. Our back cook is hired by me with a high salary, and he is very strong." Tao Xiaodong opened the soup, and there was a piece of cake in the small compartment inside. The dough was baked and soft. He pushed towards Tang Suoyan, "I'll give you the rest of the bowl for me to drink, it's delicious, drink it."

This scene is actually a bit funny. Tao Xiaodong came so unexpectedly, he came over suddenly with a pot of soup to send care, and the two looked at each other and wanted to laugh.

"Drink quickly, no ginger." Tao Xiaodong pushed forward again.

Tang Suoyan lowered his head and smiled, took a sip with a spoon, and said, "Can Jiang's matter pass?"

"Why did you go there?" Tao Xiaodong sat there and said, "If you don't like food, you don't like it. Don't worry, you won't be able to pass."

Usually, the aura between the two of them is almost equal when they get along with each other. But today Tang Suoyan was sick, so he looked weak. Tao Xiaodong brought a pot of soup, and his words seemed to be stronger than usual.

Tang Suoyan drank the soup and ate the cake in silence.

Tao Xiaodong watched him drink, and asked him, "Have you taken your medicine?"

Tang Suo said he didn't take it: "There is an operation in the morning, and I am sleepy after taking medicine."

Tao Xiaodong has always known that doctors are not easy, but every time he sees them like this, he still feels sore.

He didn't want to delay Tang Suoyan's time at first, seeing that he finished the soup, he put away the soup pot and carried it away.

"Then you sleep for a while, Brother Yan."

Tang Suoyan asked him, "Are you all right? Just give me some soup when you come here?"

"I was going to pick up something from Tian Yi, so I stopped by to see you. I haven't seen you for a long time, and I'm afraid you forgot my name." Tao Xiaodong was straightforward, opened the door and left, and said before closing the door, "If you still want to drink For anything else, just call me and I'll let the kitchen do it."

Tang Suoyan laughed and said "hmm".

This person is a bit abnormal today, so direct that he doesn't look like him.

He came out from Tang Suoyan's place and went to Tian Yi's side. Tian Yi was sitting in his seat eating boxed lunch, and when he saw him coming in with a pot, his eyes widened: "Bring me back the soup?"

Tao Xiaodong shook the pot in his hand: "Misunderstood, it's empty."

"Bring an empty pot?" Tian Yi's eyes became rounder.

Tao Xiaodong didn't have the nerve to say that the soup was gone by others, so he just said, "I bought it just now."

"Then can't you drop by a shop to refill your soup? Or can't you put the pot in the car?" Tian Yi laughed angrily, "You brought this here to show me?"

Tian Yi is just a small doctor, and there is no such thing as an independent office. There are six or seven people in the room eating, and he smiled and said to Tian Yi, "Stop rambling, I will bring you a box of laver soup tomorrow."

There was really leftover when filling the soup. Tao Xiaodong didn’t think of Tian Yi at all at the time, and now he also laughed, feeling a little sorry for his brother, and said: “Buy a pot today and fill the soup for you tomorrow, hurry up, something Give it to me, there is something else."

Tian Yi handed him a bag of dried fruits, which his mother gave to Tao Huainan. Tao Huainan likes to eat all kinds of dried fruits, such as crabapple and dried apples. Tian Yi's mother gives Tao Huainan a lot of dried fruits every year.

Tian Yi raised his eyebrows when he heard Tao Xiaodong explain tomorrow, "Are you coming tomorrow?"

"Not necessarily, let's see." Tao Xiaodong thought for a while and said.

"What else are you doing here? I just brought this bag." Tian Yi then bowed his head to eat.

Tao Xiaodong said, "I'll bring you soup."

When Tao Xiaodong said off, Tian Yi thought he was just talking, but who knew he would actually come the next day. This time it was special, not only brought soup but also rice, Tian Yi was flattered by the small stove in the kitchen of their shop.

"Just come and give me a meal?" Tian Yi blinked, "What's wrong?"

"Eat yours." Tao Xiaodong ignored him, ignored the lunch box, turned around and left, "The lunch box went back to clean, next time I go back and bring it to me."

Before Tian Yi nodded, Tao Xiaodong had already left.

Tang Suoyan was sick with the flu for six days, while Tao Xiaodong was sick for five consecutive days.

He gave away one and didn't say you don't give it away. On the second day, Tao Xiaodong tentatively asked: "Will I come tomorrow?"

Tang Suoyan said at the time: "If you are busy, don't come here. I am busy with you."

"I'm not busy during this time." Tao Xiaodong said.

Tang Suo said, "Then you can do whatever you want."

So in the next few days, the two met at noon every day. Tang Suoyan had been to the hospital for several years. Except for the patients and family members who took the initiative to express their gratitude, almost no one sent things to his office. There is no such thing as delivering food when you are sick, I can't believe it.

On the last day, Tang Suoyan almost recovered from his cold. After eating, he looked at Tao Xiaodong and said, "I should be recovering."

"You got better yesterday," Tao Xiaodong said with a smile, "Didn't you see that today's meal is not light?"

"You've worked hard these past few days, Mr. Tao." Tang Suoyan took out a piece of paper to wipe his mouth after cleaning up, and moved slowly, revealing a very small mole on the wrist under the white coat.

"It's not hard, as long as you are well." Tao Xiaodong still smiled, "Then I won't come tomorrow?"

"Okay." Tang Suoyan looked at Tao Xiaodong with a smile in his eyes, "You've been delivering it for so many days, how can I treat you to dinner tomorrow?"

Tao Xiaodong answered simply: "Okay."

Tao Xiaodong came to the hospital every day this week to check in at noon, and his shoes would inevitably get wet when he often walked by the river. When he bumped into Tang Ning at the main entrance of the hospital with his lunch box in hand, he thought to himself that this seemed to be God's will.

When Tangning saw him, she also saw what he was holding.

Tangning took the initiative to say hello and asked, "To see a patient?"

Tao Xiaodong thought twice quickly, and finally shook his head and said, "No."

Now that she didn't go any further, Tangning understood.

Unexpectedly, he asked directly: "Come and see Brother Yan?"

Tao Xiaodong never expected Tangning to ask such a question. He was quite surprised, but the surprise didn't show on his face. He just smiled and said, "Yes."

Tangning nodded and said, "I'm here to attend a seminar."

The two walked out together, Tao Xiaodong asked, "How did Doctor Tang come here?"

Tangning said, "I'm driving."

Tao Xiaodong said, "See you later, you are busy."

But Tangning stopped him and called out "President Tao".

Tao Xiaodong looked up at him, waiting for him to speak.

"Let's have dinner together some other day?" Tangning smiled lightly, "Are you free recently?"

Tao Xiaodong was silent for two seconds, and then said: "I am free, you can contact me when you have time."

Tangning then asked, "How about tomorrow? Is it convenient?"

"Not tomorrow," Tao Xiaodong apologized, "I have something to do tomorrow."

Tangning nodded, "We'll decide after that."

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