MTL - Wildfire-Chapter 2

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Tang Suoyan has been working continuously for more than forty hours without taking a break.

The Spring Festival is a festive day, lively and reunion. But that is for ordinary people. For ophthalmologists, the Spring Festival is a tough battle. Every year at this time, there are many patients with acute eye injuries and eye injuries sent from all over the world. Those who have been injured by firecrackers have to arrange emergency surgery immediately, and race against time to save as many eyes as possible.

From the time Tang Suoyan entered the hospital to today, he hasn't been home during the Spring Festival in any year.

One operation had just been completed, the instrument nurse was still checking the surgical instruments, and the roving nurse was helping to clean the operating table. Tang Suoyan didn't go out yet, and sat on a chair in the operating room for a while.

The doctor on duty came in and said to him in a low voice: "Director Tang, can you take a break? I just asked the emergency department, and there is no one who needs surgery for the time being."

After he finished speaking, he smiled wryly: "It's over, I hope this is not just temporary."

Tang Suoyan nodded and said, "I hope."

Opposite Tang Suoyan's office is the inpatient building. The hospital is a place with a low festive atmosphere. On this day, everyone who can go home goes home. Those who are still in the hospital during the Spring Festival are naturally not in the mood for the festival. However, some family members prepared little red lanterns by themselves, and through the windows they could see little red lights.

Red is never a good color in the hospital, but at this time the dots of red light are rare to make people feel very warm.

Tang Suoyan glanced at his phone, it was just after four o'clock in the morning.

I entered the operating room at 7 o'clock in the evening, and only now come out. After more than a dozen operations, the high concentration of the mind for a long time makes people's nerves almost numb. In fact, we can't really relax until now, because the next emergency operation may come at any time.

There is a simple folding bed in the office, which was prepared for him by the little doctor Corey in advance. Knowing that he has to be on duty in the hospital these days, the doctors in the team have already made preparations before the war. Tang Suoyan didn't use it, he had to keep himself awake until dawn.

The phone vibrated in the drawer. There were many messages on it. Tang Suoyan clicked on it and looked around. Most of them were New Year's greetings. There was no news about Tangning.

He opened the top message interface with Tangning and sent a message: Happy New Year, Xiao Ning.

Tangning didn't respond to this message, she probably fell asleep.

The last time they had a message in the chat interface was half a month ago, and these days ago, they didn't even make a few phone calls.

After Tang Suoyan washed up briefly, he lay on his desk for a while, half asleep and half awake, with his eyes closed, all the inspection reports and eye CT images flashed through his mind.

The ophthalmology department of the Third Hospital is well-known. Injuries that cannot be cured in other provinces come here to seek hope. Patients with acute eye injuries always come to the Third Hospital as soon as possible.

Tang Suoyan is the deputy director of the ophthalmology department of the third hospital, and the first surgeon in the ophthalmology department.

He is a direct student of the dean, Professor Xu Shi. Mr. Xu personally brought him back from abroad, and let him return from scientific research to clinical practice, and from the laboratory to the operating room to pick up the knife. Many patients would rather give up medical insurance and choose to go to the third hospital at their own expense. It was Professor Xu Shi who rushed to complain.

Tang Suoyan's hands are very steady, and some emergency clinical judgments are rigorous and decisive. Some eye diseases that have been sentenced to death by hospitals in other provinces have turned around. Such patients regard him as a god.

After a brief rest for less than two hours, before six o'clock, the doctor in the group knocked on his door: "Director Tang, a second-line ocular trauma patient in the emergency department, with ruptured eyeball and retinal detachment in the left eye, please go to the emergency department to have a look."

Tang Suoyan was already awake the moment the door opened. After the doctor finished speaking, he stood up and followed him out.

Any doctor in the ophthalmology department of the third hospital is not bad, but the family member of the patient is a physician from this hospital and insists on Tang Suoyan to perform the operation.

The patient was a four-year-old girl who was taken home to her grandma's house for the New Year. When firecrackers were set off in the middle of the night, the firecrackers exploded and injured her eyes. Mars-splashed burns spread around the left eye and several on the right eyelid. The nearby county hospital couldn't do this kind of operation, so it only did emergency treatment, and the ambulance sent it all the way overnight.

The girl's father is an internal medicine resident in the hospital. At this moment, unnecessary pleasantries and greetings were omitted among his colleagues. His professionalism enabled him to calmly listen to the doctor's explanation of the possible consequences of the operation, and then sign quickly. His wife cried a lot, but she tried to be as quiet as possible so as not to interfere with the doctor's work.

The retina was reattached and sutured completely. As far as this operation is concerned, Tang Suoyan has achieved the best degree of completion.

But all postoperative reactions and developments are unpredictable. How much vision remains, whether the eyeballs will shrink, whether the retina will detach again, etc., all have to wait until later.

However, what is certain is that it is impossible to completely cure this eye, and the little girl will most likely only have one eye left to see the world in the future. Fortunately, only one eye was injured. Tang Suoyan had just undergone an operation to rupture his eyes that night. A seventeen-year-old high school student, he was about to take the college entrance examination in a few months.

Everyone is equal in the face of injuries, and you won't leave any sympathy because of your identity. After high school students, you will have to undergo corneal transplantation, but no one can predict how much vision will be preserved.

—So there are no gods, no matter how powerful doctors are, they are all mortals.

It was already noon when Tang Suoyan left the hospital for off-duty work. After the ward round, he went to the ward alone to see a few patients who needed special attention. The resident doctor followed him and described the patient's postoperative situation in a low voice. After Suo Yan explained separately, he changed his clothes and left work.

I haven't been out of the hospital for a few days, and it was years ago when I came in, but now the smell of the year has faded.

He went home to take a shower and changed his clothes. His parents called him several times to ask him when he would return. The two Chinese medicine professors were very worried about him staying up late on duty. Fortunately, Tang Suoyan didn't usually have to work night shift. There was no news from Tangning on the phone, so Tang Suoyan called him after taking a shower.

Tangning's call was answered by an intern. A young student's voice said, "Hi, Doctor Tang is not convenient to answer the phone right now."

Tang Suoyan asked him, "In the operating room?"

The other party replied very politely: "Yes, Dr. Tang has an emergency operation. I'll ask him to call you back when he comes out?"

Tang Suo said, "No need, it's fine."

He and Tang Ning haven't spoken on the phone for many days. Tang Suoyan has forgotten why Tang Ning got angry with him. He is really too busy recently.

Every time Tangning got angry, he could keep it for a long time, and he would cool down for a long time, giving each of them a so-called cooling-off period. Tang Suoyan was not very good at coaxing. When he was young, he tried to apologize every time to ask for peace, but to no avail, it only made Tangning angrier. So Tang Suoyan stopped struggling after a long time.

Like this time, Tang Suoyan even forgot why Tangning was angry, but Tangning still didn't show up, didn't answer the phone, and didn't reply to messages.

Tang Suoyan was on duty for four days and was exhausted mentally and mentally. He went back to his parents' house after a catch-up sleep at home.

Tang Suoyan's parents are both professors of traditional Chinese medicine. His father has retired, but his mother can't take time off, so she was hired back by the school to continue teaching. There has always been a barrier between Chinese and Western medicine, each with its own direction and principle. There may be frequent quarrels between two medicines in a family, but their family is very harmonious and there has never been any dispute.

Tang Suoyan's parents also supported Tang Suoyan's study of Western medicine, and were even proud of his achievements. The only regret in their hearts was that Tang Suoyan's life could not reassure them completely. After all these years, they had accepted some things that could not be changed, but his and Tangning's living conditions were too unstable.

"Xiao Tang is on duty today?" Tom asked casually.

"Well, I'm on duty." Tang Suoyan nodded, and ate a fried dumpling from the plate his father was holding.

"Night shift today? Why don't you ask him to come over and have dinner together tomorrow?" Tom asked him while frying dumplings.

Tang Suoyan left the kitchen, sat at the dining table and waited, and said, "He's busy recently, forget it."

His parents glanced at him at the same time, and after that, they still fried dumplings and served them on a plate, and no one mentioned it in a tacit understanding.

He and Tang Ning have been together for so many years, and the number of times Tang Ning came to his house was limited. At first, Tang Suoyan's parents didn't accept it, but later he accepted that Tang Ning didn't have a good relationship with them. He didn't like coming here. Of course, Tang Suoyan didn't go to Tang's house very often, and Tangning herself rarely visited.

Tangning said that he didn't want Tang Suoyan to go to the Tang family.

Parents were still preparing dinner in the kitchen. Tang Suoyan took out his phone and sent Tangning a message: Come over for dinner tomorrow?

Tang Ning actually replied this time. Tang Suoyan received his reply while eating: Tomorrow night shift.

Tang Suo replied: Then you come now? I'll pick you up?

Tang Ning: I won't go, I will work overtime and take care of my uncle and aunt.

Tang Suoyan put down his phone and continued to eat.

Tom's father and mother looked up at him from time to time, serving him food. Tang Suoyan originally wanted to pretend not to see him, but the old couple looked at him a little too often. Tang Suoyan laughed later and asked, "Just say what you want to say, it depends on what I do."

"No, there's nothing to say." Tom still served him some food, "You eat yours."

Tang Suoyan said with a smile: "You little eyes don't seem to have nothing to say, ask the professors."

The two professors still shook their heads, and neither of them said much.

After the meal, Tang Suoyan drank health tea with his father. The old man said that his face was not good-looking. Tang Suoyan comforted him: "It's okay, I've been busy recently and I'm tired."

"How is this year? There are still so many patients?" the old man asked.

Tang Suo said "Yes", pinched the center of his eyebrows and said, "In the first two days of New Year's Eve, I received more than 200 emergency department visits for eye injuries."

"Hey..." His father sighed, "Isn't all burning prohibited?"

"If you can't help it, there are only more than 200 talents, but if you can't help it, it will double."

"If you want me to say, it must be completely banned. Don't divide it into the suburbs of the city, and don't release it in the suburbs. Don't care about environmental protection, but also pay attention to the eyes, because it won't hurt if you release a firecracker." Tang Muduan Come over with the fruit, I feel uncomfortable listening to these.

"It's not all firecrackers. There are soot and soot, right?" Tang's father refilled Tang Suoyan's cup of tea, shook his head and said, "Some children are looking forward to having some fireworks during the New Year. It’s impossible to justify being banned.”

"Why don't you just join in the excitement and have to play this?" Tom still couldn't accept it, and felt sorry for those patients.

After drinking tea and chatting for a while, his parents didn't want him to go back so late, but Tang Suoyan had to go to work the next day, and it was too far to walk from here.

"I'll get you some food for you to eat after get off work tomorrow? If you don't want to cook, just heat it up." When Tom said this, he had already packed several lunch boxes and was putting them into his pocket.

"I won't take it anymore. I don't know what time I can get off work. I ate it in the hospital." Tang Suoyan said.

"Then I'll save you two lunch boxes? You warmed it up in the hospital at noon." She took out the lunch boxes again.

Tang Suoyan didn't insist, he smiled and said, "Okay."

In the past, Tang Suoyan thought his parents were always serious, but in recent years, he found them more and more cute, more and more like children. Perhaps this handover and transformation must always be completed between parents and children.

Tom put the bag in her pocket on the cabinet at the door, and packed him a lot of fruit, all given by students during the Chinese New Year, and asked him to share the hospital with his colleagues.

Tang Suoyan said, "They don't dare to take what I share."

"Aren't you too scary?" Tom said with a smile, "Smile more in the unit, don't always pull your face."

"I really don't, I'm quite peaceful, and the interns avoid me when they see me." Tang Suoyan said helplessly.

"You don't look close to people, just like me." His father answered, "Students used to tremble when they saw me."

"What a good thing to show off." Tom laughed, "Go back early, go back and rest quickly."

Tang Suoyan nodded, it was time to go.

His mother stood at the door to watch him change his shoes, held the coat for him, and passed the coat over when he finished putting on his shoes.

"You and Xiao Tang..." She hesitated for a while before opening her mouth. Tang Suoyan looked at her, waiting for her to speak.

"Aren't you two separated again?"

Tang Suoyan smiled and said, "What's the matter, nothing."

"I think you are not right every time you come back. You don't look like the two of you... If you break up, don't dare to say it. Don't be stressed." Looking at Tang Suoyan's expression, she continued tentatively, "I I watched a lot of this with your dad too... couples, it’s normal to separate and reunite, if you are really alone, you can tell mom that I often go to your place to clean up."

"Really not." Tang Suoyan looked down at his mother and said this carefully, feeling a little soft in his heart, and hugged her with a smile, "Don't worry about me, I'm fine, next time I'll let him come back with me, don't worry too much think."

"Okay, just be good..." His mother patted Tang Suoyan's arm with her arms around her, "He doesn't like to come, and he doesn't have to, you two don't make trouble."

"Okay." Tang Suoyan nodded, and raised his chin far away at his father, "I'm leaving."

"Let's go, drive slowly." The old man said over there.