MTL - Why is This Little Brother-Chapter 46 Extraordinary first

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Jing Yangyu didn't have time to stretch out his hand to pull it. The moment he entered the devil's cave, he was torn to shreds just like the previous spirit beasts.

Yan Chun's breathing stopped, she looked straight at the direction of the magic cave, her mind went blank.

After a while, she took a step forward, and she knew that the disciple who jumped down was the outer disciple who she had helped once before, and the five degenerates of heaven and man.

But why did the outer disciple's voice sound like that... Yin Yuchen?

Yan Chun felt that her blood was cold in an instant, and she called Yin Yuchen's name crazily in her mind, but unfortunately she didn't respond.

Will not.

No no no no no!

How could that person be Yin Yuchen... He clearly returned to his sect.

But that sentence: "Sister's words must be counted." It made Yanchun unable to not go crazy.

She couldn't get Yin Yuchen's response, so she ran in the direction of the closing magic cave like crazy.

"Ah!" Yan Chun shouted.

When she was about to run to the edge of the magic cave, she was pulled, and she looked back, it was Jing Yangyu.

Yan Chun turned to look at Jing Yangyu, and at that moment, her expression seemed to have her soul taken away.

"It's him, it's him!" Yan Chun grabbed Jing Yangyu and said, "Go and save him, it's him! It's Yin Yuchen!"

"Go quickly-"

"How is that possible?" Jing Yangyu glanced at the devil's cave, then looked at Yanchun's red eyes, and said, "Junior sister, you are infested with demonic energy and have hallucinations. I will help you get rid of the demonic energy."

"I didn't have hallucinations, it's him!" Yan Chun's eyes were red, it wasn't that she was drenched in demonic energy, but that her sorcery on the mountain was activated.

As Yan Chun said, she threw away Jing Yangyu and ran to the devil's cave, but when she was about to jump, before Jing Yangyu could pull her, invisible threads stretched out from her back. , bound all her limbs.

She couldn't move forward, she turned back and tore, her hands were cut into blood, and Jing Yangyu, who came over, frowned, and saw the existence of this thread.

Yanchun was like a puppet, unable to take a step forward any more, she watched the magic cave shrink, so anxious that blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, "Yin Yuchen!"

Yanchun shouted hoarsely, Jing Yangyu came to help her, Yanchun's eyes were red, and the rain slipped like tears of blood, she begged Jing Yangyu: "Go find him, go and rescue him, he is your disciple!"

Jing Yangyu raised his hand to use his spiritual power to dispel the demonic energy for Yanchun. He was a cultivator from the mortal realm, and he could clearly feel whether there was any living thing in the demon cave.

And that person is dead. Yin Yuchen clearly went to the mortal world, and he felt that Yanchun was impregnated with demonic energy.

He must bring the remaining disciples back safely, especially Yan Chun.

But just before the exorcism spirit light in Jing Yangyu's palm was about to cover the Yanchun Lingtai, Yanchunyun pumped up the spirit power all over his body, poured it into his palm, and slapped Jing Yangyu on his chest.

She looked fierce and said viciously, "Go save him for me!"

The power of this blow even caught Jing Yangyu off guard. He flew directly into the edge of the devil's cave, looked at Yanchun in shock, and after a while, he gritted his teeth and turned around and jumped out of the devil's cave.

When Mo Qiulu saw this scene, she screamed and tried to run over to pull Jing Yangyu, but as soon as she stood up, she knelt on the ground again.

Her body is also bound by countless spiritual threads. Her limbs, body, and even her cheeks are all covered with spiritual threads. These spiritual threads burst out from her inner palace and neck ring.

The spiritual light has been gathering, flocking to the other end along the silk thread, and converging in the direction of Yanchun. When Yanchun's back is reached, it turns into a reddish gold as if the blood condensed too much, it would turn black.

These golden colors continue to gather towards Yanchun's body, but Yanchun is crawling in the direction of the devil's cave.

Her wrists were strangled to the bone, and the rune of the neck ring on her neck revolved rapidly around her.

The Devil's Nest finally got the blood sacrifice of a human being, and quietly hibernated, shrinking back and forth, seeing that it was getting smaller and smaller.

Yan Chun narrowed his eyes and heard someone screaming in his ear. It's those disciples who were scared stupid.

The most tragic scream was Mo Qiulu. She was bleeding from her seven orifices. Everything in her body was supplying the feast with Lingsi, but she was still reading Jing Yangyu in her mouth.

All the words that Yan Chun stimulated her were right, but only one sentence was wrong, Mo Qiulu really loved Jing Yangyu.

It's a pity that Mo Qiulu and Yanchun are now like two puppets who are bound, each unable to move on the other side of the silk thread.

No one can save their loved ones.

Because the moment Yin Yuchen's body was shattered in the devil's cave, the balance on Mo Qiulu's body was broken, and the offering formation entered the final stage.

Yes, it's an offering formation, not a symbiosis.

The symbiosis formation was only modified by the evil cultivator later, and the one on Yanchun's neck.

And the real formation, it is not a formation where two people survive together, nor is it called symbiosis.

It first started more than 500 years ago, a formation created by the prince of the neighboring country for his younger sister who was stricken by the competition for the storage position, named - offering life.

It is an evil spell that completely deprives one person of everything and provides for another.

The imperial power was overturned, and the prince fled with his unconscious sister. Seeing that the younger sister was helpless, he made a deal with the demon to exchange everything for himself, his life and vitality, for the younger sister.

He himself is willing to serve the demons forever.

When the formation is completed, he dies.

And what Yin Yuchen added to the fake cracked soul was the real life-giving rune.

It's just that Yin Yuchen has been in contact with sorcery for so many years, and what he has learned is not only the original life-giving formation, but also modified Mo Qiulu's rune, and also put a double formation bracelet on Yanchun.

The formation method is still for life, but this time, it is two people for one person's life.

His spiritual mansion was the Wood Spirit Mansion, which was originally unable to make offerings for Yanchun.

But fortunately there is Mo Qiulu, a water spirit mansion and a soul that is highly compatible with Yanchun, so that Yin Yuchen can use her body spirit mansion as a medium to supply everything to Mo Qiulu first, and then set up runes in her body to wait for him After being drained to death, the formation was officially opened.

At that time, Mo Qiulu and Yin Yuchen's inner palace spiritual power, cultivation realm and flesh and blood would supply the feast through Mo Qiulu.

And Yin Yuchen was sucked by this evil technique because of the five declines of the gods and the human beings, and he was left with only bones and skin.

Yan Chun didn't know anything, and even Yin Yuchen never asked her to wear the bracelet for the formation.

Mo Qiulu also did not understand the origin and function of this sorcery.

She thought she got everything, but she was actually just a turtle in a urn.

The torrential rain continued, and none of the disciples dared to go to check on Yan Chun and Mo Qiulu. Lingsi was pulling between them, and the two struggled in the mud at both ends of the silk thread, one for life and the other for death.

The magic cave became smaller and smaller, and finally, just before it was about to close, the magic cave flourished, and Jing Yangyu came out.

At that time, his body was covered with bruises and wounds, and he no longer looked like a **** before. He stumbled towards Yan Chun, knelt down in front of her, and handed her a bracelet.

His voice also seemed to be filled with thousands of pounds of sand, "It's him..."

Jing Yangyu found half a piece of shark yarn and a bracelet.

"Ah-ah-" Yan Chun held on to the broken piece of shark yarn and the bracelet, his voice hoarse like a crow.

Suddenly, her whole body was bright red, and the runes flew out from her neck ring, inner palace, and even her bracelet, and circulated quickly, and the surroundings were reflected in a golden red. Jing Yangyu was directly bounced off by the red light.

Lightning gathered in the sky, and the robbery flashes as thick as tree trunks slashed straight down. This kind of life-stealing magic is naturally not tolerated by the sky!

Mo Qiulu shrank like a dry cloth bag, her hair was all white, and Qiqiao looked in the direction of Jing Yangyu with blood, watching Jing Yangyu hurriedly use his spiritual power to block this robbery for Yanchun, kneeling on the ground to vomit blood. , all of a sudden the heart is ashes.

Jing Yangyu blocked the first robbery flash, and the second one followed immediately—and although he did not understand the life-giving technique set up by Yin Yuchen, he knew that these threads connecting Yanchun and Mo Qiulu were rapidly absorbed. With the vitality of Mo Qiulu.

Yan Chun entered the territory one after another under the giant robbery flashes, which made the disciples stunned, and the robbery flashes in the sky became more urgent and thicker each time.

Jing Yangyu tried to cut the silk thread connecting Yanchun and Mo Qiulu with his long sword. But this thread as thin as a hair is as firm as a rock for some reason.

Jing Yangyu slashed down with a sword, the aura burst into flames, and the long sword in his hand was bounced away—Mo Qiulu didn't do anything, but Yan Chun suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood, and there were many sword wounds that could be seen deep in the back.

However, this sword wound healed quickly because Yan Chun was absorbing the vitality of another person, to be precise, two people. Even the power that Jing Yangyu had cut on the silk thread just now was absorbed by the thread and sent frantically towards Yan Chun's body.

In the blink of an eye, she had already broken through the middle stage of the Delusional Realm.

When Jing Yangyu saw that Yan Chun had absorbed his attack, he immediately confirmed that it was an evil formation.

Jing Yangyu has never faced such a difficult choice in her life. These spiritual silk and Yan Chun are one, obviously... her soul silk.

But if these soul threads are not cut off and these evil spells are not cut off, Mo Qiulu will be sucked into life.

If these soul threads are cut off... Yan Chun doesn't know what will happen.

Jing Yangyu gritted his teeth, his hands trembled, and at this moment, countless images flashed through his mind.

Many of them were when they entered the Dao, and the master taught them to abide by their original intentions and help the justice of the world.

What's more, Yan Chun has been wearing pigtails since he was very young, followed him and called him senior brother, and naturally courted him when he became an adult.

She was the only one outside his Dao, and the only one who caused him chaos.

At this moment, the veins on his forehead are protruding, and he must make a choice-

Righteousness and evil, love and Taoism almost tear Jing Yangyu apart.

And under a robbery that was thick enough for two people to hug each other, Jing Yangyu's long sword also slashed.

He used his whole body's spiritual power, and the sword light slashed at Lingsi with a white rainbow penetrating the sun that did not lose to Jie Shan.

The sword of life in Jing Yangyu's hand was directly cracked, and his whole body was bounced out—

After he got up, he vomited a mouthful of blood on the palm of his hand, and Jie Shan was also dissipating.

His eyes looked at Yanchun with fear, but he was looking at Shang Yanchun's line of sight. There was no sadness or joy in his eyes. Because of her broken soul, she was hit by Jing Yangyu with all her strength. Split in half.

Jing Yangyu's liver and gallbladder are split!

The roaring robbery flash fell again, and the dazzling white light shrouded Yan Chun in it. For a few breaths, the place where Yan Chun had stayed was split into a deep pit by the robbery flash.

Under such a tyrannical robbery flash, Yan Chun carried the sorcery to absorb the vitality of life, and he was afraid that he would die.

But when the robbery disappeared, Yan Chun put his hands in front of him, lying naked in the scorched black pit.

She did not die under the calamity flash, nor did she become two halves. The forcibly severed soul silk absorbed the powerful spiritual power of Jing Yangyu, a cultivator who escaped from the mortal realm, and retracted her body.

She was smashed to pieces in the giant catastrophe and rebuilt her body.

After absorbing the vitality of nearly two people, including the powerful attack of the Transcendental Realm cultivator, she not only repaired the broken spiritual palace, but also re-entered the realm under the most tyrannical calamity and crossed the peak of the Delusional Realm. , directly into the realm of escape.

In front of her naked body, there was a spiritual shield that was flowing with golden light, covering her body. Above the spiritual shield, a black swimming fish was trapped in it, rampaging and bleeding.

And Yan Chun opened her eyes and lay in the scorched mud, her hands clasped in front of her chest, holding two broken bracelets, the fragments of the bracelets pierced her flesh and blood, not the jade when she received it, but the stone.

A flash of light from Yan Chun's eyebrows slowly penetrated from the bracelet. Her long hair was wet from the rain, and it was tied around her shoulders, neck and body. She was like a lotus flower in the mud, which was not destroyed by the rainstorm. It is radiant with astonishing vitality.

Jing Yangyu saw that Yanchun had nothing to do, and also entered the moment of escape, forgetting that he knew magic, and crawled down the deep pit with tears streaming down his face.

He took off his tattered robe and put it on Yanchun's body, shaking his hands to hold Yanchun's head, hugged him into his arms, and there was an out-of-tune happy cry in his voice.

For the sake of the Dao and justice, he split Yan Chun with his own hands, but he also split himself.

Jing Yangyu's brows flashed black anger, if Yanchun really died under the robbery today, Jing Yangyu's Dao heart will definitely be broken.

Yanchun is not only the woman he loves, but also the younger sister he has raised since childhood.

As soon as Jing Yangyu met Yanchun, Yanchun's Dao Mind Shield was put away.

She looked at Jing Yangyu with her eyes on the rain screen, and then said, "Senior brother... His heavenly soul was not lost, but he tore it off himself and made this bracelet."

Jing Yangyu looked down at the stone in Yanchun's hands, not knowing why, but Yanchun said, "He was afraid that I would see his memory and tear up the heavenly soul."

"But now I've seen it all." Yan Chun looked at Jing Yangyu with disbelief in his eyes.

She said, "You know what? He's the kid."

The bracelet was broken, and the memory Yin Yuchen gave her was no longer the void that Yanchun once fell into, but the return to her place, showing everything for Yanchun.

"He refused to take off the shackles in front of me because he was afraid that I would recognize him." Yan Chun said, "He is that child..."

"What, which child?" Jing Yangyu asked with a crying voice.

"That's it... that dog from the small fishing village." Yan Chun's voice was calm, but there was unspeakable sadness.

"It's a dog, senior brother, do you still remember?" Yan Chun said, "I said it was too pitiful, and I wanted to take it back to the door. As a result, the devil cave appeared, the child you and I rescued together..."

"Eldest brother..." Yan Chun's voice suddenly changed: "I didn't save him."

Her breathing became rapid, and she grabbed Jing Yangyu's collar and said, "I still couldn't save him in the end..."

"I didn't... hu..." Yan Chun took a deep breath as if he was out of breath, and there were sharp voices in his throat.

"I didn'" Her eyes began to slacken, and under the rain, her wet eyes were as helpless as a newborn lamb.

Jing Yangyu hugged her tightly.

Yan Chun looked at the void and said, "I... hu... I..."

I couldn't save him, I ended up killing him anyway.

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