MTL - Why is This Little Brother-Chapter 40 Delusional twenty-seventh

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At the same time, the bracelet on Yan Chun's hand, including the collar on her neck, who was heading towards the Spirit Tool Pavilion, quickly flashed golden runes.

It's just that Yanchun ran too fast and didn't notice anything unusual.

Mo Qiulu, who was waiting in her courtyard, felt something flashing on her neck, and was about to reach out to check the collar on her neck, which was in the rune mirror that Jing Yangyu had set for her to see the entrance of the Spirit Tool Pavilion. , saw that Yan Chunguo really entered the Spirit Tool Pavilion.

She didn't care about the neck ring, she quickly stood up from the stool, almost burst into laughter, and hurriedly used the communication jade to contact Jing Yangyu.

As soon as he connected, he said, "Eldest brother, I really didn't lie to you, Yan Chun wanted to kill me, but I saw her stealing the split soul!"

Jing Yangyu naturally also saw that Yan Chun entered the Spirit Tool Pavilion, he reached out and pinched his eyebrows and sighed softly.

On his desk, there are also a lot of inner sect matters to deal with. After the competition, according to the convention, the inner sect and outer sect disciples should enter the secret realm of the sect together to experience.

Among these secret realms, there are many spiritual plants and spiritual plants that low-level disciples can use, and even the inner alchemy of spiritual beasts. Entering it is also in the form of a competition, but it is actually a kind of reward. Everything you get in the secret realm in the door belongs to the individual, and those who win the competition will have additional rewards.

In order to condense the loyalty of the inner and outer disciples to the sect, these secret realms are provided by the elders in turn.

This is why the outer sect disciples are willing to stay in the outer sect of the Hengjue Sect even if they can’t enter the inner sect for a lifetime. Once they enter the secret realm, they can get good things that can’t be collected by a loose cultivator for a few years.

Jing Yangyu had to stay all night to distribute these things, but now that something else happened, he had to put down his business, dodge out the door, and head towards the Spirit Tool Pavilion.

Yanchun has been caught, holding the split soul in his hand, and the inner disciple sent by Jing Yangyu to show the prestige.

"What's wrong with me playing with a magic weapon? It's your turn to take care of it?" Yan Chun held the split soul and looked down carefully, remembering the details of the split soul.

When Jing Yangyu arrived, Yan Chunzheng sacrificed the small magic weapon for her body that Jing Yangyu had refined for her before, and opened it up to cover her. , no one can get close to her body.

Jing Yangyu appeared at the door of the Spirit Tool Pavilion, frowning slightly, looking at the cracked soul in Yan Chun's hand, and habitually scolded: "Junior sister, don't be ridiculous, put things down."

Yan Chun knew that Mo Qiulu could see it. The matter she was making trouble with Jing Yangyu today, and the fact that Jing Yangyu couldn't bear her to live or die, and set up a rune mirror at the entrance of the Spirit Tool Pavilion, was not a secret.

Yan Chun just pretended not to know, and said willfully: "I just borrow a magic weapon to play, why are you making a fool of yourself?"

Yan Chun said, "Elder brother, do you think that no matter what I do, I'm just making a fool of yourself?"

Although Yan Chun is acting, this sentence is also sincere.

Jing Yangyu was speechless for a moment, his brows furrowed even tighter, and he said, "There must be a legitimate reason to ask for a magic tool from the Spirit Tool Pavilion. Improper operation of the magic tool is very dangerous. How can you just take it out and play, Junior Sister, you..."

Jing Yangyu wanted to say that Yanchun was making a fool of himself, but at Shang Yanchun's obvious disappointment, he swallowed the following words.

In fact, he was also defending Yanchun, and he didn't mention Mo Qiulu's accusation.

It's a pity that Yanchun is here to make things worse. Mo Qiulu looked at the other side of the Rune Mirror. Naturally, he knew that Jing Yangyu was defending Yanchun, and his mouth was bloody.

If Mo Qiulu really had no intention of killing Yanchun before, but just wanted to control Yanchun and take revenge through her power, now she really has vicious thoughts.


Why do these people have to defend this idiot!

Mo Qiulu didn't realize that her thoughts were slipping silently into the abyss, and she couldn't control this extreme emotion, which grew wildly in her heart.

She stared at the rune mirror, and Yan Chun in the rune mirror refused to hand over the split soul. He also said boldly: "Okay, I won't make trouble with you. I came to get the split soul under the order of the second senior brother."

Yan Chun looked around at the surrounding disciples and said, "The court of the Criminal Court asks for a soul-splitting magic weapon. You don't need your consent, do you?"

Really not needed.

But now in the field, even Jing Yangyu didn't believe what Yan Chun said.

Yanchun looked at Jing Yangyu's expression, and suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. Her senior brother, no matter how much he protected her, had not changed for so many years, and was only willing to treat her as a child who would only play nonsense.

He would never look at her from the perspective of an adult, but she was no longer a little girl who only reached his knees and could only tug at his cuffs.

Mo Qiulu sneered at the other end of the Rune Mirror. She wanted to see how Yan Chun was so stubborn, and whether Jing Yangyu, the acting head, was willing to lock up his good junior sister who was trying to harm others.

As a result, just when Jing Yangyu stepped forward and was about to put the split soul back first, the two disciples sent by Youchen came out and bowed to Jing Yangyu: "On behalf of the head, the uncle is indeed here to invite us on behalf of our master. magic weapon."

Jing Yangyu paused in his footsteps. He looked at the two people carefully. He didn't fully recognize the numerous disciples under Youchen's sect. He thought that the two disciples who had been standing not far from Yanchun were also disciples of spirit guards.

Yan Chun held the split soul and looked at Jing Yangyu with a cold expression. Her plan was to take advantage of Jing Yangyu's absolute justice, but seeing that Jing Yangyu was really "just so far", she still refused to listen to her justification like before, and her heart was inevitably cold. .

Since it was a person from the Judiciary who wanted to take the magic weapon, Jing Yangyu naturally had no reason to stop him. He watched Yanchun take the split soul away, and left with two disciples of the Judiciary. He took out the communication jade card and asked. What the **** happened to Yuchen?

Youchen is the head of the Court of Punishment. He has always been the closest and closest to Jing Yangyu. After all, what he cultivates is justice.

But he wouldn't put himself in the middle position like Jing Yangyu, he promised Yanchun to help her design, and naturally he would help Yanchun to speak.

He replied to Jing Yangyu: "It's true that I want to invite Split Soul. The little sister said she wanted to see it, so I asked her to take someone to fetch it."

Jing Yangyu has doubts, this incident is full of strangeness, but he can't find out what is wrong.

He didn't have the time or time to study it carefully. When the soul split went to Youchen, Youchen would not hurt someone for Yanchun. Jing Yangyu didn't need to worry about this.

So he replied to Mo Qiulu like this. Mo Qiulu pressed Yin Yuchen about using Guizhen to hurt her with a knife, and because Guizhen could completely hide her figure and could not take a picture in the formation, Mo Qiulu was not really injured, no That's it.

Mo Qiulu was so angry that she vomited blood that night.

Fortunately, Jing Yangyu's words mattered, he removed the formation that prohibited Mo Qiu from revealing the door.

But Mo Qiulu was very flustered because the formation was removed. She always felt that Yanchun would use Guizhen to sneak over at any time and smash her soul to pieces.

And this is only the second step in the discussion between Yan Chun and Yin Yuchen. It completely defeats Mo Qiulu's psychology and makes her lose confidence in Jing Yangyu, so she can really ignore it.

Yan Chun gave the split soul to Youchen, because he told Youchen a plan, so Youchen couldn't help but say something for Jing Yangyu: "Junior sister, don't blame your senior brother, he looks like a human being, In fact, it's a bit of a panic, and it's easy to backtrack..."

Before Yan Chunruo, she must have been very sad, but this time she just sighed a little, shook her head and said, "He is not, he just always puts his position right, he is the most suitable person to be the head."

Yanchun said: "I'll go back first, you should hold this Second Brother Soul Splitter for a few days."

"Yeah." Youchen thought for a while and then said: "Your senior brother, that apprentice... that Yin Yuchen is indeed a bit evil. He was born in a pheasant sect in the mortal world. I checked, that sect came out two years ago. There was a rebellion in the sect, and all the clan elders sacrificed to the sky overnight. Later, the new sect master sent Yin Yuchen to Hengjue to be dispatched. Anyone who survived the blood sacrifice of the sect could never really be a simple person. Don't believe anything he says."

"Yeah." Yanchun agreed, but retorted in his heart: He was very good, and he even gave me a birthday present!

Yan Chun was in a hurry to go back and told Yin Yuchen that today was also going well. After saying goodbye to Youchen, he quickly returned to the Corning Institute.

It's just that after searching for a long time in the Kangning Institute, no one was found. Yin Yuchen probably returned to the Yiguang Institute.

Yan Chun was a little lost. She hadn't put a bracelet on Yin Yuchen yet... But after taking a look at the bell, she thought that it was time every night, and the senior brother would urge Yin Yuchen to go back, so she didn't think much about it.

After Yanchun washed and cleaned up, he rested. After closing his eyes, he lay on the bed and sniffed. He always felt that there was a faint fishy smell in the room.

She lifted the bed curtain and looked out. There was nothing unusual in the room. She lay back again, closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep.

She fell into a void. It was white, there was nothing, the feet could not land on the ground, and the hand could only touch the nothingness.

At the same time, Yin Yuchen passed the news to Jing Yangyu that he would not return to Yiguang Academy tonight, and accidentally broke the communication jade.

Jing Yangyu really resisted, knowing that Yan Chun was angry with him today, so Yin Yuchen didn't go back to Yiguang Court tonight, and he didn't dare to say anything.

He simply buried himself in the door and stayed up all night.

And Yin Yuchen was lying on the ground in an uninhabited cave in the middle of the night, struggling and crawling silently. The blue veins all over his body were protruding, and the shark gauze covering his eyes was rubbed off by himself and hung on his neck. His eyes were blood red and covered with terrifying blood vessels, and even the erythema under his eyes looked dim under the blood. described as terrifying.

He was lying on the cold and dirty ground, curled up, mouth by mouth, as if he wanted to spit out all the blood in his body. His front was soaked with his own blood, and his face became whiter and whiter.

And the blood that was spit on the ground, whenever Yin Yuchen put the bracelet on his wrist, would be quickly absorbed.

The silver light flashed in circles, and the golden light on the neck and wrist of Yan Chun, who was in the void at the moment, couldn't find a way out.

The night passed, he climbed out of the cave before the dawn, his fingers were thin, and it was only one night, he was described as withered as if his soul had been extracted by a goblin.

Yun Ruicheng, who was waiting at the outer door, saw Yin Yuchen like this, and hurriedly stepped forward to support him. Yin Yuchen took advantage of his strength to slowly straighten up, even though the pain in his body no longer continued all the time. Still standing up straight.

He stretched out his hand and asked Yun Ruicheng, "Is it ready for you to prepare?"

Yun Ruicheng looked away from Yin Yuchen's gray face, took it out of his arms, and put a green jade porcelain box in Yin Yuchen's hand.

"The best and most popular mouth grease in the mortal world. What's it called... ah yes, the cinnabar mole is red, and it is very famous among noble ladies."

Yin Yuchen pursed her lips and took the mouth fat. Although Yun Ruicheng didn't know what happened to Yin Yuchen, Yun Ruicheng had long understood the truth of "you shouldn't ask or not".

What happened to Yin Yuchen? Is it because of the evil attack of cultivation? Anyway, he is now the chief disciple of the sect leader, a popular person in the sect, and a capable person who has made countless inner sect disciples after entering the inner sect for more than ten days!

The list of disciples who jointly guaranteed him and Shanying to enter the inner sect has been sent to the desk case of the deputy head.

And Yin Yuchen even made arrangements for which elder they went to after they entered the door. With this kind of ability, who cares about his abnormality, just follow him!

Yun Ruicheng guessed that he wanted this mouthful of fat to give to Yanchun.

So I said again: "It's good to send a girl."

Yin Yuchen glanced at him sideways, there was no blood on his blue and white lips, and he was completely different from him.

He took the mouth fat, turned around and went back to the cave. When he came out later, his complexion and lip color had returned to normal, and he looked no different from usual.

Yun Ruicheng's eyes fell on Yin Yuchen's bright lips, and he quickly looked away, good guy, he felt that he had discovered something extraordinary.

Great boy loves red makeup!

"In these two days, the permission to enter the inner door will be passed to the outer door," Yin Yuchen and Yun Ruicheng said. "Remember to keep a low profile."

"I know, Shanying is by no means talkative." Yun Ruicheng has not entered the inner door for so many years, and at this moment is sincerely grateful to Yin Yuchen.

Yun Ruicheng patted his chest and assured: "It is more convenient for us to do things for you when you enter the inner door. If you have any orders, feel free to speak."

"Use your communication skills, and I will use your place."

After Yin Yuchen finished speaking, he waved to Yun Ruicheng, signaling him to leave without following. Yin Yuchen walked slowly, adapting to the long-lost pain in his body, and headed towards the dining hall.

By the time he entered the dining hall, he was able to look the same as before, no matter how much pain he experienced.

He prepared breakfast for Yanchun, tender tofu flowers, and deep-fried pancakes.

Yan Chun didn't wait for Yin Yuchen to find her early in the morning, so he guessed that he must be in the dining hall, and sure enough, when she came over, Yin Yuchen made food for her.

"Yuchen!" Yan Chun raised his voice unconsciously when he saw him, ran behind Yin Yuchen, bumped him on the shoulder, and then asked with a smile, "What's for dinner this morning?"

Yin Yuchen was bumped by her and leaned on the desk, her expression distorted.

However, he quickly adjusted and said softly, "The oil cake, the brown sugar filling, you can try it."

Yan Chun took one, blew it and put it in his mouth, then leaned against the desk to look at Yin Yuchen and said, "I tell you, last night..."

Yan Chun recounted what happened last night. Yin Yuchen didn't say a word. He just supported the desk and didn't eat with Yan Chun. His shoulders were shivering, and his teeth hurt.

He was dizzy for a while, but when Yan Chun finished eating, he still smiled at her and followed her to the Corning Institute.

"According to the prophecy in the mirror of life and soul, my parents still have eight days to return, and the disciples from the inner sect and the outer sect team up to enter the secret realm for training. It is five days later, on July 20."

Yan Chun sat on the edge of the bookshelf, looked sideways at Yin Yuchen, who was leaning against the book, and said, "The next step is to make her think she has control over me, but how can we make her fully believe that we don't know that one of the symbiosis is being After taking control, what kind of reaction will there be, is it obedient? Or is it like a marionette?"

"I know." Yin Yuchen's hand gripping the spine of the book was very hard. In fact, he couldn't see the contents of the book clearly. The space in front of him was distorted. He was being pulled silently by two forces.

He bit the tip of his tongue, reluctantly concentrated, and said to Yan Chun: "The person I sent to trace the origin of the symbiosis not only brought back the method of smashing the Lingfu, but also brought back some other reactions about symbiosis. When you carry a jade card for correspondence with me, you can do whatever I tell you to do, and Mo Qiulu will believe it."

Yan Chun's trust in Yin Yuchen has already surpassed everyone's, even if they have only known each other for two months after removing the origin that Yan Chun did not know.

Many things in the world, such as fate, are so inexplicable, Yan Chun now almost regards what Yin Yuchen said as the golden rule.

This is not because she is used to being dependent, but what Yin Yuchen gave her is not dependence, but the ability to make her feel that she can control everything. Let her see her own worth and strengths.

She did not suspect him, nodded and said, "Okay, I will follow your instructions when the time comes.

Yan Chun added: "My mother has a pair of communication treasures, which are very small, only the size of a palm. They are communication pendants made of the bones of a spiritual beast called "Tianya". This kind of spiritual beast can be separated from its partner. The barrier-free communication makes it easier to carry and hide, and no matter how far apart we are, we can perceive each other's."

"I want to make up your birthday gift for you. This Tianya Bone is the most worthy of the return gift you gave me this bracelet." Yan Chun raised the bracelet on his wrist, put it on his lips and kissed it again. With his fingertips, he flicked the bracelet on Yin Yuchen's hand.

Then she didn't wait for Yin Yuchen to answer, and quickly got up to look for Tianya Bone.

The reason why this pair of pendants has never been held by Yan Chun is that Fu Tianlan intends to give them a congratulatory gift when Yan Chun and Jing Yangyu become Taoist companions.

The Tianya Beast is huge in size, has a long lifespan, strong spiritual power, and its spiritual bones are extremely rare, especially the pair of spiritual beast bones made into communication cards, which are a female and a male, respectively. Heads taken from two spiritual beasts bone.

If it weren't for the coincidence that Gaohan met one of the Tianya beasts and died, and the other came to die for love, it would be impossible to hunt the pair of Tianya beasts.

Yan Chun quickly returned with Tianya Bone, took one of them, and pretended to wear it for Yin Yuchen.

Yin Yuchen lowered her head and looked like she was reading a book. In fact, her eyes were not focused and she was in a trance. It was painful.

When Yan Chun touched him, it touched his memory in Yin Hezong's dark dungeon. He reflexively grabbed Yan Chun's hand and brought her closer, trying to see who was attacking him.

The two of them almost touched the tip of their noses, Yin Yuchen snapped back to her senses and let go of Yanchun.

"Sister... I'm lost." Yin Yuchen smiled and said, "I..."

His words suddenly stopped, because Yan Chun didn't back away, she came up directly.

Because the movement of her approaching was very abrupt and straight, the two of them hit their noses first.

Then Yan Chun paused, just stunned with Yin Yuchen's nose to the tip, she didn't know what she was doing or what she was going to do.

After a long while, Yan Chun tilted his head, stared, and pressed his lips to Yin Yuchen's lips that were slightly opened because he wanted to explain.

There was a dead silence in the formation, not a shred of wind, not even the movement of turning the book.

The cold and white ever-bright lamp reflected the two people who were equally confused and throbbing.

Their breaths were entangled and inseparable, like strands of hair that were tangled up in the bed at night.

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