MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 84 Happiness

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Meng Fu’s expedition, no way to participate in the wedding of Meng Yanzhou, all by Meng Mu. Although the emperor had bothered to pick a lot of people, Meng Mu finally chose the servant of the Ministry of Education, Fu Guangda, the eldest daughter Fu Mingzhu. People like the National Government have long been the flowers, the fire and the oil, and there is no need to rely on marriage to go further. Although Fu Mingzhu has a slightly lower origin, his character ability is one-to-one. Meng Meng is very satisfied.

Half a month after the marriage, the exhausted Mengmu finally slowed down, remembering that she was pregnant, and half a month later she would be the daughter of the Queen, and she would bring her daughter-in-law to the palace.

The two mothers and sisters sat in the swaying carriage and drove to the palace gate. They all had their own thoughts and had no words for a while. Fu Mingzhu dressed up, the delicate face was low, and the expression seemed to be quiet. Only the hand that clenched the fist in the sleeve revealed her nervousness.

The Meng family is totally different from her imagination. Although her husband is careless and has a bad temper, he can easily deal with his weakness. He even feels a little cute. The mother-in-law is noble and generous, and is approachable. She will hand over her family affairs to her management, and she will not be seen. Although the public servant has never seen it, it is said that it is also generous; as for the three sons and daughters of Wen Yu Niang, they have all been rejected by the public servants, and there is no wind and waves.

It can be said that her days in the government office were quite satisfactory. Even her younger brother had a public photo, and worshipped under the filial piety of the great Confucianism. Before the marriage and the marriage, there was a feeling of arrogance.

It is precisely because this kind of life goes beyond her full wish for happiness, which makes her even dare to slack off. The status of Huang Guifei in the Meng family is self-evident. From the words of the husband and the mother-in-law, it can be seen that before the emperor was not married, it was the pillar of the Meng family. Sometimes even the public servants should listen to her, and their abilities and means can be seen. .

Regarding the rumors of Huang Guifei, she has heard more or less, and far away, she said that she was sent out of the palace, which is a beautiful figure, but she was thrown out of the palace because of the chaos of Huang Guifei’s puppy. It became a laughing stock in Beijing, and even the emperor dismissed all the girls for the emperor. The three thousand Jiali only favored her alone, and the end was the one who had never come before.

I will face such a legendary character soon, and my identity is still so high, even if I am calm, I can't help but sweat my hand. How is the temper of Huang Gui? Will you be dissatisfied with yourself? Will you dislike your own birth too low? These worries have repeatedly appeared in her mind.

"Don't be nervous. At the beginning, it was the mulberry who asked you and Yanzhou's marriage in front of the emperor. It is obvious that she likes you." Meng Mu calculated in her heart that she wanted to marry her daughter. Once she discovered the anxiety of her wife, she was busy. Pat the back of her hand to comfort.

"The daughter-in-law is not nervous." Fu Mingzhu smiled slightly, and his mood was slightly fixed.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the palace. The two men changed their sedan and continued to march. Under the guidance of the palace, they stepped into the flowery and fragrant tourmaline palace.

Far from seeing a bright yellow figure on the main seat, Fu Mingzhu’s heartstrings are tight, and he learns how his mother-in-law looks and knees. Although it was just a rush, it was enough to shock her. The woman looks like a cloud, her face is hibiscus, and her appearance is very temperament. It is really a beautiful eye. Such a high-end, strict and extraordinary woman, only the master of the world can match.

The feeling of being embarrassed seems to be more flustered! Fu Mingzhu secretly squeezed the embroidered bag in his hand.

"Mother is pleased to pick up." Meng Sangqi quickly went forward to help Mengmu, and looked at the Mingzhu, and saw her calm and self-satisfied, not humble, very popular, and her face could not be opened with a smile, and she said, "I also ask for a big ride. ."

The woman smiled, and the grace and sorrow of the body was exhausted, and it showed a bit of cuteness. Fu Mingzhu discovered that Huang Guifei was only a 17-year-old girl, and she looked younger than herself. She relaxed in an instant, and her mouth did not rise consciously.

"Is it a habit to live in the Meng family?" Meng Sangyu asked in a warm voice.

"Returning to the emperor, the mother-in-law and the husband-in-law are very good, just like the family." Fu Mingzhu is slightly covered, and gratitude is beyond words. Before she married, she was quite embarrassed, and she would be dismissed by the National Government. After she got married, she knew that she was worried. Not every household was as cold and ruthless as paying for her family.

"Oh ~ Daxie can be wrong, you are already a Mengmeng family!" Meng Sangyu covered his mouth and smiled, a pair of water sputum clear and translucent, it is very narrow and cute. In front of her family, she has always been Meng Sangyu, not a high-profile darling.

Mengmu also patted the back of the hand of Mingzhu, and told her to completely put down the last trace of mustard. The three gossips are often home-based, and most of them are the daughters and daughter-in-law of Ms. Meng, who are pregnant and have a baby, and the terms and conditions are fine. Feng Wei’s fear of not being detailed is called Yin Cui and Bi Shui.

Busy until noon, Meng Sang left two people to go back with a meal, the two are about to quit, Zhou Wudi came in, and echoed. The emperor personally spoke, and the two mothers had to stay.

Seeing that the table was smaller than the dining table at home, Meng Mu and Fu Mingzhu all smashed, and saw more than a dozen home-cooked dishes on the side, and the two exchanged a strange look.

"Mulberry likes to eat with a small round table, and I feel so good," said Zhou Wudi, picking up chopsticks and giving the mulberry a dish. He added softly, "The feeling of having a home!"

The sweet emotions in his words called Meng Mu and Fu Mingzhu were very touched.

"Mother, big, eat more." Meng Sang-soo softly looked at Zhou Wudi, and reached out and asked the two of the gods to eat.

The two returned to God and quickly rushed. The craftsmanship of the royal chef was top-notch, and because of the deliberate command of the emperor, it used a more than 120,000 points of thought, and the taste was quite good. During the banquet, the emperor frequently gave the emperor a glutinous dish, even the end of the tea, rubbing the corners of the mouth, and there was no shelf for the emperor. It seemed like an ordinary man who loved his wife, and called Fu Mingzhu and Meng Mu.

After eating a steamed squid, Meng Sangyu suddenly covered his mouth and hurriedly left his seat. He hurriedly took the chair behind him. The huge muffled sound scared everyone in the hall. Only Zhou Wudi immediately got up and caught up, grabbed her waist with one hand, beware of her falling, and took the saliva handed by Feng Wei in one hand, caught the dirt in her mouth, and she was very skilled. A hundred times in general.

Fu Mingzhu and Meng Mu were busy to drop the tableware in their hands and watched them. They were stopped by Meng Sangqi. There was a lot of retching, and there was a bit of sour smell in the meantime. Zhou Wudi was unheard of, and gently patted her back, her face full of distressed color.

Meng Mu and Fu Mingzhu can't get into the hand, they can only stand on one side and look at it. Mengmu had already seen how the emperor loved his daughter, and he was not surprised. Fu Mingzhu looked straightforward. She and Meng Yanzhou are newly married, but they are not as close as the emperor and the emperor, regardless of each other. It is said that the emperor's princes and the six palaces will go to the post, and they will all rely on Meng Guogong's heroic achievements. I saw that when I met two people today, I knew that rumors could not be trusted.

Zhou Wudi took the teacup and feeded it into the mulberry mouth little by little. She used the saliva to catch the tea she spit out. It repeated several times to suppress the sourness of her throat.

Handing the saliva to the palace, personally picking up the wet scorpion and cleaning the mulberry and himself. Zhou Wudi only looked at the Mengmu and Wen, "Sorry, stirred up the appetite of the lady. The hall, how about eating for a table?"

"The emperor is polite. Since the emperor is unwell, the minister and the woman will leave." Meng Mu saw her daughter's face tired, and her eyes were still smeared with water, and she had to say goodbye. Let yourself go first, so that the daughter can rest earlier.

Zhou Wudi took the mulberry's thin shoulders and felt a slight pain in his heart. He wiped the tears from her eyes with his fingertips. "I also asked my wife to finish the meal and go. The sang has a poor appetite recently, and you are here. You can also eat more." Mulberry used spoiled or even swayed to escape from eating. He really didn't have a way. He couldn't keep her in his mouth and hold it in his hand. Today, she is so easy to have a little appetite, how can he allow Mengmu to leave?

Meng Mu listened to a lot of distress and quickly promised. Several people moved to the main hall to continue eating. The new dish was soon put on, and Meng Sangqi took the chopsticks and pointed at the poke, that is, he refused to move his mouth. It was obvious that he was spit. Zhou Wudi sighed and clipped some light-tasting vegetarian food to her mouth, gently tempted, and the eager and gentle appearance looked like a kind-hearted temper, and called Fu Mingzhu and Mengmu once again opened their eyes.

"The emperor, I really can't eat!" Meng Sangqi pulled Zhou Wudi's sleeves, soft and soft tone, tearful eyes, looks unreasonable.

"Let's eat a little more, ah!" Zhou Wudi hearted, stuffing a piece of mushroom into her mouth.

Meng Sang chewed his throat and chewed it. He couldn’t help but spit it out, and the stomach was churning again.

Zhou Wudi was busy throwing her into her arms. She followed her back and carefully touched her unhealed belly. Her heart was full of anxiety. He never knew that it was such a hard thing to have a child.

"What does Huanggui want to eat? If there is no palace, the minister can bring you in from outside the palace." Mengmu really distressed the child, remembered that the mulberry had the most favorite dish before he married, knowing that the irregularity still asked. .

Fu Mingzhu worried about the emperor's look, for fear that he would be displeased, but he was relieved, and the words were grateful. "Exactly, what does Mulberry love to eat? Ask the lady to do it." Love the path of the sorrowful sorrow.

Meng Sang’s eyes brightened, and after a moment of indulging, he was full of expectation. “Mother, I want to eat glutinous cakes and wolf heads, I want to eat old altar sour bamboo shoots, I want to eat cold fragrant scallions, I want to eat wild scallions and simmered sauce...” She squatted The finger counts, all of them are eating in the countryside, but there is no such thing in the palace. Even if there is, the original processing of the royal kitchen is also lost.

Meng Mu and Fu Mingzhu listened to the more and more, these things that are not allowed on the table, I do not know that the emperor is not allowed to bring in. However, I saw that Zhou Wudi repeatedly laughed and pinched the tip of the mulberry's nose. His tone was full of pets. "It's a cat! Why don't you like to eat it?" I sent you to find it!"

"I love to eat the mother's own hands, others can't make that taste!" Meng Sang slaps his hand, his voice is unconsciously revealing a few points. This half-month was held by a man in the palm of his hand, and her heart defense was reduced a lot.

"Well, good~" Zhou Wudi’s apex is itchy. If it’s not for Meng’s mother, she can’t take her into her arms and love her. Look at Mengmu’s mother. The tone is prudent. “There will be Mrs. Lao after that, wait. After a while, the lady went to the House of Government to get a house card and free to enter and leave without reporting."

Meng Mu and Fu Mingzhu quickly bowed to Shane. Meng Sangqi was so happy that he barely ate a bit.

It was sent to the palace gate by the general manager of the interior, and Mengmu and Fu Mingzhu boarded the carriage, and the expression on his face was a little embarrassing.

Fu Mingzhu was silent, and repeatedly thought about the imperial every move, and the deep worries in his heart gradually dissipated. Before she was married to Meng's family, she thought that the emperor's love for Huang Guifei was a play, and it was to count the Meng family and even count the Meng family. The Meng family looks like a flower, but the future is worrying. But now she does not think so, the emperor's distinct interpretation of the emperor is a deep-rooted look. As long as the public servant removes the queen and takes the initiative to return the military power, the Meng family can also preserve the centuries of glory.

Thinking of this, she secretly sighed, and her heart was fascinated by the emperor. Perhaps, next time she enters the palace, she can beg with the emperor to teach and teach the coward.

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