MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 47 Peacock

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"Qing Qing, do you still know that you have a daughter called Qingqing?" Xu Bi looked at Lu Songnian and didn't look at her. His heart was more angry. Yin and Yang said: "I thought you were a few nephews outside, early. I forgot that you have a teenage daughter in your house!"

Lu Songnian is a very gentle person, contrary to Lu Henian's cold temper, but Xu Bi said this five times, and no matter how good the temper can not stand, he frowned and said: "Can you not say so ugly, I have no outside Any woman, will not come up with any illegitimate child illegitimate daughter!"

Finally, Lu Songnian’s response, Xu Bi’s anger, disappeared. “Who knows, there is no woman outside, why don’t you go home?”

Lu Henian didn't want to quarrel with Xu Bi, so he didn't say those ugly words. He just said: "I sleep in the company except for business trips. If you don't believe you can go to investigate, Xu Bi, I hope to give me the most basic trust between husband and wife. ""

The words of the couple in Lu Henian’s words touched Xu Bi. She raised her eyebrows and felt a little calm, but she still didn’t have a good air: “Qing Qing and her classmates went out to play.”

"It’s already 11:30 in the evening, and what classmates are going out so late?” Lu Songnian frowned at the first sight, and his heart was even more annoyed. He shouted: "How can you let her go out so late?"

Speaking of this Xu Bi came to the air, the fire that just pressed down came out again, and suddenly stood up and said: "Not your parents, today I and Qing Qing kindly send them to them, they are in the presence of outsiders. I don’t want to leave me with Qingqing, I will forget, which mother-in-law can see her daughter-in-law, Qingqing is their granddaughter, a five-million sports car is not willing to send, and the hand is given to an outsider. Qingqing is 16 years old, and this eccentricity is too much!"

Lu Heinian had already said this to him. When he heard that Xu Bi was still avoiding the weight, Lu Songnian could not hold back the fire. He pulled off the tie and said: "You also know that Qing Qing is 16 years old, and the 16-year-old girl drives a sports car. The sixteen-year-old girl is not going home so late? Xu Bi, Qing Qing surname Lu, don’t send your Xu family to teach children!”

Xu Jia’s sect, these words deeply hurt Xu Bi’s heart. She suddenly exploded, and rushed to Lu Songnian in three or two steps, grabbing his collar and saying: “You are abandoning this. Me? You disliked me, why did you marry me? I know, you are jealous of me for your reputation as a young master of the land!"

"Okay!" Every time the quarrel is drawn to this old thing, this is Lu Songnian’s last regret in his life. He grabbed Xu Bi’s hand: "I am not coming back to quarrel with you. Things have passed. For a few years, no one of us should mention it anymore, okay?"

Said, a loose Xu Bi, went to the sofa and picked up the phone, he began to call Lu Yunqing, but Lu Songnian even played three people no one answered, he remembered his brother said, a trace of anxiety .

"What can be done, she is going to the classmates to play." Xu Bi saw Lu Songnian's nervousness, and his mouth sneaked through a trace of ridicule. Usually, regardless of whether he asked, it is a kindly father, but Qingqing does not know how many times. Going home in the middle of the night, nothing happened, so what can a big girl do?

He whispered again: "If your parents are not eccentric, obviously know that Qingqing likes the car, just don't give it to her. Qingqing can get angry and run out at night. If something comes out, it will blame..."

"My parents are not your parents? You are not a daughter-in-law of Lujia?" Lu Henian put down his mobile phone and turned to look cold and looked at Xu Bi. There was no temperature in his eyes. "Xu Bi, if you don't want to be Mrs. Lu, we Can divorce."

Xu Yingdi slammed and finally reacted. Lu Songnian was really angry. He didn’t dare to talk any more. He said, “I’m just saying that...” Xu’s business now relies on Lu’s business. She can't divorce, she just got the man in front of her, she can't divorce.

Lu Songnian is not a person who is squatting. Seeing that Xu Bi is no longer aggressive, he does not speak, and turns to the floor.

Looking at the back of Lu Songnian, Xu Bi’s face was slowly and quietly silenced. He always did this. After marrying for more than ten years, he was not willing to give her a little love.


At one o'clock in the morning, it was dark outside. Today is a cloudy day. Don't say stars in the sky, the moon can't see. If there is no street lamp, it is a finger.

Lu Yunqing drank some wine, his face was red, and while he was drunk, he stumbled out from the bar. He was 16 years old, but he wore a black silk sling and a pair of ten centimeters of high heels on his feet. The young people in the dance floor are all looking at her, and some are unsettled and have already reached out.

"Get out of the way, do you know what my surname is? Do you dare to do it to me?" Lu Yunqing is not a vegetarian. He frowned and continued to move forward.

There are indeed a few handsome people here, but her mother said that as the daughter of Lu’s family, the object she wants to associate with will be the big name of the big city. The second uncle is not good, she can’t marry her wife, and she won’t There are children, and later Lujia’s things are hers. These little sisters don’t even give her shoes.

She is the only granddaughter of Lu’s family, but the two old things are always so eccentric. Even a five-million sports car is not willing to give it to her. Many students have their own sports cars. Why can’t she have it?

Lu Yunqing wants to get angry, and today he gets angry. Even the driver didn't bring it. Now he still has to take a taxi. When she thinks she has to take a taxi to go home, she feels guilty in her heart. This is a big loss!

Lu Yunqing didn't want to take a taxi. The feet in high heels were faintly painful. She frowned and sweared, pulling down the high heels on her feet. As a result, she stopped drinking and stumbled and fell to the ground.

"shit!" fell twice in a day, Lu Yunqing broke his knees, she irritatedly throwing the shoes aside, and reached out and tried to stand up, but touched a plastic bag.

"Who is, throwing the garbage in the middle of the road in the evening!" She snorted and pushed her to push the plastic bag away, but she obviously pushed it hard, the plastic bag was not moving, she also touched the inside. Hard object, it hurts and frowned.

"What is it, so heavy?" This is obviously not rubbish. Lu Yunqing said to himself, and immediately opened the plastic bag and looked at it.

Inside the ordinary black plastic bag, there are dozens of bundles of grandfathers, neatly brand new, and there is no crease. At first glance, it is taken out from the bank. The money is counted, and the side is still stuffed. Two velvet jewelry boxes, Lu Yunqing opened, a pair of thick dragon and phoenix bracelets inside, and a diamond ring in the other, the diamond at least one carat weight.

The contents of this plastic bag are worth at least a million!

Although Lu family has good family conditions, she usually does not give Lu Yunqing so much pocket money. So Lu Yunqing saw so much money and even breathed. She looked around subconsciously. No one is here. It is a small road at night. No one left, and because there was a big tree next to it, even the surveillance was blocked.

Lu Yunqing was ecstatic in his heart. When he reached out, he held the black plastic bag in his arms. Hundreds of thousands of grandfathers were a little weighty. She was so hard to pick it up, and she couldn’t take care of the high heels on the ground, and rushed toward the direction of the house.

Until Lu Yunqing ran for a few tens of meters, a pair of middle-aged couples were drilled in the bushes. They had a happy face on their faces. They quickly picked up the high heels that were left on the ground, carefully caught them in the bag and quickly disappeared into the night.


Yunrong wakes up in the smell of food. She **** her nose with her eyes closed, and tangled for two minutes while continuing to sleep and eating delicious. Finally, she couldn’t resist the food and sat down with her eyes open. stand up.

"Get up and have breakfast." Lu Henian stood by the bed, helplessly watching the little girl who was sitting and sleeping.

Yunrong is still confused. I don’t know where I am, and muttered: "I want Ahe to feed me. It’s not good to eat grass."

Lu Henian stunned and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He has heard the name of Ahe twice. This is obviously the name of a man. Who is this man?

His eyes sank and he bent down to the little girl and asked, "Who is Ahe?"

The cloud in his sleep suddenly frowned, and looked a little unhappy. He continued to mutter: "Ahe is Ahe!"

Lu Henian saw that the little girl frowned, and she felt a little unbearable in her heart. She touched her eyebrows: "Children, I should get up and eat..."

The warm breath slammed into the face, Yun Yun suddenly woke up, opened his eyes, and saw the handsome face of Lu Henian's enlarged version at a glance. The next meaning of the hand reached out and screamed, and smiled: "Second brother, good morning." !"

"What are you doing?" Lu Henian's face suddenly turned black. How did the little girl's family move their hands and feet in the morning?

"I am licking my face." Yun Rong said in a serious way: "Second brother, do you feel comfortable? I will give you the aura, so you will not wrinkle." In fact, she was a little guilty, just did not wake up. I touched it, and now I can only start editing.

The little girl's hand touched and touched her face. Lu Henian only felt that her face was hot. It seemed to have a current. He had a trace of suspiciousness in his heart. Is this the effect of Reiki?

What are the long wrinkles? He looked at his face in the morning, no one! Didn't you see it clearly?

Anyway, Lu Henian will never admit that he is old. He grinds his teeth and says, "Do you think I am old?"

This is a dangerous problem. Yunrong suddenly retracted his hand and smiled and said: "The second brother is not old at all. You don't have a word for the human race. The man has forty-one flowers, and the second brother is less than thirty. Still have a flower bone to be released!"

What is this messy metaphor?

Lu Henian’s face was darker and turned and walked out: “Get up quickly, we will go to the company after dinner.”

Lu Henian didn't see it. After Yun Rong turned around, he frowned and showed a thoughtful expression. He paused for two seconds before he caught up.

Recently, I always dream of a man named A He. Who is he? Yunrong couldn’t remember it.

However, Yunrong soon had no time to think about it, because Lu’s breakfast prepared was rich and delicious, and he didn’t have to hide it. He could let go of it and immerse himself in the food. Yunrong quickly gave the dreaming thing. forget.

However, if you answer Danqiu Mountain, you can't eat the dishes made by your second brother. You can't eat with your second brother. When you think of this, Yunrong is a bit tangled.

After they finished their breakfast, they went directly to the company. Before leaving the house, Lu Henian specially contacted the aunts who had not been working recently. They packed up the room and the housekeeping aunt heard that they would come immediately and never contact her. She felt that she wanted to unemployed.

Yunrong and Lu Henian walked into the company together, and the employees have become accustomed to it. Zhang Chongming made a record while reporting today's itinerary. Wang Jing is sorting out all kinds of materials that he will use today. Yunrong can't help anything. Busy, I will go back to my office.

After doing routine lucky work, Yunrong was a little bored. After reading the textbook for a while, I saw that Zhou Yufeng was full of joy and came to work.

When Zhou Yufeng saw Yunrong, he smiled a flower on his face and quickly took out a lunch box from his bag. "Miss Yun, thanks to your fruit, my daughter can already hear it, and even the wound on her head is good." Quite a lot, this is my own dumplings. I will come over and give you a taste. Don’t give up."

"Do not dislike." Yunrong does not lack anything, likes to eat delicious, dumplings are really sent to her heart, she is happy to pick up, another serious: "Your daughter is a blessing, after this time Grinding, will be safe in the future."

Zhou Yufeng looked at Yunrong’s ambiguity and could not help but sigh: “If this is the case, I will look forward to her peace.”

The two men said two more words. Just as someone came up at the elevator, Zhou Yufeng interrupted his words and continued to clean the work.

When Zhou Yufeng left, Yunrong just wanted to enter the office, and she felt a faint demon. She looked up subconsciously and saw that the elevator door was not far away, and four people came out. The first step was Li Minghai, behind a man and a woman around a tall, thin man, the man dressed very casual, white T-shirt, jeans and a pair of small white shoes, the cap on the head is low, the mouth and nose are The mask is covered tightly, revealing a pair of beautiful Danfeng eyes.

It is obvious that he can't see what he looks like. With this pair of eyes alone, he can't see that he has a very good appearance.

That demon is uploaded from this man.

Yunrong only took a look at the heart to understand, it turned out to be a white peacock essence, and indeed the peacock essence is not the same, wearing such a prime is so good-looking, racial skills envy does not come, listen to Zhang Chongming said that today a star came to talk endorsement Is this the thing?

I heard that when the star can make money, Yun Rong thinks of it here, and he can't help but look at his eyes. He can mix so well in the Terran, and he is also a demon with skill!

Bai Mo casually played the mobile phone in his hand. When passing through Yunrong, he suddenly smelled a fragrant floral fragrance. He thought he met the same family. When he looked up, he saw a beautiful little girl standing at the door of the office and looking at him. He Suddenly the eyes lit up.

He looked at it again with his eyes open, did not see any demon, could not help but laugh, did not expect the little girl of the Terran also had such a strong appetite.

When passing by Yunrong, he suddenly extended his slender fingertips and pointed the little girl's nose. Danfeng's eyes rose, revealing a sinister smile: "Do you have to pour me a cup of ice water?"

Li Minghai, who walked in front, heard the voice turn around. When he saw the white ink let the cloud contain water, he quickly said: "Mr. Bai please come with me. We will have ice water in the guest room. I will give you..."

"Did I talk to you?" White ink turned his head and interrupted Li Minghai with a blank expression. He turned to look at Yunrong and smiled. "I want you to pour me a glass of water?"

The white ink scorpion looks very good, reddish brown, with a strange pattern, Yunrong looks at his scorpion, and suddenly there is a familiar feeling, a glimpse of the sigh, the subconscious mind: "Good, good."

"Thank you." Seeing this actor's illusion in this aristocratic girl, Bai Mo's heart was slightly proud, and the gratitude of the road was followed by Li Minghai into the reception room.

Li Minghai came out of the reception room and saw Yunrong still standing at the door of the office. He couldn’t help but say: "Miss Yun, I am going to pour water. He is the star who invited to endorse new products, white ink, used to star, Maybe doing things... don’t put it in your heart."

Who knows the relationship between Miss Yun and the president in the company? If the president knows that Miss Bai should deliver the tea, I am afraid that the first one will take him to the knife. It is too frivolous to say that this white ink is still working. I thought about my sister, and I was not afraid of being photographed by the paparazzi.

Yunrong’s mind is still thinking about the eyes that have just been white ink. I always feel that I have seen it. When I listen to Li Minghai’s words, I’ve come back to God: “Nothing, I’m going to pour water, it’s all about the big shelves under the stars. After all, If you come to endorse new products, it’s not good to offend. You go to other things."

Lu Henian was in the morning, Zhang Chongming and Wang Jing were in the conference room, leaving a secretary of Li Minghai. It was a little too busy. Yunrong felt that he was also a secretary. At this time, there was nothing to help.

When Li Minghai heard it, he thought that Yunrong was a fan of Bai Mo, and he immediately understood that although Bai Mo is famous in the circle, his temper is big and the shelf is big, but the key parents are handsome and good, so the female fans are many. No, Yunrong is not difficult to understand if it is a fan of Baimo.

When he thought of it, he smiled and said: "Then I will go back to the office and call back. Miss Yun, the white ink company also sent some posters. I will send you to the office later."

Why do you want to send her a poster when pouring a glass of water? Yunrong did not understand for a time, just wanted to ask, Li Minghai was already rushing to the office.

Maybe the poster will be used in the following work. Yunrong didn't think much about it. He poured a glass of ice water directly into the reception room.

In the conference room, Bai Mozhen sat on the sofa, tilting one foot and playing with a mobile phone with no expression. The assistant was on the other side and couldn’t help but persuaded: "Boss, we are here today and Lu If the group talks about cooperation, you still have to converge. We can't move the employees of Lu's."

"What happened to Lu's?" The white ink head did not lift, and the voice was cold.

The assistant's heart shrank and thought about how he had followed such an unscrupulous artist. Is it a bad star? It’s obvious that Zhang’s face is full of anger, and how many beautiful girls are not there. He doesn’t want it. Those who recommend themselves to the pillow can’t see it. It’s not that he’s not wanting anything. He likes to take the initiative to provoke how much he has slept for so many years. A little girl, back to the company is the face of the aftermath, if it will not make money, the company has long avoided him!

The assistant is resistant to the subordination: "My uncle, Lu's financial circle in China, that is to say that there is a word shaking all the way, our company is hard to get this opportunity, you can not drop the chain at this time, this Many endorsements are staring at you. If you can't, if someone is on the top, those little meats can wait to see you jokes!"

"I know I know, Luo is not awkward, I have a few in my heart." White ink is impatient, does he not know that cooperation with Lu is important, not that the little girl is too appetizing for him, and full of aura The most important thing is still the individual family. This is simply a small snack specially prepared for him.

The last time I was photographed by a paparazzi when I went to the hotel with other women, in order to put things down, he had not looked for a woman for a long time. Without the austerity of the Terran, how could he maintain his exquisite appearance? How to make your own improvement? The little girl I met this time, the aura is ten times that of other women. If I can sleep for one night, how much aura can be sucked.

Bai Mo thinks excited, how can I miss this opportunity?

I just absorbed the aura, and I didn’t want her life. What can I do? It’s a big deal to give you more money. What else is in the Terran is to use money to make it out of balance!

Bai Mo was thinking, Yunrong came in with ice water. She put the cup on the table and smiled and said: "Mr. Bai, the ice water you want."

Bai Mo glanced at the small claws that Yun Yun took back. He hanged a smirk on his face and asked, "Do you know me?"

"Know, Mr. Bai is a well-known actor." Yunrong had watched the TV drama of Bai Mo in the TV before. He played a hegemonic president. How did he come over? She couldn’t stand watching two episodes. In that case, Lu Henian never did this. At first glance, the acting skills were not good.

However, Yun Yun also thought about it. After all, she came to the company to talk about cooperation. She would not say it.

When I heard it, I had a number in my heart. This little girl must be his fan. I couldn’t help but feel a little smug. He reached out and took off his mask. He leaned forward: "Do you think I am good-looking on TV or look good now?"

Yunrong hasn't answered yet, and the assistant behind Bai Mo has a heavy cough. The posture is simply coughing up the lungs.

"You're fine, do you want me to pour you a glass of water?" Yunrong asked quickly.

"He's fine, he's sick, he doesn't cough for a dozen times a day." The smile of Bai Mo suddenly fell, and his voice was filled with faint anger. "When I go back, I will give him a holiday and let him rest at home!" ”

When the assistant behind him heard it, he immediately understood the meaning of the white ink, and did not dare to cough again.

"If you are sick, you have to rest more." Yunrong felt the atmosphere was strange, but he still talked casually, and remembered the question that had just been asked by Bai Mo. He thought about it: "Mr. Bai is good looking no matter what he looks like."

Is that right? The white peacock is so beautiful. In the past, there were many birds in Danqiu Mountain. She often played with these birds. Even the phoenix and the ostrich often came to visit. In all the creatures, Yunrong liked the birds most.

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