MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 36 King eight

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Yunrong and Lu Henian finished their meal and returned to the hotel late at night. She didn't sleep tonight, because tonight is the full moon, the moonlight night is the most aura, and tonight is the moon and the moon, the moonlight is exceptionally bright, not only There is a rich aura, and luck can also get the moon, which is a good thing to improve.

She practiced for a while, until she stood up late at night, looking in the direction of Danqiu Mountain. Her gods swept to Danqiu Mountain and had been down the mountain for half a month. The archaeological team did not seem to have made much progress.

Dozens of people worked together and just peeled off a small layer of soil on the top. Yunrong thought about the jade that she had buried here for so many years, praying for her blessing, there are no thousands, and there are hundreds of pieces, at this speed. Digging down, it is estimated that no one year and a half can not be dug.

In this way, Yunrong is relieved, and I am looking forward to the slower points that these archaeological teams can dig. As long as they have not finished dug, the boss who packs Danqiu Mountain cannot develop. After all, her money has not been collected. It.

Her gods turned around in the archaeological team. It was a big night. The members of the archaeological team fell asleep. Suddenly, he saw an old man slipping into the digging hole, his face pale and his eyes closed. , with a mouth open and a very small squeaking, snoring sound.

His hand stretched forward desperately, as if he wanted to catch something on the ground, but the more he was anxious, the more the white things on the ground rolled away, the three or four meters away, and they hit the stone. On, stopped.

The old man is about to die, Yunrong saw the deadness on him.

Zhao Jiatu licked his heart with a painful heart. He knew that he had committed a heart attack. The doctor had reminded him to rest more, but he was willing to rest, others may not know, he had a feeling, this time, Danqiu Mountain The excavation will surely discover the new civilization of mankind.

He couldn't sleep and couldn't sleep. He had to take a flashlight and come out to see it. It might have been too fascinating. He spent more than an hour. When he stood up, he felt that the brain was deprived of oxygen and the heart was very painful.

He shivered and took the heart medicine out of his pocket, but his hand slipped, and the whole bottle had to fall, but he had no strength. Zhao Jiatu opened his mouth desperately, but could not make a cry, a little bit After that, go down.

Suddenly, his eyes blew through the wind with a fragrant flower, and the medicine bottle not far away flew up, and instantly fell into his hands.

Zhao Jiatu looked at the medicine bottle in his hand incredulously. He couldn’t think too much. He twitched and opened the medicine bottle. He poured four or five pieces into his mouth and swallowed desperately.

It wasn't until five minutes later that the corner of the mouth moved and a long breath spit out.

"Old Zhao, Lao Zhao, where are you?" The voice of the archaeological team Lao Li was heard not far away.

Zhao Jiatu gasped and replied: "I am in the No. 1 pit."

"You talk about what you did in the big pit at night? You can swear at me, ask me to look at you, if anything happens..." Li Guangming just walked to the No. 1 pit, with the help of a weak flashlight. I saw Zhao Jiatu's face full of sweat, pale like a ghost.

"Lao Zhao, don't scare me, what's wrong with you?" Li Guangming did not say anything, and quickly jumped from above in three steps and two steps.

Zhao Jiatu changed for a while, and already felt much better. He was weak and said: "The heart is not comfortable, it's okay, I have already taken medicine. Go back and don't talk to your nephew."

"You have to scare people, you said that if you can't take medicine, can you do it?" Although Zhao Jiatu said an understatement, Li Guangming was shocked and quickly helped him find a flat place to sit down. .

When Zhao Jiatu heard that Li Guangming said that he was too late to take medicine, he suddenly groaned and muttered: "I just really didn't take the medicine..."

When Li Guangming heard it, he looked at the medicine bottle in Zhao Jiatu's hand. There were some mud ideas on it. He understood it. The medicine of Lao Zhao had definitely not been taken away.

This is a medicine for heart disease. If you fall to the ground, if you can’t get up, it’s a matter of ten seconds, and people are gone!

Li Guangming thought of this, suddenly his face was scared, and he sat on the side of Zhao Jiatu. "Old man, you can't come out alone at night, you can't tell if you can't get up..." You are dead. what.

"It’s just that the medicine bottle is not picked up by myself." Li Guangming’s voice just fell, and he heard Zhao Jiatu’s secluded road.

"You are alone here, not who you picked up yourself?" Li Guangming replied with a mouthful, but turned his head and saw Zhao Jiatu’s apparently serious expression, suddenly a sigh of relief, panic, "Old Zhao, big At night, don't scare me..."

"We are all good friends for so many years, how can I deliberately scare you?" Zhao Jiatu did not show a horrified expression, he looked at the medicine bottle in his hand: "I feel a wind blowing, this medicine bottle The son flew up from the ground and landed in my hand. At the time, the bottle was four or five meters away from me, and I definitely couldn't get it."

This scene can't be imagined at all. When Li Guangming listened to this description, he was scared to jump from the stone. He grabbed Zhao Jiatu's arm and said: "We are all excellent fighters of the proletariat. After the party's influence, the atheists identified, Don't talk nonsense..."

However, Zhao Jiatu’s expression is obviously not a mess.

"Old Li, do you still remember when we went to the nearby villages, what did the elderly people say? They said that there are mountain gods in Danqiu Mountain. We have been unable to confirm this excavation. So many beautiful jade articles are made. What is used for doing, I have a guess, is it used to sacrifice the mountain god?"

Zhao Jiatu frowned.

"There is this possibility, but you can't say that there is a sacrifice pit. Then what mountain gods really exist?" The discussion of these gods and ghosts in the big night, Li Guangming was mad.

"We don't know, it doesn't mean they don't exist." Zhao Jiatu is a stubborn old man. "You said, this time, if it wasn't for the help of the mountain god, how could I get this medicine back?"

"The big night, maybe it is..." Li Guangming just wanted to talk, and he was hard to go back. Other things are more terrible than the mountain gods. Black light and bonfire, I can't believe it.

Seeing that Li Guangming does not believe, Zhao Jiatu does not say more. He is almost eighty years old. When people reach the end of their lives, they understand that many things are not seen in front of us. Human beings are always too narrow.

"Let's go back to the camp." Zhao Jiatu stuffed the medicine bottle into his pocket and took the lead in the front. This kind of thing, only those who have personally experienced it, will believe that tonight will become a secret that he will not say more.

Yunrong did not retract the gods from Danqiu Mountain until the two old men walked into the house. She just got ready to go back to the room and saw a golden light spot in the direction of Danqiu Mountain. She suddenly fell into her chest. At the office.

In an instant, the warm feeling is full of Yunrong's limbs, and the cloud is a glimpse. It seems that I have lost some repairs for a long time.

Yunrong’s mood suddenly improved. She looked at Danqiu Mountain deeply. She suddenly felt a little more feelings. The human race never forgot her. Everything she did for the human race was worth it.

After the happy, Yunrong thought again, this archaeological team is a few old men. Now, in the summer, what can I do if I can’t stand it when I dig? I definitely have to take care of them and let them dig for another year and a half, and strive to develop directly without the best.

In this way, Yunrong paid attention to these old men. She raised her hand and a green light disappeared into the night and flew in the direction of Danqiu Mountain.

On the second day, the staff of the archaeological team found that there were strange things happening at the excavation site. They were bright and bright. Everyone did these physical exercises. They felt that there was a small wind blowing, and it was very cool. It was not hot.

This is no problem, after all, there are many trees on the mountain, it is indeed cooler than the city, but there are bunny squirrels from time to time, holding the orange hills to the people, throwing them away, it is really strange.

The archaeological team didn't dare to move these fruits at first, but after a few days, they smashed a small pile. These fruits looked good, and they were wasted, and the players tasted it.

It’s really a bad thing to eat. It’s better than the ones sold in the store. Everyone started to swear. This archaeology has been so long. I have entered so many mountains and I have never seen such a thing. Originally, archaeology is a chore. Now it is becoming enjoyable. Is there really any mountain god?

This kind of thought came out like a wild grass, and there were really a lot of employees who chanted a few words before the work.


When Lu Henian sent Yunrong, he drove straight home. Since Yunrong had painted him a shackle on his arm, his suffocation had not leaked out and had no effect on his family.

In the past, he was afraid of affecting the health of his family. He spent most of his time living in a house outside. Now he has such an opportunity. He also wants to spend more time with his family.

When he walked into the living room, he saw Jiang Shuhua just coming out of the kitchen with a glass of water in his hand and saw him coming in. It was obviously bright.

"The Year of the Crane is back." Jiang Shuhua walked two steps forward and smiled and said: "My stomach is suddenly a little hungry, so come out and find some food... How come you are so late today?"

To say that Lu Heinian will still believe that if you want to say something to eat, it is obviously a fake. Jiang Shuhua never eats after dinner. He must be waiting for him downstairs.

Lu Henian did not break, he should have a voice: "The company is busy."

"What about the company?" Jiang Shuhua frowned and frowned. Jiang Yan’s kid came back not to say that, subconsciously asked: "Are you not going out with Yunrong?"

"Who did you listen to?" Lu Henian poured a glass of ice water and drank it. He pulled the tie and said: "Jiang Yan said? Mom, Jiang Yan came to the company today to find Yunrong. Is it arranged by you?"

Directly said by his own son, Jiang Shuhua did not pretend, smiled and said: "I am not here for you? You told the mother, do you like Yunrong little girl."

Lu Henian looked helplessly at his mother. If he was someone else, he would have been angry. However, Jiang Shuhua was his mother. He was patient and said: "Mom, don't worry about this."

"What do you want me to do, you are my son!" Jiang Shuhua said that he was not happy. He went to the sofa and sat down and said, "You said that you are almost thirty, still a person, Mom usually looks more uncomfortable. ?"

She turned her back to Lu Henian, and her voice was a little trembling. It was obviously sad.

This has always been the heart disease of Jiang Shuhua. Lu Henian knows that his mother had been born for nine years, and he has been worried about his life for so many years. He always has a flaw in his heart.

Lu Henian went to Jiang Shuhua and squatted down and said: "Mom, I know this thing clearly. Now my life is still not solved. I have thoughts about these things. If the matter of life is solved, I will definitely Yunrong said."

If it can't be solved, then his life is gone, what else? Show that the mind has left again, and the little girl is sad? However, these words Lu Heinian did not say.

"But your life is..." Jiang Shuhua still wants to say it again.

Lu Henian interrupted her words: "The matter of life has already been eye-catching. Yunrong has re-painted me with a singer. It is more useful than Mr. Zhang’s jade card. I have almost no suffocation in my body. After waiting for a while, The matter of life may be solved."

"Mom, don't worry about me!"

“Really?” Jiang Shuhua said with amazement. She carefully looked at her son. Although this kind of thing is invisible to ordinary people, she obviously feels that Lu Henian is different. When she used the jade card to cover her anger, she and her son left. Closer, obviously feels poor breathing, but now they are so close, they do not feel uncomfortable.

No need to answer Lu Henian, she already believed.

Jiang Shuhua immediately rose up and reached out and carefully touched his son's angular facial features. He smiled and said: "This is good. This is good. I said to you, you will be better for the little girl in the future. Since you like people, you must In the end, Yun Yun is young and inevitably childish. Do you want to spoil her and let her know?"

"Yeah." Lu Henian seriously responded. "Okay, Mom, it's not early, go to bed early."

When Jiang Shuhua put down a heart, she began to get sleepy. At this time, she had already slept. When she heard Lu Henian’s words, she nodded and went upstairs.

When he reached the stairs, Lu Henian called her. "Mom, you let Jiang Yan help, what good is that kid?"

Do you still know your own son? When Jiang Shuhua heard this, he knew that his son was angry. He quickly said: "There is nothing. This is the matter of me and Jiang Yan. You should not care, you are tired, take a rest early."

"I have a relationship with me in the end, or let me say it." Lu Henian continued.

Jiang Shuhua was right, and thought: "I promised the kid, and advised your cousin, don't let him enter the company so early, he still wants to play for a few more years."

When she finished, she glanced at her son. She looked faint, could not see any emotions, and felt that her heart was not practical. She advised: "Heyen, this is what I asked Jiang Yan to help. Don't blame him."

"Mom, you can rest assured that I am usually strict with him, but they are all good for him." Lu Henian nodded.

Looking at Jiang Shuhua disappeared at the end of the corridor, he bent his lips and pointed a sneer, Jiang Yan this kid, dead!

How many words have been said in the afternoon this afternoon, and it is impossible to say no less.

Jiang Jia, who had just showered from the bathroom with a one-handed shower, took a nap. He touched his neck and touched the wound that was bitten by the mirror demon. He was sore and grinned. He snorted: "It won't be a cold shower. How suddenly is it so cold?"

After that, he quickly climbed into the bed and took out the safety symbol under the pillow to wear it, only to feel relieved.


I thought that the people in the special office of the Beijing City would come in a few days. I didn't expect to come over the next afternoon. There were only two people, one man and one woman. The man named Wu Xuangang and the woman called Dianxiang, Wanbo immediately notified. Yunrong.

When Yunrong and Lu Henian went to the special office, everyone had already discussed it for a while. They agreed that the quicker the solution should be, the better. After all, He Bo is now a cult, and the swallowing of the human race is progressing quickly, if he eats again. A few, it is even more difficult to deal with.

Seeing Yunrong coming in, Wan Bo slightly respectfully said: "The predecessors of the cloud, these two are colleagues in the capital. We just discussed it and prepared to go to the Surrey River tonight. I don't know what the seniors think?"

"I don't have any opinions. When are you going to act at night?" Yunrong nodded and asked.

Wanbo replied: "In order not to affect the residents near the Suri River, we are going to start at 12 o'clock in the evening. It is a new moon tonight. Basically, we can't see the moonlight. It is the weakest time of the aura. When we open the enchantment, Try to minimize the impact."

Yunrong just wanted to ask if the enchantment should help him. He was thin and tall, wearing a half-old T-shirt jeans, and a young man with a green hair said: "I will be responsible for the enchantment. You can rest assured that the enchantment of Wu Xuan just complemented the cloth, will not let ordinary people see the movement inside.

After all, it was a colleague from the capital city. At first glance, it was a powerful demon. Wanbo quickly said: "This time I would like to thank the seniors of Wu for their help. With the predecessors of Wu, we will have more confidence in the battle tonight."

Wanbo’s words obviously have the meaning of flattering, but this Wu Xuangang is obviously a boastful one. When he hears it, he is proud to say: “You can talk, for the sake of your maritime market, I was originally on vacation in Europe, and I came back specially. The special tone of your maritime market is too bad. Just like the soft-shrimp, you want to play with He Bo. If you don't have me and dyed the incense, it is almost the same to send a snack to He Bo."

When Wu Xuangang’s words came out, Qiu Dongming immediately showed up, and Xiaoxiao was also bungee jumping, but he still took him to death. Wanbo glanced behind him and was careful to accompany him: “This is really troublesome. Seniors."

Wu Xuangang obviously did not vent enough, and turned his gaze to the cloudlessness that did not speak. He looked at it with a scornful look: "I am weak, and the helpers are all yellow-haired gimmicks, but also seniors, do not know if there is any This ability can bear the words of the predecessors, and I am not afraid that the wind will flash my tongue."

Just after Yunrong came in, he began to pay attention to it. I saw that there was no enchantment on her body. I couldn’t see it when I was repaired. It’s just a small gimmick who just got started.

When Wu Xuangang’s words were spoken, Yunrong did not respond. Lu’s face sank suddenly and went to the front of Yunrong, blocking the little girl behind him. He said: “Please talk and respect!”

"Where do I talk and disrespect?" When I saw Lu Henian, Wu Xuangang smiled even more smugly, and said with a swearing voice: "You are a human race, and you don't look at yourself for the sake of being strong. It's the first time." See you, don't you know, you haven't lived many days?"

Yunrong was not prepared to compare with this big king. Since she came down from Danqiu Mountain, she has never seen such a deep demon, and it has been transformed into a human form for at least a thousand years. This maritime accident is also considered to be her site. However, this Wang Ba is to help, but it is a playful look, for the sake of helping, she wants to bear it.

What's more, she is a mountain ghost of four thousand years, and it is not necessary to care about a thousand-year-old nephew.

However, Wu Xuangang even Lu Junnian has been smashed, and the embarrassment is still a fate. The fate of the life is originally destined. It is not a bright and open behavior to attack a human race with a fate, not to mention Lu Henian is her boss.

I don't know why, Yunrong's heart raised an inexplicable anger. She grabbed Lu's hand and pulled him behind her. She calmly said: "How powerful and arrogant the sacred martial arts was, to guard the north with one's own strength. I didn’t expect to be a district for thousands of years. His apprentice is a demon who is higher than the top. If he knows, he will not know if he will be mad at you!"

Lu Henian glanced at the back of the little girl, her ears were all maintained, and suddenly her heart was sweet, so a good girl, how can he let go?

"How do you know that I am..." Upon hearing this, Wu Xuangang immediately showed a panic, and Tiandao was cruel to the Yaozu. In the past few years, he has been a high-level demon, and he is like a demon who has practiced for thousands of years. There are not many countries in the country. If you are lower than him, you can't see his body. There are not many who are taller than him. How can this little girl see his body?

"How do you see that you are a thousand years old king?" Yunrong intimately helped him to fill the sentence, and he said: "Which demon thinks you like a green hair? It is difficult to see others."

Yunrong’s voice just fell, and the glamorous woman wearing a bright yellow waist-waist skirt stood on her side and suddenly burst into laughter. She looked at Wu Xuangang’s eyes and snorted: “I don’t know if there are people outside. There are mountains outside? The situation is not clear, the tail is upturned, know, you know that you are Wang Ba, do not know, I thought you are a dog!"

"You!" Wu Xuangang listened, his face was red, and he looked at the woman with a grin. "I dyed the fragrance, do you want to fight? We are colleagues, do you help an outsider?"

"We are here to work. I don't have time to fight with you. Besides, have you beat me?" Dyeing picked up his eyebrows and did not put Wu Xuangang in his eyes. He nodded to Yunrong and said: "You Ok, I am dyed."

"Hello, my name is Yunrong." Yun Rong is a polite mountain ghost, and immediately greets him with anger.

Dyed coldly and looked at Yunrong: "I think you are a powerful character."

The author has something to say: Today is the New Year's Eve, the girl wishes every little cute new year, good luck, good family, and safe!

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