MTL - Who Doesn’t Like a Sweet Little Alpha?-Chapter 8

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In the carriage, the pheromones of chestnuts and coconut fragrance are mixed together, lingering and touching people's hearts.

Su Qian tilted his head and looked at the young man.

His lips parted slightly, asking him what, but he only noticed that his lips were full of moist luster, revealing a slightly gorgeous red.

Su Qian never thought that one day he would look at an Alpha like this, his throat tightened, and he felt a little thirsty.

"Mr. Su?"

Seeing that he didn't speak, Su Yuzhou couldn't help but look at him, and Su Qian had withdrawn his gaze and lowered his head to organize his clothes.

Su Yuzhou watched him put on his belt calmly, thinking about what just happened, he couldn't help but blushed again, and turned his face away again.

"Su Qian."

At this moment, he heard a man's voice.

Su Yuzhou blinked and realized that this was his name.

"A modest gentleman?"


Su Qian.

Su Yuzhou chewed on the name, feeling very out of line with its owner.

Although he didn't have much verbal communication with Su Qian, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't think Su Qian would be a humble and polite gentleman.


It's strange, they've done such an intimate thing, had such a deep exchange, and he just now knows his name.

Did he really do such an unreliable thing?

Su Yuzhou frowned slightly, thinking of the passion period again.

Yes, it must be related to this.

He still clearly remembered that he just rushed towards the man uncontrollably... This was absolutely unimaginable for him in the past, and in just two or three days, he Have done it twice.

It's like taking some kind of legendary medicine.

What's more scary is that you can remember all the details afterwards.

Although he has been in this ABO world for 18 years, but because the concept of his previous life has been deeply influenced, Su Yuzhou has never understood such a thing as a passionate period.

As a wise and thoughtful human being, how can he be completely controlled by his own body's desires and desires, and become like a beast?

And now, he finally understands how naive he was in the past, and why adults are so nervous.

But... regret?

He glanced at Su Qian, but he didn't feel it. Even at this moment, he felt very happy and comfortable when he felt the pheromone entangled between the two.

But if you want to keep going…

"You have to give me a reason, Su Qian."

Su Yuzhou said seriously.

"Why do you want to continue... this relationship? Are you trying to support me?"

Speaking of the last sentence, his brow furrowed.

This is not in Su Yuzhou's life plan.

He admitted that the man beside him was very attractive in his eyes, and he also had a little fondness for him—yes, he didn't find him disgusting, on the contrary, he was a little moved.

Speaking of which, isn't it a bit humiliating to be bought off by a dinner and an ointment? But... they did show up when he needed it most.

Also, Su Qian did not force him.

This man is so good! Su Yuzhou felt as if he had fallen into his routine.

"Tell you it's okay too... Because of the long-term use of the inhibitor, I developed resistance to the inhibitor, and the **** period became very disordered."

Su Qian's voice rang.

Hearing that he really started to explain to him, Su Yuzhou quickly calmed down, looked at him, and listened intently.

Generally speaking, the **** period does not come until adulthood, and it occurs about once a year. The cycle may not be stable at the beginning, but it will return to normal after two or three years.

Su Qian has been using inhibitors since he was an adult. Since the first injection, the effect is powerful, and he will never let **** affect him.

It's the same abuse of inhibitors, which led to his current situation.

"Before I went out that day, I actually injected the inhibitor in advance."

Su Qian said, "But at night, when I was stimulated by Alpha's pheromone, I still had a passion attack."

Su Yuzhou remembered the scene of the party that day. He saw Su Qian talking with a few tall men upstairs, and at a glance he knew it was Alpha.

So after the attack later, he ran into the elevator anxiously, but he was unlucky to chase in?

Probably seeing what he was thinking, Su Qian also added: "I have ordered a general set on the top floor, there is a dedicated elevator that can go directly, and that elevator also needs to be swiped to enter."

Su Yuzhou's eyes dodged.

Speaking of which, I really can't blame Su Qian for what happened that night. He protected himself very well... If it wasn't for him...

"I don't know..."

He still felt aggrieved, "I just wanted to remind you that something fell into the hospital..."

Su Qian looked at him with a bit of novelty in his eyes.

It can be said that none of the Alphas he met since he was a child are not big Aists. They are proud, strong, and arrogant. A sense of superiority.

Su Qian reached out his hand hesitantly and gently rubbed the top of the youth's hair.

The thick and soft hair is really comfortable to touch, and the young man didn't dodge immediately, but raised his eyes slightly and looked at him with a pair of dog eyes.

Gentle, clear and without the slightest aggression.

Let him not consciously put away the thorns erected on his body.

Su Qian withdrew his hand and said in a low voice, "The pendant has already been brought back for me, thank you."

Su Yuzhou was suddenly happy.

He thought for a while and said, "Your **** period is disordered and you are resistant to inhibitors, so you need me?"

He recalled what the man had just said—try to see if it could suppress the **** period the way that night.

And the result is positive.

He didn't mark Su Qian, but their passion was suppressed - in fact, he didn't know how to mark it, and he couldn't even control his own pheromones.

"Yes." Su Qian did not deny it.

Su Yuzhou looked at him hesitantly and said, "If so, you might as well find an Alpha to temporarily mark it."

The omega is not the same as the alpha. The omega in the **** phase can be relieved by injecting inhibitors and accepting markers.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the peaceful man in front of him, his face suddenly cold.

"I cannot accept being flagged by anyone, alpha or beta."

His eyes were cold and proud.

"I, Su Qian, will not become anyone's vassal or property!"

Alpha and beta can inject pheromones into omega's glands for temporary marking. After being injected with pheromone, omega will develop emotions such as dependence, nostalgia, and even obedience to the owner of the pheromone.

Although the degree is lower than the complete mark, this is something Su Qian can't bear.

Su Yuzhou looked at Su Qian, and was fascinated for a while.

At this time, Su Qian continued, "In one month, I will have a gland removal surgery."

"I need you for this month."

His **** period has been completely disrupted, and even if he is on an inhibitor, it may happen anytime, anywhere.

During this period, he can also lock himself up, but that is too passive, who knows if there will be any accidents? When **** strikes, he has no way to resist.

And now, he has a better choice.

The two of them have just tried it, and it does work.

"If you're willing to help me, I won't treat you badly. You can raise any conditions, as long as I can do it."

Su Qian said in a low voice, with a feeling of business.

Su Yuzhou looked at him in surprise, "Glandectomy surgery? Wouldn't that be very harmful to the body?"

Su Qian glanced at him lightly.

"This is not something you need to consider," he said, "I have told you the reason, and you should give me an answer."

Su Yuzhou pouted, but calmed down, frowning and thinking, as if thinking about a huge problem.

This is a real problem.

Su Qian did not rush and waited patiently.

Finally, Su Yuzhou said, "I can promise you, but you have to listen to me."

Su Qian frowned.

Knowing that he was going to refuse, Su Yuzhou said: "You just said that I can make any conditions."

"I can provide you with some financial assistance."

Su Qian's complexion just softened, and it became cold again, as if a defense mechanism had been triggered.

"No alpha can order me, not even you."

Su Yuzhou blinked, order? is it so serious?

He looked at Su Qian, from just now, no, from the first meeting, he could feel that Su Qian had a strong hostility towards alpha.

He doesn't know what he's been through and can't empathize with it, but...

"I didn't mean to order you."

Su Yuzhou thought for a while, then put it another way, "Or, my condition is... you have to promise me ten, no, twenty demands."

Su Qian opened his eyes slightly, with a rare expression of disbelief on his face, "You are too greedy, alpha."



"Three, no more." The man showed the face of a capitalist, tough and authentic.

Su Yuzhou frowned, "Mr. Su, please clarify, now you are asking me."

Su Qian did not give in.

"If I remember correctly, you came to me today."

Su Yuzhou choked, yes, he did come to him today and got into the car with him...

He pursed his lips.

Just when Su Qian thought he was determined to win, he heard the young man say, "Forget it, I'm going back."

Then, he opened the door directly.

Su Qian frowned deeply, but did not stop.

He felt that the youth was playing hard to catch, and it was too immature to use such tricks on him.

However, after the young man got out of the car, he waved at him, and turned around and entered the hotel without hesitation.

Su Qian kept staring at him, but only saw his brisk footsteps and his back without looking back disappear into the revolving door of the hotel.

Su Yuzhou really felt very relaxed.

He is not short of money and needs to sell himself. Although he has a good impression of Su Qian, this kind of thing is very fragile, like a bubble, it may disappear with a poke.

If Su Qian always had this attitude, he wouldn't be a tool for him, anyway, the technology is average...

Thinking of this, Su Yuzhou walked faster.

As soon as he returned to his room, he went into the bathroom again to take a shower, washed the remaining traces, and then applied the medicine again.

It used to be all right, but now it starts to hurt again.

Compared to him, his body is white and pure, if not for the chestnut scent that does not belong to him, I really can't tell what happened to him just now—

They never kissed or planted strawberries.

The first mess was fine, but not this time.

So Su Yuzhou can be sure that Su Qian really only regards him as a tool to relieve lust, thinking of this, he can't help but curl his lips.

Well, he is so rich, he can find someone else.

“Ding Dong—”

Su Yuzhou just came out of the bathroom when he heard the doorbell ring.

Did the waiter bring the lunch?

He walked over and opened the door, but he didn't expect that the person standing outside the door was Su Qian.

The man glanced at him, then stopped, and said in a low voice with a bit of domineering: "Pack your luggage and follow me."

Su Yuzhou did not move.

Although Su Qian didn't turn his head away, he kept paying attention to him from the corner of his eyes. Not only did he not respond, but he seemed to want to close the door, so he had to look at him and said awkwardly:

"I agree to your unreasonable condition, alpha."

"Twenty requirements, I promise you, but these requirements must not violate my principles and bottom line."

Su Yuzhou looked at him, grinned slightly, revealing a small tiger tooth.


"The first request, don't call me alpha again, call me Su Yuzhou."

Read The Duke's Passion