MTL - Who Doesn’t Like a Sweet Little Alpha?-Chapter 74

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In the dressing room, the space is small, and the aroma of chestnut and coconut is intertwined.

Su Qian looked down at Su Yuzhou and said softly:

"I said,? You are different."

Smell the chestnut scent on his body deeply, Su Yuzhou felt an unprecedented satisfaction.

“Brother Su…”


"It's nice of you to come and see me."

Su Qian listened to his voice, only felt numbness in his heart, it was the joy of his longing finally being satisfied, but at the same time, another kind of dissatisfaction arose.

"Zhou Zhou,? Do you want to see me?"

He rubbed the young man's hair lightly, then was avoided by Su Yuzhou.

He was stunned for a moment, but he heard the young man say: "I'm sweating all over..."

When he returned to the dormitory after military training in the morning, he just took a shower and did not wash his hair.

Having known that Su Qian was coming to see him, he washed himself and put on the camouflage clothes he washed and dried yesterday.

Mr. Su couldn't help but laugh.

He hugged Su Yuzhou tightly again, and said in a low voice, "I don't dislike it."

Then, he pressed him against the door of the locker room and held his face. With Su Yuzhou's stunned eyes, he lowered his head to hold his lips and kissed him deeply.

Su Yuzhou put his hands on the man's shoulders, he wanted to push back, because he had already made a decision, and he would not do anything too intimate with him until the relationship was confirmed.


He misses Su Qian so much.

This week of military training made him finally understand.

Even if he wasn't in the heat, even if he wasn't affected by the pheromone, he...liked him.

God knows how much he wanted to rush to the stage and give him a hug when he saw him appear on the podium, and when he knew that he really tried to see him, His mood had already taken off.

Su Qian...I like him.

Why else do these things? Why do you want to help him out? Why... kiss him?

In the dressing room, there was an ambiguous tut.

Su Qian's hands were walking in the summer light camouflage clothes, the soft clothes were rubbed and deformed, and some could not cover the fair skin underneath.

“Brother Su…”

The youth's soft and soft voice sounded, with a hint of resistance.

Su Qian returned to his senses and finally let go of his lips.

"I have to return to the team after a while..." Su Yuzhou said reluctantly.

"Well." Su Qian pecked the tip of his nose, "Are you tired of military training?"

"Tired." Su Yuzhou leaned against his arms, "I can only survive by thinking of you."

Su Qian's heart swayed.

He hugged the young man tightly again, "I stay for another week, and it will be fine in a week."

Su Yuzhou hummed, then asked Snowflake Cake and its babies, "Are the kittens all right?"

"All healthy."

Su Qian said something, then held up Su Yuzhou's face, and said with pity, "You've lost weight."

Su Yuzhou couldn't help laughing.

"It's only been a week, how can it be so exaggerated? I feel a little firmer and tanned."

Su Qian raised his eyebrows, "Really?"

Obviously he didn't say anything or move, Su Yuzhou couldn't help but redden his ears.

He pursed his lips and whispered: "Go back and show you..."

Su Qian smiled softly, her deep black eyes were bright, with a gentle light.

He responded, and at this time, there was a knock on the door outside the locker room.

"Su, it's me."

Assistant Lin's voice sounded, Su Yuzhou couldn't help being surprised, but Su Qian was very calm.

He pulled Su Yuzhou aside, opened the door, and did not let Assistant Lin see inside, "President Su, your clothes."

Only then did Su Yuzhou realize that Su Qian's suit jacket, where the back and the sleeves were connected, had been torn apart. It should have been caused by a fight with Jian Baichuan just now on the podium.

Su Qian took the clothes handed by Assistant Lin and closed the door.

He hung his clothes on the hooks on the wall, glanced at Su Yuzhou, thought about it, opened his arms and said, "Help me."

Su Yuzhou blinked, realized what he was saying, nodded quickly, then stepped forward and helped him take off his suit jacket.

"Shirts too."

Su Yuzhou couldn't help raising his eyes, looking into the man's dark eyes, and finally reached out and started to help him unbutton his shirt.

"Brother Su." He lowered his eyes to help him unbutton, and said, "Have you figured it out?"

Su Qian had a meal.

He always felt that it was clear between them, but Su Yuzhou didn't seem to think so.

He pursed his lips, and finally gave a vague hum.

The atmosphere at the moment is very good, and he doesn't want the two of them to be unhappy because of this problem during this short time together.

Su Yuzhou couldn't help but be overjoyed, untied his last button, then put his arms around his neck, and said with a smile: "Really?"

Looking at his bright smile, Su Qian only hoped to have it forever, he nodded again.

Su Yuzhou smiled even more happily.

"Then you have nothing to say to me?"

The youth's eyes were full of anticipation, and Su Qian...he was a little stiff.

He wants to ask, what do you want to hear?

But some intuition told him that it was better not to ask.

Finally, Su Qian chose…

He lowered his head and kissed, blocking Su Yuzhou's lips, replacing words with actions.

In the small locker room, the two of them kissed fiercely, the man in half torn clothes kissed the young man in camouflage, completely forgetting himself.

The scent of chestnuts and coconuts resonated in the dressing room.

Just when Su Qian wanted to go further, Assistant Lin knocked on the door again.

"Su, are you okay? The school leader just called and said they want to meet you."

He stayed inside for too long, and Assistant Lin finally urged him to confirm his condition.

After all, he just had a fight with an excellent A, and I don't know if he suffered any secret injuries.

As soon as he was interrupted by his voice, in the dressing room, the two reluctantly parted.

Su Yuzhou watched Su Qian take off his shirt.

The man's perfect and strong body is particularly charming under the light, he only feels itchy, but this time and place are really out of place.

Su Qian responded to Assistant Lin. After taking off his shirt, he put on a new shirt and coat for himself, while tying his cufflinks, he turned his head to look at Su Yuzhou.

Su Yuzhou has already stepped forward to help him tie the buttons on the other side.

Su Qian's expression softened again, and his eyes were full of reluctance.

"I'm leaving first."

He kissed the young man's forehead, "You can go out after I leave."


Su Yuzhou looked at him with attachment, "Thank you for visiting me, I am very happy."

Although I still can't finish my words, but since we are sure of each other's feelings, it is the same after military training.

The eyes of the two were glued together again, and they all knew that this time they were separated, and they would not see each other again for a week.

But, in the end, they have to be separated.

Su Yuzhou left the team secretly. If he left for too long, the instructor would definitely come to find someone after he found out.

Su Qian also knows this clearly.

He always insisted on the idea of ​​not disturbing Su Yuzhou's training, otherwise he would not have come in to see him in this way.

"I'm leaving, train well, call me when the military training is over."

Finally, Su Qian left first.

Su Yuzhou was waiting in the locker room.

He listened to Su Qian talking to Assistant Lin, and then the two left the room, until there was no movement outside, he packed his clothes and went out.

When he arrived outside the venue, the instructor was still counting the number of people. Besides him, there were two other students who didn't come back.

The instructor asked him where he went and if he saw the other two classmates. After getting the answer, he let him return to the team.

Back to the team, the Alphas around were still discussing the AO challenge just now. Although Jian Baichuan lost, they felt that Jian Baichuan was not wronged.

Su Qian really deserves to be the strongest Omega, he is so strong, he is so good at fighting!

I don’t know what kind of Alpha such an Omega will end up with?

"I think he might like Omega," said Alpha.

"Two Omegas? Are you kidding me?"

"AA love is very popular in foreign countries recently. Although OO is relatively rare, it may not be absent."

"Fuck, you are so serious! Get away from me, I'm not interested in Alpha!"

They were fighting, but Su Yuzhou didn't listen at all, he was still thinking about the meeting with Su Qian just now.

I don't know if it's because we've been separated for too long, but he thinks that this time, Mr. Su looks good again...

At this moment, Zhou Yan next to him approached suspiciously and sniffed at Su Yuzhou.

Su Yuzhou hurriedly took a step aside, "What are you doing?"

Zhou Yan glanced at him, suddenly hooked his neck with a smirk, and lowered his voice: "Ayu, did you just run to see Omega?"

Su Yuzhou was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head quickly, and smelled it on his body, the faint chestnut fragrance, which could not be smelled unless he got close.

Zhou Yan saw through his expression and said, "Okay, I didn't expect you to have an o so soon! Which department?

"It's not what you think..." Su Yuzhou scratched his hair, "He's not big."

Zhou Yan looked at him. Although he was puzzled, he didn't ask the bottom line. He just laughed twice and teased, "boyfriend or girlfriend?"

Su Yuzhou remembered what Su Qian said to him in the locker room, he said he figured it out...

He smiled and said a little embarrassedly: "Boyfriend."

Zhou Yan let out a wow, nodding and said, "So, Ayu, you are a male aesthetic. I prefer female Omegas, and I feel like they are just like angels!"

"I just don't know, can I find my dream O in the future?" He looked at Su Yuzhou with some envy, "You are very lucky to find it so quickly."

Su Yuzhou scratched his hair again and said with a smile, "Well, I'm really lucky."

Zhou Yan looked at him, feeling inexplicably being stuffed with dog food.

"Your boyfriend is not a big S, how did he get in?" He said strangely.

Su Yuzhou said vaguely: "He works at Su's."

No matter what anyone thinks, they will never think of Su Qian, and Zhou Yan is no exception.

"Oh, so it is! That's great too, it's the Chinese Valentine's Day today! Did he come to see you specifically? Damn, Su Yuzhou, you are too happy!"

Su Yuzhou spent the whole afternoon in Zhou Yan's thoughts.

In order to make up for Zhou Yan's wounded single dog, Su Yuzhou finally said generously that he could share his snacks with him.

So after dinner, Zhou Yan followed Su Yuzhou to You A's dormitory, and then...

"You are Su Yuzhou on the seventh floor, right?" The dormitory aunt handed him a large bag and a bunch of roses.

Su Yuzhou's heart moved, and after taking it, he picked up the note on the flower curiously and looked at it.

【Zhou Zhou, happy Qixi Festival. 】

Although there was no signature, Su Yuzhou recognized Su Qian's handwriting, he couldn't help grinning, and smiled sweetly.

Zhou Yan next to him widened his eyes and asked, "Who gave this? Could it be..."

Su Yuzhou smelled the fragrance of roses, then nodded and said with a smile: "Well, my boyfriend gave it."

Zhou Yan: "…"

The author has something to say: Momoda~ There is still half of the next 5k nutrient solution addition~