MTL - Who Doesn’t Like a Sweet Little Alpha?-Chapter 66

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Su Yuzhou returned to the dormitory building? This time, he brought a map. He did not get lost in the unfamiliar campus, but found the place smoothly.

The energetic and emotional young Alpha, did not choose to take the elevator, but ran up to the seventh floor in one breath, in order to vent his inner agitation.

Recalling the scene of walking with Mr. Su on the campus just now, and the words he said, his heart was sweet, and his face became hot.

After the military training, they…

Should have a good result? Su Yuzhou ran up to the seventh floor and found that not only did he not calm down, but he became even more excited.

But instead of running up the stairs stupidly, he ran back to the dormitory to check what Mr. Su brought him.

The lights in the dormitory were not turned on, and everything was the same as before he left.

"Is it really said by my sister?"

Su Yuzhou looked at the empty bed on the opposite side, and couldn't help but muttered, then he looked back at the things on the table without paying much attention.

He first took a look at the two plastic bags Su Qian had just mentioned, and found that there were actually bags of snacks, including potato chips, seaweed, spicy strips, chicken wings...

Two bags full of snacks? Su Yuzhou's eyes lit up.

Then,? He looked at the square box again.

In fact, he had already vaguely guessed what was inside, but when he took it apart, Su Yuzhou couldn't help cheering when he saw the chestnut cake with a faint fragrance.

He picked up the fork and took a sip, just about to put it in his mouth, paused, or took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the chestnut cake.

Next, sent it to Mr. Su.

He was probably driving, so he didn't get back right away.

Su Yuzhou put away his phone and happily ate his chestnut cake.

The soft texture of the cake, the sweet and glutinous taste of chestnuts, there is almost no place that doesn't jump on his taste buds, it's delicious to explode!

He was even thinking, fortunately his roommate didn't come, otherwise he wouldn't be able to enjoy this meal alone.

After eating, he took a picture of the naked cake box and sent it to Mr. Su.

This time, Mr. Su replied to him.

Brother Su: [Go to rest early. 】

Su Yuzhou: [Are you here? 】

Brother Su: [Not yet, waiting for the red light, go to sleep first. 】

Su Yuzhou: [Then send me a message when you arrive, otherwise I will not sleep well]

Brother Su: [Good. 】

Su Yuzhou put down his mobile phone and went to wash his clothes.

You A's exclusive double room dormitory is indeed much better than the ordinary dormitory, not only has a washing machine, but also a separate toilet and bathroom.

The balcony is also very spacious, which is more than enough for two people.

After taking a shower, drying her hair and laying on the bed, Su Yuzhou picked up the phone and glanced at it, and found that Mr. Su hadn't replied to him yet.

He lay on the bed and checked his mobile phone. Slowly, his consciousness became more and more confused. It seemed that he finally saw his reply, and he closed his eyes and fell asleep in peace.

This night, Su Yuzhou finally slept peacefully, and seemed to have dreamed of something wonderful. When he woke up in the morning, he was still immersed in that pleasant emotion.

Thinking of something, he quickly picked up his phone and glanced at it, making sure that Mr. Su did reply to his message last night, and then got up to wash.

The sky outside is not yet fully bright, but there is only half an hour left until the time of the meeting was notified yesterday.

Su Yuzhou sent a message to Su Qian, and then quickly packed up. It only took ten minutes to get everything ready and go out on time.

Preferential treatment students can live in deluxe double rooms, but there is a disadvantage - that is, it is too far from the big playground.

Su Yuzhou knew that the journey was long and did not dare to delay. He quickly ran to the big playground, and finally found his class in the crowd of people—

This is thanks to the fact that when I was lining up for the military uniform yesterday, I met my classmates and left each other contact information, otherwise he might not be able to find his team.

"He is Su Yuzhou? It doesn't look anything special."

"I think it's almost as good as calling him a god."

The big playground was bustling with people's voices, basically Alpha and Beta.

As for the precious and weak Omega, because they can apply for exemption from training, not many participated in military training, so they were all included in the same team.

The ABs who were still discussing Omega turned their attention away when Su Yuzhou arrived.

It is well known that good alphas are rare.

Almost every person who is judged to be excellent A is a dragon and a phoenix, and in the end, they will definitely shine in their respective fields of expertise and make a lot of difference.

And from the beginning of university, excellent A will enjoy a certain resource tilt, which makes ordinary AB envy.

Su Yuzhou calmly accepted everyone's attention and walked towards his team. As soon as he approached, Alpha who was standing at the front took the initiative to give up his position.

He paused and did not refuse.

The young man was wearing a camouflage uniform and a military cap on his head. He looked energetic and erect, but his temperament was a little different from other Alphas.

Gentle, calm, yet youthful.

Omega's company was not far from here, and Xiao O soon noticed him.

"That's the computer department, right?"

"Yes, it seems that Su Yuzhou and Jian Baichuan are both in the computer department. The one standing at the front is Su Yuzhou? He looks so handsome!"

"Who are Su Yuzhou and Jian Baichuan?"

"You don't know this? The top1 and top2 of our batch of freshmen this year, they are still excellent A!"

Omegas gathered together and whispered, and after someone said such exciting news, many people looked at the computer department.

"Wow! Really? We have two excellent A's in the same class?"

Generally speaking, it’s good to have one high-quality Alpha in each grade. I didn’t expect that two of the freshmen of S University were recruited!

And it's all computer science!

The great **** in the computer field, I feel so good hearing this!

The Omegas couldn't help but get excited.

At this time, a petite-looking girl with a sweet and lovely smile said: "Of course it is true!"

"Su Yuzhou is the school draft of our S City No. 1 Middle School. His grades could have gone to Z University. I don't know why he chose S University in the end."

"S is also very good! The top three in the country, the computer department is still famous than Z."

"He looks really handsome, and he has a good temper when he looks at him. He is not as fierce as other Alphas. I like it very much!"

"What does his pheromone taste like?"

"You go to school with him, do you know what type of Omega he likes? Male or female? What kind of pheromone does he like?"

The girl who just spoke was surrounded by her companions.

Although Su Yuzhou felt the strong gaze over there, he didn't think much about it, but overheard another excellent A's message.

Jian Baichuan…

This should be his roommate who hasn't shown up for a long time, right?

Next, finally assembled.

According to the management regulations, all students will hand in their mobile phones, which will be temporarily kept by the counselor, and will be returned to the students after the military training is over.

Next, listening to the principal's speech, listening to the instructor's speech, as well as the speech of the person who is not quite clear, the general mobilization of the freshman before the military training.

Su Yuzhou listened patiently, and slowly became distracted.

The sun is gradually rising in summer and the sun is getting brighter.

He looked at the bright blue sky and white clouds, but what he thought was - is Su Qian going to work now?

Mr. Su has already arrived at the company.

In fact, for the next half month, he may spend every day in overtime.


The feeling of being alone at home is too hard. Although he is accompanied by a cat, he still misses his little Alpha more.

You Qi came back from running in the morning and saw the message he sent.

In addition to "Good Morning", it is a selfie.

The young man in the photo is wearing pajamas, and his short light chestnut hair is fluffy and messy.

The moment he saw the photo, he seemed to be back to last night, Su Yuzhou went back and forth, tiptoed and kissed him on the mouth, and smiled brightly at him with the same grin And cute.

Mr. Su suddenly felt that his heart was about to melt.

He casually saved the photo, hesitated for a while, and set it as a mobile screen saver.

Assistant Lin and Lao Xu came to pick him up, they could feel the joyful mood of President Su today.

Lao Xu was very surprised.

Did President Su and Mr. Su reconcile?

Su Qian quickly restrained his expression, although he felt very sweet to receive Zhouzhou's selfie in the morning, but he did not forget, next, Zhouzhou's mobile phone will be handed in .

The thought of not seeing him for half a month made him gloomy again.

Assistant Lin just felt inexplicable, thinking that Mr. Su asked him to inquire about the situation again, he was one big and two big.

This time, he really doesn't have much information to say.

He reported to Su Qian about today's itinerary, and then mentioned his business trip next week.

Su Qian nodded and said he knew, after all, Su Yuzhou's military training would last for two weeks, and it made no difference where he spent it.

There was some traffic jam on the road today, Assistant Lin finished reporting the work, and their car has not yet arrived at the company.

Thinking of something, Su Qian took out his mobile phone and clicked on the game APP that he had forgotten to click after he downloaded it.

This is a casual game designed by Su Yuzhou.

I have to say, it's quite decompressing to play.

Su Qian played a few games, and when he came back to his senses, he had already arrived at the company.

When he returned to the president's office, he did not immediately enter the working state, but clicked on the evaluation interface of the game, ready to leave a message for Su Yuzhou, and then he saw...

The first few posts in the message area are all this person's tip.

And this player is very mysterious. Except for casting a dream star every day, he has never left a word.

Su Qian couldn't help but squinted his eyes, quickly exited this interface, turned to his personal background, and started to operate.

In the afternoon, after Mr. Su's lunch break, he habitually opened Su Yuzhou's game platform page, preparing to invest some pocket money for his future grandson-in-law to support his career.

Such a thing, Mr. Su is absolutely not allowed to happen! Xiao Qian managed to find a suitable Alpha, and there must be a happy ending!

So, the old man secretly downloaded the game. He originally wanted to buy a recommendation for Su Yuzhou, but he didn't dare to be too obvious. In the end, he disguised himself as a fan and came to support him every day.

As soon as I opened the interface today, I saw…

[susu]: Reward [Road to the Boat] a fantasy star x100

? ? ?

Who is this grandson? How dare you steal his limelight!

Mr. Su blew his beard and stared, and hit back in a hundred straight hits.

The author has something to say: the grandfather and the grandson fight, and the boat gains

Read The Duke's Passion