MTL - Who Doesn’t Like a Sweet Little Alpha?-Chapter 60

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Su Qian looked down at the young man with a low eyebrow, the light was not turned on in the room, the curtains were drawn, and in the dim vision, he could not see Su Yuzhou's expression clearly at the moment.

But,? He could hear the trembling in the youth's voice.

He pursed his lips, and in the darkness, his expression showed deep pain and struggle.

This month, he is undoubtedly happy, but he has not forgotten all kinds of injustices, all kinds of discrimination and unequal treatment because of Omega's gender in the past 27 years.

He needs to put in much more effort than Alpha in order to be recognized by others.

Because,? He's an Omega.

Su Qian hates his gender, just like those Alphas who are arrogant and take their natural privileges for granted.

In addition to emotions, there are interests.

Because he is an Omega, even though he worked hard to save the company from the brink of bankruptcy, even though he created countless wealth for the Su family.

In the end, it may just be a wedding dress for others.

He couldn't accept such a thing.

So, as long as the Omega glands are removed, others will no longer be able to force him to marry and have children, and he will no longer be affected by any alpha pheromones.

This matter was a decision he made after considering it for a long time? The disorder of the **** period due to the abuse of the inhibitor was just a reason for him to implement it.

He doesn't want to lose all his strength and be slaughtered by others when he is in the **** period.

He can't take it, even...

After removing the Omega glands, he may no longer be able to smell Su Yuzhou's alpha pheromones, and he will no longer be able to smell the coconut fragrance that makes him feel at ease...

Su Qian didn't speak, just stretched out his hands and hugged the young man tightly into his arms.

He sniffed the fragrance of Su Yuzhou deeply, smelled the fragrance of coconut, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

Su Yuzhou was held in his arms by him, he did not hear the man's answer, but he had already sensed his decision from his actions.

Tears flowed out involuntarily.

He bit his lower lip tightly, trying to say something, but nothing came out.

Because he knew it was Su Qian's decision.

With Su Qian's character and style of doing things, he must clearly understand what this decision will cost him, but... he still insists.

He has his own reasons for having to do this, and he must have made this decision after a lot of pain and deliberation for a long time.

He has known about this since a month ago, didn't he? It's just that at that time, he didn't have such deep feelings for Su Qian.

It was only at this time that Su Yuzhou realized that all the sadness he felt because he was leaving here today was nothing at all.

He buried deep in Su Qian's arms, sniffing him, his favorite chestnut fragrance.

In the future, will I never smell again…

Su Qian felt Su Yuzhou's trembling, and also felt the dampness gradually coming from his chest. It was so hot that he couldn't bear it.

He reached out and patted the young man on the back lightly, trying to appease him, but his throat seemed to be choked by something, and he couldn't say anything.

At night, it was silent, and it seemed that something was lurking in the dark, turbulently brewing.

In the end, Su Yuzhou didn't know when he fell asleep. He slept very unsteadily that night.

He started having nightmares again, this time, the people who abandoned him in the dream were no longer his parents in the previous life, but...

Su Yuzhou suddenly opened his eyes.

But he didn't care about the discomfort, and quickly glanced to the side.

The bed next to me was empty.

He reached out and touched, and found that there was no temperature.

Where did Su Qian go? Did he go to the hospital alone for the operation? The young man sat up in a panic, and was about to open the quilt and get out of bed when he saw Su Qian walking out of the bathroom.

Su Yuzhou breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to run towards him, hugging him in shock.

“Brother Su…”

He called him softly, with a strong sense of unease and dependence.

Being hugged by him, Su Qian couldn't help but stop.

"The boat?"

He hugged him back, reached out and rubbed the top of his hair, feeling his unease, and probably understood what he was thinking, Su Qian couldn't help sighing deeply in his heart.

"I thought you left me..."

Su Yuzhou was buried in his arms, just woke up with a hoarse voice, full of sadness and sadness, "I'm afraid..."

Su Qian felt his whole heart twitching.

He could only kiss Su Yuzhou's forehead and whispered, "I'm sorry."

This is not what Su Yuzhou wanted to hear.

He hoped that he could give up the operation, give up the removal of the glands, however... Reason told him that he should respect his decision.

He felt very painful, and he had no way to deal with this conflicting mood.

Su Yuzhou closed his eyes hard, took a few deep breaths, and finally managed to stabilize his emotions.

He didn't speak anymore, slowly let go of his hand, and gently pushed Su Qian away.

"I'm going to brush my teeth."

He lowered his head to prevent him from seeing his red eyes again, and walked into the bathroom with his feet up.

Su Qian looked at his back, felt the temperature gradually disappearing in his arms, and felt inexplicably empty in his heart.

He couldn't help but start to wonder.

This it really right?

He stood at the door of the bathroom and kept looking at Su Yuzhou.

However, Su Yuzhou didn't look at him, he brushed his teeth seriously, rinsed his mouth carefully, and finally picked up the water and wet his face.

He appears to have regained his composure.

Only, when he picked up the Alpha facial cleanser that Guan Suqian bought for him, his hand trembled slightly.

He paused, then continued to squeeze the facial cleanser into the palm of his hand. After lathering, he carefully washed his face.

When he raised his head with drops of water all over his face, a towel was handed to him.

Su Yuzhou looked at the towel, looked at the hand holding the towel, and after two seconds, took it over, carefully dried the water droplets, and then looked at Su Yu next to him humble.

"I'm fine, let's go down to eat."

The youth seems to have completely recovered his calm, but his attitude towards him also seems to have cooled down.

Su Qian, who experienced the Cold War for the first time, was at a loss.

He followed Su Yuzhou downstairs and kept staring at him, feeling very uncomfortable.

Su Yuzhou was already sitting at the dining table.

The housekeeper put the breakfast on the table, just about to say hello to him, saw the red and swollen eyes of his, and then felt the strange atmosphere between the two, and suddenly closed his mouth.

Su Qian sat down opposite Su Yuzhou.

He watched him.

The young man looked very calm, except for the reddish eyes, there was nothing unusual, but the speed of eating was much faster than usual.

He ate very seriously and was very focused, so focused that it seemed that a hard wall was erected to keep him out.

"Eat, don't look at me."

At this time, the young man said without looking up.

Su Qian's heart trembled, he pursed his lips slightly, picked up his chopsticks and started to eat his breakfast.

However, when the delicious food is imported, it makes him a little ignorant and tastes like chewing wax.

Finally, he couldn't help but say, "Today... I'll just go by myself."

Su Yuzhou froze his hands, then he looked up at him, he squeezed the chopsticks in his hand, and whispered, "I want to go with you."

Su Qian looked at him and felt uncomfortable all over.

He doesn't like the atmosphere at the moment, he wants everything back to yesterday...

Finally, he nodded.

Su Yuzhou stared at him, and he actually realized that there was something wrong with his mentality.

He doesn't just have a soft belly, he also has a hard shell, which is how he protects himself when the damage comes.

Su Qian's removal of the gland is not only a great harm to himself, but also to him...

Su Yuzhou lowered his eyes and continued to eat.

After dinner, the two went to the hospital by car.

Along the way, Z Xu also felt the strange atmosphere between them. He tried to say something to enliven the atmosphere, but in the end he failed.

He had to shut up and leave the problem to them.

After all, how could they not quarrel?

Because today is a working day, there are not many people in the hospital, and they will soon be lined up for the two of them.

Su Yuzhou is a relatively routine physical examination, Su Qian's is more complicated, and many items are done separately.

It was originally a medical examination project that was done before, but Su Qian stood there with the medical examination form, watching the young man turn and leave, and finally disappeared in the elevator, with a rare expression on his face A dazed look.

This is his today…

I looked at Su Yuzhou's back for the third time.

Su Qian felt like an empty space in his heart, and the fingers holding the medical examination sheet could not help but tighten slightly, and the fingertips were a little white.

He didn't understand why Su Yuzhou reacted so much.

Omega's glands, Omega's pheromones...Is it so important? Could it be that he is not Su Qian if he loses his glands?

The man pursed his thin lips, a trace of paranoia flashed in his eyes, and finally lifted his foot and walked into the medical examination project room with determination and determination.

The physical examination was carried out all morning, and the report can be issued in the afternoon at the earliest.

They didn't go back, but had a meal nearby, then went to the hotel to take a lunch break, ready to wait until the appointment time before going to the hospital again.

Hotel room, they booked a double bed suite.

Su Yuzhou was lying on his bed, but he couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning.

Although rationally decided to respect Su Qian, emotionally, he really couldn't do it, watching Su Qian hurt himself and being indifferent, let alone sending him to the operating table with a smile.

Finally, he just sat up and took out his mobile phone. He originally wanted to play games to adjust his mood, but in the end he unknowingly searched for information about gland removal.

Perhaps...the removal of the gland was not as serious as he thought? Maybe... what else could be good?

The young man who originally had this idea gradually widened his eyes.

Losing glands does a lot of damage to a person. It turned out to be much bigger than he thought...

At three o'clock in the afternoon, they went to the hospital on time.

Su Yuzhou's eyes are no longer so swollen, but his eyes are still not bright.

He doesn't think it can go on like this.

Following Su Qian to the door of the hospital, when he was about to enter the hall, Su Yuzhou couldn't help reaching out and grabbed him.

"Brother Su, let's talk."

Su Qian stopped and looked back at the young man.

The young Alpha couldn't hide his emotions at all. Although he tried his best to keep calm, sadness always appeared inadvertently in his red eyes, which made him feel depressed.

At this moment, his beautiful dog eyes were filled with tears again, looking at him pitifully, Su Qian couldn't say anything to refuse.

He sighed and could only nod.

Su Yuzhou took a step closer, hugged his arm actively, then pulled him to the courtyard where the patients walked in the hospital, and found a secluded place.

Even, he unconsciously released a rich alpha pheromone, full of possessiveness and aggression, and issued a warning to everyone who tried to approach.

Su Qian also felt this pheromone.

This alpha pheromone did not attack him, but was full of possession and protection, which made his mood more complicated.


At least he is willing to communicate with him, and is willing to be close to him again, isn't he?

He stared at him deeply and said softly: "Zhouzhou, what do you want to say?"

“Brother Su…”

As soon as he opened his mouth, Su Yuzhou pursed his lips. He tried hard to hold back, looked up at him, and said seriously, "Don't I have ten more requests?"


"I want to trade these ten requirements for the last one."

Su Qian looked at his reddish eyes, knowing what he was going to say, he still replied: "You say it."

"Will you not remove the glands?"

Su Yuzhou's voice suddenly burst into tears, tears fell down, and he began to choke.

"I know this request goes against your principles and bottom line, but...but...will you promise me?"

Su Qian stared at him.

Finally, he reached out to hold his face, wiped his tears with his fingertips, and whispered: "Even if I remove the Omega gland, I am still me, there is no relationship between us. What will change."

" my Omega pheromone really so important to you?"

Thinking of this, Su Qian felt very, very uncomfortable.

If it was another Alpha, he could laugh it off.

But Su Yuzhou…

Is he like everyone else?

Su Yuzhou tried his best to control his emotions, he bit his lip, and said with a thick nasal voice: "You don't understand."

"I like your chestnut scent. If I can't smell it in the future, I will regret it, but I will not be so sad. What I really care about is..."

He stretched out his arms to hug Su Qian, put his forehead on his shoulder, closed his eyes and said, "I went to check, and removing the glands will do great harm to the body."

"According to current records, no Omega has managed to live past the age of 50 after losing its glands."

No matter which case, whether it is domestic or foreign research, it is shown that the loss of glands has different degrees of damage to Alpha, Omega, and even beta.

In a world where the average life expectancy has reached 150 years old, 50 years old is definitely considered an untimely death.

In other words, after removing the glands, he and Su Qian only have about twenty years left...

Su Yuzhou couldn't accept this.

"I don't want to lose you." He choked and said, "You are already so much more than me... If you do this operation again, won't you leave me soon?"

"I don't want this!"

He whispered, "If...if you are worried about the disorder of the **** period, I can continue to help you."

"I can help you whenever you need me."

Su Qian listened to his words, a little moved, and a little dumbfounded.

The anxiety that was pressing in my heart also disappeared.

Come back slowly.

Su Yuzhou is right.

In the past, he didn't care so much about reducing his life expectancy. Fifty years old was enough for him. There wasn't much in this world that made him nostalgic.

But now he is different.

He... With Su Yuzhou, there is someone who wants to be together forever.

Is he willing to leave him so early?

Su Qian asked himself.

It's true, I can't bear it... Twenty years later, Su Yuzhou is only 38 years old, the best and most powerful age for an Alpha.

He is so good, there should be a lot of people like him...

Thinking of this, Su Qian's lips pursed into a straight line.

Is he going to give up such a Su Yuzhou for the sake of those disgusting guys and the opinions of those people?

Now that I think about it, compared to the happiness and warmth that Su Yuzhou brought him, the pressure and pain from the outside world seems to be less difficult to face.

At this moment, there was another kind of enlightenment in his heart.

If he removed his glands in order to fight against those people and chose to give up Su Yuzhou, wouldn't that be another kind of surrender and compromise?

Why would he give up his near happiness for the people he hates?

Although the removal of the glands can be done once and for all, and some troubles can disappear, but those things, as long as they are put together with Su Yuzhou, are insignificant.

Su Qian suddenly felt a sense of seeing the sun, and the haze that had lasted for two days disappeared.

The hands that had fallen weakly on both sides, slowly lifted, and finally, firmly hugged Su Yuzhou back.

He pressed the young man's cheek and whispered in his ear, "Okay, I promise you."

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