MTL - Who Doesn’t Like a Sweet Little Alpha?-Chapter 58

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"Brother Su,? You are changing the subject."

Su Yuzhou narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a bit of suspicion in his light chestnut eyes.

Su Qian couldn't help laughing.

Just looking at the young man's sour appearance, he really felt the joy in his heart.

Although,? Su Yuzhou would mind him looking at other Omegas, which surprised him a little, but...

He didn't like him playing with Andy either,? Thinking of this, he understood Su Yuzhou's mood again.

Su Qian thought about it, didn't answer in a hurry, but said, "Don't you have a favorite actor?"

"What about me and him? What do you think..."

"Who suits you better?" He raised his eyebrows and looked at Su Yuzhou, making a strong counterattack.

Su Yuzhou blinked, and blurted out: "It's you."

The young man said it without hesitation, "Obviously these are the most common three words," in Su Qian's ears, but like the sound of nature, he could even hear his heart blossom the sound of.

Su Qian looked at him, only to feel his heart beating fast again at a speed he couldn't control.

Su Yuzhou looked at Su Qian strangely.

At this time,? The man reached out his hand, held his face, and said in a very gentle voice: "So,? My answer is the same."

"The man on TV is less than one ten thousandth of your size."

Su Yuzhou couldn't help laughing, although he also realized that it was a bit strange that he was jealous of celebrities, but when he heard Mr. Su say this, he couldn't help but rejoice.

He softened, put his arms on the man's shoulders, rested his head on his neck, smiled softly, happy and joyful.

"Brother Su, you speak so nicely."

Su Yuzhou smiled and raised his eyes, looking at Su Qian with bright eyes, the little tiger teeth were exposed, looking very cute.

"More on that later."

Su Qian reached out and pinched his nose, put one hand around his waist, and reached into the hem of his shirt with the other.

When the young man opened his mouth slightly and exclaimed, he kissed his lips.

The rich coconut fragrance spreads out again, and the chestnut fragrance is also ready to move.

The first **** period of young Alpha finally came to the most rapid and vigorous stage.

Fortunately, with Su Qian's company, he didn't feel sad.

The two were absurd for a while, and finally lay directly on the sofa, hugging each other and falling asleep together.

Just before she slept for a long time, a shrill cat meow suddenly sounded in the quiet night, awakening the two at the same time.

Su Yuzhou rolled over subconsciously, almost rolled off the sofa, was caught by Su Qian, and took him back into his arms.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to Snowflake Cake?"

Su Yuzhou hugged his shoulders to stabilize his body, then anxiously looked in the direction of the pet room.


Another painful cat meowing sounded, and the sound seemed particularly miserable in this silent night, making Su Yuzhou's heart twitch.

"Go and see."

Su Qian helped him sit up, turned on the light and walked towards the pet room.

Su Yuzhou followed behind him, walking slower because of his uneasy body, but he followed closely.

Soon, Su Qian held the handle and pushed the door open, then turned on the light.

The dark room suddenly filled with light.

Su Qian raised his eyes and saw a bloodstain one or two meters long on the floor, reflected on the white tiles, which looked a little shocking.


The cry of Snowflake Crisp sounded again, it was standing on the floor next to the bay window, spinning in circles in a panic, constantly turning its head to look back, with a panicked expression.

Su Yuzhou probed.

On the back of Snowflake's butt, there was a small bag, stained with **** and blood.

It was a kitten still wrapped in fetal membranes, hanging in the air, dangling in the air because of the action of Snowflakes, looking very dangerous, and there was a little blood on the ground—

Obviously, Snowflake Cake, who was a mother for the first time, was completely at a loss for production, and she didn't know what happened to her.

Su Yuzhou also knew for the first time that cats also have such vivid expressions.

He was distressed and worried, and hurriedly walked over and hugged the Snowflakes, soothed its emotions, and made it stop moving, so as not to hurt the baby.

Su Qian walked to the cabinet immediately and took out the cat paper diapers and gloves prepared in the morning.

He put on the gloves himself, and then threw a pair to Su Yuzhou.

Su Yuzhou also put on gloves swiftly, and then transferred the Snowflakes to the cat delivery room and put it on the paper diaper.

At this time, with his company, Xuehuasu's mood finally stabilized, and he also found the correct production posture, it was half-lying, bent down to lick the small bag.

Su Yuzhou looked at Snowflake Cake and felt his hands shaking.

Production is undoubtedly a gate of hell. He has checked a lot of information before and knows that cats will also be difficult to give birth.

Especially Snowflakes is a stray cat. She has been starving before, resulting in malnutrition. Although she has eaten better these days, it is not enough to take care of her.

Su Qian took his hand and patted it soothingly.

In comparison, he was barely calm.

Omega always knows more about production than Alpha. After all, from middle school, they need to take relevant courses and take exams.

Even if he is very repulsive, the knowledge that he should learn has not fallen behind.

"Brother Su, will the Snowflakes be okay? It's bleeding a lot." Su Yuzhou was worried, and he couldn't bear to watch it.

"It's going well so far, don't be nervous."

Su Qian comforted, staring at Mother Cat without blinking.

Snowflakes were lying half-lying, constantly licking with their tongues.

Finally, the small bag was detached from it, Su Yuzhou quickly stretched out his hand, and carefully tore off the thin film, revealing the kitten inside.

The newborn cat, a small one, is not as big as his palm, and the color of the fur is black and white, it should be a cow cat.

It can't even open its eyes, and it opens its mouth and calls.

Su Yuzhou glanced curiously, then turned his head subconsciously, and Su Qian just happened to look over.

The two looked at each other with the joy of witnessing the birth of a new life written in their eyes.

"It's so small."

Su Yuzhou stretched out his hand, carefully picked up the cat, and gently placed it on the clean diaper.

Su Qian nodded.

He only dared to look at it like this, and didn't dare to start at all, worried that he would not be able to control his strength for a while and would hurt this young life.

They were whispering, and the second kitten had already emerged from the snowflakes.

Having the first experience of Snowflake Cake, this time it will be much calmer. It took about ten minutes to give birth to the second kitten.

The third interval is longer, Snowflakes is a little uneasy, and wants to come out of the delivery room.

Su Qian got up quickly and went to get the canned cat food.

Snowflake Crisp settled down immediately, and burrowed her head into the can.


The eldest cub and the second cub were screaming like mosquitoes, trying to find their mother, but Xuehuasu didn't even look at them, and only concentrated on cooking.

When they finished eating the canned food, the three cubs almost came out of their heads.

Now, the snowflakes are very calm.

It is a pair of two-legged beasts next to it, which is very disturbing.

Until the five kittens were born, the sky was already bright outside, and Su Yuzhou heard the sound of housekeeping opening the door.

Snowflake Cake was exhausted after giving birth.

I ate another can of cat food, then slumped down and closed my eyes, a few kittens lay on its stomach, and finally got the first mouthful of milk with satisfaction.

Seeing this scene, Su Yuzhou felt his heart melt.

"Brother Su, aren't they cute?" He couldn't help but whisper.


Su Qian looked at Snowflake Cake and the five kittens, and there was an unspeakable emotion growing in his heart.

He glanced sideways at Su Yuzhou, feeling that as long as he was with him, life seemed to be full of surprises, and there were countless firsts.

Looking at the faint dark blue under his eyes, Su Qian took off his gloves, gently rubbed the top of the youth's hair, and said, "You are tired too, go to sleep for a while."

Su Yuzhou yawned, really sleepy.

However, looking at the kittens struggling to suckle, he was a little reluctant.

She was so cute when she was born, if it grows after a while, wouldn't it be cute and explosive?

"Wait a minute, wait a minute and go to sleep..."

Su Yuzhou was lying on the edge of the delivery room, looking at the full-fed kitten, yawning next to her mother's soft belly, and also felt that her eyelids began to fight.

Little by little, his head was supported by the man's hand when he was about to fall over.

Su Qian looked at him like this, sighed, and finally didn't force him to go back to the room to sleep, but let his head rest on his lap, just lay down and sleep like this.

He had just cleaned the blood on the ground, it was clean, but a little cold.

He pulled the blanket that he took out from the cabinet last night and ended up covering Su Yuzhou's lap.

The two stayed by the side of Snowflakes and the newborn cat. During the period, a housekeeper came in to feed the cat, and they were shocked to see this scene.

Su Qian made a silent gesture to her, then let her back out and closed the door by the way.

When Su Yuzhou woke up again, the sunlight shining in from the outside was already very dazzling, but he didn’t feel much because…

The man leaned forward and blocked most of the sunlight with his body, while he himself half-squinted and leaned on the windowsill.

Looking at his frowning brows, he knew that this position must be very uncomfortable.

"Brother Su."

Su Yuzhou quickly got up and woke Su Qian, "I'm full, go back to your room and sleep, I'll be fine here."

Su Qian opened his eyes and looked at him, but in the end he didn't try to be brave, but just sat back when he was about to stand up.

Meeting Su Yuzhou's unexplained gaze, he said, "My feet are numb."

Su Yuzhou's ears were slightly hot, and he quickly pressed his calf. When he was finally healed, he helped him up and took him all the way to the entrance of the stairs.

The housekeepers have finished their work and left, and the house is clean and tidy again, and it is a little more deserted.

However, thinking of those kittens, Su Yuzhou felt that the place would definitely become very lively in the future.

Watching Su Qian go upstairs, Su Yuzhou turned around and went to the bathroom.

After washing up, he finished eating the food that he didn't know whether to count as breakfast or lunch, and then went to the pet room to see the cat.

These five cats are of different colors.

The eldest cub is a cow cat, with white and black on its body; the second cub only has a white belly and four feet, and the rest are black.

All three cubs and four cubs have oranges on their bodies, one is striped, the other is white and orange tails, only the smallest is most similar to Snowflakes, and the whole body is white.

Su Yuzhou weighed them one by one, recorded them, and fed a can of cat food to Snowflakes.

Watching the kittens wake up and start humming and feeding again, he couldn't help taking a few pictures of them, and then sent them to the circle of friends.

Then got up and went to the kitchen to prepare food for Mr. Su.

"Brother Su, I'm in."

Su Yuzhou knocked on the door of the master bedroom and walked in with the cooked seafood noodles.

Su Qian squinted his eyes and fell asleep. He had no appetite at first, but was hooked by the fragrance, and finally got up with difficulty.

After finishing the bowl of noodles, he hugged Su Yuzhou and lay directly on the bed, not letting him go.

The two of them lay tired and crooked for a long time.

From this day on, Su Yuzhou lived in Su Qian's room, and the things that belonged to him were moved one by one, occupying the original space.

Su Qian not only doesn't mind, but also very welcome.

In the next few days, Su Yuzhou has been taking good care of Snowflakes and the kittens, and with Su Qian's company, his susceptibility period has gradually become less serious .

It's Wednesday again.

Staying at home for almost a week, Mr. Su was forced to go to work in the company due to pressure.

"Mr. Su, morning!"

Seeing that he finally came back to work, Assistant Lin greeted him with a special spirit.


Su Qian responded lightly, just sitting down, there was a sudden ding dong in his pocket, which was a new news reminder.

He moved in his heart, and the reluctant eyes of the young man flashed in his heart, and he could not help but slightly bend his lips.

Is it a boat?

He took out his mobile phone and turned on the screen, but when he saw the message above, the smile on his lips suddenly disappeared.

"Dear Mr. Su, this is S Central Hospital. You made an appointment for Omega gland removal surgery a month ago. Please come over tomorrow or the day after tomorrow for a pre-operative physical examination..."

Su Qian looked at the message from the hospital, stunned slightly, and his heart was empty.

So, a month...has come?

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