MTL - Who Doesn’t Like a Sweet Little Alpha?-Chapter 38

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Su Yuzhou put down the phone and continued to eat breakfast.

In addition to milk, there is also shortbread, which is not small, and tastes very good.

Sweeping everything away, Su Yuzhou lay back, then pulled Su Qian's pillow into his arms and hugged him, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Just do the math, Mr. Su won't be back until the night after tomorrow.

This also means,? He has to spend three days and two nights alone.

The young Alpha smelled the Omega pheromone remaining on the pillow, turned over, and was a little unhappy.

What suddenly came to mind? Su Yuzhou suddenly sat up.

His new outfit!

Thinking of the small suit that was ruined by Mr. Su last night, Su Yuzhou felt bad, got out of bed quickly, pulled his slippers and ran to the study, ready to rescue him.

As a result, the study was clean and tidy, and it was obvious that the housekeeper had already cleaned it, and his small suit was gone.

Wash it?

Su Yuzhou ran to the balcony again, and sure enough, he saw his dress, which had been washed by housekeeping and then hung on a hanger, was fluttering in the wind in the sun.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Only, thinking that the two of them were messing around in the study last night, and the traces left may have been seen by the housekeeper? His face turned red again.

Su Yuzhou touched his nose and finally felt…

Ah, forget it, anyway, if you wake up a little later, you will not encounter housekeeping.

He persuaded himself to deceive himself, so he happily went back to his room and went downstairs with the computer.

The newly released game, because of the support of old fans, has achieved good results, and it has now entered the rookie list.

If you can slowly climb to the top ten, the traffic will be more.

According to past experience, the potential of this game is good, maybe it just owes an opportunity.

Su Yuzhou flipped through the comment area and found no new bugs, so he closed the platform and opened the document.

Taking advantage of the summer vacation time, he is going to make a new decryption horror game, the setting will be more complicated and more challenging than the previous casual games.

The young man sat at the table beside the floor-to-ceiling window, typing on the computer keyboard, writing down the concept and inspiration of the new game, and flipping through the previously collected materials to find new ideas.

He took a pen and paper to write and draw, trying to build the game frame first, and unknowingly forgot the passage of time.


Su Yuzhou was woken up by the sound of glass knocking.

Because there are many horror stories in the material, he was too immersed in it, and the huge room was deserted and empty, and suddenly a strange voice sounded, which suddenly made his heart beat like a drum.

Because of his own experience, Su Yuzhou is more accepting of supernatural beings than others. He believes that there are things in the world that cannot be explained scientifically.

“Da Da—”

The crisp tapping sounded again.

He followed the sound and looked at the floor-to-ceiling window next to him, and there was nothing outside!

Su Yuzhou put down his pen, just got up, eager to find out, but...

He looked down and saw a cat squatting beside the floor-to-ceiling window at some point. The cat was all white, only a little gray on the forehead, and a pair of dark green cat pupils were particularly beautiful.

Under his gaze, the cat stretched out its claws again to pick at the glass, making a rattling sound.


Finding the culprit, Su Yuzhou breathed a sigh of relief, but was a little disappointed.

He continued to get up, opened the door and walked out of the yard, walking gently towards the cat.

In the end, the cat was not afraid of life at all, and just as he approached, he lay down directly beside him and turned his white belly over.

This is a cat that can "touch porcelain".

Su Yuzhou squatted down, and carefully put out his hand towards it, but before he touched it, the cat stretched its head over and kept rubbing his fingers.

A very friendly cat, not afraid of life at all.

Su Yuzhou slightly bent his lips, smiled and touched its chin, his eyes fell on its round belly.

He hesitated, and reached out to touch.

However, the cat turned over, ducked, did not bite him, meowed twice, and then licked his paws.

Su Yuzhou took his hand back and stared at it.

Is this fat, or is it pregnant... He took a closer look, the cat will shed hair in the summer heat, this white cat looks quite thin elsewhere, so the probability of pregnancy is relatively high big.

Su Yuzhou tilted his head.

So this cat is looking for a baby for adoption?


The snow-white cat called at him, and the dark green eyes were particularly beautiful, especially in the sun, like the purest emerald.

Quietly looking at it, Su Yuzhou was defeated.

He got up and walked back into the house, shut the cat outside, walked into the kitchen by himself, opened the refrigerator to prepare cat food.

You can’t add seasonings to the food for cats. Although wild cats are generally not picky, since they are cat mothers, they need to add some nutrition, so the materials he takes are meat.

Su Yuzhou had a cat in his last life.

It was picked up by him in the trash can downstairs in the rental house. There were four or five kittens in a litter. In the end, only one survived, and he named it Custard Bun.

One person and one cat lived together for more than a year until he died in a traffic accident.

The custard bun is also white, but the tip of the tail is a little orange, and the appetite is very good, especially edible.

I don't know if he can continue to survive after he leaves, and if he has met a new owner...

Su Yuzhou put the minced meat on the rack, covered the pot, and boiled water.

He thought about the cat in his previous life, and suddenly felt a little sad, hesitated, turned and ran out of the kitchen, took his mobile phone and sent a message to Mr. Su.

Then open the shopping software, prepare to buy a cat cage, and take the cat to the hospital for an examination tomorrow.

It didn't take long for the cat rice to be steamed.

After turning off the fire and letting it cool, Su Yuzhou returned to the yard with a bowl in his hand. The white cat just now disappeared.

He was not in a hurry, put the bowl on the grass, sat on the stairs down the porch, looked up at the blue sky, although the sun was very strong, the wind was blowing from the mountain, it was still quite cool .


After a while, a white shadow flickered in the grass, and the cat that had just disappeared jumped out again.

The nose sniffed in the air, and finally ran to Su Yuzhou's feet boldly and ate cat food, obviously starving.

Su Yuzhou looked at it with a smile, took out his mobile phone and took a picture of it, and sent it to Mr. Su.

He hasn't replied yet, and he doesn't know if he got off the plane.

The young man thought about his sweetheart, and the corner of his mouth curved into a smile, but after a while, he couldn't help reaching out and rubbing his lower back.

Mr. Su's physical strength is too good, which is also a distressing thing.

The young man quietly watched the cat eat. What he didn't know was that someone was watching him secretly in the distance.

"This little Alpha is quite kind."

Mr. Su stood outside the railing of the yard, looked at the young man sitting under the porch, stroked his beard and said, "The nightgown on him... seems to belong to Xiao Qian?"

He smiled and narrowed his eyes, "It seems that the two of them have a good relationship."

Butler Zhang stood behind him with an umbrella, looking at the old man, he couldn't help but hesitate.

They...would it be too vulgar?

It is easy to be regarded as a pervert.

In the end, Butler Zhang couldn't help but suggest: "Sir, why don't we go in and have a look? It's too hot to stand outside."

Now that it is approaching noon, the sun is getting more and more poisonous, the old man is old and frail, and he has high blood pressure.

Mr. Su retracted his gaze, rolled his eyes, suddenly covered his chest, wrinkled his face in pain, made a ho-ho sound from his mouth, and the whole person was about to fall back.

Seeing him like this suddenly made Butler Zhang terrified.

"What's the matter with you, old man? Hold on, I'll call an ambulance right away!"

Just as he took out the phone, the old man grabbed his hand, opened his tightly closed eyes slightly, gave him a wink, then closed it again, wrinkled in pain frown.

Butler Zhang: “…”

This drama!

He murmured in his heart, but he immediately exclaimed in cooperation.

In the yard, Su Yuzhou quickly heard the movement.

He blinked, got up and walked towards the direction of the sound, only to see an old man clutching his chest and leaning against a tree by the roadside, next to a middle-aged man supporting him, Fanning him anxiously.

His face changed slightly, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "What happened? Do you need help?"

After just blurting out, Su Yuzhou felt a little vigilant in his heart. He looked up at the guardrail and saw that there were surveillance cameras on it, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then he took out his mobile phone, quietly started recording, and then prepared to call the hospital.

"Wait, I'll call an ambulance for you."

Mr. Su hurriedly shook the nervous housekeeper's hand, but housekeeper Zhang understood and hurriedly stopped: "Thank you young man, but you don't need to call an ambulance."

"The weather is hot, and the old man is a little bit exposed to the sun. Can we go in and have a drink?"

Su Yuzhou looked at them suspiciously, unable to make up his mind.

After all, he is only a temporary resident, not the owner of this villa, and these two people are really suspicious.

However, looking at the pained expression on the old man's face, he still couldn't bear it.

Butler Zhang could easily see his entanglement, he couldn't help but glance at the old man, sighed in his heart, look, he was regarded as a suspicious person!

After he sighed, he explained again: "The old man came to see his grandson, but the grandson was not at home today, so he wanted to go out for a walk, but when he came here, it may be too hot today, a little heatstroke ."

"Don't worry, the management of this community is very strict. If we have problems with our identity, we will definitely not be able to enter."

Seeing through his mind, Su Yuzhou scratched his head embarrassedly, and felt that his explanation was fine, so he nodded and said, "You guys wait a moment, I'll open the door!"

Hearing the youth running away, Mr. Su secretly opened his eyes, and then gave a thumbs up to Butler Zhang.

Butler Zhang wanted to roll his eyes, but he finally held back.

After a while, the young man ran out of the yard.

Mr. Su hurriedly pretended to be in pain and weakness again, and his forehead was indeed sweating from the heat, his face was blushing, and he looked like that.

Su Yuzhou hurriedly said, "Old sir, can you still walk?"

The old man waved his hand and closed his eyes, as if he was speechless.

"Then I'll carry you in."

Su Yuzhou squatted down with his back to him.

Butler Zhang looked at him, and at Mr. Su Lao, seeing that he really wanted to get up and let the young man carry him, so he sighed and helped him, letting the old man lie on the young man's back.

Su Yuzhou carried him on his back, faintly smelling a faint smell of almonds.

This should be the pheromone taste of the old man, and I don't know if he is Alpha or Beta.

Su Yuzhou carried the person into the villa, because the air conditioner was running in the room and the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors was large, so he did not dare to carry the person into the house immediately, and he was still on guard.

So, he carried the old man to the small round table under the porch and sat down. There are eaves for shade, and because of the lush vegetation in the yard, it was quite shady.

"Sit down for a while and I'll get you a glass of water."

After finishing speaking, Su Yuzhou turned and ran into the house.

Butler Zhang squatted aside, fanning the old man, keeping his voice low, and disapprovingly said: "It's not good for you."

"It's you who lied, not me."

The old man said slyly, "And I really came to see my grandson, he is really not there."

Then, he looked into the room through the floor-to-ceiling windows, hehe smiled, "This guy is really good, he has a good heart, he is not too stupid, and he is not as impatient as an Alpha."

And he just smelled Xiaoqian's pheromone on him...

It seems that the rumors are not false, his grandson really likes this little Alpha.

Sighing like this, the young man hurried out of the house with a glass of water, and a small fan in his other hand.

The old man hurriedly closed his eyes again.

"You drink some water."

Su Yuzhou handed him the cup, and the old man opened his eyes and said thank you.

Butler Zhang helped him hold the water cup, and then watched the young man plug the fan in, put it on the small round table, and blow at them.

The cool wind was blowing, and Mr. Su couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Although the onset is fake, it is indeed very comfortable to sit in the shade and enjoy the cool air in such a hot weather.

Su Yuzhou could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that his expression had softened.

At this time, seeing the middle-aged man beside the old man looking at him with a scrutiny in his eyes, Su Yuzhou bowed his head and realized that he was still wearing Su Qian's nightgown!

His ears were slightly warm, and he quickly said: "You all sit first, I'll go in and change clothes."

Mr. Su nodded and said kindly: "Go, I'll drink some water, I'll be fine after a rest."

Seeing the friendly and friendly appearance of the old man, Su Yuzhou couldn't help feeling a little ashamed when he thought of his doubts about them, and nodded quickly.

"Then I'm in."

Said and ran into the house again.

Mr. Su frowned slightly when he saw his walking posture.

On the grass, the white cat had run away just now, and at this time it slipped over quietly, glanced at Mr. Su and Butler Zhang, and continued to eat its cat food.

Mr. Su was disturbed by the cat, looked at it, sat on the reclining chair blowing the fan, and said leisurely, "What a good boy."

I don't know who said it.

Butler Zhang couldn't help but said: "Next... What are you going to do? Lunch time is almost here, why don't I ask the driver to come in and pick you up."

He is really scared, if this matter is known by Young Master Qian...

Mr. Su glanced at him, waved his hand, and said indifferently: "What's the hurry? How can you just sit down and leave? I haven't said a few words to my son-in-law. Woolen cloth."

Obviously, it's not enough.

The author has something to say: Push it is not the serialized article of Mrs. Fengdong~ It is very fat and can be killed (≧▽≦)/

The Whole World Thinks I Talked To Top Streams

Cheng Buyu suffered from emotional deficiency since childhood and has no feelings.

My mother died, quiet and silent;

Later, it grows, the young man is soft and quiet, and the scenery is beautiful.

During a stage rehearsal, he discovered for the first time that after entering the play, he could rely on the role to experience normal emotions.

Think what the characters think, love what the characters love—until the next scene.

Many years later, the world called him a genius with thousands of faces, and his father knelt down and begged him for his endorsement. The genius of playing with AI", everyone is crazy for him.

Cheng Buyu: ^-^

Gu Ruzhuo was born with a halo, and the media called it "God's darling", and the object of scandal can circle the earth.

But a reporter never dug up,

He lived under the same roof for three years with Cheng Buyu, who was still an amateur.

The guy who came to board was a little wolf in sheep's clothing.

What's even more disgusting is that after he accompanies him to study drama, Cheng Buyu dares to like him!

After dumping someone and humiliating the other party, I still felt that it was not enough. After going abroad for a few years to calm down, I found that calmness was useless, and my heart was pounding.

Little Zhuo flew back to China, wearing a custom suit, with an unsmiling face, and personally ended the scene with Cheng Buyu—

Seeing the affectionate look in the other party's eyes after the play, Gu Ruzhuo felt: The broken mirror is reconciled.

Later Mr. Gu: #Mom asked me why I cried like a kettle##I don't allow you to look at him with such eyes! ##You are not allowed to play against him! ##You can only play against me! ##Forget it, stop acting, please let me support you woo woo woo woo woo! #

Melon eaters: #Gu Zong, my brother may have more personal assets than you. #

May my baby shine forever, and may you regain your destiny.

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