MTL - Who Doesn’t Like a Sweet Little Alpha?-Chapter 3

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S Hotel Open Air Party.

In the lively and dynamic music, people kept jumping into the pool, frolic and screaming everywhere.

In the hotel garden not far from the swimming pool, the music is quieter.

It was undoubtedly a successful evening, and it seemed that everyone was enjoying the moment.

Of course, Su Qian is definitely not among these people.

"Mr. Su is really young and promising!"

"Yes, I often hear about President Su's deeds. I was fortunate to see it today. I must have two drinks with President Su."

Su Qian, President of Su Group.

Only three years in office, he saved the precarious Su clan from the brink of bankruptcy, and pushed him to a higher mountain again, becoming an existence that countless people look up to.

When Su Qian appeared at the party, he naturally became the focus of everyone.

Of course, after close contact, his gender still inevitably becomes a topic of discussion, especially since he also has the pheromone of the top omega.

At times like this, they often forget how ferocious the omega in front of them is.

Su Qian is very skilled. He once beaten the alpha who dared to flirt in front of him to the point of being paralyzed. Now that person is still half-dead in the hospital—

When an alpha tries to harm an omega, the omega can take any action to defend itself.

So, Su Qian doesn't even need to take any responsibility for this, and the family of the alpha, other than swallowing the bitter fruit, dare not do anything to Su Qian.

At this moment, the alphas surrounding Su Qian were obviously overwhelmed by alcohol and pheromones.

At first they knew how to restrain, but slowly, the pheromone released became stronger and stronger, and the competitive spirit in their eyes became more and more obvious.

Indeed, Su Qian, who always looks indifferent and looks aloof, can easily arouse the alphas' desire to conquer.

Su Qian, who was in the center of the crowd, casually swayed the red wine glass in his hand, and finally pulled the corner of his mouth.

Those who know him know that these alphas will suffer.

"Su Qian!"

But at this moment, a cheerful voice sounded, "I've been looking for you, I didn't expect you to be here."

Ye Yusheng came over and said to the brainless alphas, "I want to have a conversation with President Su, is that okay?"

Ye Yusheng is the owner of this birthday party, since he said so, even if he was a little unwilling, no one took his face.

"Then let's talk."

"Mr. Su, talk to you next time when you have time."

Su Qian was indifferent.

After a few alphas left, Ye Yusheng led him to an open place.

On the way, he greeted others with a smile, and whispered to the man:

"Brother Su, thank you for attending my party, but if you're not feeling well, just go ahead."

The Ye family and the host family are family friends.

Ye Yusheng and Su Qian played together from childhood to adulthood, and they have quite an appetite for Su Qian in character, and they are one of his few friends.

Su Qian frowned and was silent for a while before saying, "I'm sorry."

"Hey, no need to apologize, I'm already very happy to have you here!"

Who doesn't know that the president of Su's Group is the most mysterious and hardly attends such parties? It really gave him enough face to be able to come here, otherwise those alphas wouldn't have been haunting him since the party.

Ye Yusheng continued: "I know you don't like to attend this kind of party, so don't take my parents' words to heart, they also hope you are well."

Su Qian nodded: "I understand."

It's nothing more than those words of urging marriage, at least the elders of Ye's parents just talk about it, unlike some people, they dare to ask alpha to tag him directly, and they also euphemistically make him feel that he has A the benefits of.

Remembering those unpleasant memories, Su Qian took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "I'll stand for a while and leave, go ahead and enjoy your birthday party."

Ye Yusheng looked at him and made sure he was all right, then nodded with a smile and left with a glass of wine.

Su Qian looked at his back, and watched him walk among the crowd. No matter who he was in front of, he seemed to be at ease and just right.

This is beta.

The influence of pheromone is very small, and she can keep a clear head at all times, and is not subject to preferential policies, but she is not troubled by rules and regulations.

Su Qian pursed her lips slightly.

After a long time, he looked away, drank the red wine in his glass, turned and walked into the garden path.

Halfway through, he suddenly stopped and frowned deeply.

I was walking towards the door of the hotel, but I suddenly turned around and went directly to the hotel front desk to check in.

"Sir, your presidential suite key."

The front desk saw that something was wrong with him, and asked warmly, "Do you need an inhibitor?"

Su Qian took the room card, shook his head and said, "No, I take it with me."

"Okay, do I need to take you back to your room?"

This is obviously an omega who is about to enter a period of lust. If he attacks in public, the consequences will be disastrous.

The front desk looked at him with some concern.

Su Qian shook his head, "I'll just take the exclusive elevator."

S Hotel has only one top-floor presidential suite, and it is equipped with an exclusive elevator. You need to swipe your card to enter. As long as he enters the elevator, it is basically safe.

After he finished speaking, he stopped staying and strode towards the elevator.

Su Qian did not expect that his **** period would break out at this time, obviously he had been given an inhibitor before going out to prevent it...

Damn, those alphas!

Su Qian couldn't help clenching his teeth, his eyes were full of fierceness.

Of course, he also knew that this was not the time to take revenge. He kept his feet, walked quickly to the elevator, swiped his card and stepped into it, and quickly pressed the button to the top floor.

The elevator door slowly closed in front of him.

However, before Su Qian could breathe a sigh of relief, a somewhat familiar voice sounded:

"Wait, sir!"

Su Qian was stunned, looking at the young man who suddenly entered his line of sight, after regaining his senses, he quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose.

"Ah, luckily I caught up..."

Su Yuzhou was lying on the elevator door, because he just ran over, he was still a little out of breath, and his speech was not smooth.

But when he saw the man in the elevator, he still showed a relieved smile.

The garden party requires an invitation letter to enter. After he was stopped by the doorman, he had to choose to give up, but he did not expect to be so lucky. On the way back, he happened to meet him in the hall.

Because it was a little far away, Mr. Su seemed to be in a hurry to get into the elevator, so he had to run after him.

Fortunately, he finally caught up with him.

Just before he could explain, the man in front of him first covered his lower face, and then his deep and charming black eyes looked nervously behind him.

Su Yuzhou heard someone shouting excitedly behind him without looking back.

"Where's that omega? I smell it!"

omega? Su Yuzhou was startled.

He often reads the news and occasionally sees an accident caused by an omega entering a **** period.

Did he run into him?

The idea just flashed, and before he could look back to watch the excitement, the man in front of him stretched out his hand and pulled him into the elevator, then frantically pressed the elevator's close button.

Su Yuzhou stood beside him, through the crack of the elevator door, you could clearly see two or three alphas with red eyes, rushing towards him.

The crazy appearance looked a little scary, but fortunately, at the last moment, the closed elevator door blocked the outside in time.

Is this the alpha who entered the **** period and lost his mind?

Su Yuzhou thought like this, and then realized... Huh? Why does he feel a little hot?

Immediately afterwards, he smelled an increasingly strong chestnut fragrance.



The man who pulled him into the elevator slid down against the wall, and there was a constant repressed gasp from the bottom of his throat.

The voice was low and deep, listening to Su Yuzhou's ears, it made him feel like someone was scratching the tip of his heart with a feather, itching.

Soon, the teenager shook his head, suppressed these strange feelings, and then squatted in front of the man and asked:

"Mr. Su, are you okay?"

At this time, Su Yuzhou didn't realize what happened, he just thought that this gentleman had a hidden illness. After all, he also went to the hospital yesterday.

Su Qian opened his eyes and stared at him sullenly.

Damn, it's alpha again!

He remembered, the coconut-flavored pheromone, and this familiar voice…

It was the A I met in the hospital yesterday!

As rude as those alphas at the party!

A pheromone belonging to a high-quality alpha, with a very strong domineering hidden in its gentleness, it is constantly eroding at this moment, making his body, which was already lustful, even more uncontrollable.

Su Qian gritted his teeth, the only reason remaining supported him.

He reached into his pocket with difficulty and took out the inhibitor he was carrying.


Su Qian felt a despair in his heart.

Su Yuzhou was initially frightened by the man's eyes, but when he saw his movements, he looked down on the ground, and the kit clearly read "omega **** inhibitor", and he was stunned for a moment.

"Are you an omega?"

Looking at the man's state at the moment, and his own body that is getting more and more wrong, Su Yuzhou still doesn't know what's going on?

The pheromone of the top omega came in waves, and the smell of chestnuts became more and more fragrant and sweeter, and even made him have the urge to throw the man in front of him.

Su Yuzhou shook his head vigorously, forcing his consciousness to regain a sense of sobriety.

If it goes on like this, something will happen...

He hurriedly picked up the inhibitor on the ground, recalling how the nurse taught him how to use it. After unpacking, he neatly tied it to the back of the man's neck and pressed the injection.

Injected into the body with a bit of a cool inhibitor, making Su Qian feel better.

He opened his eyes involuntarily, looked at the alpha in front of him somewhat unexpectedly, and looked at him seriously for the first time.

He is very young, probably just coming of age.

Light chestnut hair hangs down the side of his face, slightly curled, his cheeks are flushed, light-gasping as if he had just finished a long run, grinning at him in relief at this moment, A spiky little tiger tooth was exposed.

"It's all right."

He said so to him.

The bright smile is like a light breaking through the dark clouds, with the fragrance of coconuts under the bright summer sun.

Su Qian was in a trance for a while.

At this time, a ding sounded.

The elevator finally reached the designated floor, and the metal door slowly opened behind them, revealing the low-key and delicate door of the presidential suite.