MTL - Who Doesn’t Like a Sweet Little Alpha?-Chapter 24

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Su Yuzhou was stunned when he heard the suppressed gasping sound on the phone, and the next second, he hurriedly picked up his shoulder bag.

Amid the dissatisfied complaints of the people in the back row, while bending over to apologize, quickly ran out of the studio.

"Are you at the company?"

"Okay,? Hold on for a while,? I'll go right over." Su Yuzhou quickly ran out of the hall and said eagerly to the phone, "Before I arrive, protect yourself! "

Then, Su Yuzhou hung up the call, and then called the driver Lao Xu.

Fortunately, Lao Xu didn't leave too far, he was just strolling around, and he rushed over immediately after receiving his call.

Su Yuzhou watched him stop, opened the door and got in the car, buckled his seat belt with a bang, and said, "Lao Xu, go to Su Qian's company, I want to find him! "

Lao Xu glanced at him unexpectedly, and then heard the young little Alpha say: "He has a passion attack, and now he needs me very much."

Lao Xu was stunned for a moment, then his face changed greatly.

Omega's **** attack in public is no small matter, not to mention that the president is still a top O!

"Okay, you're seated!"

He squeezed the seat belt nervously.

But thinking of Su Qian's situation, he didn't dare to let him drive slower.

Fortunately, they did not encounter any red lights along the way, and on weekdays, there were not many vehicles on the road during the day. It only took about fifteen minutes for Lao Xu to send Su Yuzhou to the place. Downstairs of our headquarters.

"No parking here..."

Before Lao Xu finished speaking, Su Yuzhou had already unbuckled his seat belt, "It's fine, I'll just go in by myself."

Then opened the door and got out of the car, the moment she stepped on the ground, her footsteps staggered for a while, and then she continued to run into the Su's headquarters building.

Lao Xu looked at the young man's fiery back, and suddenly felt a little emotional.

Su's luck and vision are really good...

Su's Headquarters Building, Front Desk.

After answering a phone call, the lady at the front desk nervously looked at the direction of the door, and every person who came in had to look carefully.

She had just received a call from the secretary of Su Zong, asking her to receive a Mr. Su, saying that if the other party arrives, he will lead him directly to the top office.

And that Mr. Su is still an Alpha!

This is a surprise.

The boss who hates Alpha so much will let an Alpha go directly to his office.

According to common sense, even important customers will ask them to wait in the reception room.

Is it a relative of Su Zong?

The lady at the front desk guessed the identity of the other party in her heart, and kept her eyes fixed on the door.

At this moment, she saw a young man running in from outside wearing white sneakers and carrying a shoulder bag.

What a handsome boy!

Until the young man came to her, she didn't realize that this was the person she was waiting for, thinking that the other party had gone to the wrong place, and as a result...

"Hello, I'm looking for Su Qian."


The lady at the front desk was stunned for a few seconds without responding.

"Hello, I'm Su Yuzhou... Why don't I call him, you wait."

I thought it was Su Qian who didn't explain to the front desk. Thinking of his current troublesome situation, Su Yuzhou could understand, and he hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call him.

The lady at the front desk came back to her senses and said quickly, "No need, no need, you are Mr. Su? President Su has already explained it, please come with me."

Then, she led Su Yuzhou to swipe the card through the passage, and waited in front of the elevator door.

While waiting, she glanced at the young man.

Is this Mr. Su twenty years old? Looking so young! What's the relationship with the boss?

The front desk lady had a decent smile on her face, but she couldn't help but gossip.

Su Yuzhou didn't bother to pay attention to the side, raised his eyes to see the number of elevator floors in the thirties and forty, and couldn't help asking: "Which floor is Su Qian on?"

"Su is waiting for you in the president's office on the top floor." Is it on the top floor?

Su Yuzhou was in a hurry and sent a message to Su Qian, but he never replied, not knowing what the situation is now.

He still remembered the crazy appearance of the Alphas who lost their minds under the stimulation of Omega pheromones outside the elevator on the night he met Su Qian in the hotel.

Su Qian, who is passionate, has no ability to resist!

The more Su Yuzhou thought about it, the more worried he became, and the whole person became impatient.

I kissed in the morning, why did it suddenly happen in the afternoon? Isn't kissing useless?

Has Su Qian brought an inhibitor?

What is the situation now?


The elevator finally arrived.

Su Yuzhou was overjoyed, watching the elevator door open, just as he was about to rush in, he saw a few people blocked inside.

The two Alphas were headed by them. The moment the elevator door opened, the other party's Alpha pheromone rushed out, arrogant and unscrupulous.

It's red wine and roses.

Su Yuzhou frowned slightly, not wanting to cause trouble and waste time, he avoided it and waited for the other party to come out.

"Hello, Mr. Li, and Mr. Jin."

The lady at the front desk said hello and avoided.

Both are waiting for the people in the elevator to come out.

However, the leading Alpha looked at Su Yuzhou up and down, looked at him in a no-name sweater and jeans, and couldn't help frowning and asked, "Who is this?"

Compared with a formal person in an elevator, Su Yuzhou's dress is indeed a bit abrupt.

The lady at the front desk whispered, "This is the guest of Su Zong."

"The guest of the host?"

Li Xiran raised his eyebrows slightly, took a step forward, came to Su Yuzhou, looked him up and down, "An Alpha?"

Behind him, Mr. Jin, who was just called by the lady at the front desk, is naturally Jin Yao. He has other projects to discuss with Mrs. Su today.

At this moment, his face changed slightly, especially when he smelled a faint coconut fragrance.

He wanted to hold Li Xiran, but it was too late.

"Su Qian finally figured it out?"

Li Xiran looked at Su Yuzhou with contempt in his eyes and tone.

"Guest? I think it's a little lover?"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone present felt a strong and domineering alpha pheromone that spread out in an instant.

Jin Yao's face turned pale, he saw that fierce giant coconut again, no, it was dozens!

Dozens of big coconuts smashed him directly in the face with an extremely angry monstrosity!


His red wine pheromone didn't have the power of unity at all, and it was crushed to smithereens as soon as it met.

At the same time, he heard a low voice from the young man: "Go away!"

Before being completely knocked out, Jin Yao only had time to scold: Knock your mother Li Xiran!

Why do you want to pull him!

In fact, Li Xiran, who bore the brunt, fainted faster than him, and fell to the ground in a more embarrassed posture.

The pheromone suppression between Alphas is very powerful, especially for top Alphas against ordinary Alphas, Jin Yao, who is an excellent A, has not been spared, not to mention an ordinary A like Li Xiran?

There are several betas who are relatively slow to pheromone. Apart from feeling uncomfortable, they were not directly suppressed and fainted, but they were also frightened.

They looked at each other, and finally looked at the imposing young man with a little panic.

The young man had a cold face. When he saw the two Alphas fall, he only frowned, then bent down, and picked up Jin Yao, who was lying at the elevator door, by his collar. , throw it to those beta subordinates.

Then said, "Can you let it go?"

As for Li Xiran, who was lying on the ground, she didn't even look at it.

Su Yuzhou dodged and entered the elevator. Seeing her like this, he said, "I'll just go up by myself. Is he on the top floor?"

The lady at the front desk nodded mechanically.

Su Yuzhou pressed the elevator button and watched the elevator door close, isolating everyone, before he slowly exhaled and calmed down.

He grew up in the welfare center in his last life, and saw many such people.

As an orphan, sometimes if you are less aggressive, others will think you are easy to bully. After a few injuries, he learned to fight back.

However, to his surprise, the two Alphas actually fell down before he did anything.

Is this the power of good alpha?

Su Yuzhou tilted his head slightly as he looked at himself reflected on the elevator wall.

But... he doesn't seem to know how to use this power.

Just now, it was because that Alpha was so annoying, he kept blocking the door, and his attitude towards Su Qian made him very angry, so he wanted him to go away.

As a result, he fainted for no reason.

He even thought for a moment that the two were touching porcelain.

Thinking of Su Qian, Su Yuzhou couldn't help but get nervous.

There seem to be quite a lot of Alphas in his company, is there really nothing wrong?

Fortunately, the elevator was very fast, only a ding sound was heard, the elevator door slowly opened, and the secretary, who had been notified long ago, was already waiting outside.

"Hello, how about Su Qian?"

Before the secretary could speak, Su Yuzhou asked in an eager tone.

The secretary didn't talk nonsense either. Although he was a little surprised by his youth, he still took him inside and said, "Boss Su is in the office. The situation...seems to be a little bad."

Su Yuzhou nodded slightly, confirming Su Qian's safety, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and he was not as nervous as before.

When I came to the door of the office, the secretary knocked on the door with his fingers, and then said loudly: "President Su, Mr. Su is here."

"Let him in."

Su Qian's voice came from inside.

The secretary wisely stepped aside.

Alpha, Omega, Passion Period, with these three key words, anyone can guess what will happen to Mr. Su after this Mr. Su enters.

However, she knows what should not be seen or heard. The most important thing in doing things by Mrs. Su's side is to do her own thing well, and don't worry about anything else.

Su Yuzhou took a deep breath, held the doorknob, and gently opened the door.

It was just a gap, and the rich Omega pheromone rushed towards him, he hurried in and slammed the door shut.

The beta secretary standing at the door just smelled the leaked pheromone, and blushed uncontrollably, let alone entered it directly and was surrounded by pheromone. Su Yuzhou lives here.

In the huge president's office, there is a strong aroma of chestnuts. Baked.

It is fragrant and sweet, and you can imagine the glutinous smell when you eat it in your mouth.

Su Yuzhou's breathing suddenly became faster, his heart beat faster, and blood rushed up.

The chestnut fragrance quickly melted into a coconut fragrance.

"Su Qian..."

Su Yuzhou quickly walked towards the direction where the chestnut fragrance wafted.

The man was leaning on the sofa, his suit jacket and tie had been thrown aside, and the button of his neckline was unbuttoned.

Except for a blush on Jun's face, the situation didn't look that bad.

On the coffee table in front of him, there was also a box of Omega inhibitors. He should have injected them, but the pheromone in the room showed that the inhibitors did not work as they should. .

"Su Qian..."

Su Yuzhou felt something wrong with his body, he originally approached him worriedly.

The closer he got, the more he felt the desire in his heart to hug him, kiss him, be with him...

Finally, he couldn't help but pounce on the man.

Su Qian embraced him with open arms.

Under the lure of his pheromone, Su Yuzhou's passion also broke out.

The mind is controlled by love, he climbs the man's neck and eagerly kisses his chin, lips, cheeks...

He kissed indiscriminately, as if he just wanted to leave his own taste on him.

The extremely rich coconut fragrance permeates.

Even though Su Qian was mentally prepared, he was a little overwhelmed for a while.

Finally, the young man hugged him tightly, the tip of his tongue pressed against the glands at the back of his neck and licked, and the little tiger teeth rubbed lightly on that piece of skin.

Obviously he could feel his anxiety, but he didn't bite down.

Perceiving this, Su Qian was moved.

He hugged the young man back, put his cheek against his head, and gently rubbed his soft hair.

Even if he was controlled by **** and lost his mind, no matter how eager he was, Su Yuzhou did not disregard his wishes to mark him. Such a discovery relieved him of all his defenses.

Su Yuzhou is special, he is different from other Alphas.

Thinking like this, Su Qian kissed the young man's ear, then put his arms around him and stood up.

Su Yuzhou hung on him, and groaned because he had never been satisfied.

"Su Qian, I want you..."

He started to pull Su Qian's clothes.

Su Qian could feel his impatience, he held up the young man's face and kissed the corner of his mouth.

"Be good, be patient."

The little Alpha, comforted by Omega, was quiet for a while.

He was led into the compartment by Su Qian.

This is where Su Qian usually rests. Although the sparrow is small and complete, it is cleaned by a special person on weekdays. It is clean and tidy, and the furniture and entertainment facilities are complete.

The pheromone in the compartment is lighter than the one outside.

Su Yuzhou, who was hanging on Su Qian's body and pulling his clothes, reluctantly regained a touch of sanity.

"Su Qian, I..."

His words were blocked by Su Qian at the bottom of his throat.

The man held his face, sealed his lips, and pushed him down on the big bed in the compartment.

He once again showed the strength of the night he first met.

Omega, who should have fallen into **** and weakness, does not seem to have lost his power.

Su Qian was originally trained and has a certain resistance to Alpha pheromones.

After these days of adaptation, the suppressing power of Su Yuzhou's pheromone has weakened a lot.

At the mercy of Alpha.

The youth's sweater, sneakers, jeans... were thrown on the floor one by one.

Su Yuzhou felt that this experience was different from the few times they had.

Even the best third time in his memory did not make him feel like his whole soul was floating.

The man's kiss fell on him tightly, and he seemed to know how to find his sensitive parts, so that his toes couldn't help but curl up.

Suddenly, Su Yuzhou opened his eyes and stepped back in horror, "Your finger..."

Su Qian did not let him escape, but pulled him closer.

He has made up some knowledge in the past few days, and he can finally practice it today.

Su Yuzhou took a breath and looked at the man's eyes as deep and beautiful as a starry sky, only to feel his heart beat faster.

In the end, he chose to believe him.

The author has something to say: Zhouzhou: It’s not that I don’t want to bite, it’s that I can’t qaq

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