MTL - Who Doesn’t Like a Sweet Little Alpha?-Chapter 21

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Su Yuzhou patted his chest and finally stopped coughing, but looking at Su's father's message, he still frowned in confusion.

It is absolutely impossible to let Dad come over, he has to be dressed as soon as he arrives, but it is impossible to pretend that he did not see it.

He thought about it and started replying to messages.

Su Yuzhou: [Dad, I got up. 】

I remember that after he recovered the memory of his previous life, he wanted to call "Dad", but the first time he called it, Dad Su asked him tearfully: Is there something wrong with Dad? ? Why did Zhouzhou break up with his father?

Since then, Su Yuzhou has honestly continued to call his father.

Su Yuzhou: [My friend went to work. 】

Su Yuzhou: [He went home after nine o'clock in the evening. 】

Mr. Su did go to work and didn't come back until after nine o'clock last night, he didn't lie! As for the inhibitor, he chose to jump over it.

Dad: [Ah, so…]

The dilemma can be seen from the text alone.

As a timid Omega, Dad Su seldom goes out at night unless he has to, and he is very particular about etiquette. If the master is not at home, he will definitely not come to visit.

Su Yuzhou breathed a sigh of relief and continued to pursue the victory.

He edited: [Dad, haven't you always wanted to eat the cakes of Xiangsulou? Let's meet there in the afternoon, and when we come back, I'll bring something back to my friends]

Papa Su: [But your passion period...]

Su Yuzhou: [My current situation is quite stable, I will be back soon after going out for a while, it should be fine]

The effect of inhibitors is very useful. In the **** period of ordinary adults, generally as long as an injection of inhibitors in advance will not cause any problems.

For the first fever like Su Yuzhou, because the inhibitor used is not strong, it needs to be isolated and observed.

Of course, the inhibitor cannot be abused, and it must be properly relieved according to the physical condition, otherwise it may become like Su Qian.

In the end, Su Yuzhou persuaded Dad Su.

When the conversation was over, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Yuzhou picked up the cup and took another sip of honey water, his eyes lowered slightly, thinking about his thoughts.

The situation of him and Mr. Su is not suitable to tell the family at present.

He likes Su Qian.

Perhaps from the first time I saw him in the hospital corridor, he fell in love with him a little, otherwise it was so good, why would the pheromone leak out inexplicably?

This happened many times later, basically in front of Su Qian.

But Su Yuzhou is not sure whether he is so infatuated with him because he really likes it or because of the hormones of the **** period.

Is he in the susceptible period of Alpha now? That's why I can't help relying on him and loving him. When he's not around, I feel sad—

It was only when he tossed in bed last night that he couldn't fall asleep that he thought of this biological knowledge.

Of course, even if he knew intellectually that he was in a wrong state, he couldn't help but want to get close to that person.

This is the first time that Su Yuzhou feels that he likes a person so desperately, like a moth to a flame.

A person like him who was a bit forward-looking, turned out to be able to do the same, this experience is very unfamiliar, but he feels very happy.

Because, he thinks Mr. Su is worth it.

Su Yuzhou paused slightly, then took a sip of honey water.

Well, well, it is possible that his thoughts are also due to hormone effects, so after the **** period, when he is completely calm, he needs to think about this issue carefully.

And now…

He must cherish this time first.

This was also taught to him by the accidental death of the previous life, and he did not want to regret it in the future.

The decision was made, Su Yuzhou put down the cup, continued to eat breakfast, and washed the dishes by the way.

When he washed the dishes and came out of the kitchen, looking at the empty house, he felt a feeling of emptiness and unpleasantness in his heart.

But thinking of Mr. Su saying that he would come back early today, he cheered up again.

Su Yuzhou returned to his room and continued the game programming that was not completed the day before yesterday.

If all goes well, it can be published today.

Although it was difficult to get into the state at first, but gradually, when he concentrated, he abandoned all distracting thoughts, and it was not until the set alarm clock sounded that he woke up.

Unconsciously, it was twelve o'clock.

Su Yuzhou turned off the alarm clock, continued to finish the last thing, and clicked publish.

Resources are limited, the game is relatively simple to present, but simplicity also has the advantages of simplicity. After all, it is a casual game, and the rules are simple and easy to understand and a little difficult to decompress and kill time.

Just after the game was released, several old fans who followed it posted comments.

Su Yuzhou was a little happy, after briefly replying to them, he stretched and went downstairs to cook.

He made an appointment with Su's father at four o'clock in the afternoon. There is still time. After lunch, Su Yuzhou also took a bath to be safe.

When he was about to set off, he quietly rubbed some perfume behind his ears to make sure he couldn't smell the scent of chestnuts on his body, and then put on his backpack and went out.

The youth was wearing a simple sweater and jeans, a baseball cap with a sunshade, and a shoulder bag slantingly, walking leisurely on the path of the villa area.

Under the shade of greenery, it makes people feel the breath of youth from a distance.

The uncle of the security guard at the door couldn't help but take a second glance. At this time, the young man also looked at him and grinned at him, bright and kind.

The uncle of the security suddenly felt his mood brightened, smiled and nodded to the young man, watching him walk out of the gate and board a taxi.

Watching the taxi go away, he could not help frowning, and muttered: "When is this child a visitor? How can he take a taxi?"

I don't know why, he remembered last night, the eccentric Mr. Su, who was suddenly eager to find someone...

Speaking of which, Mr. Su has never seen such a gaffe for so many years since he moved in. His nervousness can be felt even by phone calls.

No... Really this young man?

Xiangsu Lou is a famous pastry shop in S City.

Around 3:30 in the afternoon, Dad Su was waiting in front of the store with carefully prepared items.

He has a petite stature, a delicate and soft appearance, and a smile on his face with a look of anticipation. Even standing in the crowd, he is very eye-catching.

When Su Yuzhou came over, he saw him standing at the door of the store, at three or four in the afternoon, the weather was still so hot, sweat dripped from the man's forehead.

Omega, who loves beauty so much, is waiting for him under the sun with the most annoying sweat.

He strode over quickly, "Dad, why don't you wait for me inside?"

Seeing his son, Papa Su's eyes lit up.

"I'm worried that you won't be able to find me when you come here, and you're not very suitable for places with many people... Oh, let Dad see, have you eaten well these days?"

Papa Su handed the things to him, and then took his son to look at it for a while.

He only has two children. The eldest daughter is studying abroad and may work there in the future. Now that the younger son is an adult, he still does not know where he will go to study.

Papa Su was particularly reluctant. For a few days when his son was away, he would always cry secretly. Fortunately, he was not so sad with his wife.

"Of course I have a good meal." Su Yuzhou let him look at it, "It's you, have you recovered from your cold?"

He didn't realize that, Dad Su looked at him, his eyes suddenly flickered, and then he said casually: "It's been a long time, your mother has been watching me, I have taken medicine. "

"What about you? Are you used to staying at a friend's house?"

Su Yuzhou nodded, "Of course, everything is fine with me, you don't have to worry."

Next, the father and son found an open and shady place to talk together, and then Dad Su sent him back.

Su Yuzhou picked up something and got into the taxi. Dad Su stood there and waved goodbye to him. When the taxi disappeared at the end of the road, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Su Lan's voice soon rang from the other end of the phone.

"Wife and wife, we seem to have O in Zhouzhou!" Dad Su said with bright eyes.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"I smelled Omega pheromones on the boat, and it smelled like chestnuts!"

Around four in the afternoon.

Su Qian returned to the hilltop villa ahead of schedule after a day's work.

"Su, these are the documents that need to be signed."

Assistant Lin handed him a briefcase, "It's all for next Monday."

The man nodded lightly, took the briefcase and got out of the car.

Assistant Lin watched him walk into the villa without looking back, and always felt that his steps today seemed a little more urgent than usual.

He remembered the alpha pheromone on the boss again.

No, it must be his illusion!

The driver slowly left the car, and Su Qian finally walked into the house.

The first floor was empty and no one was there.

The strange thing is that the air conditioner is not turned on, it looks a little stuffy.

Su Qian frowned, threw the briefcase on the coffee table, loosened his tie, and walked up to the third floor.

He didn't deliberately lighten his footsteps, and his slippers walked on the wooden floor, making not a slight footstep.

Coming to the guest room, he knocked on the door with his fingers bent.

"Knock Knock Knock-"

There is no response.

Su Qian frowned, reached out to hold the door handle, and gently pushed it open.

"Su Yuzhou?"

He tried to shout, but he waited for a while, still no response.

Su Qian finally realized that something was wrong and walked in directly. There was no one in the room, but to his relief, the young man's suitcase was still there.

He left the guest room and went directly to the master bedroom.

Thinking of the picture of the young man lying on his bed and wrapping himself with a quilt, Mr. Su slightly curved his lips, he held the doorknob and slowly opened the door, his voice softened: "Xiaozhou? "

After thinking about it for a while, he changed his mouth a little nervously: "Zhouzhou?"

However, when he entered the house, he found... there was no one in the master bedroom!

When Su Yuzhou returned to the villa, it was almost seven o'clock, and the lights were not turned on in the villa, so he thought Su Qian had not come back.

As a result, when he turned on the light in the living room, he saw Mr. Su sitting on the sofa and looked at him blankly.

Read The Duke's Passion