MTL - Where’d My Delicate Little Wife Go?-Chapter 87 attack the holy city

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The person who came to talk to the ghost king is a soldier in his sixties. He knew the ghost king twenty years ago. The ghost king is powerful, he always felt that the ghost king was his peers, maybe even older than him.

Before the ghost king showed half of his face too young, so he was afraid to recognize this good brother for a while, then he thought about it for a long time and felt that the ghost king's chin and neck should be disguised. Pack up your mood and continue to call yourself a brother to the ghost king.

But now the whole face of the ghost king is exposed, and this face is not fake!

This is not even a question of whether the face is fake or not, this person is really handsome, he is a man, he can't help but be moved!

"You...Did you go for plastic surgery?" The man couldn't help but ask, and suddenly wanted to have plastic surgery. If he could become younger...

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The Ghost King was annoyed. He's a big man, so he won't go to plastic surgery! As for this appearance... this is all because of the exercises Duan Changqing gave him...

"Then what's the matter with you? By the way, you look a lot like Xie Yunnan, are you his brother?" The man asked again.

The Ghost King took a deep breath: "I'm his father!" Don't lower him!

"Xie Yunnan is your son? Then you are not young, why are you still like this?" The man blurted out.

Others present were also very curious.

Xia Qing looked at the ghost king's face and took a deep breath - their boss is really handsome! Just this face, she will never get tired of seeing it in her life.

Lu Xiaoran really can't compare with their boss!

She was the one who was her father, looking so young made her a little hurt.

If it goes on like this, in a few years, will others think she is their eldest sister?

Wait, their boss said that Xie Yunnan was his son?

No wonder their boss was so excited when he saw Xie Yunnan!

The ghost king's subordinates understand why the ghost king is so good to Xie Yunnan - who doesn't like such an excellent son?

As for those who once doubted what Xie Qing thought about Xie Yunnan, they were extremely embarrassed.

Actually, looking back and thinking about it, between Xie Qing and Xie Yunnan, there is really no ambiguity.

Xie Qing's behavior was exactly the same as some fathers who dote on their children.

It's just that he is too attentive, and Xie Yunnan sometimes behaves very uncomfortable, which makes them misunderstood...

Lao Bai didn't have a good impression of "Xie Qing", after all, this person is one of Xie Yunnan's scandal targets.

But seeing Xie Qing's appearance now, the grudge disappeared immediately.

No wonder his little master doesn't care! They are all relatives, nothing to worry about.

Bai Lao even thought of more.

The person in front of him is a bit like the one in his memory... The husband of the current owner of the Lu family in his early years, didn't he look like this? That person's companion beast is also a fox.

Although the companion beast of the Lu family is a red fox, and the companion beast of the man in front of him is a white nine-tailed fox, but he talked to Wen Che and knew that Xie Qing's talent skills are confusing Others... In this case, it is not difficult for him to make a disguise for his companion beast.

What's more, the companion beast itself can evolve, but this kind of thing is becoming more and more rare nowadays!

So if there is no accident, this Xie Qing should be the husband of the head of the Lu family, Xie Yunnan is the lost child of the Lu family, and the person who is dressed like Xie Qing and is still wearing a mask...

Old Bai's age is not in vain, he can see that Lu Jingchen is a woman.

Then...could it be the head of the Lu family?

In this way, Xie Yunnan's other scandal target, Lu Xiaoran, is actually Xie Yunnan's cousin.

No wonder Lu Xiaoran surrendered without saying a word, no wonder Xie Yunnan reused Lu Xiaoran.

We are all family members, naturally close!

Xie Qing and Lu Xiaoran are both relatives of Xie Yunnan, as for Xie Yunnan's last scandal object, Bai Ye...

Bai Ye was brought up by him. It wasn't long before I met Xie Yunnan, and there was absolutely no ambiguity between him and Xie Yunnan.

Old Bai thought a lot, and the ghost king said at this time: "Okay, don't worry about my face! We still have a lot of things to do!"

How to deal with those people from the Holy City they caught, how to settle Bai Lao and others, how to repair the city lord's mansion, how to explain this incident to the outside world... These are all things!

The ghost king only thinks that one head and two are big. He is actually not good at these. Before helping Xie Yunnan manage Hongye City, he also drove ducks to the shelves.

Old Bai said at this time: "Little friend, do you need any help?" It's all from his own family, so he should help.

Bai Lao has been helping the high priest manage the family business of the high priest for more than 100 years, and the experience is so good!

Many of the people present did not know Bai Lao, but Meng Yan, who used to be at the top of the Holy City, knew Bai Lao, and so did the Ghost King.

Lao Bai and Duan Changqing have a very good relationship, and they discussed with Xie Yunnan before to cooperate... The ghost king realized what he thought before, that Duan Changqing betrayed the high priest, it should not exist.

So Bai Lao is actually his own!

The Ghost King was overjoyed: "Then I will trouble the old man."

Old Bai smiled: "No trouble, no trouble!" He really wanted to help!

Not to mention, among the people that Xie Yunnan and the others caught today, there were two high priests who attacked his little master, and some people who betrayed them.

He can't wait to kill these people!

Old Bai took people to deal with these people.

The Ghost King thought about it, and followed him—among these people, there are his enemies.

He wanted to take revenge in the early years, but he never succeeded. Now the enemy is under his nose... He will definitely kill the enemy.

As for his identity...he had been very careful before, lest his identity leaked out would harm the Lu family.

But now he doesn't seem to have to worry?

Is this the benefit of hugging your thighs?

The ghost king was in a very good mood, and he smiled when he rushed to Lu Jingchen.

Lu Jingchen only felt her heartbeat quicken - her man's small appearance is too attractive! Facing this face, she will not be able to fight!

Meng Yan and the others were also assigned to work. While they were working mechanically, their mood was extremely complicated.

I didn't expect Xie Qing to look like this...

Shi Haiyuan sighed deeply: "If he had hit me with this face, I would not have avoided him, but looked forward to seeing him every day..."

" like men?"

Shi Haiyuan was annoyed: "Don't tell me you weren't confused by him!"

"I woke up later!"

"Am I not awake?"

Shi Haiyuan was arguing with people like this, Meng Yan interrupted them: "Don't quarrel... Do you think that Xie Qing looks like a person?"

"Like Xie Yunnan?" Someone blurted out.

Meng Yan glanced at the man speechlessly before saying, "Think about it carefully, twenty years ago, the Lu family..."

Twenty years ago, the Lu family? Shi Haiyuan suddenly thought of a person: "That irritable girl from the Lu family? That person doesn't look as good as Xie Qing, doesn't he?"

He had such a person in his mind, but that person's charm couldn't compare to Xie Qing!

Wait, he can't think about Xie Qing's charm anymore, he's already a lot of age, but he can't be confused anymore!

Meng Yan gave Shi Haiyuan a look of approval: "It's that person! I don't remember his name, but he looks very similar to Xie Qing."

Someone was surprised: "Could it be that Xie Qing is that person?"

Shi Haiyuan said: "This matter has nothing to do with us, should we continue to work?" Whether Xie Qing is that person has little to do with them!

Meng Yan heard the words and looked at Shi Haiyuan with the eyes of an idiot: "Can you think about it! Before we always thought that Duan Changqing was the ghost king, but according to Xie Qing, let's go and see Bai Lao's reaction, Duan Changqing is not a ghost king at all, he is the person next to the high priest... Then you say, who is the ghost king?"

There are too many things that happened just now, Meng Yan didn't think about it for a while, but now when he thinks about it, he realizes that something is wrong.

Isn’t Duan Changqing the ghost king? How did you become the person beside the high priest?

Who is the ghost king?

Thinking about the ghost king's subordinates all listen to Xie Qing, and those who have a good relationship with the ghost king also call Xie Qing brothers and sisters... The answer is about to come out.

"Some people think that Duan Changqing is the ghost king?" Someone exclaimed.

Most of them felt that Duan Changqing was a weak chicken before today, and didn't even know that Duan Changqing was the ghost king.

Meng Yan: “…”

While Meng Yan and the others were discussing endlessly, Duan Changqing was helping Xie Yunnan check his body.

Xie Yunnan did have an injury on his stomach, but fortunately, the injury was not serious.

"I'm really fine." Xie Yunnan said. However, this is what he said. His companion beast, Xiaobai, came to Duan Changqing with a "woo woo" cry. He was lying on the ground and exposed his belly to Duan Changqing. He looked at Duan Changqing with wet eyes. Hug look.

Duan Changqing picked up Xiaobai and kissed him for a while, and then input spiritual power to Xiaobai, Xiaobai went to lick Duan Changqing's face, while licking and making a "woo woo" sound, that is called an intimacy, A look that can't wait for Chang Duan Changqing.

Xie Yunnan's face turned red all of a sudden - Xiaobai, this dog!

Duan Changqing glanced at the blushing Xie Yunnan, chuckled lightly, and released her little flower, letting it lie on Xie Yunnan's stomach.

The little chipmunk kissed Xie Yunnan's stomach.

Xie Yunnan: "..." This is a bit of a foul!

Xie Yunnan grabbed the chipmunk who was teasing him, put it in his hand and rubbed it, then looked at Duan Changqing: "What are we going to do next?"

Duan Changqing said: "To attack the Holy City?"