MTL - Where’d My Delicate Little Wife Go?-Chapter 8 speak up

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Xie Yunnan was in a bad mood ever since she got that messy memory.

He can change the fate of this person, and he must also change his own destiny!

Unfortunately, he didn't know what happened in the Red Leaf Forest. Why did those alien beasts run out one after another?

Why do the alien beasts in the red leaf forest run out one after another? Of course it was because something happened in the Red Leaf Forest.

Central District, Liao's House.

Liao Muye was sitting in the study with a wanted notice in front of him.

Above the wanted notice is a photo, the person in the photo is wearing a black mask, wearing a leather armor, holding a large knife and exuding a terrifying aura.

And below, is the person's information.

There is very little information, not even the name of this person and the type of accompanying beasts. I only know that this person has assassinated many people, at least a ninth-level soldier, and also the leader of the rebel army, nicknamed the Ghost King .

The ghost king has been active on this road for more than 20 years.

Few people know that he lives in the red leaf forest most of the time.

In the beginning of Liao Muye's last life, he didn't know why the beasts in the red leaf forest ran out, and then he accidentally rescued this man, and then he knew the whole story.

There was a rebellion in the holy city a week ago, and the ghost king also stepped in, killing a few nobles while the chaos, and then hid in the red leaf forest.

Then, no one could have imagined that... the elusive and well-protected high priest of the holy city was killed by some nobles of the holy city during the rebellion. The situation was very chaotic at the time. Somehow, the body of the high priest fell into the river.

The High Priest had something to be scrambled by the beasts. When his corpse was floating in the river, it had already attracted the attention of many creatures in the river, and the corpse was even more dilapidated.

Wait for this tattered corpse to float into the red leaf forest...

The alien beasts over there were reluctant to leave the corpse at first, but when there were too many, they crowded together and fought, fighting for the corpse, and in the end, they became the strongest in the Red Leaf Forest. A robbery between alien beasts.

Hongye City, will it suffer?

The battle of those alien beasts even affected many rebels hiding in the red leaf forest.

seriously injured.

At that time, he was pursuing Xie Yunnan. Seeing more and more beasts wandering in the fringe area, he persuaded Xie Yunnan to move to the central area, but Xie Yunnan was unwilling and instead formed a team with others. Militia, resist those alien beasts that invade the marginal area, and rescue the people in the marginal area.

He didn't want Xie Yunnan to be injured, so he stayed in the marginal area to protect Xie Yunnan, but one day they went out, met the fainted rebel leader, and saved the man.

This person is grateful for their life-saving grace, and helped them a lot after that, but when Xie Yunnan parted ways with him later, he didn’t know what Xie Yunnan did. This person is between them, He actually chose Xie Yunnan.

The man died unexpectedly, but the people under him still obey Xie Yunnan.

Xie Yunnan really, used to please people.

But in this life, he will save people alone.

If he can get the power of this man...

Liao Muye clenched the wanted notice, and his heart surged for a while.

He wants to see Xie Yunnan again.

In his last life, he once liked Xie Yunnan very much, but now he doesn't like it anymore, but Xie Yunnan is still the person he cares most about.

He wanted to see Xie Yunnan struggling at the bottom, but in the end he got nothing!

Liao Muye left the study.

As soon as he came outside, he saw Yan Yuge coming in from outside, and smiled at him: "Brother Liao, are you going out?"

"Yes." Liao Muye said.

Liao Muye didn't like Yan Yuge, who had been pestering him since childhood.

In the past life, this person was always looking for trouble with Xie Yunnan, and he also warned this person several times.

It's a pity that this person didn't listen to the persuasion and finally wanted to kill Xie Yunnan... After he rescued Xie Yunnan, for the sake of the two growing up together, he let go of Yan Yuge, but later, Yan Yuge was arrested. The man on the wanted list was killed.

This is undoubtedly what Xie Yunnan meant. Xie Yunnan has a viciousness that does not match his appearance.

"Where are you going, Brother Liao?" Yan Yuge asked again.

Liao Muye said: "Go to the edge area."

Yan Yuge's face changed.

Liao Muye ignored him and walked out.

Yan Yuge has always hated Xie Yunnan, he would have stopped him in his last life, but now without him, what would Yan Yuge do?

Without him, what will happen to Xie Yunnan?

When Liao Muye went out, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Xie Yunnan, who was missed by Liao Muye, got up early in the morning to make breakfast after sleeping. The chicken rice left over last night was only enough for him.

The rice was cooked in a rice cooker, Xie Yunnan heated the chicken rice left over from yesterday, and gave half of it to Duan Changqing.

Duan Changqing finished eating in three or two bites.

Xie Yunnan couldn't help but ask, "Are you feeling sick?" This person ate two bowls of chicken rice in one go last night. Because he was in good shape, he didn't give it to this person.

This person's stomach...isn't there any problem?

Duan Changqing smiled at Xie Yunnan.

He didn't seem to have any problems at all, but he was holding an empty bowl and looked like he still wanted to eat.

Although Xie Yunnan wants to save more money to better cope with the various things that will be encountered next, it will not prevent the patient from being full.

He had already cooked a big pot of rice before, and went to fry a bowl of pickles and a bowl of eggs.

Pickles are pickled with leftovers discarded from nearby plantations.

The plantation will grow a lot of plants, those that meet the requirements will be sent to the central area and the general area, and those that do not meet the requirements may be discarded.

People in the fringes will collect the unwanted items from the plantation for food.

These include small or broken potatoes, vegetables that are not growing well, and the leaves of some plants that are generally eaten only by the rhizomes.

When Xie Yunnan was very young, she would go to a nearby plantation to work with her children of the same age, and then pick up the unwanted leaves and the like, dried and pickled to make pickles.

Now that he's grown up, he doesn't do such a thing anymore. He bought this pickle from the children nearby.

Xie Yunnan moved a small table beside the bed, put the food on it, and gave Duan Changqing a bowl of rice.

Duan Changqing held the bowl and ate the spoon with his thin hands.

After eating for a while, he said to Xie Yunnan, "It's delicious!"

With the help of his powerful consciousness, he can finally speak a few words!

Children in cartoons will say so when they eat their favorite food.

Xie Yunnan was a little confused.

It's a strange tone, and it's folded, this...

But he is more concerned about another thing: "You can talk?"

Duan Changqing nodded, then pointed to his throat: "I'm so uncomfortable!"

He can't speak a lot at the moment, so he just pretends to be uncomfortable and doesn't speak much.

Xie Yunnan: "..." When she said this, it seemed like she was acting like a spoiled child, and she even added a tone particle "ya".

If this person is not good-looking, speaking in this tone will make people want to hit him.

Xie Yunnan slowed down, and finally accepted the matter: "Don't talk about it if you're uncomfortable." This person can eat and is sane, which is fine.

This tone of voice, although a bit scary, but also quite cute, just get used to it.

"I must be good." Duan Changqing said again, in the cartoon he watched, the protagonist's parents explained things. .

Because he was worried that the language here has requirements for pitch and so on, he even said the same pitch.

Xie Yunnan took a deep breath: "Well, you're good." He actually thought this person was a little cute... His aesthetic doesn't seem right...

Duan Changqing looked at Xie Yunnan and blinked, realizing that something was wrong.

Xie Yunnan is like this... Is there something wrong with what he said?

Thinking about this, Duan Changqing didn't want to pretend to be uncomfortable, but wanted to study systematically: "I want to learn." .

"What do you want to learn?" Xie Yunnan was puzzled.

Duan Changqing said: "Speak!"

He was locked up since he was a child? The person who locked him up didn't let him study?

Xie Yunnan instantly made up a scene of a child being bullied in an isolated basement because of his good looks.

No wonder his skin is abnormally white, this child is too pitiful!

Xie Yunnan thought about it and found the textbook that he used when he was a child to show Duan Changqing.

It's just that he is going to open a shop, and he has no time to teach Duan Changqing... After Xie Yunnan thought about it, he called a TV channel specializing in teaching children to read and paid for Duan Changqing to learn from this channel.

"Thank you! You are so kind, you are the best!" Duan Changqing smiled at Xie Yunnan.

When Xie Yunnan went downstairs to work, he felt inexplicably comfortable.

To be praised by a big beauty...It feels good.

Read The Duke's Passion