MTL - Where’d My Delicate Little Wife Go?-Chapter 65 Follow-up

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Duan Changqing was seriously injured this time, but not really dying.

But the current situation... He simply pretended that he couldn't do it, and closed his eyes and "dizzy".

"Changqing!" Seeing Duan Changqing fainting, Xie Yunnan, who was holding him, was a little anxious, but he didn't dare to move too much, lest it aggravate Duan Changqing's injury.

By the way, the injury...

Xie Yunnan input the divine power into Duan Changqing's body, and also checked Duan Changqing's condition according to the relevant knowledge he had learned these days.

This inspection, Xie Yunnan could not help but take a breath.

Duan Changqing's injuries are extremely serious.

His strength is so strong, it was easy for them to clean up Meng Yanshi Haiyuan, but now it has become like this... Mostly because he helped him break through yesterday.

Xie Yunnan was strange before, he just ate an ordinary spiritual plant, how could he break through and become the only high priest in this world...

Now it seems, it is all by Duan Changqing.

"How is he?" The Ghost King asked Xie Yunnan.

"The injury is very serious." Xie Yunnan's voice trembled.

Duan Changqing's situation is called dying.

Even if you want to help him improve his strength, Duan Changqing doesn't have to do this...

"I'll go with you." Wen Che said.

The Ghost King frowned and looked at Wen Che: "What's your idea?" Today's incident has a lot to do with Wen Che.

Wen Che was a little ashamed: "I always have to repay the grace of saving my life, and I will protect you all."

He had already recognized who the person who blew himself up just now, and also knew that this person was coming for him—for today's incident, he was the one who implicated Duan Changqing.

Duan Changqing saved him despite his past suspicions...

Wen Che was loyal to the high priest because the previous high priest saved him, and now he is naturally grateful to Duan Changqing.

In addition, he also wanted to find out where the high priest's body was.

"Then let's go." The ghost king also felt that it was better to bring Wen Che with him.

"Wait a minute, there are ghosts in my subordinates, I'll deal with it first." Wen Che said.

Wen Che came to Hongye City this time and brought a lot of men, seventeen in total.

In the previous battle, four of them were accidentally affected and died, and thirteen survived.

The boulder was suddenly blown up by explosives, it was obvious that they had an inner ghost... Wen Che's subordinates were also smart and looked at each other, but they didn't let anyone escape, but was the inner ghost? Still among these people, no one knows.

For a while, Wen Che was unable to determine who was the inner ghost among these people. He planned to take away all the communication equipment of these people, and take them with him first, wait for Duan Changqing to be treated, and then interrogate them carefully.

"What are you going to do?" asked the ghost king.

Wencher shared his thoughts.

The Ghost King said: "I'll come!" The Ghost King didn't want to waste time, so he directly released his accompanying sales, so he used the exercises on these people.

Even a ninth-level warrior of the same level as him will be confused by him, let alone those who are far inferior to him!

As soon as the Ghost King exercise was used, these people shook off their origins and made it clear that there were actually two of them, neither of them from Wen Che's side.

Not waiting for the ghost king to say anything, Wen Che slapped the person one by one and killed the person directly, then looked at the ghost king gratefully: "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, it's your job." After the ghost king finished speaking, he stopped the practice and took back the companion beast.

After the interrogation just now, he felt that there was something wrong with Wen Che's subordinates looking at him, but he didn't think much of it.

This kind of exercise that can control the human heart has always been scary, and these people are probably afraid too.

"Your practice is really powerful." Wen Che couldn't help but said. He was obsessed with the pursuit of strength, he never got married, and he never had any interest in people, but when he was fighting just now... he felt that the man with burn marks on his face was very beautiful.

Fortunately, he is strong and determined, and has calmed down now.

But his subordinates... He looked at it, and they looked at Xie Qing's eyes, something was wrong.

It should also make them feel the sinister heart and suffer a little.

The matter on Wen Che's side was resolved, and Xie Yunnan had also simply helped Duan Changqing heal the injury, so everyone rushed to Hongye City together.

Xie Yunnan thought about a lot of things on the way here, and the same way on the way back.

Duan Changqing hid his identity from him, and even his father knew about it.

He felt a little uncomfortable, but he could understand Duan Changqing's choice when he thought about it.

When Duan Changqing was rescued by him, his physical condition was really bad, and his skinny condition could not be faked.

And he is a ghost king, a wanted criminal... It is normal to be unwilling to tell him his true identity.

The most important thing is that Duan Changqing did not hurt him from beginning to end, but it helped him a lot. He can become a priest, and it all depends on Duan Changqing.

But being able to understand it doesn't mean that you can't have any grievances.

Duan Changqing has been pretending, do you not believe him?

Also... the ghost king was a wanted criminal more than 20 years ago, how old is Duan Changqing now?

He is a ghost king, I don't know how many things I have experienced, is it sincere to be with him?

Is their marriage certificate useless now?

There are many thoughts in my heart, but Duan Changqing is not in a good condition. After Xie Yunnan brought him back to Hongye City, he still took care of him carefully, and he prepared a lot of food. When Duan Changqing wakes up, he will give it to Duan Changqing eat.

He said how Duan Changqing's appetite is so good... It turns out that he needs to eat more to heal his injuries.

The ghost king settled down with Wen Che, so he came to Xie Yunnan: "Yunnan, Duan Changqing's identity, Dad didn't hide it from you on purpose, but he didn't let me tell."

The Ghost King has the heart to put all the faults on Duan Changqing, but he has seen Duan Changqing's injury, and he can't fake it, and then think about what happened before...

Although Duan Changqing is strong, his body is probably really bad, and he can't use force very much.

No wonder when he caught Duan Changqing, Duan Changqing beat him, and then rested for many days.

No wonder Duan Changqing confronted Meng Yan and others as the ghost king that day, and then said that he was unwell.

And this time...If Duan Changqing is healthy, how can it be like this?

Duan Changqing rescued him and made his son a high priest... The Ghost King said: "He probably didn't mean it either, his intentions for you are true."

"Yunnan, I'm sorry." The ghost king said again.

"It doesn't matter." Xie Yunnan smiled and went to see Duan Changqing again.

The young man lying on the bed was frail and handsome. Who would have thought that this man would actually be the frightening "ghost king"?