MTL - Where’d My Delicate Little Wife Go?-Chapter 58 High Priest

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Xie Yunnan has been busy these days, and she was finally free today, so she returned to her residence early.

What he is most looking forward to now is to go home.

No matter how tired he is during the day, go back to chat with Duan Changqing and sleep, and he will be able to continue the next work with full energy.

When he returned to the suite where he and Duan Changqing lived, he felt better when he smelled the food.

"Yunnan, are you back? Let's eat." Duan Changqing greeted Xie Yunnan.

Xie Yunnan sat down in front of Duan Changqing, saw several dishes on the table, and asked, "How did you make so many dishes?"

Because someone helped... Duan Changqing served the meal: "I was free anyway, so I made a few more dishes."

Xie Yunnan said at this time: "Then do you want to find something to do? Would you like to go out to work with me tomorrow?"

Without Duan Changqing answering, Xie Yunnan added: "I've been very busy recently and need an assistant, are you willing to help me?"

Xie Yunnan has long considered this.

The situation was chaotic before, and Duan Changqing was weak, so he let Duan Changqing stay at home and did not take him out.

He was afraid that Duan Changqing would be in danger.

But in two days, they will almost be able to control Hongye City, and Duan Changqing can go out to work with him.

He also wants to urge Duan Changqing to practice that exercise more...

"Okay!" Duan Changqing agreed.

Xie Yunnan originally thought that Duan Changqing would be willing to go out to work with him after persuading him, but Duan Changqing agreed without even thinking about it.

He laughed: "Changqing, thank you so much! With your help, my future work will be much smoother."

How can it be so exaggerated, Xie Yunnan is coaxing herself... Duan Changqing said: "I will definitely help you."

The two were eating and chatting, Xie Yunnan said again: "Changqing, when you go to work outside, some people don't see you well, and they will tell you some things... Don't care, also Don't take them seriously."

Outside these days, Xie Yunnan has been questioned a lot, and even secretly disliked.

If Duan may encounter more trouble.

He will try to protect him, but it is impossible to watch over him all the time.

"Okay." Duan Changqing's eyes curled up.

Xie Yunnan really cares about him, and doesn't change his attitude towards him because of the change of status.

Such a Xie Yunnan is really likable.

"Remember, they talk nonsense because they are jealous of you, you are great, I like you the most!" Xie Yunnan said again.

In these days, some people are courting him, and some people will belittle Duan Changqing.

He knows what these people are thinking.

He and Duan Changqing are already married. Although there are other reasons for the two of them to be together, they are already a family. It is impossible for him to become a priest because of his awakening. To improve, abandon Duan Changqing.

He was afraid that Duan Changqing would be affected and he was in a bad mood, so he simply gave Duan Changqing a vaccination in advance.

"I like you the most." Duan Changqing said.

Xie Yunnan is very sure of this: "I know!" He believes that he is worthy of Duan Changqing's liking, he will provide Duan Changqing with a good life, and he will be good to Duan Changqing.

Thinking this way, Xie Yunnan took a piece of meat and gave it to Duan Changqing: "You eat more."

Duan Changqing ate with a smile.

He doesn't actually reveal his identity, and there is another reason, he wants to see what Xie Yunnan will do.

Xie Yunnan did much better than he thought.

When Xie Yunnan finished eating, he was about to take a shower, when he suddenly felt a power fluctuation in their room.

This feels like... an xenograft?

Why are there xenografts in their room?

It swayed its little yellow leaves, changing from an ordinary grass to a different plant.

"This grass has become a different plant!" Xie Yunnan was a little surprised.


Although Xie Yunnan saw this different plant, she didn't plan to eat it.

He now has no shortage of exotic animals and plants to eat - his father will find someone to prepare enough resources for him every day.

But after thinking about it, he thought it would be good to eat this xenograft.

After eating it, your strength can also be improved... You are not a warrior yet, I will eat this alien plant first, and I will find another alien plant for you to eat later."

It is always good to praise Duan Changqing, and he can use this as a reason to give Duan Changqing something else in the future.

Thinking about this, Xie Yunnan said again: "This alien plant is not ordinary, it is better than the alien plant I have seen before. You are really lucky!"

This xenograft is very small, it has just become an xenograft, and it contains very little energy.

Xie Yunnan felt that the strength she could improve after eating it was very limited.

But he still exaggerated and exaggerated the plant, he wanted Duan Changqing to think that he had accomplished a great thing.

Duan Changqing knew all about Xie Yunnan's thoughts.

People in this world don’t have a deep understanding of xenotransplantation. He knows that in the eyes of people in this world, xenotransplantation is very common.

And if the person who eats this alien plant is not Xie Yunnan, who has the blood of a great demon... Even if they eat this alien plant, they will not feel anything special, and the strength increase is minimal.

Xie Yunnan is coaxing him.

And he...was very happy to be coaxed.

Duan Changqing laughed: "Then Yunnan, eat quickly."

"Okay." Xie Yunnan agreed and ate the alien plant directly.

Such a small xenograft, he can absorb it quickly after eating it, but he plans to pretend to absorb it slowly...

Just thinking about this, Xie Yunnan suddenly felt a surge of energy in her body.

His companion beast Xiaobai automatically left his body, and then a sharp pain hit, something seemed to come out of his body.

Is there a problem with this xenograft?

But it's not like poison...

Awakening the bloodline is very painful, this is what Xie Yunnan has to bear.

Duan Changqing has confidence in Xie Yunnan, knowing that he will definitely survive.

So he didn't plan to help before, he just planned to provide some spiritual power by the side to protect Xie Yunnan.

But Xie Yunnan coaxed him so much...

Xie Yunnan was lying on the ground with large beads of sweat on her face, her teeth clenched, obviously trying to endure the pain of awakening.

Duan Changqing leaned over and kissed him, carried him to the bed, held his hand, and input his spiritual power into his body.

With the help of his spiritual power, Xie Yunnan's awakening time will be much shorter, and the pain to bear will be much less, the most important thing is... After awakening, Xie Yunnan's strength will definitely be stronger.

The big demon awakens the bloodline, and a triple jump in strength is not a problem.

Duan Changqing thought so, and felt that Xie Yunnan's body was like a bottomless pit, absorbing the surrounding spiritual power crazily. The spiritual power he cultivated was quickly absorbed by Xie Yunnan.

And the spiritual power emanating from the spirit marrow... is too little for Xie Yunnan, and it is not enough.

Of course, it doesn't matter if it's not enough.

Duan Changqing noticed that Xie Yunnan was stiff, thinking that there were people who looked down on Xie Yunnan before... He used his divine sense to extract the spiritual power from the spiritual marrow and sent it into Xie Yunnan's body.

With sufficient spiritual power, Xie Yunnan's strength increased rapidly, but Duan Changqing felt a little uncomfortable.

In the end, his body is too broken!

Of course, this is not a big problem, it will be fine for a few days. Even these few days, he had better not use force.

If you must use it... He can only unlock the seal of divine sense.

With Duan Changqing's unremitting help, Xie Yunnan's awakening ended soon, and her strength rose steadily, and she became... a senior priest.

Simply put, it means reaching the late stage of Qi refining.

If there is more spiritual power, he will have no problem in attacking the foundation.

At this time, a loud voice came from outside: "Xie Yunnan! Come out! Why do you bully people?"

Duan Changqing was stunned for a while, and suddenly remembered that when he was cooking before, he asked Meng Yan and the others to teach a few idiots a lesson.

Is this someone showing off for those little guys?

Read The Duke's Passion