MTL - Where’d My Delicate Little Wife Go?-Chapter 42 someone robbed

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From childhood to adulthood, Lu Xiaoran's parents have ardently instructed him again and again not to release the companion beast in front of people.

He has always followed the teachings of his parents and tried hard not to let anyone other than his family see his companion beast.

Occasionally let others see... that's for a short period of time, and he will restrain his companion beast, making it show a ferocious appearance.

So, no one in the Holy City knew that his companion beast was different from him—his companion beast was a bit silly.

Unfortunately now...the true appearance of his companion beast has been seen.

Fortunately this is Hongye City, these people don't know him!

Lu Xiaoran said expressionlessly: "Everyone, I'm very sorry, my companion beast disturbed you... I can give you some compensation."

Although Lu Xiaoran had no expression on his face, his attitude was very good. Whether it was Xie Yunnan or Duan Changqing, they all forgave him.

Of course I will forgive him, the most important thing is... Everyone knows that the emotions of the companion animal represent the emotions of the owner.

Now the husky is screaming "woohoo" with its belly upturned, looking pitiful!

No matter how indifferent this person looks...they just want to laugh.

Especially Duan Changqing.

The dog wanted to bite his companion beast before, but he could feel that the other party was not malicious. Even if it was bitten at that time, the dog should not use force.

As for this dog suddenly jumping out to be scary... This is not right, but is this a husky, you can understand.

"We're fine." Duan Changqing took the initiative.

The ghost king did not speak, that is Xia Qing, who looked a little painful at the moment.

"Girl, did my companion beast hurt you?" Lu Xiaoran looked at Xia Qing expressionlessly.

Beautiful! beauty!

The husky, who had been released by the honey badger, turned over and jumped up and wanted to pounce on Xia Qing.

Fortunately, Lu Xiaoran was quick-witted, slapped it on the head and put it back.

"I'm sorry, my companion beast is very special and always does things that are completely different from me." Lu Xiaoran explained very seriously.

Others: "…"

The Ghost King even laughed.

Lu Xiaoran looked at the ghost king with a bit of dissatisfaction: "Sir, it's not good to make fun of others."

"Why am I laughing? Hahahahaha!" The ghost king laughed.

He and his wife were childhood sweethearts, and Lu Xiaoran's father also grew up. Lu Xiaoran was born under his watch.

This child is amazing, looks very quiet, always has a serious face, and his companion animal is the same, and then he takes his companion animal to demolish the house together.

Before you can walk, you can bite open the quilt you cover, and after you can walk, you have to toss and make it a little bigger... He has unloaded all the electrical appliances in the house!

This child is very energetic, he wants to go out to play all day, and he is stupid, always doing stupid things, such as climbing under the sofa and getting stuck and unable to get out, and painting his whole body with watercolor brushes , sneak into the kitchen and get into flour bags, etc.

His biggest entertainment at that time was to watch this child make trouble everywhere, and then be beaten by the child's father.

After the beating, the child continued to make noise.

He thought it was very interesting, so he found a camera to film the child, filmed his various unfortunate things, edited them, and made a disc for the family to see.

At last they all together, watching and laughing…

Unfortunately, after his own son had an accident, he left the Lu family.

I didn't expect to see you for so many years, the stupid child of that year is still so stupid.

Oh, he still has progress, at least this facial expression management can give 100%.

In recent years, the ghost king was afraid of being discovered, so he didn't ask much about the Lu family, but he also knew that Lu Xiaoran had an excellent reputation in the Holy City and had many admirers.

He is relying on this cold face, right?

Lu Xiaoran wanted to hit someone.

He felt so unlucky, how could he have such a companion beast!

His companion beast doesn't have any of his wiseness and martial arts, and he wants to go out to play all day long, and he won't go even if he doesn't go for a day.

So he can only avoid people every day, excuses to hunt, go out to sneak companion animals, not sneaking him is uncomfortable!

Slip away... He feels that his companion beast is getting more and more excessive!

Lu Xiaoran's face became colder and colder, while Xia Qing's expression became more complicated.

Xia Qing had been to the Holy City before, and she lived incognito as a man for a while.

During that time, she came into contact with some people in the holy city. At that time, she felt that the men from noble families in the holy city were all idiots, and none of them could catch her eye.

until Lu Xiaoran appeared.

He is the heir to the Lu family, but he is very diligent and goes out to hunt in the city every day. His appearance is even more handsome!

The icy appearance, the temperament of the iceberg...especially poking Xia Qing's heart.

Xia Qing liked Lu Xiaoran very much at that time, just half an hour ago, Lu Xiaoran was still the fourth male **** in her mind.

Well, the first is her boss, the second is Xie Yunnan, and the third is Duan Changqing.

Look at this list to know, Lu Xiaoran was the second in her male **** list before!

Since her boss doesn't rely on her face, Lu Xiaoran actually ranks first.

But now...the filter is broken, and so is her girly heart.

"Girl, do you need compensation?" Lu Xiaoran didn't look at the rude person like Ghost King, and looked at Xia Qing.

Xia Qing said with difficulty: "I'm fine, no need."

"Then I'll go first." Lu Xiaoran said again - that man with scars on his face is still smiling, he can't stay any longer!

"Wait!" The Ghost King stopped Lu Xiaoran: "By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Xiao Lu." Lu Xiaoran said calmly.

"Hahahahaha!" The ghost king laughed again: "Lu Xiaoran, you don't even dare to say your real name?"

Lu Xiaoran: "!!" This person actually knew him! ?

Xia Qing was also at a loss for words.

The ghost king said: "Okay, let's go!"

Lu Xiaoran didn't leave: "Everyone, what you saw before was an accident... Could you please not say it?"

These people know him... He can't let these people tell him about him!

Absolutely not!

"Accident? I think that's the norm! It is said that the young master of the Lu family goes out every day to hunt exotic beasts and is very diligent. I think you go out every day to let the wind out?" Ghost King said.

"This is because something went wrong with my companion beast!" Lu Xiaoran said.

The ghost king still likes this nephew very much, so he just made a few jokes, and now it's over... He said: "Okay, we won't say it out, you go!"

"You..." Lu Xiaoran wanted to say something more.

The ghost king said: "If you don't leave, I will laugh again."

Lu Xiaoran did stupid things when he was a child, and then his uncle didn't know what was going on, so he even recorded it...

From time to time, the family would laugh while watching the stupid videos of him as a child.

He is most afraid of being laughed at!

Lu Xiaoran couldn't stay any longer and fled.

"Master, do you know him?" Xie Yunnan asked the ghost king.

The ghost king said: "Know, the young master of the Lu family in the holy city."

The ghost king didn't say much, but Duan Changqing felt that... the ghost king should be very familiar with this young master Lu.

The Ghost King is of course familiar with Lu Xiaoran, and he even plans to go to Lu Xiaoran tonight to reminisce.

Lu Xiaoran has not seen his uncle for a long time, he must miss him very much!

The most important thing is... Lu Xiaoran came here, probably to see him.

Xie Yunnan was a priest, the ghost king felt that he didn't need to learn to hunt alien beasts, but Duan Changqing insisted that he go... The ghost king could only agree.

Duan Changqing sat on the spot and practiced slowly.

The spiritual power in the forest is much richer than outside.

The injury he suffered during the battle with the ghost king has already healed, and his body has recovered a little bit, and the consciousness that can be used is even greater... Duan Changqing thought about it and asked: "I want to walk around, can I? ?"

"I'll accompany you!" Xia Qing said.

"Okay." Duan Changqing agreed.

I finally came to the red leaf forest... He just looked around to see if he could find a spiritual plant.

He cultivates, preferably with a medicinal bath.

He probably won't be able to find any medicinal herbs today, but after getting familiar with it... Can he come to collect it in the evening!

Most importantly, have someone following them all the time...and give them a chance.

Duan Changqing walked slowly in the forest, Xia Qing followed him vigilantly to protect him, and suddenly... a person wearing a mask suddenly appeared in front of them.

The mask is exactly the same as the mask on the ghost king's wanted list.