MTL - Where’d My Delicate Little Wife Go?-Chapter 36 move out of town

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Duan Changqing felt that Xie Yunnan became more lively after awakening as a priest.

The best way to show this is that after Xie Yunnan kissed him, his mouth suddenly became like honey.

"Changqing, you are really getting more and more handsome!"

"Changqing, I like you when I see you."

"I really want to kiss you!"

Duan Changqing: "..." I didn't expect you to be such Xie Yunnan!

Xie Yunnan was a little too excited to be like this.

Even if he had a bad impression of the priests in the Holy City, he had to admit that the priests had a high status.

As a priest, he has the ability to protect himself!

As for the sweet mouth...he's been like this since he was a kid!

Otherwise he would be so popular in the town?

It's just that when he's older, he seldom speaks sweet words like this to people.

Xie Yunnan not only has a sweet mouth, but his companion animal Xiaobai is also jumping up and down, full of energy, and with its smiling face, people can't help but want to laugh when they see it.

It's just... Duan Changqing has been in bad health recently, and he can't bear Xiaobai's enthusiasm.

There are exotic animals to eat, and he sends spiritual power. Xiaobai is already an adult, and he can weigh 30 pounds. He jumped on Duan Changqing to get close to Duan Changqing, but he almost killed Duan Changqing. spit!

Xiao Bai is very smart. Seeing Duan Changqing's face, he knew that he was wrong. His voice changed from "Wang Wang" to "Woo woo". He lay beside Duan Changqing and licked Duan Changqing's hand with his tongue. , tail wagging.

"Little guy..." Duan Changqing patted his head and gave him some spiritual power.

Catch so many beasts!"

"Master, you know so much, so erudite!"

"Master, eat more!"

"I think you are the best, Master!"

The more the ghost king listened, the more proud he became, and looked at Duan Changqing.

Duan Changqing is not jealous at all.

Xie Yunnan kissed him!

Xie Yunnan's excitement continued into the evening, and at night... He calmed down, went to bed and began to practice.

Xie Yunnan sat down on the bed according to what the ghost king said, and practiced seriously. Duan Changqing saw this and gave him half of his spiritual power.

But with him sending spiritual power, the situation will be different!

Xie Yunnan had more and more spiritual power in his body, and he felt the effect, and he became more and more passionate about cultivation.

Without sleep all night, Xie Yunnan thought that he would be very sleepy when he woke up in the morning, but the truth was the opposite. He woke up the next day and was refreshed!

This is the benefit of being a priest?

It's amazing!

After possessing the "magic power", he could not sleep, and he also felt that his mind was clear, and some knowledge that he had forgotten before could be remembered again.

No wonder they all say that the priest is smart. After he has divine power, he seems to become smart automatically.

It is said that divine power can also make warriors subconsciously get close to the priest, but unfortunately he is not very good at using it, and the divine power in his body is also a bit small.

He must practice hard!

Xie Yunnan walked out of the bedroom excitedly, and saw that the ghost king had already made breakfast.

"Master, how did you make breakfast? I should do it."

"I got up early and did it."

"Master, you are so kind, a master like you is probably the only one in the world!"

"Smoker." The Ghost King couldn't help laughing. His son is so sweet!

The Ghost King was in such a good mood that when Duan Changqing came out to eat, he smiled at Duan Changqing.

Duan Changqing: "..." Father-in-law, your smile is really scary.

After breakfast, the ghost king said to Xie Yunnan: "Yunnan, it takes a lot of time to cultivate, otherwise you should not open this car repair shop. Follow me to live in my plantation. , cultivate well there, so that you can become stronger quickly and help me heal."

The Ghost King didn't think at all that Xie Yunnan could achieve anything by practicing the exercises given by Duan Changqing.

Many priests in the Holy City awakened when they were a few years old, but when they were seventy or eighty years old... they were still junior priests.

It is more difficult for priests to improve their strength than their warriors!

As for Xie Yunnan to help him with treatment, that is even more a fantasy.

He is already a high-level warrior, and the junior priest can't help him heal at all.

Even the mid-level priest can't heal him now - his injuries are too serious.

Right now, only the two high priests in the Holy City who lived nearly two hundred years old can cure him, but these two cannot cure him, one of them still kills him Father's murderer.

The Ghost King is ready to die.

He asked Xie Yunnan to live in the plantation, mainly because he was worried that someone would come to him and cause trouble to the people in the town.

Senior warriors are very noisy, and it is possible to demolish the whole town!

If you go to the plantation...with him and Duan Changqing, Xie Yunnan will be fine. They don't have to worry about accidentally killing ordinary people during battle.

If it was before, Xie Yunnan would definitely not agree, he didn't want to go to his master to eat and drink.

But now... he also wants to improve his strength quickly.

And go to his master, will it be safer? Duan Changqing has no ability to protect himself, and the town is a little too dangerous.

Xie Yunnan agreed to live at the plantation, but there is only one shop in their town that can repair cars... After Xie Yunnan closed the shop, he wrote the address of the plantation at the door of the shop, indicating that if anyone If you want to fix your car, you can go to the plantation.

The ghost king's plantation is not far from the town, so everyone's car breaks down, so you don't have to go all the way to repair it.

After Xie Yunnan decided to move, the ghost king called Xia Qing and asked her to help Xie Yunnan move.

Carry me!"

"I'll do it..." Xie Yunnan is not used to being helped by others. The most important thing is... Xia Qing is a girl!

"I'll do it! How can I let you do it!" Xia Qing snatched the box from Xie Yunnan's hand.

This is a priest!

In this world, there is no reason for priests to work. I heard that when priests eat, they are fed by others.

"There's a lot of stuff, let's go together." Xie Yunnan said.

"No, I'll do it!" Xia Qing rushed in and quickly started moving things.

Xie Yunnan was a little surprised: "You are so strong!"

"That's right, I'm... Anyway, I'll do it!" Xia Qing wanted to say that she was a sixth-level soldier, but suddenly thought of the fake identities they all used, and shut up again.

But for a sixth-level soldier like her, helping someone move a house is really a trivial matter.

Xia Qing moved quickly.

Xie Yunnan was a little envious when she saw this scene.

He also wished he had such strength.

It's just that he became a priest... The priest's body doesn't seem to be very good?

Wait, he won't become like Duan Changqing in the future, right?

Xie Yunnan was a little confused.

Duan Changqing asked: "Yunnan, what's wrong?"

Xie Yunnan said: "I'm a little worried that I won't be able to carry it with my hands or shoulders in the future."

"Don't worry, it won't be like this," Duan Changqing said, "Your strength will grow stronger and stronger."

Although Faxiu’s body is not as good as physical cultivation, it is not too bad.

With his help, Xie Yunnan will be able to beat his dad down with just his fists sooner or later!

The ninth-level warriors of this world...really weak.

Speaking of which, Xie Yunnan's father seems to be injured... Find a chance to help with treatment, well, let Xie Yunnan go to practice.

Read The Duke's Passion