MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 85

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The villagers used this persecution to persuade them to drink, which can no longer be said to be hospitable. There must be something wrong with these wines.

Xie Liuyi checked the bowl of wine with his divine sense and found no problems.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can win a hundred battles.

Therefore, Xie Liuyi drank the wine in front of Yan Yugui.

She is not rash. Now that she is a cultivator of Nascent Soul's Great Perfection, the guzzer must at least have the same strength as Nascent Soul in order for her to be recruited. And she was very sure that no one present had this ability.

The drink entered her throat and was immediately decomposed by spiritual power, she was not even drunk.

She pushed her hand away and said, "I'm fine."

Hearing this, Yan Yugui's expression did not relax, but instead pinched her wrist.

She noticed that something was pouring into her body from her fingertips, and she was a little unhappy, and the sword energy contained in the meridians raised her head instantly. However, those things just penetrated the skin, and immediately retreated.

I just wanted to use some means to check her physical condition, but he gave up as soon as he started.

That's fine, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Yu let go of her wrist, grabbed the wine bowl she was holding in her hand, raised her head, poured the cloudy liquor left at the bottom of the bowl into her mouth, and slammed the wine The bowl is slapped on the low table.

The earthenware wine bowl shattered into pieces with a clatter.

He dropped the pieces, stood up without a word, pulled her away. Perhaps because the wine in front of them had already been drunk, or perhaps because Yan Yugui's face was too ugly, the villagers did not stop him any more, and silently gave way.

Even though the whole person looked like he was about to explode with anger, he was still very measured, the hand holding Xie Liuyi's wrist was not very strong, and it was held in the place where the sleeves blocked.

Xie Liuyi knew that he was wrong and did not struggle, so he followed him obediently. The other hand was hidden in his sleeve, and while everyone was not paying attention, he gently snapped his fingers, and several spiritual powers silently smashed the wine bowls in front of the other players.

There was a commotion behind her. Thanks to the chaos created by Xie Liuyi, the players got out of the encirclement and dispersed.

Perhaps it was because Xie Liuyi was blindfolded by the shackles that he didn't walk fast. Xie Liuyi held the skirt in the other hand and followed leisurely.

It was really hard to be angry, and it could be seen from the back that he was unhappy. Xie Liuyi felt a little guilty and whispered, "I'm really fine."

I don't know if the people in front didn't hear her, or didn't want to talk to her, and didn't look back.

"Speaking back?" Xie Liuyi shouted.

The person in front paused and continued to walk forward, but still did not look back.

Xie Liuyi did not shout again, and the two returned to their residence in silence.

Entered the door, let go Xie Liuyi, took off his windbreaker and spread it on the ground, cleaned up the old incense ashes, took out the insect repellent incense and carefully smoked the room aside, and then put the rest Incense sticks beside the windbreaker, and then she lies on the other side and closes her eyes.

Don't say a word throughout the whole process, right when Xie Liuyi does not exist.

Xie Liuyi rubbed his forehead with a headache. Did Taohua have such a big temper?

Speak softly.

Suddenly, she reacted to one thing, her eyes slightly cold. Before going out today, she put a spiritual barrier around her body, but just now, Yan Yugui touched her body without hindrance.

Her psychic barrier seemed useless to him.

In order to verify this, she quietly placed a spiritual barrier next to Yan Yugui and whispered, "Yuan Yugui."

Yugui's eyelids trembled slightly, but he didn't open his eyes.

Xie Liuyi could only continue to shout. Because of the effect of the taciturn seal, she could only shout once, resting for a few seconds, like a soul, very rhythmic.

I was impatient by her shouting, Yan Yugui opened his eyes and frowned.

"You stand up."

She wanted to try to see if she would be blocked by her barrier.

Yugui was stunned for two seconds, closed his eyes and turned his head.

Xie Liuyi touched his nose and reflected on whether his request was a bit unreasonable.

Yugui sighed, frowned again and turned to look.

"Hands out."

He didn't move, there was some doubt in his expression.

"Here's something for you." Xie Liuyi said nonsense.

When she returned home, she didn't move or speak, her eyes stayed on the shark gauze in her hand for a few seconds, and she finally spoke, with a cold tone, "If you don't want it, throw it away."

Xie Liuyi reacted, he thought he was going to return the shark yarn to him, so he was angry.

She put the shark yarn into the storage bracelet very discreetly and began to look through her inventory. The Nest of Time and the Angel Statue must not be released. It is estimated that Yan Yugui will think she is playing with him when the insect repellent powder is taken out. The insect repellent fragrance is given to her by Yan Yugui, and he will probably explode when he sends it back.

Counting and counting, only the violent heart and the blood king ring can fool the past. Giving my heart to Yan Yugui was somewhat ambiguous, Xie Liuyi finally chose Wang Jie.

She flipped her hand over, and the blood race king ring inlaid with pigeon blood rubies appeared on her hand, "This is for you."

Yugui had a strange expression, "You gave me a ring?"

"Yes." Xie Liuyi nodded generously and emphasized, "Platinum grade."

Yu Yu finally stretched out his hand, took the ring away from her palm, and the cool fingertips slid across her palm, arousing an itch.

Xie Liuyi watched his hand penetrate the spiritual barrier without any hindrance, and there was nothing unusual.

What happened? She looked at Yan Yu home inquiringly. Is her spiritual power useless to him, or is his physique immune to all spiritual power?

Yugui put the ring in front of him, played with it for a moment, and put it on his left **** in front of Xie Liuyi. From beginning to end, there is no identification.

Xie Liuyi inexplicably felt that the aura around him softened and seemed to be no longer angry.

Xie Liuyi realized later that, compared to the violent heart, the ring seems to be more ambiguous.

After staying in the world of immortals for a long time, she forgot that in addition to being a magic weapon for storage, the ring can also be used as a lover.

She opened her mouth and slowly held her fingers in the air, and finally put down her hand, embarrassed to ask for the ring back.

When Yan Yugui was breathing steadily and seemed to be asleep, Xie Liuyi set up a soundproof barrier, got up and walked outside the door, knocking on the hairpin.

A black mist emerged from the hairpin, forming a phantom of a red-robed ghost.

Bai Lian ignored her at all. As soon as she came out, she clawed at the door frame and looked in. With a squeak, she said in a choked voice, "He's so good-looking."

Xie Liuyi pinched a trick, Bai Lian seemed to be grabbed by the back collar and brought up in front of her.

"Go out and relax." Xie Liuyi nodded towards the outside.

Bai Lian rolled her eyes, "If you want me to check the situation for you, just say it and say something to relax me."

"Yes." Xie Liuyi admitted generously.

"What's the benefit?" Bai Lian smiled like a petty fortune fan, glancing into the room, "Yan Xinli was separated by you, I am missing a husband."

Xie Liuyi smiled, stretched out her index finger to draw a circle in the air, and flicked it back. Bai Lian was immediately **** by an invisible rope and flew away all the way.

Ye Feng sent Bai Lian's weak voice to her ear, "Thank you Wuxin, wait for me!"

Xie Liuyi watched Bai Lian go away, turned around and went back to the room. Seeing that Yan Yan was still asleep, he lightly picked up the windbreaker and covered him, then sat cross-legged on the ground and began to enter into meditation.

Neither she nor Bai Lian found out. At the moment Bai Lian appeared, Yan Yuhui actually opened his eyes.

This whole night, Yan Yugui was like an alarm clock in her body, and she would always wake up when the deworming incense burnt out to continue.

Xie Liuyi was distracted and focused on the outside world at first, but later found that there was no need to worry, so he sank directly into the sea of ​​​​knowledge and began to study the star map.

The next morning, when the sky was dawning, Bailian came back. Sensing the familiar aura, Xie Liuyi opened his eyes from the meditation.

The white lotus got into the hairpin, and a thin voice sounded in Xie Liuyi's ear, "I'm exhausted, I have carefully searched every house. There is nothing strange about this village, that is, every house has every house. Every household raises worms.”

Xie Liuyi frowned and meditated, this is precisely the strangest place.

She has experienced two platinum dungeons in total, Yan Mansion has Bailian and Lake Resentment, and the ancient castle has Catherine and Mars, all of which are powerful and can crush the existence of ordinary players.

But this dungeon is too peaceful, except for forcing the player to drink last night, it looks like an ordinary, secluded paradise.

, the smoke rose up.

Such a calm and peaceful scene, where does it look like a platinum-level copy of crisis?

The insect repellent incense on the ground burned out, and when I returned home, I opened my eyes as if I had a feeling, and I had to renew the incense when I got up.

"No need." Xie Liuyi made a sound in time to interrupt his movement. Then he looked up and found that she was awake. He sat back, covered his mouth, yawned, and asked, "I'll go out to wash my face to wake up, do you want to come with me?"

Xie Liuyi looked at Yan Yugui's Qinghei and shook his head, "You can sleep again."

She stood up, "I'll fetch you water."

After saying that, she insisted on returning, covered her clothes, and fell asleep.

In the morning mist surging in the mountains, the river water is piercingly cold, Xie Liuyi looks up against the river water, and you can still see it from a distance. Divide the mountain into two.

Perceiving a few glances, Xie Liuyi turned her head and saw a few young men who came to the river to fetch water peeking at her.

Xie Liuyi walked over generously, "Borrow a bucket."

Can you lift it? If you can't lift it, I'll send it back to you."

"No," Xie Liuyi took the bucket with one hand and weighed it twice with ease. The boy is a little disappointed.

Xie Liuyi did not rush to leave, his eyes swept over all of them. It is backward and closed, and the older people speak the local language. There is no school in the village, transportation outside the village is inconvenient, and no one has been found to go to school, so how did they learn Mandarin?

She boasted, pretending to be casual, "Good Mandarin."

The young people who were praised showed simple and honest smiles and blushed.

They live in the dense forest with humid air all year round, their skin is fairer than the other, and their blushing is very obvious.

"Who did you learn from?" Xie Liuyi then asked.

The boys stopped laughing when they heard her question, looked at each other a few times, turned to fetch water, and stopped communicating with her.

Xie Liuyi's eyes narrowed slightly. Why are they so secretive about this topic?

The young people left eagerly after drinking water, as if they were afraid that Xie Liuyi would continue to ask questions.

Xie Liuyi carried the water back to the house where he lived, and he had already woken up. Last night, he woke up regularly to continue the fragrance, and he slept unsteadily. Xie Liuyi wanted him to sleep for a while, but he refused.

"I have to find something today." Yan Yugui washed his face with cold water and looked much better.

"What are you looking for?" Xie Liuyi pinched a cleansing formula and dried the water on Yan Yugui's face.

Yugui was only stunned for two seconds, then stretched out his hands, "There is still water in my hands."

Xie Liuyi saw the ring on his left middle finger, looked away, and helped him dry his hands.

Yan Yugui picked up the windbreaker and put it on, and said, "Look for the traces of the predecessors."

Senior? Xie Liuyi looked at Yan Yugui in confusion.

Yan Yugui took out the insect repellent incense, squatted down to smoke Xie Liuyi's clothes, and explained with two minds: "Yesterday we entered the village from outside, and the villagers saw us at first glance and asked if we were Scientific research team. This shows that before us, a scientific research team has been here. Turn around."

Xie Liuyi made a half circle. He continued: "Also, when I went out for a walk yesterday, I observed that none of the school-aged children in the village were carrying a schoolbag."

Xie Liuyi understood what he meant. The time they went out for a walk yesterday happened to be around dinner time. If there was a school near the village, they should have met many children with schoolbags.

But all school-aged children don't have backpacks, either they were off yesterday, or they don't go to school at all.

Yugui smoked the clothes, stood up and took the incense back, "Since they haven't been to school, their Mandarin can only be taught by the expedition team members who came here before."

"You guessed it yesterday?" Xie Liuyi asked.

Yugui had already left the door. Hearing the words, he turned around and said, "Well, come out and talk while walking."

Xie Liuyi chased after him and asked, "Why didn't you look for it last night?"

Yugui turned his head to look at her, the meaning in his eyes was obvious: it wasn't because of you.

Xie Liuyi had an epiphany. She knows her situation, but she doesn't know. He has been worried since she drank last night. She didn't sleep all night, not only to continue the fragrance, but also to observe her condition.

It wasn't until this morning that he was sure that she was really fine, so he brought her out to find clues.

Yu Yu retracted his gaze and continued to walk forward.

Xie Liuyi looked at his back with complicated eyes. Last night, Yan Yugui drank the wine left at the bottom of the bowl. If there is really a problem with the wine, he is the one who is the easiest to get caught.

"Are you all right?" Xie Liuyi chased after him, poked Yugui's back, and asked without end.

But Yan Yugui clearly understood what she meant, and she slowed down and walked side by side, "I haven't found any problems for the time being. My bloodline inheritance is a bit special, and its anti-toxicity is relatively high."

"Me too." Xie Liuyi said.

"What's wrong?" Xie Liuyi followed his line of sight.

On the sun terrace on the third floor of a stilted building by the roadside, stood a pregnant woman with a big belly. She was wearing a black embroidered linen dress, and her belly looked six or seven months old.

Yu Yu retracted her gaze, tilted her head and lowered her voice and said, "I saw her yesterday, and her belly is not that big."

Hearing this, Xie Liuyi found out his divine sense and scanned the pregnant woman from beginning to end, but found no problems.

But she wouldn't think it was a mistake. Since he said it, he must have complete confidence. Xie Liuyi left a ray of consciousness on the pregnant woman. Once the pregnant woman changes, she can immediately notice it.

The house they live in is in the upper part of the village, which is close to the waterfall. They walked down the wide and flat stone steps by the river, and there were many people carrying farm implements to the village entrance.

These are all men.

In this village, men who fetch water and do farm work seem to be men, and women do not do manual labor.

When passing by the location of the village chief's house in the center of the village, Xie Liuyi's ears moved.

There is a quarrel in the village chief's house.

She stopped, cautiously poked out a ray of consciousness, and followed the sound of the quarrel into the stilted building.

In the main room on the second floor, the strange old man was sitting in front of the wall with huge embroidery hanging.

There is a middle-aged woman, who seems to be the girl's mother, eagerly pulling the girl's arm, as if to persuade her to stop arguing.

The strange old man looked at her coldly and replied slowly. The girl froze for a long time, before nodding her head and saying harsh words, she shook off the middle-aged woman, turned her head and ran out of the main room.

The middle-aged woman looked anxiously at the strange old man and saw that he had no objection, so she shouted "ximei" to chase him out. Xie Liuyi guessed that ximei was the girl's name, but I didn't know which two words it was.

The girl rushed into the kitchen, picked up a kitchen knife, ran up to the third floor with the knife, pushed open a room, and slammed the door in.

The middle-aged woman chased the door and found that the door could not be opened, so she could only pat the door anxiously and kept calling the girl's name.

Xie Liuyi watched the girl's movements curiously, and saw her sitting on the bamboo couch by the window, her eyes looking at the knife in her hand, her chest heaving violently for a while, and her expression changed from sadness to firmness.

She took off her left shoe, put her left foot on the bamboo couch, breathed quickly, and with trembling hands, put the knife close to the extra toes of her left foot.

Xie Liuyi understood what she wanted to do.

She wants to cut off her extra toes.

People outside began to knock on the door, the girl was startled by the sound, and her expression became more and more urgent. She looked frightened and nervous, cold sweat rolling down her clear skin.

Finally, she seemed to have made up her mind, and she was about to cut down with the knife.

Xie Liuyi's consciousness turned into flying needles and pierced into her brain.

She just made the girl faint, it won't hurt her. The knife was stained with rust, and there were no medical conditions in the village. With this knife, she may not survive.

It wasn't until she found that her toes were still intact that she breathed a sigh of relief. The woman knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing, chanting words in her mouth, not knowing which **** she was thanking.

Xie Liuyi took back his consciousness, only to find that Yan Yugui was standing beside her, and her slender body blocked the curious sight of the villagers for her.

Seeing her eyes open, Yan Yuhui took a step back and pulled away, looked at her quietly, and didn't ask what she was doing just now.

Xie Liuyi took the initiative to lean over and whispered, "She wants to cut her toes."


"The village chief's daughter."

Yugui thought for a while, and asked, "The one who came to see us yesterday for the sacrifice?"


Yugui quickly reacted, "Her feet are six fingers?"

"Yes." Xie Liuyi nodded.

Yugui didn't ask her how she knew it, said "talk while walking", turned around and continued walking.

Xie Liuyi chased after him and walked side by side, "It's a bit strange."

No need for her to explain, she just followed her words: "It's really strange. Most people in the village have deformities, and they don't feel inferior because of their bodies. In this environment, She shouldn't have the thought of cutting off her toes. Unless...she has a wish that she has to be able to achieve."

Xie Liuyi: "Are you the roundworm in my stomach?"

Yugui looked straight ahead with an indifferent expression: "Your metaphor is a bit disgusting."

Xie Liuyi: "…"

In return, she said she was looking for clues, but she led her straight along the stone steps. In the distance, Xie Liuyi could already see the paddy fields and dense forests outside the village.

She turned around suspiciously and asked, "Where are we going?"

Yugui put his index finger on his lips, "Just follow me, be natural, pretend to look at the scenery."

His attitude gave Xie Liuyi some bad hunch, and sure enough, as the village got closer, more and more sights fell on them.

Xie Liuyi entered the village from the back yesterday and has never seen the entrance of the village.

There is a fence around the entrance of the village, outside the fence are several acres of terraced fields, and through the terraced fields is a dense forest. However, before they reached the entrance of the village, several young men gathered around and asked them where they were going.

The attitude is natural, "Go out for a walk."

The villagers scattered and blocked their way out of the village. The leading young man said: "There is miasma outside the village. It is not fun to be poisoned. You better not go out."

Yu Yu put his hand into his trench coat pocket, took out a small crystal bottle and shook it twice, "We have an antidote."

"No, it's useless." The other party's tone was decisive and he waved impatiently, "Your medicine is useless, hurry back."

Yugui did not insist any longer, and greeted Xie Liuyi to turn around and go back. Xie Liuyi spread out his consciousness and found that the group of people had been staring at them and walked away before dispersing.

It seems to be scattered, but in fact everyone is wandering near the entrance of the village, seemingly guarding the gate.

"You guessed it?" Xie Liuyi asked.

Just now, Yan Yugui took her straight to the entrance of the village, clearly trying to test whether the villagers would let them out of the village.

"Well," Yan Yugui nodded, "Yesterday I told you that they intermarry all year round, so there are many deformed children. The deformed children are weak and susceptible to disease and easy to die, so the young people in the village The numbers are much smaller than in older adults. To continue to reproduce, you have to improve your genes.”

"How to improve?" Xie Liuyi asked casually.

Yan Yugui turned to look at her, "Is the high school biology back to the teacher?"

Xie Liuyi admitted very bachelorly, "It's all paid back." After so many years in the world of immortality, her scientific materialism has long since collapsed.

Maybe she was accustomed to her scumbag attributes, sighed indistinctly, and began to explain: "Intermarriage with outsiders is the fastest and easiest way to improve genes. In the eyes, we players are the intermarriage objects sent to the door."

Xie Liuyi suddenly realized, no wonder those young men and women are so enthusiastic about them, they are choosing objects. But then she frowned again. These villagers have never studied biology. How could they think of improving their genes through intermarriage?

“They don’t understand biology,” she said.

"Don't underestimate the wisdom of human beings," Yan Yugui shook his head lightly, "Even if they have not studied systematically, human beings can master the secrets of racial reproduction through observation and recording. Those expedition team members have become tools for them to reproduce."

A picture suddenly appeared in Xie Liuyi's mind: in the dark basement, the skinny scientific expedition team members were chained with iron chains, and the sun was not visible. There was only one task every day, that is, to reproduce.

She shook her head, it was impossible. Last night, Bai Lian checked the whole village. If there was a scientific expedition team member imprisoned, Bai Lian could not have not noticed.

Immediately afterwards, she thought that almost all able-bodied people in the village were old. If they are the children of scientific expedition team members and villagers, then the last batch of scientific research team members should have long since passed away, right?

It is estimated that the insect repellent fragrance on Xie Liuyi is about to disappear, so the two returned to their residence.

Yu Yugui used insect repellent to incense the whole house as usual, then took off his windbreaker and spread it on the ground.

Xie Liuyi sat on the ground all night last night, and he broke through the hurdle in his heart long ago, "I'll sit on the ground."

Hearing this, he naturally put his clothes into the system backpack and sat on the ground, "Have you noticed that all the people working in the village are men."

Xie Liuyi sat down opposite him and nodded. Most of the women sit on the sunbeds with nothing to do, and only a few older women do some light chores.

"In an ordinary village, men go to the fields to do farm work, women cook and manage housework, and labor is allocated reasonably. But here, even the housework is done by men." Yan Yugui rubbed his brows with his slender fingers, " This kind of society is a bit strange, it looks like a matriarchal clan, but the village chief is a man."

Listening to his analysis, Xie Liuyi gradually had a feeling that made her very uncomfortable.

Men work and support women. This social form is very similar to... bugs. In an instant, all the villagers in Xie Liuyi's impression turned into bugs in clothes.

"What are you thinking?" Yan Yugui's voice interrupted her thoughts, and Xie Liuyi pulled away from the creepy feeling.

The person opposite looked at her with a frown, and her slightly pale face was reflected in her clear eyes.

The speculation just now, she herself was not too sure, didn't want to say it to mislead her, so she made an excuse, "Every family in the village keeps Gu worms."

"Do you have long-range detection skills?" Yan Yugui asked.

Xie Liuyi knew that he was asking about his own spiritual knowledge, nodded and said, "Large-scale, long-distance investigation."

She originally thought that Yan Yugui asked this question because she wanted her to investigate something, but Yan Yugui frowned and said, "There are too many bugs in this dungeon, don't use this skill lightly. Tell me what you want to know, and I'll check it out for you."

Bai Lian's thin voice rang in her ear, "Xie Liuyi, he is really gentle."

The voice was very small, but Yu Gui suddenly lowered his eyes, and a little pink appeared on the tip of his ears, and Xie Liuyi knew that he heard it.

She tapped the hairpin, "Bai Lian, come out."

A black smoke came out of the hairpin and condensed into a kneeling beauty in red beside Xie Liuyi in a place where the sun could not shine. The beauty placed her hands on her knees in an orderly manner, and did not have the lively energy that she usually turns somersaults in the air, and her beautiful eyes looked at Yan Yugui with affection.

Xie Liuyi pointed at Bailian, "My friend, Bailian." He also pointed at the return, "My friend, the word is at home."

Bai Lian's voice was soft and gentle, and she lowered her head slightly, revealing a fair and delicate neck, "Young Master Yan, the slave family is polite."

Yugui's expression was still indifferent, but he nodded to Bai Lian very face-to-face.

Xie Liuyi squeezed a few words from between his teeth, "Be normal."

Bai Lian's watery big eyes blinked twice, pinching her throat, "What's wrong with the slave family?"

Xie Liuyi said to Yan Yugui expressionlessly: "Don't pay attention to her, she has a bad mind."

On the opposite side, Yan Yugui glanced at her, her eyes were full of her, and she didn't give Bai Lian a bit of peripheral vision. He lowered his eyes again and made a faint "hmm" sound.

Besides Bai Lian, she smiled coquettishly, "Oh, you are so jealous. I don't mind basking in the sun with you during the day, so I'll go back."

After speaking, it turned into a stream of smoke and returned to the wooden hairpin on top of Xie Liuyi's head.

After the white lotus disappeared, she said, "I have something I want to ask your friend for help."

Xie Liuyi looked at him suspiciously.

"After nightfall, I would like to ask her to search the jungle near the village to see if there is anything strange."

Bai Lian's laughing voice came from the hairpin, "Ouch, don't tell the slave family if you have something, you have to tell her. Is it because she is afraid that she will be jealous?"

Yugui's ears turned red again, Xie Liuyi flicked the hairpin expressionlessly, "Shut up."

Bai Lian laughed twice before going quiet.

The room fell into an embarrassing silence, Xie Liuyi coughed twice and changed the subject, "This copy is too peaceful."

"Well, maybe the plot hasn't started yet," Yan Yugui continued following her words, "Some dungeons require key events to trigger the plot."

"What if it doesn't fire?"

"It will die inexplicably."


The topic ended, the two fell silent again, and spoke at the same time after a few seconds.

Xie Liuyi: "Let's go out for a walk."

In return: "Go and see the waterfall."

Although the content is different, it can be regarded as the same destination, Xie Liuyi Ma Liu stood up, "Let's go."

Yugui smoked Xie Liuyi's skirt with insect repellent as usual, and the two walked up the stone steps by the river against the direction of the river.

Maybe because the back of the village is connected to the valley, with thousands of walls standing on both sides, it is difficult to fly, so there is no one behind the village to guard, and the two left the village unimpeded and came to the bottom of the waterfall.

The sound of water rumbles like a symphony of nature. The sun is shining today, and the mist from the waterfall reflects the sunlight and draws a rainbow in the sky.

Below the waterfall, due to the perennial scouring of water, a deep stone pool is formed. The water of the stone pool flows down the mountain and becomes a small river passing through the village.

Yugui looked up at the waterfall and thoughtfully, "You said, if the expedition team members who came here before us found something wrong and wanted to leave, where would they go?"

Almost instantly, Xie Liuyi understood what he meant.

Anyone who can enter such a remote place for inspection will have some rock climbing skills. When their lives and freedoms are threatened, and the normal way out has been blocked, they are likely to take a risk and leave the cliff behind the village.

"I'll go up and see, you wait for me here." Yan Yugui said, and was about to walk towards the cliff.

Xie Liuyi pressed his shoulders, "I'll go."

"No," Yan Yugui categorically refused, "My bloodline can help climbing, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Xie Liuyi directly pinched him under his arm and rose against the wind. The man under his command had a much thinner waist than Zhong Changfeng, but his muscles were clearly defined, and they were tensed because of the sudden flight. Xie Liuyi could feel the strength of his waist even through the clothes.

She flew up against the waterfall and asked proudly, "Didn't Zhong Changfeng tell you that I can fly?"

After a while, Yugui's depressed voice sounded, "Did you fly him?"

"Well, he is very happy." Xie Liuyi glanced down, because of his posture, Yan Yugui lowered his head, she could only see the back of his head, "Are you happy? "

Yugui didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't speak. When he was about to reach the top, he squeezed two words from his teeth, "Happy."

While speaking, she had already flown to the top of the mountain and landed on a huge stone next to the waterfall, and put the words down.

Yugui lowered his head and sorted his clothes without speaking for a long time.

Xie Liuyi blinked twice, "Scared?"

"No," Yan Yugui straightened his clothes before looking at her calmly, "I was just observing the mountain wall for clues."

He walked to the edge of the boulder and looked down, "I didn't find anything on the mountain wall, I'll go look in the woods, you wait for me here."

After saying that, she jumped down without looking back.

Xie Liuyi stood on the stone and looked at his back, inexplicably felt that he seemed angry.

Watching Yan Yugui disappear into the jungle, Xie Liuyi turned his head and stared at the village below in a daze. Looking at it, I suddenly felt that the whole village was like a butterfly lying in the valley with its wings closed.

The rushing river in the middle is the body of the butterfly, the distribution of cottages and farmland, like closed wings.

Once you accept this setting, it will look more and more like it. The stilted buildings of different sizes and shapes are like the spots on the wings of a butterfly, and the vertical and horizontal streets between the stilted buildings are like the lines on the wings of a butterfly.

Even after the small river leaves the village, it just divides into two parts before entering the dense forest, just like the two tentacles of a butterfly.

Xie Liuyi suddenly remembered that so far, she didn't know the name of this village.

There were footsteps in the dense forest behind her. She turned around and saw Yan Yugui walking out with a worn mountaineering bag in her hand. When you get close, sprint for two steps and climb up the stone with one hand.

"This is..." Before Xie Liuyi's question was finished, he put the mountaineering bag at her feet, opened the zipper, took out all the things inside, and placed them in the same At her feet, as above.

"This is a relic of our ancestors."

The author has something to say:Zhong Changfeng is dangerous. Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-09-11 20:00:04~2021-09-12 21:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: take 10 bottles; Sunshine Allure left 1 bottle for Ru;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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