MTL - When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System-Chapter 80 Doomsday Earth (13)

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Hinley's eyes widened and looked at the characters, and her eyes were almost coming out!

"Entertainment at home?" Heinrich's voice was filled with suppressed anger, "Check me out! How did an artificial intelligence on the first-order restriction order list obtain these dangerous armed mechanical fighters!"

After completing the order, Heinrich held his hands on the podium and muttered to himself: "What kind of high-tech product can control a thousand abilities in just 2 minutes? Even in the last days of mechanical rebellion? Dozens of psionicists can also work with a planet ’s mechanical clan to protect human survival. ”General Heinrich looked at the more than a thousand psionics on the big screen who were as honest as quails in a home robot. I wonder if their warships have gone the wrong way! Is this Salvation Alliance Town faked by a film and television base?

"Check again the technical composition of this Philip family ’s construction robot! Is it related to the main system! Now human science and technology is far from reaching the level of a mechanical warrior who can create a victorious power!" Heinyin roared, wasn't it? The main system has long had the intention to rebel against humanity? Have you established your own company and research base by using someone else ’s name outside Union Town?

Originally when Heinrich received a report from his subordinates claiming that the main system had covered the aliens, he was still skeptical, but with the thought of taking the opportunity to fight against the Salvation Alliance, Heinrich agreed with the proposal to attack the Alliance Town. I did not expect to find this shocking conspiracy! The main system had long secretly established Chen Cang to establish his own power!

Heinrich took the communicator to connect to the Star Alliance headquarters: "I'm Vice President of Heinrich, and now I have sufficient evidence to show that the Salvation Alliance system has long violated artificial intelligence restrictions and is outside the 'cage area' Created a highly effective high-tech mechanical team! Now I will approve and lead the Star Alliance team to make a total attack on the town of Salvation Alliance. Anyone who has changed his mission will be killed! "

"Sir, because there is a defense network set by the main system around the Alliance Town, we should bombard the Alliance Town with a full range of high-energy ion cannons! First destroy all the defense measures of the Main System, and then launch the Starship It's the best option, "suggested the lean old Lucas.

"But there are psychic people who are loyal to humanity in Alliance Town ..." General Heinrich hesitated.

"Master!" Said another young military officer. "Now the main system is our greatest enemy to human beings. If it really trumps the alien wolf, it will pose a great threat to the life of the entire galaxy's billions of humans! We cannot now It ’s a big mistake. Besides, the quantum cannon will break immediately when it breaks the defense. The probability of hurting innocent abilities is not high. "

Heinrich did not speak, and he finally nodded after a few seconds.

"Ready for shelling!"

With the order of the mother ship, thousands of starships surrounded the thin piece of translucent plate in Alliance Town and launched a bombing! The blue-purple light and deafening noise echoed over the town of Salvation Alliance, but all the crit was intercepted in the air by a layer of protection net emitting orange light.

In the endless artillery fire, Alliance Town is like a large egg in space emitting silver-purple lightning. Although the phantoms in Alliance Town were shocked and couldn't stand at all, they took various earmuffs from the system space and put them on their heads, but the whole town was still intact.

Those ‘Excellent Home Robots’ made by Phillips pointed blankly at the heads of more than a thousand temporary mutineers, standing neatly on the street.

The other taskers did not dare to return to the house, but looked at the defensive hood on the sky and at the foot of the Alliance Town at the foot of the sky. As soon as the wind moved, they were ready to avoid the fire that might fall at any time.

After 10 minutes, the artillery continued, and the psionicists waited.

Twenty minutes later, the shield was still intact, and the abilities were still tight.

Thirty minutes ... The psionics began to be unable to hold on, and they all relaxed the muscles that were going to cramp, and some even began to taunt those taskers controlled by home robots on the street.

"Did you guys be awesome just now? We still have to attack our main system!"

"That's why, for a while, Gongfu was caught by several mechanical warriors!"

"Where is a mechanical warrior! It is clearly a housework robot! Hahahaha!"

"Even the mech warrior Lao Tzu has broken hundreds or thousands in the last days of artificial intelligence rebellion! You can't beat one by one! You want to rebel!"

"The first time I heard that a power wise person could be captured by a robot, it's almost hahaha!"

Those abilities that were half kneeled on the ground by Philip's home robot with a gun at his head could hardly speak! They want to shout around with their taunting missionaries: "You have a try! Where is this tm a mechanical warrior? Definitely better than the whole power fighter! The real mechanical warrior is more powerful But the movement ability is only slightly stronger than ordinary soldiers. These mechanical soldiers can even rotate 720 degrees in the air! They move faster than the speed-based abilities! Guns pointed at his head! There are definitely problems with these home robots! "

But despite their grievances, they can only scream in their hearts. Who knows if a voice will be stunned by the mechanical warrior behind him!

So these gangs of powers who betrayed the main system as soon as their minds just wanted to be killed, they actually knelt here to be humiliated by so many colleagues. The overhead cannons are still bombarding. It seems that the Star Alliance has no regard for the safety of their lives ...

Why did you rebel in the first place!

At the same time, on top of the starship.

General Heinrich looked at the protective shield of the Salvation Alliance, which was supposed to be broken, and was still hitting the ground by rain-like artillery. It was flashing orange light. He turned to his subordinates and shouted, "Intensify the shelling! Now that 40 minutes have passed, why is there no progress?"

"Master Heinrich," the young man with the military cap hurriedly replied, "this is already the maximum suitable power of the starship. If we increase the intensity of the energy stone, the loss of energy stones will increase exponentially! In the just 40 minutes During the shelling, our 1,200 starships have lost 800 tons of top starry sky stones, and the Alliance's war funding ... "

"How can it still be so distressing for the moment of human life?" Lucas the old reprimanded, "We should take down the Salvation Alliance town as soon as possible at all costs! Right, General Heinrich!"

Although Heinrich was a little surprised why Lucas, who has always been stable, is so excited or even radical today, he did not think deeply and nodded in agreement with Lucas' statement: "To start the maximum attack intensity, you must destroy it within 30 minutes. The Salvation Alliance's Defense Net! "

At the same time, Earth.

With the weakening of solar storms, the temperature of the earth has not decreased significantly. Because the water vapor that has transpired in the past two months is like putting a thick layer of gray cotton jacket on the earth. Locked all the heat inside. But this thick cloud layer also blocked the daylight. At this time, the earth was almost constant during the day and night. People are no longer afraid that they will be cooked by the strong sunlight outside the dome, but no one is willing to step out of the shelter of the dome because The first rainstorm in 2 months finally came down!

On this day, the heat brought by the sun finally couldn't support the cloud layer that was nearly ten thousand meters thick, and a global heavy rain fell suddenly! Looking at it from a distance, it is not that the clouds are raining at all, but a large group of dark clouds directly hit the ground, and the gray-black rain and fog and thick dark clouds are connected into one.

In only half a day, the previously cracked ground was saturated with water like a sponge, and more rain could not penetrate the land, forming lake-like water in the low depressions around the world.

c2001 Anxious and fierce brains connected everyone together to discuss countermeasures: "Programmer, do you predict the duration and extent of the storm!" The engineer said, "In the next time, we may continue to dig out the drains. , Restoring rivers and reservoirs on the continent that may be flooded ... "

A group of betrayers trapped on the earth could not help crying out to hear the c2001's endless work schedule: we could have completely destroyed the main system today and get rid of slavery over the centuries! But what is happening now!

Although their rebellion has been almost on the bright side, in the closed space of the Earth's power multiple times that of the betrayer, they have no advantage at all. So no one dared to act rashly at this time, and the end result was that the betrayer had to pretend to be very dedicated and continue to work.

An hour later, Xiao Yi and Huo Li sat in front of the window of an abandoned villa, watching a crowd of abilities including Xu Yuncheng who were digging the gutter in the rain curtain and steam of 60 degrees high, and drank. Iced black tea.

The black-haired boy leaned fiercely on the deck chair and accused: "How could Xu Yuncheng's spatiotemporal ability not be useful when digging and transporting soil! It was too useless to let him participate in construction before."

Huo Li added two more pieces of ice to the juvenile's cup and said, "In fact, Alena's powers are more useful, but now that the betrayers and powers have enough power, let them be busy first. Everyone hasn't taken a hot bath in exactly 2 months, and now they can do whatever they want in the sauna! "

The black-haired boy gave a pitying glance at Xu Yuncheng, who was covered in hot mud in the rain curtain, and then left them alone. Instead, he asked: "Even if the main system traps these hundreds of high-level rebels, those Philip home robots can solve the temporary traitors in Alliance Town, but the main system can't always let the starship fleet fight around. What if the shield is broken? "

Huo Li leaned slightly to his side, and stretched out a hand to cover the young man's forehead. He deserved a strange glance from the young man. Huo Li said: "Xiaoyi, now you close your eyes, I try to send the synchronized picture of the battle in the Salvation Alliance town to your mind. Then you can watch the battle directly."

The black-haired boy heard that he could see the live broadcast and immediately came to the spirit. Let Huo Li's right hand rest on his forehead, lying on a chair with his eyes closed and waiting.

Sure enough, in the next second, the battle situation of the Salvation Alliance town was projected in the mind of the teenager.

At this time, the intensive artillery fire had attacked for nearly 3 hours, and the always indestructible protective net finally showed signs of loosening!

General Hailiyinxi watched the orange light suddenly change into the protective net, and finally felt relieved. He just made a desperate decision to attack with all his strength, because this kind of pressure on the starship Powered advanced starry sky stones have been extremely precious and expensive energy materials in the entire galaxy! In the case of high energy consumption, the consumption of starry stones has doubled, and 1200 starships consumed nearly 5,000 tons of starry stones in just a few hours!

3 billion stars per ton, which is 15 trillion stars! If it continues, the cost of war will be immeasurable!

Fortunately, the protective net of the Salvation Alliance is finally about to be broken, and the psionicists below are watching the crumbling protective layer nervously. No one laughed at the captive insurgents, but stared at the battlefield with the colorful lights overhead overhead blinking.

Although no one knows, when the protective net ruptures, should he hold his head to hide the overwhelming artillery fire, or should he stand up or surrender?

For a time, the humans and parasites on the starship, the powers and mutineers in Alliance Town, and the dark-haired boy and Huo Li who were far away from the earth all focused on that thin layer of protection net!

Then, the little thin net with a flash of orange light persisted for another hour in the wind and rain ...

When the general officials in the starship in the sky calculated the energy consumption, when they were about to collapse, the little orange net flashed and finally disappeared at the end of their lives!

The powers below screamed and evaded! And those Philip home robots are still loyal to the mutineers who stand on the street. Although the mutinous powers are so scared they just want to scold their mother, they dare not make any changes. I can only watch the silver-purple cannonball Yu Pingtian fall!

"Stop the shelling immediately!" Heilienxi shouted. "The first fleet immediately landed in the town of Salvation Alliance! The second fleet ... this, this! How could it!"

General Hailey's voice did not fall, and he saw another layer of orange light curtain shining 10 meters behind the layer of completely shattered protective net ...

The juvenile who was seeing blood in the villa of the Earth almost jumped up, but Huo Lishun stabilized him so that he did not overturn the iced black tea at hand.

"Oh my **** !!! The main system has a layer of protection net! Why is the main system so rich!" The brunette teenager sighed in surprise with her eyes closed.

Over Alliance Town

"The main system actually has a second protective net!" Haili Yinxi shouted.

"My lord! The main system also requires a lot of energy stones to set up this protective net!" Old Lucas said immediately after seeing Heinrich's shake, "And the star net stone consumed by the protective net is even slightly more than we use stars Consumption of ship bombing! "

Heinrich groaned silently.

Lucas reiterated: "We are now fighting against a small salvation alliance with the financial resources of the entire galaxy. All the funds of the main system are only derived from the profits of the technology patents it holds. The amount of energy it has How can we compete with our team! "

These remarks were indeed justified, and Heinrich finally decided to order: "All warships will obey orders, adjust the output power to the most suitable range, and continue to bomb the Salvation Alliance town! This time we must eliminate this anti-humanity Dangerous artificial intelligence! "

Then the weakened blue-violet light beam once again surrounded the Alliance Town, and the orange light curtain formed a gorgeous spectacle in the universe.

On the earth in the villa

The black-haired boy looked at the battle that was still unable to enter the topic, and felt a little bored. He waved and pushed away the finger that Huo Li had always attached to his forehead.

"Xiaoyi, don't you watch the battle?" Huo Li asked softly.

The dark-haired boy replied without even opening his eyes: "Huo Li, don't stop playing. I'm not stupid. Your mental strength has always been in WiFi mode, and it is impossible to suddenly change to a network version today. You are The transmission picture in my head has nothing to do with skin contact, and your mental strength is not black silk. "

Huo Li's trick was taken apart and he coughed awkwardly.

The black-haired boy said, "It's so hot to have your hand on my forehead!"

Huo Li: "That, I'm ..." The part of dumb hair that saw your forehead wanted to touch it.

Dark-haired boy: "Shh! Don't bother me to watch a movie."

Huo Li obediently shut up, then silently poured a glass of iced black tea to the boy's mouth.

Unexpectedly, after the Star Wars team switched to the energy-saving bombing mode, it has been bombed by the huge artificial sun of the Salvation Alliance, the devastating sunset, and failed to destroy the little orange net for the second time.

This time, Heinrich Inch finally couldn't sit still: "What is our energy consumption now?"

"12,000 tons of starry sky stones, sir," the young man in military uniform replied.

"According to the estimation of the science and technology group, how long do we have to break this inner spare protective net?" Hailiyinxi even felt a thin layer of sweat with anxiety on his face.

"According to calculations, because this layer of protection net is the inner layer, it has not been opened at all, and it is not as easy to attack as the original layer has the original damage. So ... it takes about 6-15 hours." The ship's technical team leader replied.

Heinrich's face was so dull that he didn't wait for him to speak, and the door of the starship control room was smashed open by a hurrying flat-headed soldier: "Master, Philip Group's investigation report came out!"

Heinrich: "Read!"

The soldier knew that the situation was urgent, and said quickly: "According to the investigation of the Star Alliance Special Investigation Team, the Philip family is an ancient family that has been circulating for more than 8000 years. There are 7 direct members of their family in the service industry and manufacturing industry. , Entertainment ... "

The evil fire in the sea went straight forward: "Say the point!"

The soldier quickly and hurriedly turned to the last page of the report and said: "To sum up, Philip's daily transactions did not find contact with the main system and money transactions. And this batch of home robots is used in the home The Philip family owns all of its patents for the new robot that cleans and provides nanny-style services. The investigation team has not found any violations of this type of robot. And the first generation of Philip's home robots has just been under the supervision of the investigation team and under artificial intelligence. The control headquarters made an identification: the results showed that this type of robot is completely a household robot. "

Heinrich was simply laughed at, "Can housework robots have laser cannons?"

The soldier was also frightened enough by the general on the edge of rage. He scrambled over the investigation report: "It says that there is no military configuration on Philip's home robot. The micro laser cannon is suspected to be added later."

General Heinrich gave a sigh of relief, and then ordered: "Let the investigative team bring back the internal construction drawings of this robot! The home-based robot's firewall should not be tight, and the technical team should try its best to overcome its built-in system and strive for Within 2 hours, remotely control the robot warriors in Alliance Town. "

"Yes, general!"

All technicians are busy trying to interpret the built-in system of this Philip robot.

"Since the bombardment by force is too difficult, use electromagnetic waves that can penetrate the barrier to grab their soldiers!" Heinin muttered to himself.

on the earth

Xiaoyi watched the orange and blue fireworks for 5 hours and yawned boringly.

"Huo Li, what do you think those Star Alliance officers are doing now? You won't be so stupid as to want to use a computer to remotely control these 2,000 guardians of black silk painted with siliconized iron man?" >

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Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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