MTL - When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System-Chapter 55 Nuclear radiation variation (4)

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Small Huo Li slaps in a mini bed and stares at the dark-haired boy a bit dumbly: "You can't know this ... then you Not yet born ... "

Dark-haired boy: "The prophecy of the kitten."

Huo Li: "You already know ?!"

Dark-haired boy: "To be exact, it is not a written prophecy. This kind of prophecy is immutable, just like the kitten foresees 'Happy Planet will be completely destroyed at 11 am on August 4, 12036 in the ephemeris.'" When the words are spoken, the fate of Happy Planet is a foregone conclusion. No matter what efforts are made, the last infected person of Happy Planet will be completely replaced by the parasite at that moment. "

Huo Li was even more shocked: "Xiao Yi, before you went to Happy Planet to investigate, you knew that no matter how you saved the planet, it would be destroyed?"

Dark-haired boy: "No, I was still working very hard to find a way to change the fate of the planet, because I was skeptical of the accuracy of the kitten's prediction at that time. Until I realized that the planet of joy was really destroyed, I I felt frustrated for 5 seconds, and then thought: Since the prophecy is so, even if I wisely used the three days to find out the humans that have not broken out of the parasite, some of them will surely be because of the heart at that moment. Died of inexplicable causes such as illness, pulmonary embolism, car accident, or food poisoning. So since the kittens predicted it, even if I ate and drank on Happy Planet in those three days, it would not affect the outcome. So I accepted the death of Happy Planet with peace of mind And the authenticity of the kitten ’s prediction. This is probably human fatalism. "

Huo Li: "..." Why is there a feeling that a good, positive alien is corrupted by the extravagant voice of human beings?

The black-haired boy said, "As for the picture that the kitten flashed when it was foreseen, it is completely different. The picture predicts only the possibilities of the future. If the kitten tells others the predicted picture of the future, or do its best Change, the future will develop like a different road, but often this road will be worse than previously expected. And 3 days before I bound with 2d14, that is, I have not escaped from the Weland Space Base. Without killing all the experimenters above, you will be sent to the polluted planet by the host system as a 'hangman' at any time. "

The words "Executioner" made Huo Li pale again, and he anxiously explained: "Little difference, I really didn't know the intention of the main system at that time."

The black-haired boy: "So what, you know that a alien is slaughtering the entire planet without knowing it. Will you kill it immediately?"

Huo Li hesitated for a long time, avoiding the young man's eyes, and said frankly, "Yes, I will kill it."

Dark-haired boy: "What are you blaming?"

Mini Huo Li, who was waiting for the young man to pronounce his sentence, was a little dazed: "Ah?"

The dark-haired boy: "If it were me, I would kill it without hesitation. Oh no, in fact, I am more extreme than you. As soon as I find a alien, I will immediately kill, whether it is dying or not ! "

The boy paused, and touched Huo Li's hair with his fingers: "So you have nothing to blame, you just make the same choice as me. You want to kill a alien that is dying, And that will never be me. "

Huo Liying was sitting on a mini wooden bed, and he felt that he had just taken a roller coaster, and when he was about to reach hell, the peak circuit turned to heaven! This knot that has been lingering in the depths of his consciousness has finally been unlocked, and he will no longer have to worry about this constant deception in the future, fearing that the teenager will not accept it after learning the truth one day.

The black-haired boy looked at Huo Li's stupid look, and thought he was so cute! The boy deliberately leaned over the mini crib, the mattress on the bed was pressed down, and Huo Li, who was sitting on the small wooden bed, suddenly lost his balance, thumped, and knocked him over. On the cotton mattress slanting like a mountain peak, I rolled it several times, and then stopped and stood up dizzy.

The teenager simply pillowed on the pillow, gently lifted Huo Li, who was shaking on the mattress, and put it beside the pillow. Then he touched his shoulder with his fingers and said, "Hey! Wake up, I haven't Say the unbelievable secret between you and the main system and the kitten! That is: when I was still locked in the Welland Lab, the kitten "saw" some pictures about the future, including now and now The sight of the massacre of the Weland Space Station that happened has also been even more terrifying: I am using black silk to slaughter an unlucky planet, right? "

Xiao Huoli, who was sitting on the pillow, nodded with a startled expression in his eyes.

Dark-haired boy: "But according to the kitten's power attributes, if she tells this to others and takes great precautions against it, things will go even worse. Kittens dare not gamble to kill one more than the alien. What's worse for the world! But she couldn't let things go when she knew that a alien was about to 'destroy the planet', so she told the main system about it.

And according to the analysis of the main system: if the kitten publishes the matter to the public, the power of the world will chase the alien, and this will make the future worse. Therefore, the main system can only take this semi-surveillance detour, and I will never kill before I do evil, and let me be a 'destined to perish the dangerous elements' bound to a stupid system that intentionally lowers the IQ between the planet Runaway. At the same time, with the transmission of 2d14's real-time signals, the main system also became more and more aware of me. It also began to suspect a sly alien camouflage at this time. But as time went by, it became more and more felt that I would never be hostile to humans, but the kitten's foresight that I would inevitably annihilate the world has been haunting it.

When the Star Alliance put pressure on the main system to surrender the alien, the main system was still not misled by the prophecy after all, but abandoned the picture in the prophecy and made judgments only by what it saw and heard, so it stood huge The pressure has covered this alien. I have to say that it really made a very correct judgment. Although the main system is also very embarrassed about this, when the kitten predicted the demise of Happy Planet, the main system was connected with the cause and effect, and I really gained its trust at this time. Then the main system arranged for me a fake identity and sent me to 'investigate the truth', to ensure that the scene of 'death' in my prophecy happened smoothly. "

Huo Fenghua nodded his head a little bit: "If the main system really affects his judgment because of prophecy and there is no reason for it to die ..."

Dark-haired boy: "I'm likely to be completely disappointed in humans and choose to be an alien, attaching black silk powder to interstellar pedestrians, so that it spreads silently on hundreds of millions of planets at the same time three months later. Outbreak. So even if you ca n’t control my body across the planet, humans will be completely destroyed within a few days. And you can only choose one planet in the universe to protect it, and the person above will be the only one in the world. Some survivors. If I hate humans more than others, I can even let each black spore treat humans as mothers, giving birth to billions of different offspring ... even the most powerful mental power cannot control tiny cells. So that you can't even survive this massacre. "

Seeing the coldness in the eyes of the dark-haired boy, Mini Huo Li could not help but retract his own wooden bed subconsciously: "Xiao Yi, but this will not happen, will it? The prediction picture that the kitten sees is actually you The scene of parasitic beast slaughter at the time of salvation. Prophecy is sometimes a horrible thing, and its misunderstanding has far worse consequences than its warning effect! "

Dark-haired boy: "How do you know that the kitten is not seeing me killing real humans? After all, she can't tell the difference by relying only on the pictures, isn't she? She sees the future, but what I kill is Humans or parasites, it's not up to me, it's up to the main system, the kitten and your choice. "

The dark-haired boy watched Huo Li's subconscious handkerchief-sized cotton wrap around Q version of himself, sitting obediently in a small bed and saying:

"Yes! Xiaoyi, you are less than 4 years old. If something bad happens, it is not your fault. It is because we adults have not been able to guide you properly. Even if your heart is malicious to humans, you are still adults. Our pursuit and distrust of you failed to set a good example for you. You are just a child. "

"Oh! Hahahahahaha!" The boy couldn't hold his breath. He maintained a cold and stern expression for a while and broke his gong. He held out the quilt and laughed out of breath. It ’s funny! One of these little adorable men still claims to be an adult, and is still seriously discussing the issue of education for me. Am I really a kid? Hahaha!

Mini Huo Li's face is black: aren't you a child? Then why did you turn me into a doll and play as a doll?

The next morning, Mini Huo Li, who stayed up all night in a small wooden bed, spent a night thinking about a brain smaller than a walnut, before realizing that there seemed to be something wrong.

Mini Huo Li turned down the small wooden bed and opened his short legs to climb on the pillow. He walked deep and shallowly to the ears of the sleeping teenager who just wanted to shout, but was afraid of waking the teenager, so he Standing on the pillow, watching the delicate profile of the dark-haired teenager waited quietly. Twenty minutes later, when the boy woke up, Huo Li was counting the small and long eyelashes one by one. Then the boy opened his eyes and sat up. The pillow flickered, as if a big earthquake happened to Huo Li.

The dark-haired boy looked down and murmured and fell off the pillow's hand to make Huo Li, and some dimly asked: "Well? Why don't you sleep on your own wooden bed and climb onto my pillow? Why don't you be careful when I roll over? Kill you? "

Huo Li: "Xiao Yi, were you scaring me last night? Even if the host system started the pursuit of you by mistake, you can't go extinct, I know you."

The black-haired boy yawned and answered lazily, "That's not necessarily true, maybe I'm in a bad mood."

Huo Li is still struggling to state the conclusions that he had come to after thinking about it all night: "The picture predicted by the kitten may not happen, especially after she announced the prophecy to the public, then the future no longer exists. The result of the matter is indeed It ’s going in a bad direction: you are no longer on the side of the Salvation Alliance, the scene of the "dead world" of Happy Planet will not happen, and the human beings who have lost your allies may be completely occupied by parasitic beasts. The correct interpretation of the two results of cat prediction. "

Seeing Xiao Huo Li's face was serious and serious, the dark-haired boy just grabbed him and put it in his hand and said, "You're happy, come and wash your face. Don't use toothpaste as a face wash this time." I'm not even sure. How do I answer you?

Xiao Huoli was dissatisfied with the change of topic of the dark-haired boy. He jumped in the hands of the boy and caught Xiaoyi's attention: "Xiaoyi, it only took you 4 minutes to see that polluting the planet is a trap. If you want to If the world is destroyed, it can already be mixed into interplanetary flights to spread black silk, and it will not be diligent to absorb garbage. "

The dark-haired boy put the bouncing little Huo away to the position flush with his face and said, "The reason why I saw it through the 4th minute of reaching the polluted world was a trial, because when I was in space before, My brain weighs only a few pounds, can a few pounds of my brain be called a brain? At that time, my IQ was basically zero. Of course, I can't see that 2d14 was a silly spy who was deliberately sent over to deceive me. But as soon as I polluted the world, my brain The capacity began to recover rapidly. At 4 minutes, my brain weight finally reached more than one ton. Then I was able to think normally, understand? For example, your current brain capacity ... Huo Li, have you found your God is stupid! "

Huo Li felt an arrow in his knee and decided to wash his face obediently instead of thinking about any problems with his big date brain.

After half an hour, everyone came out of their cubicles one after another, because everyone bought the first-level all-powerful gift package of the system mall, and everyone in the morning washed out a small stream of water in their own rooms. It was resolved, and now everyone is ready to start the task of the new day.

Alina took out the public holographic projection of her mental brain and released various images of strange animals and plants to everyone: "This is a chart of the mutated animals and plants of the nuclear contaminated planet we have summarized over the past few months. I traveled through one-seventh of the planet and summarized 144 mutant plants and animals that are threatening to humans. Today we will conduct further surveys of this city. "

The black-haired boy wondered, "Survey? Isn't it extinct?"

"Eliminate?" Britney seemed to have heard a joke. "It would take more than a month for a few of us alone to destroy the mutated species in a large city, and the planet is at least a few thousand Large cities and countless small villages. And as long as the radioactive sources that have penetrated the entire planet can not be removed, there will still be new species mutations, and humans will still not be able to survive on the surface. "

"That's why we suspect that the main system sent us here to exile us! The practice of the planet after this nuclear war is to send starships to evacuate all survivors from it. There is no need to save the world." Liu Mo then said.

The dark-haired boy thought to himself: Of course it is necessary. If you do n’t come, who will cover my system signals?

Liu Mo said, one by one releases a white halo covering everyone's body one by one, while indignantly: "So we are completely under house arrest by the main system here! Dear, uh ... you will come here once again The purification bar can maintain at least 6 hours of anti-radiation ability. Do n’t need it? Big ah, now the boss is away from your points, you have to save points, the bottle of purification potion needs 10,000 points! "

Dark-haired boy: "No thanks, really. Call me Xiaoyi."

Liu Mo: "Uh ..."

Alina just glared at him because of a serial port that she did n’t cover, and was slightly satisfied when she saw that he finally ate. He said, "Okay, let ’s move before the purification blessings disappear!"

So a group of people climbed out of the manhole cover, and came to the streets of the dead city, which was almost dark in the early morning. Everyone's powerful flashlight could only penetrate a few meters away, and then was completely blocked by the thick black mist.

The silence was terrible all around, and only by talking and chatting could a few people barely resist the atmosphere of depression and depression.

In an effort to create a relaxed atmosphere, discussing the words of interstellar attractions and interstellar cuisine, the last quester finally couldn't help, and carefully asked: "I don't know how the boss is now?"

Everyone was quiet all of a sudden, no one answered for a while, the little bit just created just disappeared.

The taskman continued to say, "We all know that the boss was wronged: first, he had no relationship with 0193, and second, it was impossible to launch a nuclear war!"

There was a sullen voice from Alena ahead: "Everyone knows these two points, so what can we do!"

The dark-haired boy thought silently: human IQ ...

The last quester summoned courage: "Let's go to Star Alliance! Ask them to re-investigate, and be fair to the boss!"

Dark-haired boy: "Oh! Kekeke!"

"What's the difference?" Britney cared, the boss's little boyfriend couldn't make a mistake under their eyes.

The dark-haired boy who finally managed to cover his laughter with a cough: "Cough, cough, all right, I just got it."

Alena's voice came from the forefront: "Did you forget the boss's order to us before going to Happy Planet? No matter what happens, we cannot act lightly! If the boss knows that we have violated his order ..."

In the dim light, several people snored with naked eyes.

Liu Mo: "No, no, no! I dare not! If the boss knew that I would die and die, let alone violate the order!" Liu Mo's voice trembled, as if to Huo Li is really scared.

"Yeah! Let's not take it lightly," Britney said, her voice was not as lively as before, but she had a little bit of fear in her heart. "You forget how Lewis ..."

For a while, the whole team was ashamed.

Only the dark-haired boy was curious: "Who is Lewis? What's wrong with him?"

Britney caught up from behind and pulled the boy's placket, causing a magnitude 9.5 earthquake to Huo Li's temporary residence (clothing pocket). Then he said, "Xiaoyi, don't ask anymore, this thing is too ... we are afraid to scare you."

The momo in front also replied: "Yes, don't ask Dasao, if the boss knows that we will tell you these things will kill us!"

The dark-haired young man secretly stabilized the mini Huo Li, who had just been shaken by Britney Spears, and seduced Xunshan: "It doesn't matter, you say it! I will never tell Huo Li."

With a big mouth, Momo couldn't resist the temptation to look around, and whispered to the dark-haired young man and said, "Well ... well, after listening to this, don't have any bad opinions on the boss. The boss is a good person and he is angry. It ’s more terrible ... And, do n’t tell the boss in the future! "

The teenager gently held Huo Li in his pocket with his hand, so that he no longer swayed left and right: "Well! I will never say!"

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