MTL - What to Do When I Become a Koi and Fall into the Male God’s Bathtub-Chapter 143 Thumbelina

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He Ruge’s live broadcast was in the living room. He wore home clothes, a wide neckline, a sniff on the neck and the collarbone, but he did not realize it at all.

He lowered his head and gently stroked the small white bag hanging around his neck. This angle made the falling eyelashes look extraordinarily slender. When He Ruge raised his head, the youth in the live room was ruddy, not only did he have no cockroaches after he was seriously ill, but he also showed a lazy twilight.

"I haven't seen you for a long time." The soft voice that has always been clear and soft is a little dumb. It is a hoarseness that makes people blush.

The barrage exploded in an instant:

"Oh, ah, what have I seen?! The living god?! The goddess I miss you! Without your live broadcast, the game is lost tomorrow!"

"... grass, strawberry?"

"Men God, are you ill? How is your body? Is it uncomfortable to know the sea?"

"The trough is lying in the trough! Why do you want me to see these? Ah!"

"I don't believe that it is a hickey. It must be a cat, right?"

"Everyone shakes the number and jumps to the building. I am single and you don't want to pay for the registration of hell."

"I want to interview Marshal, what is the taste of the mermaid?"

"This voice, ah, I am dead, a **** little yellow song!"

"Two blood books!"

"Three-person blood book!"


He Ruge only reacted when he saw the barrage. He quickly found a coat to cover the hickey, so that there was quite a feeling of no silver in this place.

Fortunately, the egg can't be seen. He Ruge sighed with relief.

He set the mask words as "hickey", "strawberry", "small yellow song", etc., so that he couldn't see much of the discussion about rollover. The act of stealing the bell can make He Ruge have the courage to continue the live broadcast. "Thank you for your concern, my illness has improved."

"I haven’t told you stories for a long time. The fairy tale I want to share with you today is "Thumbnail Girl."

"There was a woman who gave the witch three silver coins and got a magical seed. The seeds sprouted and the flowers were waiting to be released. The woman kissed the flower buds, and when she was kissing, the flowers bloomed."

"In the center of this flower, on the green pistil, sitting on a petite girl, she looks white and lovely, and she still has half the length of her thumb, so people call her a thumb girl. ......"

He Ru Ge said this fairy tale, involuntarily reached out and touched the small bag hanging around his neck. The egg is even smaller than the Thumbelina. If you write a fairy tale with the egg as the main person, then the title can be called "Pearl Egg" or "Nail Cover Egg".

He Ru Ge wants to double open. Although the book "I am stronger" is still serialized, only wrote a beginning, and it is far from the end, but the Star Station has no hard rules for the update. It doesn't matter if he writes one more.

After reading the story, He Rue originally wanted to end the live broadcast. As a result, he was attracted by a barrage:

"I got a terminal illness. I want to be flopped by a male **** before I die. Can I?"

He Rue didn't think too much. He read the name of the id and whispered: "Come on."

This is the first time that Ru Ru Ge turned over the fan's brand. There was a big ticket to follow the wind: "I, terminally ill, male god, flop."

When He Rue looked at the screen, he looked calm and looked far away. Good health, he thought.

After the live broadcast, He Ruge put the eggs on the handmade small bed to ensure the position of the small pillows and small quilts. Although he can't tell whether an egg has a distinction between head and butt.

The color of the egg at this moment is a quiet white, it seems to be a small circle compared with the morning, and it seems that there is no. He Ruge gently touched the eggshell, and the pink tip was raised in the place where the fingertip touched. In order to avoid the half powder, the song was touched from beginning to end.

He thought about it while he was touching it. It was wonderful. There is still no life in the egg with a big thumb, and this life is flowing with the blood that he and the priests blame. So what is more like him? Or is it like a little more?

When He Ruge prepares and agrees with Xi, they take turns to bring eggs every day, ensuring that the eggs are just in contact with them.

In the process of waiting for the seat to return home, He Ru song fell asleep, and he had another dream. Since the egg was around, the frequency of his dreams has skyrocketed.

This dream is related to the fairy tale that was told during the live broadcast.

He Ru Ge dreamed that he had received a seed, and the seed needed his tears to water it. It is tears, not pearls. But Ho Rue now turns into a mermaid, no matter how you cry, tears will become pearls when they burst out.

what can we do about it?

So he decided to go back to the past and collect the tears that flowed like a song before becoming a mermaid.

He Ruge returned a long time ago. He saw a woman going to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha. The woman said that she could not give birth and said she wanted a child.

The smog is lingering, and the solemn image of the treasure floats with a merciful look. His gaze penetrated the walls and the woods and landed on a koi in the wishing pool of the Houshan.

The koi was turned into a streamer, and it was put into the belly of a woman who worshipped.

The woman did not notice the difference. She walked out of the temple and returned home. The husband at home felt that she could not give birth and wanted to divorce her. She was crying, trying to stay, and even kneeling down and pleading. She also worshipped the Buddha in this way, asking the **** of heaven to give her a child. She now begged her husband in the same position.

However, the husband did not move at all. It is a man who is good enough. Except for being too cool and looking at a woman as a tool for succession, other conditions are better than most people. Perhaps this is the case, women can not accept divorce.

But they were eventually divorced, and the husband gave the woman a considerable amount of property, and spent less than a month to marry the new wife. Women can't get out of the shadow of divorce. She often goes to an orphanage, wants to adopt a child from there, and wants to tell her ex-husband that they can adopt a child.

She seems to be a konjac. After the divorce, she was so thin that her belly was a little bit bulging. The stomach was not obvious in the last few months, and the woman firmly believed that she would not be pregnant, so she never thought of the belly and pregnancy.

At this time, she was trying to get out of the shadows. When the stomach was really big enough to be ignored, she suspected that she had got something strange. When the doctor told her that she was ecstatic after she became pregnant. She called her ex-husband and told the man that she was pregnant.

However, the ex-husband’s new wife is also pregnant.

Later, a lot of things happened. The woman was ruined and ruined. She was derailed in marriage... Because she was pregnant, she resigned to raise her baby. She was reluctant to kill the child. She thought that she raised her child alone and it was good.

The new wife is afraid that the woman's child will grow up with her child after she grows up, so she designed a car accident.

In this dream, the woman's face has been covered with fog, and it is not clear. He Rue can't see the woman's painful expression, but can see the woman holding the hand that is constantly shaking in the abdomen. Blood is so wet that so much blood seems to be reddening the whole dream.

Woman muttered, child, my child...

The woman who was pregnant in July died in a car accident, but the child survived.

The new wife sent the child to the orphanage.

That is the orphanage that He Ruge is familiar with, and he is so stunned. The crying of the baby did not stop, the tears continued to roll down, how to use the flowerpot to catch the tears, and the tears of the drops fell on the seeds. The seeds took root and sprouted, and the red flower buds were taken out in an instant.

Just like the fairy tale he read today, He Ruge kissed the flowerbed gently, and the flower buds bloomed silently. There is a pearl-sized powder egg in the center of the flower.

He Ruge looked down at the egg, his eyes were sad and gentle. He didn't know who he was saying to him: "It turned out to be..."

He Rue Ge was awakened by the banquet. When he opened his eyes, he saw the anxious eyes of Xi Guizheng. "What happened to you? Have a nightmare?"

As soon as he returned, he found out how the song brows and shouted silently, and the golden pearls kept falling on the bed.

"Nothing, just dreaming of the previous things." He Ruge picked up the quilt and pulled the seat into the bed. "I think you should know what the golden pearl is for?"

"A golden pearl can bring a good fortune to the holder." Xi Guizhen found that he did not confide in the words, and did not go to the bottom.

He Ruge picked up all the golden pearls. "That's great, I want to give each cub a golden pearl."

"What about me?" Xi Guizhen asked some unhappy, he also wanted to have gold pearls.

He Ruge quickly picked a golden pearl to the jealous lover, but did not expect that Xi Guizhen was not satisfied: "One is not enough, I want two."

"Give you to you." He Ru Ge gave a request.

Xi Guizheng nodded with satisfaction and accepted the pearl. As he took off his jacket, he said, "When do you want to go to the 17-star? Fuxi and I said, I really want to see you, and I miss the 17-star partner. If we set out to go to the 17-star, I want to Go with us."

"That's tomorrow, I really want to see them soft." He Ruyi lay on his side, watching the man's strong chest, and the white body of the marble statue had several red marks on his body. The mark left on the body is like the trace left by him on him.

"Are you looking at me?" Xi Guizhen seems to have his eyes behind, and he pulled his waistband and then suddenly turned and asked.

He Ru Ge made a snoring action and quietly pointed to the cot on the bedside table. The small bed was slap in the palm of his hand. At the beginning, Xi Guiyi thought that it was a small bowl of cotton wool. When He Ruzhi said this, he responded that the eggs were listening to their corners.

"... trouble." Xi Gui snorted and shrouded the egg with a mute spell, then he turned his head and smiled: "Now no one is bothering us."

So, it was turned red.

The author has something to say: Most of the little angels say that they want double yellow eggs, so there are two tricks. What combination do you want? Brothers, sisters, brothers and sisters or sisters? 2k novel reading network

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