MTL - What to Do When I Become a Koi and Fall into the Male God’s Bathtub-Chapter 137 Koi distress

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The brain didn't react, and the hand quickly caught it. He shouted in anger and said: "Don't look!"

"Good Feeling-1" also floated out with imposing manners. Only a little good feeling was deducted from the light. The accustomed to all of this has no fluctuations in the heart, and even wants to cry.

However, after hearing the little milky voice of the murderous milk, and seeing the red face and even the little lover who was crying, the white tiger was stunned and turned around.

Xi Guizhen heard the sound of slap in the water, he can make up the scene of the little lover crawling out of the bathtub with his short legs. The little lover in the bathrobe circumvented the big white tiger, opened the door and climbed the cot. When he saw the fairy tale book on the bedside table, he subconsciously looked back at the big white tiger.

The white tiger cub sat on the ground, and the tiger squatted, like a large dog who was dejected. When he saw He Rue, he was bright and blue, and it was full of hope. "Tonight, you Want to listen to bedtime stories?"

He Ruoge got into the bed and reminded himself that after many times, "Mr. Xi is not only my food and clothing parents or a big cat", he only let the reason return: "All right."

The great white tiger kept the animal shape and gave him a story. After using the long tiger tail to give him a quilt, he left with a light hand.

After the amazing white tiger left the room, He Ruge sneaked out the small head from the quilt, and some looked at the ceiling in confusion. In the room where the lights were closed, He Ruge could only see a thick darkness.

In the darkness of silence, he suddenly thought a lot of things, and he wondered why he yelled at Mr. Xi.

Although this body is a small child, his soul is already an adult. He also knows that Mr. Xi is his own food and clothing parents, or an alien who is a white animal.

As an adult, he should not irritate Mr. Xi, but He Ru Ge just justified to look at Mr. Xi.

This is an incredible thing for He Ruo. He has never been so rude to temper to others, why did he do this?

When I knew that I was a fish in the last second, when Mr. Xi was a tiger, he was afraid of dying. This is a fear of the instinct of natural enemies.

... In fact, he subconsciously thought that Mr. Xi would not hurt him. It may be that Mr. Xi’s attitude has always been tolerant and peaceful.

He was indulged.

Children who are loved by their parents are a little dissatisfied and will yell at their parents. He didn't understand the children, thought they were squeamish, and thought they were favored with fear. Was the feeling of being indulged like this?

Once I realize my temper, I will regret it when I realize my mistake. So I add a beautification filter to the quarrel in my heart. The attitude of Mr. Xi is originally impeccable. Finally, why is the song? The cockroach is going up.

He Ruge curled himself into a small group, lying in bed under a sullen mood, not knowing when he fell asleep. In his sleep, his feelings of homing to the squad slowly rose back... and finally settled at 80.

When I woke up the next day, Mr. Xi was ready for breakfast, and he greeted him as usual. Instead, he was embarrassed.

Soon after the age of elementary school, He Ruge became a glorious first-grade elementary school student. The world of children is actually a very thin dog, they will be extravagant, gentle and friendly to the long beautiful children.

There will always be a little girl who will send a beautiful jam to He Ruge, which is the kind of jam with fresh small florals, as well as hand-made small bracelets. The little boys are also very friendly to He Ruge. When the most noisy and savage children in the class speak to He Ruge, the voice will not be consciously light.

And all this is like a song has become accustomed, because he also received this treatment before crossing. He Ruge still remembers that he had not had many snacks in the orphanage. He had a mine at the same table in primary school and had a big bag of snacks every week.

The stupid one at the same table looked at the snacks very tightly. No one would give up the score, but would like to be half as much as He Rue. The mouth of the person is soft and the hand is short, and He Ruge has coached the homework for a long time.

He was not so good at the time. Before the crossing, the song is just a good person's good looks. If the full score is very good, he can have nine points. Since becoming a mermaid, his face value has exceeded ten, so it is not normal.

He Ru song boring over the primary school text, exhausted his efforts to write the words and twisted, and the brain was empty to think about a plot.

The article written by He Ruge, the male owner has a non-competitive competitor, the alien hate the male master hate the teeth, and even chase the earth to find the man. The force of the tentacle blame man is actually quite high, after all, "double fist is difficult to rival four hands", and the tentacle blame man has eight tentacles! Holding a weapon with each tentacle is equivalent to moving the turret.

The alien villain can't beat the man, but after seeing that the man is very fond of the female owner, this earth-human pet, suddenly there is a move--

It is said that the dog must also look at the owner, then his call to the woman is equal to beating the face of the man. So the man did not pay attention, this alien villain took the female host back to the alien.

Alien villains want to abuse the female lord every day. Before she catches the female lord, she thinks about "one hundred kinds of death methods for the earth people". What is the meaning of the five horses is a small meaning, and the law of death listed by this villain is for the female lord. Feed the worms and let the worms break out of this madness.

As a result, on the first day of the capture of the female lord, the villains hesitated after seeing the white and tender female host. This villain has never raised a pet. He has always suspected that the pet has too much hair, too difficult to raise, useless, and waste food.

In particular, if the temperature of the earth is too high, it will be killed by heat. If it is too low, it will be frozen to death. If you don’t eat for a week, you will starve to death. If you are in a bad mood, you will be depressed and die. The villain is not a good one.

Aliens have also been arrested from the earth, when pets are raised, but many of the captive Earth people have suffered from various mental illnesses and have been exposed to various diseases. The tentacle blame is for the health of the pet, especially to the earth to raise pets, can be called "earth man slave."

The villain never thought that he would one day want to raise a person on earth, and then he was really fragrant.

Despite his incense, he still has not forgotten the purpose of "abusing pets"! Then the evil villain shaved the bald head, and even shaved the eyebrows, and sent the video of the haircut to the male owner, sneer at the male master, if you are not so good, next time It wasn't her hair that I cut off.

The female lord who was shaved into a bald head almost cried to death. In the video of the entire abused pet, the cry of the female host did not stop. This made the villain begin to suspect that the earth man would not hurt when he cut his hair.

Female host: "m!m!m! No hair cuts! ah ah ah ah ah kill me!!!"

The villain: "The Earth people are really very delicate, oh, only the male **** will like to raise the earth as a pet."

The villains go "abuse" the woman every day, but they have never caused any substantial harm, because he has become a slave to the earth but he does not know. Every time "abuse" the female lord, the villain will "compensate" the female lord and "good" to the female lord. He is good to the female lord, while thinking that I just want to raise this delicate earth to be strong. Torturing her well... It can be said that it is very confusing.

However, the woman never thought that the villain was better for her. Because the way the villain treats the woman is good -

Give the female host delicious food, such as "Rout meat that will run", that is, the kind of **** meat will jump and run, and then "pet brushing music", wooden comb-like massage brush wants to go to the female host The kind of face on the face.

All this makes the female student's life worse than death and begins to miss the male owner. Contrast produces beauty. In the shadow of the villains, the woman overcame the fear of the tentacles for the first time. In the memory, every tentacle of the man is shining with glory.

The significance of this plot is that the female host no longer dislikes the prototype of the male master.

Although the last male owner rescued the female lord, the female lord still suffered a lot of crimes. When He Ruge wrote that the woman was guilty, he was still very happy.

The reader who wrote the comment area said hahaha and said that He Ruge is a stepmother. In this regard, He Ruge can justifiably say that I am not saying that I have nothing to say.

- I am obviously a dad:)

However, now wearing a book, but also wearing a similar identity to the female lord, He Ruge recalls the original hunch story, his whole person is not good.

The time when the villain appeared in the book is almost the present. He Ruge raised his head in silence and looked around. The classroom was full of small radish heads. No one could understand the worries of the song.

The villain kidnapped the woman on the way out of the school, so he asked Mr. Xi to answer him at the door of the classroom. Mr. Xi has always been very accommodating to him. After hearing such a request, his eyes showed a sigh of "Oh, you can't take it."

He Ruge: "..."

I can only pretend that I am a small rice cake.

Despite this, He Ruge is still a little uneasi. Especially today, his right eyelid has been jumping.

They all said that the left eye jumped for money, the right eye jumped, and He Ruming had an ominous premonition. He took out his mobile phone from his Thomas train bag and sent a text message to Mr. Xi, letting the other party pick him up early today.

"I will give you a piece of chocolate. Can you let me play with my mobile phone?" After seeing the little tricks of the song at the same table, I couldn't help but ask, and said that he still handed He Ruge chocolate.

The cravings in the children’s eyes are overflowing. He’s always liked the children. He reached out and touched the other’s head. “Chocolate, you keep yourself eating, the phone can only play for a while, I am going to the bathroom now. Come back and get your phone. Yes, you should be careful not to be caught by the teacher."

Nodding at the same table as the chicken glutinous rice, I am grateful: "You are so good as a song."

He Ruge got up and went to the toilet. When he got to the toilet, he was about to take off his trousers. He heard a cold male voice suddenly heard from the empty toilet: "Are you a pet that you are supporting?" The tone is hidden in the tone. Malicious.

He Ruge: "..."

You can't play cards according to common sense.

The author has something to say: 饕餮: I can't think of it, I also guested the 2k novel reading network.