MTL - What to Do When I Become a Koi and Fall into the Male God’s Bathtub-Chapter 105 As the song awakens

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This mysterious live website can't be played, there is only one special interactive mode, that is, the "master" gives the option of dealing with the "sacrificial", allowing the audience to vote.

The camera is aimed at the young man in the cage, too narrow a cage, so that he can only sit in the cage with his hands on his knees, and the reddish black eyes are staring at the camera. The emotions of the whole face are fixed in the volcano. Eruption, the tsunami is about to erupt, so that the rain is coming from the wind and the building is full of emotions.

This is the first time that Leng Shuyu saw such a sharp mood swing as He Rue song. From the time he saw the song live for so long, the expression on this person’s face has always been gentle and restrained, but the beauty is beautiful, but there is alienation. . However, at this moment, this person is like the **** who fell from the altar, the humiliation and anger that emerged from the eyebrows, all add color to this beautiful beauty.

This contrast can provoke the abuse of the spectator's hidden mind.

Cold Shu Shu was in a tight heart, and he subconsciously reached out to cover the black scorpion that was ignited by anger, and wanted to avoid the sinful thoughts in his heart. The difference between man and beast is that man can control his despicable **.

The sound that has been processed by the phonograph came out, "This is the perfect sacrifice that has appeared so far, so the perfect sacrifice can only be enjoyed by me." One hand appears in the lens, and the movement seems to be shifting. The lens, the hand is so close, the lines on the palm can be seen clearly. According to his experience in the Star team, he quickly used the light brain to take a flash of palm print.

This is the only time that Shu Shuzhen has found evidence to crack the identity of the master. He found this valuable information and was excited to be self-sustaining. Even the live broadcast did not continue to watch, he wanted to send the fingerprint to Wu Chengdeng.

Over the years, Leng Shuzhen has had various speculations about the identity of this organization. He suspects that this live broadcast organization is the organization behind the Xinghai Orphanage.

As a member of the comet team of the year, he heard the so-called "scavenger star thief is the culprit", and he couldn't help but laugh at it. How could a star thief group make a huge monster like Xinghai Orphanage in the 17th star? However, the military is to perfuse the people of their comet team as fools.

How much energy does the mysterious organization have, which allows the military to find the back pot object for it? Leng Shuzhen suspected the people of this organization and the hawks, so he later discovered this mysterious live broadcast, and after involving it, he turned to the doves for help.

Under Wu Chengdeng's arrangement, Leng Shuzhen became an obscure network policeman. He thought his life would be like this, but he actually found the crucial evidence.

Under the huge surprise, Leng Shuzhen has ignored one thing, that is --

Why do "masters" make such low-level mistakes?

Xi Guizhen set the mech to the driverless mode. He sat in the cockpit with a gloomy look, opened the link sent by Wu Cheng, and entered the live room with 149 viewers.

The live video has only a white wall.

He couldn't see the person who wanted to see it. He returned to the screenshot of Wu Cheng's boarding again. When he saw the picture in the cage, He Rue, and the young man on the neck. When the bruises are dark, the dark red mullion emerges because of the feeling of being out of control.

"Do you think that the qualified sacrifice is to be dressed neatly, or is it not covered?" Two options are jumped out of the live room. 1 Take off your clothes, 2 don't take off.

The anger almost burned out the sanity of the blame, and his tiger's ears and tigers came out, and the tiger's teeth hidden behind the lips suddenly exposed to the air.

The power of the blood contract makes the seat calm and calm, and he can feel how the song has used the blood. When He Ruzhi bit his fingertips, at that time, Xi Guizhen was smashing in the Star Wars and the insects. His heart suddenly tightened, realizing that He Ruge was in danger.

At that time, the blood confinement only stopped halfway through, and Xi Guiyi did not know what He Ruzhi had encountered, and even the blood contract was too late to use.

For a moment, the worst thoughts have emerged in my mind, and the person he cherishes most is dead in places he can't shelter. He didn't dare to bring the song to the front line because the front line had Zerg and many military tops. Therefore, he placed He Ru song in the most guarded whale city, and made a unilateral blood deed. He thought that this would be foolproof. Maybe he would take away his favorite things in the sky.

Despair in the heart seems to have broken the embankment, passing through his internal organs and limbs.

It is the **** covenant that tells him why the song is still alive, and provides the location of the song, and the blame can be freed from the great despair. He said to all the people who wanted to stop him: "If he has an accident, I will kill everyone."

Xi Guizhen rushed to the Blue Whale Orphanage. According to the breath of the room, I have already guessed that the evil demon is a beggar.

If he is okay, he will kill him.

If there is something like a song, then he will kill everyone.

Xi Guizhen holds such a belief that the driving mech is looking for He Rue according to the vague position of the **** deed. Because of the interference of the power, the difficulty of obtaining the position of He Ru Ge is greatly increased, just like in the fog. The compass looks for a way out, only knows how the song is at seventeen stars.

The mech is in automatic driving, and the blood confinement is also running. Now the blood contract has been successfully started. The protection time of one day has not completely passed. It is reasonable to say that under the protection of the blood confinement, it is impossible to hurt the song. To the body of He Ruge, naturally, you can't take off the clothes like a song. This makes the squad reluctant to maintain a calm choice.

Regardless of which option is selected, the audience in the live broadcast cannot see the body of the sacrifice because the live screen has only one wall.

However, counting the number of viewers who had a total of 150, 137 chose 1.

In the squeaky clothing, there are a few words like the "roll" of the song. There is only one white wall in the scene of the live broadcast. The passage of things can only rely on the viewer to make up the brain according to the sound. The imagination of the human being is rich, and it is almost necessary to be stunned by his brain. Reason tells him that it is impossible to take off the clothes of He Ruge, but when the clothes belonging to He Ruge are thrown to the wall, the string called reason is broken.

The brain dominated by anger did not realize that the strange background sound faded in. The strange rhythm is like the ghost in the abyss screaming at the Great Compassion of the Sanskrit.

This is the sacrifice.

The eccentric melody entangles the hearts of all the listeners, as if the river is scouring the soul, and the dark river stretches out a bone hand, dragging the listener into the bottomless abyss.

If in peacetime, Xi Guizhen will not be disturbed by this song, but at this moment he was uneasy, and after hearing the song, all negative thoughts came one after another -

If the strength of you is stronger than him, what should you do if you destroy the **** injury?

Has the blood contract been lost?

Is He Ruo injured? Is he... undressed?

"Which part of the sacrifice must be sacrificed first?" There are many options in the live broadcast: 1 hand, 2 legs, 3 tongues, 4 eyes...

Impossible, impossible, blood confinement still, no one can hurt what is like a song!

"Okay, it’s the eyes."

In the ear, there was a scream in the song of "The Sacrifice", and the scream seemed to be twisted into a painful voice like a song. Xi Guizhen smothered his chest, the heart in the chest was twisted into a ball, and he couldn’t help but bend down.

A cluster of blood splashed on the pale wall, splashing a **** flower.

"What is the part of the next sacrifice? The decision is in your hands."

"The Sacrifice" circulates in the single, which has spawned countless despairs.

1 hand, 2 legs, 3 tongues, 4 ears...

"No, no, no!" Xi Guizhen suddenly raised his head. He said to the light screen: "I want to kill you, I want to kill you, I want to kill you!" Full of eyes, the man's look was mad, like Shura crawling out of hell, but when he saw the wall with blood stains, he was like being taken away by all the spirits, the back suddenly bent down, "..., no, I beg you." The lips trembled a little. "I beg you, don't hurt him. You can do whatever I want, don't hurt him."

Just like hearing the voice of Xi Guizhen, the mysterious person in the live room suddenly added a new option:

8 Killing Wings

What is the sacrifice?

What is the song, the legs, the tongue, the nose... or your wing of killing? The choice is in your hands.

Two lines of blood and tears flowed out of the eyelids, and Xi Guiyi placed the hand that was slightly trembled on the wing of the new killing.

He Ru Ge’s heart is very uncomfortable. From the time he learned that the young people’s deaths began, his heart has been very uncomfortable. His demon pattern is very hot, rising to a temperature never seen before, as if to melt his body. His head was very bloated, groggy, and his temples were always jumping, as if something was going to break out.

He was confined to the cold and narrow iron cage, his heart was cold to the extreme, but the demon pattern was hot to the extreme. This makes He Ru can't help but think of a question he has seen. If you choose to die, what choice would you choose to die? Was it cold or was it hot?

There was a sudden sound in my mind, and the voice was very good. It was very holy and ethereal, and it was very sad and sorrowful. It was very similar to his voice. It is a human voice, full of divine voice, and the man said:

"It’s awful, you use the secret of heaven and earth for your own selfish desires. Even if you have lost your life today, I will stop you..."

Then he began to sing.

That is how to shock the hearts of people, the four seas and eight ruins seem to be so faintly stunned, all the enchanting charms such as the snow mountain mirror lake melting, the sky grievances are washed and washed, the clear and pleasing gas like the fly 湍 waterfall countercurrent, the voice of the gods such as the sun The glory is scattered.

"I am in love with all things, knowing the appearance of everything in the world, so strange, today you let me run the blood, after ten thousand years, you will repay me with tears."

The blood of the blood is completely immersed in the white skin, as if it was absorbed and swallowed, and the silt on the snow muscle disappeared. The wonderfully soft aura rises like a tidal wave, and the dazzling but glare-free glow radiates from the youth who are closed.

The young man who was locked in the cage opened his eyes. The black scorpion resembled the mulberry wine, and like the lake that was covered by the fog all year round. He looked at the horror of the eyes with no sorrow, and the look at the moment seemed to be extremely The **** Buddha who received the incense and worship in the temple, the thin lips lightly open, the ethereal voice covered the sound of the evil song, he said: "It is just a slap/body, dare to use the secret of the heavens, today I I have to kill you for the day."

The author has something to say: Bai Ze is a noble animal in ancient Chinese mythology, a symbol of auspiciousness, and an auspicious beast. Bai Ze can also speak human words, pass on the feelings of all things, and see the appearance of everything in the world. (The above is from Baidu Encyclopedia)

If the song is Bai Ze, everyone did not expect it _ (: 3 ∠) _ As for the identity of the koi, now I will explain it, I don’t understand it.

Three chapters and nine thousand words are fixed, and the abuse is over.

Those who say that they want to abuse their love, how can I write this kind of thing! ! ! Do not abuse, you will know after reading the next chapter!

There are five more tickets to add more, you vote, I vote, plus more will immediately debut ~ 2k novel reading network

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