MTL - What To Do If The System Forces You To Exercise-Chapter 85

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"Uh ..." Wen Jie looked around, as if there were only three of us, so he was talking about himself.

Da da da ... He Yueyue quickly walked to the three of Wen Jiexi,

"I'm talking about you. As a newcomer, seeing the predecessor in distress, shouldn't you come to help? Ye Zi, give her the newspaper, and you will teach her what to do in the face of the predecessor."

"This ... this ..." Ye Zi was holding the newspaper, and Qingxiu had a few drops of mud on her cheeks. It seemed that He Yueyue had gone too fast just now, and she didn't care if her assistant was nearby, which made the spray The splashed mud reached Ye Zi's face.

"Why, unwilling, as my assistant is so disobedient, don't you want this job?" He Yueyue frowned at Ye Zi's inaction and said unhappyly.

"But Sister He ... this ..." Ye Zi looked at Wen Jiexi in embarrassment. She also knew that her boss was making troubles unreasonably, and came here every year, and then she was scolded when she rubbed her ass. But now she has to go on her own, how can she ... Besides, people are innocent and do nothing at all, and she cannot bully others with conscience.

"This ... Senior, you are talking strangely. The younger should say hello to the senior. Then you see our sister Xue, shouldn't it also be the same? The senior doesn't just have to set an example for the younger and ask for it. Does someone have evidence? Is n’t Li Lingmeng politely going back, thinking about Wen Jie, but Xingle ’s little princess, what are they afraid of, and what are their identities, afraid that a little entertainer will not succeed? She is so ugly, her assistants look better than her.

"You ..." He Yueyue stared at Li Lingmeng, but she did not expect that she would refute her words. The superposition of her three plays, she was lucky to become a third-line actor, and then begged her backstage to get herself A recommendation letter from Director Peng, she paid a great price, and she absolutely does not allow herself to fail, but seeing Wen Jiexi's appearance, she feels that this is a very big competitor, she must find a way to eliminate it, she Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to get into the eyes of Peng Dao, and let others see it and become the second Su Chen language in the entertainment industry.

I think the two are just young people. In this entertainment industry, it must be different from her predecessor, who has been immersed in it for nearly two years. Because she has not seen these two, she can only be a younger. I thought they were two. It's bullying, but following Li Lingmeng's words, looking at the woman next to the two of them, she was shocked, and it was Xue Mozhen!

But she changed her mind and thought about what happened to Xue Moxie. She is currently known as one of the most promising newcomers. Although half of her efforts and half of her background have helped her achieve her present achievements, now, as long as Peng Dao sees her, Give her a chance, she will surely be able to squeeze into the ranks of front-line actors, two years into the front line, walking with wind!

Xue Moxie is just another agent who has been quietly returning for two years. Although she is still called a gold medal agent, it is only good to say. At her age, she should soon exit the entertainment industry. In the entertainment industry, A woman's age is a very big weapon, and youth is the root. So she still has a lot of time to go to the top of her career. It's not like Xue Moxie is already going downhill. Maybe Xue Moxie would respectfully call Sister Ho himself.

He Yueyue, who was caught in a beautiful fantasy, looked at the three people with an inexplicable arrogance, as if he had successfully walked the red carpet, surpassed Su Chenyu, and became the first person among the female stars in the entertainment industry. Seeing three people look at her like a fool.

"I didn't expect to have a neurosis just after I arrived. I hope it will not affect Jie Xi's performance." Xue Moxie sneered with arms, wondering where the fool came from. Is it true that Guanghua's artists are of this kind? ?

"Xiao Xi, maybe today you will only encounter this kind of thing, and it will be smooth and smooth later. Let's go in, but don't let Dao Peng wait too long." Li Lingmeng's hand echoed Wen Jiexi's hand. .

"Let's go." Wen Jiexi nodded, she didn't want to quarrel over this sudden outbreak of neuropathy, and the other party apparently came to ask for something. Ignoring this time is the best choice.

"You ..." He Yueyue's eyes glared. Unexpectedly, these three people were really so disrespectful, and their eyes were about to fall out.

Li Lingmeng: Who do you treat as a face? What kind of onion are you?

"He ... Sister He ..." Ye Zi was a little nervous looking at He Yueyue and then Wen Jiexi, or she wouldn't let it go ... it's her troublesome boss who is starting to do things again!

"Noisy, noisy, not up to stop them, so arrogant, today I do n’t teach them how to be a man, I ’m not called He Yueyue." He Yueyue was burning in anger, looking at Ye Zi Bai Baijing's face was even more angry, and she just threw her a slap and yelled at her.

Because Ye Zi came from a rural place, she was loyal and honest, and she did n’t have a bad temper. As long as He Yueyue was unhappy, she would use her hands. If it was n’t because her salary was high, she would have resigned. Now, she actually slaps herself because of her unreasonable trouble. In private, Ye Zi can still bear it silently, but in the eyes of the public, it is obvious that her dignity is not taken into account.

Covering the cheek with the five-fingerprints on it, the face was slowly swollen. It can be seen that He Yueyue didn't have any retraction. She gave Ye Zi a full force, clenched her fist, stood in place, and raised her eyes. With teardrops, Ye Zi stood in place, bowed her head, and there was an imposing manner that I would never reach.

Looking at the person who was so persuasive in front of her, she didn't say anything, she suddenly resisted. He Yueyue's anger directly rose to the breaking point. Her face was so ordinary that she could not find it in the crowd. What kind of performance is there? You have to know that there are many people in the entertainment industry who have basic acting skills and beautiful faces. With superb makeup techniques and slight plastic surgery, she finally broke through the sky, and What she hated most was these beautiful, decent people.

The little assistant is more beautiful than her. She is angry. Since she is her own assistant, it is her own business to scold and scold at will. Looking at a face that is even more beautiful than herself, full of tolerance and grievance, she feels comfortable. But Wen Jiexi, Li Lingmeng, Xue Moxie, and others are more beautiful. It's because she can't reach the level of plastic surgery. Her anger is even more fierce. Why? But it's because of the goods on the face, how can they compare to themselves, staring at Ye Zi fiercely, thinking about waiting to come back to clean up, and then with a gloomy stride, they walk to Wen Jie Xi, since they want to If you want to run away, go up and stop yourself.

Unfortunately, He Yueyue overestimates her high heels ... I do n’t know if I stepped on the pebble or cracked it. There is no place for newspapers. As soon as I step on my high heels, my heels will naturally sink in, and I will pull them out. Not coming out, He Yueyue also flung forward because of the sudden situation, and then fell to the ground like a snap.

Wen Jiexi: ... what awful ...

Li Lingmeng: Wow, that's great.

Xue Moxuan: I really want to take pictures on the Internet.

He Yueyue raised her muddy face, and her expression was still a little confused. It wasn't until a small piece of mud on her face fell that she widened her eyes. The whole person jumped up like a madwoman, even with high heels. Regardless, rushing back to the car, Ye Zi could only nod apologize to Wen Jiexi, and then laboriously pulled up the high heels stuck in the mud and returned to the car.

"Hahaha ... I laughed to death." Li Lingmeng covered his mouth, his face was full of cheerful smiles, a powder puff pastel face like a powder without money, and a pair of high toes, as if the whole world It turned silly around her, and anyone who looked at it would be angry.

"Is her dress reimbursed ..." Wen Jie pursed her lips and almost smiled, but felt that the smile was not kind, and she could only bear with her cheeks and bear slightly, her face flushed a little.

He Yueyue wore a white-based skirt with a bright color system of gold and so on as her decoration. It seemed to be the clothes specifically selected for this audition, but she did not expect to die before she could succeed. I did n’t see Dao Peng, and the clothes on my body were damaged by such a stupid accident. If there is only one clothes, there is no need to play. If the white is stained with mud, even if it is treated urgently, the traces will remain, not to mention just now. However, the whole body was almost stained with the five bodies. There was no other way except to change clothes.

"Don't worry about it. We will take care of the evils we created ourselves. We can take care of ourselves." Xue Mozhen looked at the time and frowned slightly. I didn't expect to spend ten minutes on a silly man. We must know that this will allow us to See your daughter-in-law for ten minutes more, ten minutes less? No, no, ten minutes can do a lot of things, and now they are wasted by idiots. Xue Moxie said that she was unhappy, and she had to kiss her wife to get up.

Wang Anyi: Wherever you are, do n’t come back, I wo n’t bird you even after passing by, you who want to eat tofu when you find a chance, the worst person.

The three entered the house. The inside was as old as the outside. There were a lot of people inside, but there were only a few benches. Looking at the rickety bench, it was no wonder that no one was sitting. Most of them Standing, the chair was afraid of collapsing when sitting on it. At that time, the scene might be awkward. For your own image, no matter how long you stand, you have to endure how sore your feet are.

"Wow ... this one is a big coffee ..." Li Lingmeng whispered. Fortunately, most people attach great importance to this audition opportunity, reading their lines with their heads down from time to time, of course, there are a lot of relationships. Whisper chat.

However, when they came in, there were also many people who focused their attention on the three of them. Of course, the focus was on Xue Moyu, and then it was on Wen Jiexi. It seems that Xue Moyu is really in the entertainment industry. It has a very high status. At least, people first look at the artist and the agent, which is exactly the opposite of Wen Jiexi.

Arranging yourself for Sister Xue is probably the elder brother's biggest selfishness. Wen Jie touched her nose and thought about it. Forget it, anyway, no matter how she explained it, she couldn't suppress other people's mouths and wanted the brain to supplement her heart. What about Sister Su? Do you know that you are here? Would you like to send a message to her, but if she is talking with the director, she is afraid to bother them.

Most of the other actors know this newcomer named Wen Jiexi. Previously, because of a praise from Su Chenyu, a fairy-tale film was well received, and the kind of intimacy she and Su Chenyu had previously made in variety shows. It was even more dazzling. The CP Party was founded and created countless expression packs. Although there were a lot of sour words, it quickly disappeared. There was no way, with the strong backing of the goddess Su. I wanted It can't be black.

And they also looked at the data, knowing that this person is real, she didn't care about her surroundings, and her expression changed rapidly. She must be studying the script. The younger generations were so serious. How could they not be serious? Qianlang, Qianlang was shot dead on the beach, they didn't want to be that Qianlang at all QAQ

Looking at the sudden silence, the chatter did not chat anymore, all stared at the script, enter the entertaining study mode of the artists,

Li Lingmeng: Do you have any misunderstandings about people who are clearly telling their whereabouts with the subject? Didn't you see the kind of gaze that she was watching the script?

Xue Moxie: Ah ... Where is your daughter-in-law? I haven't seen her for 5 days and 13 hours. I miss her ...

As a result, when Director Peng came in, he saw a particularly quiet space. The atmosphere was serious and depressing. Even if someone noticed that he came in, he just looked up and looked at himself quickly, then looked down and continued to think. After thinking that there was something wrong, I looked up again, and finally faced myself, stunned the script, and smiled embarrassedly at myself.

Director Peng Da: It seems that I didn't come to audition, but to teach, but also to teach the hard-working and hard-working students in the senior year, it feels really complicated.

"Cough ..." Peng Dao coughed a few times and caught everyone's attention.

"Guide Peng."

"Ahem ... good morning Mr. Peng."

"Hey, the director is here, is he a little conscious?" Li Lingmeng pinched the soft meat on Wen Jie's arm and said angrily.

"Ah? .. oh ..." Wen Jiexi quickly adjusted her expression and turned away from the entanglement just now.

"Thank you all for participating in the audition of my new show today. Follow the order I registered above. Do you have any questions?" Director Peng looks like a kind old man.

Yi Wenjie originally expected that Director Peng should be cold and cold. The whole person was an old man with a serious temperament. I didn't expect to look at it this way. Director Peng smiled and couldn't see it like sister Xue said. As such, when it is so rigorous when filming, it can also make people look like the crew.

Touch ... At this time, the door opened, and it was He Longyue who came in late. At this time, her clothes had been changed to light sportswear, which seemed out of place in a person. She originally came in and swept inside, and when she saw Wen Jiexi, she wanted to walk over to the theory just now, but her eyes quickly fell on Peng Tao, who was in the center of the crowd.

Because she was the only one who arrived late, now her entry has attracted everyone ’s attention, and her angry and distorted ugliness has been taken by everyone. When she saw Peng ’s slight frown, let He Yue At the moment, Yue's heart was extremely cold. She was arrogant because of her achievements, but some people still couldn't stand it, just like Peng Dao was one of them.

Although she has adjusted her look quickly, the impression of meeting her for the first time will surely plummet. She couldn't help but give Wen Jie a stern glance. It was all her. It was because of her that she made her ugly. It must be Because of jealousy, she framed herself like this, thinking about this, there was a hint of resentment in He Yueyue's eyes.

It seems that another came to die in front of Peng Dao. Several artists who have participated in the drama shot by Peng Dao looked at He Yueyue's expression and sneered, but it was just a young man who had been in the entertainment industry for less than two years. Entertainer, now seems to be a third-tier star, do you really think how tall you are?

In the entertainment industry, there are many red hits, but they can be maintained, and one of the ten is good, and this woman is obviously not the lucky one who will not hide her thoughts Unless the background is hard enough, it will be difficult to succeed.

In Director Peng's play, the most annoying thing is that there are celebrities fighting in the theater. Director Peng thinks that this will affect the quality of his play. He asked the actors to hope that the other party can focus on the filming, and It's not to find a lover for himself. This is not only disrespect to himself, but also to underestimate his own drama. He will never tolerate it.

The woman was disqualified the moment she entered. Peng Dao saw not only acting skills, but also character. No matter how good the acting skills were, the character was not good, and she couldn't get in.

"Since everyone is here, let's say nothing, let's start now, first ..." Deng Peng stood up and walked out, and then a middle-aged man came in, it seemed to be Peng Dao The assistant, or the deputy director of the play, held a list of unknown records in his hand and called one after another.

"Don't need to separate? Is it possible to achieve such mixed roles?" Wen Jiexi whispered to Li Lingmeng.

"It seems that this is the case. Director Peng has become very familiar with the script. As long as you perform what section, Director Peng probably knows what role you want, of course you may not get your choice, but maybe Peng Director You will feel what kind of character your temperament looks like, so I might suggest you to try it. If you can, there is a great chance that you can enter the crew, so there is not only one chance. As long as you perform well and show yourself, you can definitely . "Li Lingmeng continued to popularize for his own artist.

"That's not ... just pick a crazy practice." Wen Jie muttered quietly.

"Which is so simple, Director Peng will choose several sections called actors to play, and then synthesize, don't speculate, you go first and choose the first clip you want to play." Xue Mozhen rubbed Wen Jiexi's head and said .

"Oh ..." Wen Jie touched her nose, opened the script, and there was a sneer and sarcasm beside her.

"Ah, it's impossible to go anyway. It's just a waste of time here. It's better to leave as soon as possible, otherwise you will be ashamed."

Turning his head, He Yueyue stood next to the three and looked at the script in his hand, but it was obvious that the line of sight was not on the script, and the line of sight was on Wen Jiexi. Just now, coupled with the sneer on his mouth, it is not difficult to see Whose word is that?

Different from the silence just now, in order to alleviate the atmosphere, some people are starting to play against each other, hoping to help each other to achieve their best state. Although He Yueyue's voice is low, it still attracts many people around Sight.

Wen Jie couldn't help but frown slightly. This person was afraid that he was not a neurosis. How could he bite himself so tightly that he looked bullied?

"Ignore her." Li Lingmeng handed the water bottle to Wen Jiexi, and at the same time he and Wen Jiexi signaled the place of the window, which was exactly the dead corner where He Yueyue was located. Several staff members looked down and kept looking at here. , And then recorded on the paper what seemed to be responsible for observing them.

Bowing her head, Wen Jiexi ignored He Yueyue's provocation and continued to do her own thing. Unfortunately, He Yueyue seemed to give up, and continued to ridicule, a look of "I am for you"

"Some people want shortcuts even if they look beautiful. Unfortunately, after being known by everyone, I do n’t have nothing. I ’m a senior person. I ’ve advised you to go home early. Wash and sleep, or the more famous you become in the end, the more miserable you are ... "

"Shut up." The low voice sounded with a magnetic male voice, clearly only two words, but it caused a sense of depression that cannot be questioned.

Looking at it, it was a handsome man, about 30 years old, who looked like a typical iceberg, and his eyes had moved to Wen Jiexi. No, they were impatient. Looking at He Yueyue.

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